Blu-ray Discussion Thread - The One and Only

[quote name='crunchb3rry']Here's another announcement I wasn't expecting so soon:

Let The Right One In is already set for release. Didn't think this would even come to America, probably only did since a shitty Americanized remake is planned and they want to expose us to the original, a la The Ring and Ringu.

Over $25, so no need for free shipping filler![/quote]

my brother said this movie was excellent... I'll add it to my netflix
[quote name='aboveaveragewes']Fits with the quality of that season. Holy crap, it was such a disappointment.[/QUOTE]

Crazy talk! I have loved all of Dexter!
[quote name='Deadpool']Crazy talk! I have loved all of Dexter![/quote]

same here.

i picked up Madagascar 2 BR @ Costco. It was $19.99 after instant rebate there, and the cheapest I've seen so far for that title, if anyone was interested.
I liked S3 of Dexter. Normally I'm not a Jimmy Smits fan but he did good at that role. I think that season was two things: a somewhat unnecessary side adventure for Dexter, but it caused him to get sloppy and there's some stuff clearly setting up future seasons, mainly
the blood on Rita's dress and Deb getting closer to finding out Dex was the Ice Truck Killer's brother
In conclusion this blu-ray is nothing more than Fox trying to cash in on Darko fan boy-ism. With DVD quality visuals, slightly upgraded sound, and a third of the extras, I can't recommend this disc when you can get both DVDs cheaper, and get more than you would here. Chances are Fox will double dip this one down the road. Need more proof? They're releasing S. Darko, a direct to video sequel, in the coming months (cash-in).

The BD looks just fine to me. "DVD Quality Visuals"? Maybe if your TV is 20 inches, but I can see a major difference between the BD and the DVD.

Not only that, but what's it really missing -- the music video? The deleted scenes were all re-incorporated into the Director's Cut, were they not? All the commentaries from previous versions are here, and the 2nd disc, sure, it's what's already out there, but what are the other 2/3 of the "extras" that aren't here?
Yeah, DOnnie Darko just came in for me as well.. along with others @_@

The BD is a MAJOR increase from the DVD (Friend let me borrow it, I dont like this emo stuff :( ) COlors are brighter and more detailed. That reviewer has no idea how to tell the difference between a BD and DVD :( Sorry.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']I liked S3 of Dexter. Normally I'm not a Jimmy Smits fan but he did good at that role. I think that season was two things: a somewhat unnecessary side adventure for Dexter, but it caused him to get sloppy and there's some stuff clearly setting up future seasons, mainly
the blood on Rita's dress and Deb getting closer to finding out Dex was the Ice Truck Killer's brother

I literally just finished watching Season 3 of Dexter. S1 is still my favorite, but I learned to enjoy S3. At first the whole Jimmy Smits character thing threw me off, but I really love how he played his character the last few episodes.
When he totally went off on Dexter on the roof of the office I was completely in awe of how much his character had truly changed. Miguel was no good guy. Dexter put it great when he said "I didn't create a monster. I was used by a monster" or something like that. Such a change in character of Miguel. He got it good! Although I was kind of sad for him and his surviving brother when Dexter had him in the interrogation office.

Interesting ending with the blood and Deb investigating their father more. Like Dexter said, it's the butterfly effect, and it looks like he may have caused a chain reaction that will set him against Deb next season.
I can't wait for Season 4!!!
Only problem with Season 3 was
The rushed ending with the skinner and multiple sideplots that took up time but were never really fleshed out (pretty boy cop/asian chick)
[quote name='Sporadic']Only problem with Season 3 was
The rushed ending with the skinner and multiple sideplots that took up time but were never really fleshed out (pretty boy cop/asian chick)

That and Deb/Antwon was a rather dumb subplot. Can't she fall for a decent guy once in a while :( Not some violent psycho guy??
Sooo, any thoughts on the Quarantine BD? I want to pick it up but the price is just too much for a single movie.
[quote name='dg7md']Sooo, any thoughts on the Quarantine BD? I want to pick it up but the price is just too much for a single movie.[/quote]

Rent or wait til it falls below $15. Trust me. Its not worth rewatching.
[quote name='Deadpool']Anyone see reviews/seen Midnight Meat Train? Almost blind bought but the $30 price tag scared me off.[/QUOTE]

Same here, most of the reviews I've seen seem to keep saying the same thing about it, but it's hard to base reviews off of places like DVD talk and highdef digest for these sorta movies. But.. it's Vinnie Jones in a Ryuhei Kitamura movie.. c'mon! So I may end up blind purchasing it anyhow

Guess I can't post links.. ah well, twitchfilm and bloody-disgusting have good reviews of the film, and I trust their opinion on the genre. Twitch especially hasn't let me down so far.

as for the blu-ray, i guess the picture's not so great (heavily stylized look so it's not meant to) while the audio is pretty awesome. Here's a quote from the dvdtalk review of it.

"This disc's DTS-HD Master Audio track -- lossless, 24-bit, and packing eight discrete channels -- sounds pretty much perfect. The aggressive sound design attacks from every direction, especially as Mahogany skulks around for his prey. The clatter of the train on its tracks and screeching brakes help set a strong sense of atmosphere, bolstered by some immersive use of the surround channels and a wall-rattling low-end. The Midnight Meat Train does a better job than most in reinforcing its score in the rear speakers, and the ominous music can be pounding and resonant down in the lower frequencies."

I think I just convinced my own damn self to blind purchase this, hell.. been wanting to see it since Lionsgate fucked up the theatrical release.
I folded and bought Midnight Meat Train last night. It was a good movie to start and then just lept into the absurd. Not that it lessened my view of the movie but it definitely didn't go where i wanted it to(i was hoping for a more realistic take then the novella). As for everyone praising Vinnie Jones... um okay? He was adequate but nothing memorable. Video quality was constant if not great and i'd have to disagree about the sound. It was dialog heavy and whenever there was anything going on in the subway i had to turn it up to hear the environment better.

I'm not dissatisfied but i should have waited for a price drop.
Does Vinnie Jones need to be anything more then adequate? Seriously what are you expecting out of him? He's not a great actor by far, but he's always fun and likable; at least in all the roles I've seen him in, mainly cause he's a bit over the top.

Where did you pick up MMT? I can't decide if I should just order it from amazon and save my self 5 bucks and wait for it to arrive (yay amazon prime) or just pick it up in store.

Well, picked it up not too long ago at Best Buy for 24.99, it's not even the sale price for the week, it was the actual sticker price.. surprised the hell out of me, most Blu-Rays at BB tend to be a bit over-priced even during the week of release.
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Saw Quarantine tonight and it's definitely a rental. It was everything I expected it to be. Nothing more. Nothing less. The ending was so predictable.
When I saw the trailer with the woman reporter getting dragged away with the night vision on I knew she was going to be the last survivor and that was going to be the last shot of the movie. So predictable. It was obvious that no one was going to survive.

On another note, I didn't get a good glimpse of the articles in that last room. So was it a cult that spread the rabies-like disease or what?

Also, I don't think this is a spoiler (obviously not everyone was going to make it out alive), but if you saw one person with the infection bit someone and then another person with the infection bite someone, why the fuck would you approach someone who looks like they are ill? More importantly, why the fuck would you lean close to them when you repeatedly saw people get their necks bitten? Idiots with no common sense. I mean, I don't expect everyone in a movie to be smart, but the almost complete lack of common sense is so typical in these movies.
[quote name='blueweltall']Anybody seen the trailers for FF: Advent Children Complete? Its on the Japanese PSN and it look awesome in HD![/quote]

When in the US? WHEN!?
[quote name='CombatCraig']When in the US? WHEN!?[/quote]

I don't know but some of the scene were really clear. I didn't remember seeing so much detail on the DVD version.
[quote name='Cleaner7']Saw Quarantine tonight and it's definitely a rental. It was everything I expected it to be. Nothing more. Nothing less. The ending was so predictable.
When I saw the trailer with the woman reporter getting dragged away with the night vision on I knew she was going to be the last survivor and that was going to be the last shot of the movie. So predictable. It was obvious that no one was going to survive.

On another note, I didn't get a good glimpse of the articles in that last room. So was it a cult that spread the rabies-like disease or what?

Also, I don't think this is a spoiler (obviously not everyone was going to make it out alive), but if you saw one person with the infection bit someone and then another person with the infection bite someone, why the fuck would you approach someone who looks like they are ill? More importantly, why the fuck would you lean close to them when you repeatedly saw people get their necks bitten? Idiots with no common sense. I mean, I don't expect everyone in a movie to be smart, but the almost complete lack of common sense is so typical in these movies.[/QUOTE]

Forget everything you've seen and go track down the original [REC]. So much better and the ending was amazing before the US trailers/posters/everything spoilered the hell out of it.

I'm so glad I watched it before the US remake's trailers started to play.

Here's what happened at the end of [REC]

After finding the key, Ángela and Pablo appear to be the only human survivors, everyone else being dead or infected. Rather than making their way to the workshop, they are forced upstairs to the penthouse by the remaining infected. They then search the penthouse, and discover that its former owner was an agent of the Vatican who was charged with researching and isolating a suspected virus believed to be the biological cause of demonic possession, which was later confirmed to exist in a young girl who was supposedly possessed. The agent kidnapped and brought the girl to the penthouse to conduct his research and to possibly cure her; unfortunately, during the work the virus managed to mutate and become contagious. A door to the attic opens, and Pablo uses his camera to look inside. Something jumps at the camera and breaks its light. Pablo turns on the night vision to see in the dark and discovers the sealed door referenced earlier by the agent on an audio tape. The agent abandoned his efforts to cure the girl after failing to engineer a vaccine and sealed her in the room before leaving the city. The girl, now a ghoulishly emaciated figure, begins searching the kitchen area, unaware of Ángela and Pablo's presence. Pablo tries to escape, but trips and is viciously attacked by the girl, making Pablo drop the camera. Ángela picks it up and runs, only to trip and drop the camera as well. She searches for it but is unable to find it. The camera continues to record as the screams of the infected girl are heard and Ángela is dragged into the darkness, screaming.

And even better, the teaser trailer for [REC]2
[quote name='sendme']Holy Shit Balls Now if only Escape from LA would come out on BD.[/quote]
apparently the UK release of Escape from NY has a pretty horrendous PQ for a blu-ray. let's hope the US release gets the proper treatment (a la The Thing)
[quote name='Sporadic']Forget everything you've seen and go track down the original [REC]. So much better and the ending was amazing before the US trailers/posters/everything spoilered the hell out of it.

I'm so glad I watched it before the US remake's trailers started to play.

Here's what happened at the end of [REC]

After finding the key, Ángela and Pablo appear to be the only human survivors, everyone else being dead or infected. Rather than making their way to the workshop, they are forced upstairs to the penthouse by the remaining infected. They then search the penthouse, and discover that its former owner was an agent of the Vatican who was charged with researching and isolating a suspected virus believed to be the biological cause of demonic possession, which was later confirmed to exist in a young girl who was supposedly possessed. The agent kidnapped and brought the girl to the penthouse to conduct his research and to possibly cure her; unfortunately, during the work the virus managed to mutate and become contagious. A door to the attic opens, and Pablo uses his camera to look inside. Something jumps at the camera and breaks its light. Pablo turns on the night vision to see in the dark and discovers the sealed door referenced earlier by the agent on an audio tape. The agent abandoned his efforts to cure the girl after failing to engineer a vaccine and sealed her in the room before leaving the city. The girl, now a ghoulishly emaciated figure, begins searching the kitchen area, unaware of Ángela and Pablo's presence. Pablo tries to escape, but trips and is viciously attacked by the girl, making Pablo drop the camera. Ángela picks it up and runs, only to trip and drop the camera as well. She searches for it but is unable to find it. The camera continues to record as the screams of the infected girl are heard and Ángela is dragged into the darkness, screaming.

And even better, the teaser trailer for [REC]2


Thanks for the explanation. That was better than whatever BS they were trying to explain in the US remake. I knew this was a remake, but I heard that it was supposed to be a shot-for-shot remake so I hoped it would retain whatever made the original version good. Apparently not.

In the original,
did the CDC also know what the apparent infection was? In this one it seemed like they knew at least something about it.
I must really not like Futurama anymore because I just watched the newest one and bleh...what a lame storyline. The Blu-ray looks nice though, comes with 4 postcards.
[quote name='Cleaner7']Thanks for the explanation. That was better than whatever BS they were trying to explain in the US remake. I knew this was a remake, but I heard that it was supposed to be a shot-for-shot remake so I hoped it would retain whatever made the original version good. Apparently not.

In the original,
did the CDC also know what the apparent infection was? In this one it seemed like they knew at least something about it.

It's been awhile since I watched it but

It was only one health inspector in [REC]. He knew about the virus but I don't think he comprehended the scale or what exactly he was dealing with.


"A health inspector wearing a hazmat suit arrives and attempts to treat the injured, who become fiercely violent despite their critical injuries. The health inspector explains that the time the disease takes to cause sickness depends on blood type. The health inspector also reveals that, sometime during the previous day, a dog with the illness was taken to the veterinarian; the dog became violent and attacked and killed other pets at the clinic. The dog was euthanized, and was traced back to the apartment building. Jennifer, the girl who owned the dog, then suddenly attacks her mother. The inspector tells the distraught residents that this unknown but virulent disease is infecting people, causing them to turn into bloodthirsty savages."
$18.50 shipped for Almost Famous on Blu-Ray from Region Free.


//edit: Pulled the trigger.
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T2 Double & Triple dip coming soon:
The unstoppable 'T2' is coming back to high-def, with Lionsgate unveiling two new editions of the sci-fi classic for Blu-ray release in mid-May.
Released in late 2006 on Blu-ray in a relatively bare-bones edition, as well as numerous prior DVD and video incarnations, Lionsgate will repackage the James Cameron epic yet again on May 12.

Featuring over six hours of bonus features is the two-disc 'Terminator 2: Skynet Edition,' which will arrive concurrently with the 'Limited Edition Terminator 2 Complete Collector's Set,' a seven-disc set which will bundle the Blu-ray 'Skynet Edition' with the previous 'Ultimate Edition' and 'Extreme Edition' DVD versions.
[quote name='GizmoGC']After that crap-filled Blu-ray release its no wonder they chose to re-release it. I'll stick to my HD DVD steelbook import ;)[/quote]

Ditto :cool:
bread's done