Blu-ray Discussion Thread - The One and Only

Here is an example of the plastic look that scrubbing the grain away does...

It basically just applies a blur to the static to make it look more even. Most of the time gamers feel that no grain should be present because they are used to video games which are clean...

Noise is to emulate a film like look. 300 was all digital so to make it not look so pasted together and fake, they threw noise to make it look more cohesive.
[quote name='VipFREAK']Grain is one thing but "noise" like in 300 is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy another. I don't care what you say. Besides do you know how ridiculous you're sounding?

Plastic? yeah... uh huh. Sweeny todd if I remember correctly wasn't all reality based was it? (never saw it) Iron man and 300 on the other hand is reality (yeah yeah... so what there's CGI). You know... take a video camera outside and shoot?[/QUOTE]

The grain or "noise" in 300 was added in post to reach the director's desired look.

Shooting digitally is much different than shooting on actual film and actual film depends on what type of film they shoot on/how the source was preserved.

But you're right pics > words

Just look at what happened to The Thing when they tried to "clean up" the transfer.


Yup, nothing lost at all.
Hmm... yeah, you missed my point completely. When did I say I was comparing HDdvd to Blu ray? But yeah... going from analog to digital will be different and that's why I guess I hate digital because it shouldn't be THAT hard to make it look good if we could do it that well a long time ago.

With that said, iRobot on blu ray as predicted is the best example of "hi def" that has actually delivered so far.
[quote name='GizmoGC']Got Indy 4 today on BD....damn this thing looks and sounds pretty![/quote]

Please post a link to your review Giz so I can see if I want to keep my pre-order.

Thanks a mil :D
[quote name='VipFREAK']Hmm... yeah, you missed my point completely. When did I say I was comparing HDdvd to Blu ray? But yeah... going from analog to digital will be different and that's why I guess I hate digital because it shouldn't be THAT hard to make it look good if we could do it that well a long time ago.

With that said, iRobot on blu ray as predicted is the best example of "hi def" that has actually delivered so far.[/QUOTE]

I think that was intended as more of a grain removal example .
Yeah, Indy 4 was not very good... I started to doze off towards the end. PQ/AQ were nice. Dipping my toes into the features right now.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Will certainly be picking up Crystal Skull. It's decent fan-service, and that's all I really expected out of it.[/quote]

Fan service would of been not making it...I find nothing in it that adds to the previous three.
[quote name='Lice']Fan service would of been not making it...I find nothing in it that adds to the previous three.[/quote]

That's why I called it fan service. Fan service doesn't add anything. It's just there. It was just an opportunity to make money, but as a big fan of Raiders and Crusade (how does anyone actually watch Tempe and stomach Short Round?), I found it entertaining in the same way I found the Star Wars prequels entertaining. They are not good films (Revenge is pretty decent, though), but they are still fun to watch. If you go into this expecting Raiders, well, you're going to be disappointed, but I don't know why anyone would actually go into it expecting anything more than what it was.

I'd also like to point out that it got pretty positive reviews, as well. Say what you want about critics (maaaaaaaaaan, I don't bow to the establishment, maaaaaaaan), but the fact that it got 61% positive reviews from the top critics on RT means it isn't this epic trainwreck everyone likes to pretend it is.
[quote name='GizmoGC']Yeah, Indy 4 was not very good... I started to doze off towards the end. PQ/AQ were nice. Dipping my toes into the features right now.[/quote]

I was loaned a screener of this and I couldn't stay awake either, but who doesn't love Indy (Originals that is)
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']That's why I called it fan service. Fan service doesn't add anything. It's just there. It was just an opportunity to make money, but as a big fan of Raiders and Crusade (how does anyone actually watch Tempe and stomach Short Round?), I found it entertaining in the same way I found the Star Wars prequels entertaining. They are not good films (Revenge is pretty decent, though), but they are still fun to watch. If you go into this expecting Raiders, well, you're going to be disappointed, but I don't know why anyone would actually go into it expecting anything more than what it was.

I'd also like to point out that it got pretty positive reviews, as well. Say what you want about critics (maaaaaaaaaan, I don't bow to the establishment, maaaaaaaan), but the fact that it got 61% positive reviews from the top critics on RT means it isn't this epic trainwreck everyone likes to pretend it is.[/QUOTE]

Temple>Crystal Skull
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Temple>Crystal Skull[/quote]

...and? Don't know where I said otherwise. Personally, though, it's almost unwatchable, because I have to skip every scene where Short Round opens his mouth.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']...and? Don't know where I said otherwise. Personally, though, it's almost unwatchable, because I have to skip every scene where Short Round opens his mouth.[/quote]

You carr him Docta Jonez, Rrady!
If anyone is interested, I have two sealed copies of Almost Famous BD arriving (Imports from the UK, Sealed, play in any BD player) for sale for $25 shipped.
[quote name='GizmoGC']If anyone is interested, I have two sealed copies of Almost Famous BD arriving (Imports from the UK, Sealed, play in any BD player) for FREE![/quote]

I finally got home (been out of town) and I found my Texas Chainsaw Massacre from FamilyVideo in the mailbox. The cover is really nice, it's more like a foil paper than the normal stuff. Haven't watched it yet but Dark Spy Video really went all out. 5.1, stereo and mono soundtracks, 2 commentaries, Blu-Ray Exclusive "Off The Hook" with Terri McMinn and a ton of other extras.

I almost feel bad I only paid $8 for it :D

Here's what AnyDVD tells me about the disc.

Media is a Blu-Ray disc.

Total size: 17953312 sectors (35065 MBytes)
Video Blu-ray label: TEXAS_CHAINSAW_US
Media is AACS protected!
Removed AACS copy protection!
Blu-ray disc is region free!
Removed UOPs!
Removed annoying trailers!

Nice to see it's region free even though it is marked A on the back.
[quote name='GizmoGC']Don't plan on that one for a while.

I have 1 left if anyone else is interested.[/quote]
I would love to take it but im tight on $$$ right now.
Red Cliff while being quite excellent is still a little bit off. I did some digging and apperently it's only 1 half of the story which would explain a lot. The pq and aq are some of the best i've seen. Not the pop out and enhanced colors of Speed Racer but equally impressive in how clean and crisp the image is. Battle scenes have tons of movement and not one bit of artifacing to be found. Anyone a fan of the 80's/90's john Woo will be quite pleased with his turn back to the older style of filming. None of the high gloss and sheen of his latest works, this movie shines with intricate character interactions and almost overwhelming battle scenes. Wow! I highly recommend it to those that love period war films like Ran or the crapfest The Last Samurai. I really look forward to the finishing chapter.
These are arriving to reviewers today and it looks very, very bad.

All 4 films are presented on 4 BD50's. The case itself is a flimsy cardboard with the discs being held in by foam. Mine arrived smashed as its incredibly flimsy and cheap.

A picture I took:

The case is bigger then a normal BD case (I used Indiana for comparison)

Just a word of warning to those that may want to cancel and order the Individual BD release of the first film instead.

Omen II and II only have a Commentary and Trailer.
I was really hoping a new format would mean an end to crappy flimsy cardboard boxes and that companies would either stick to the standard BD cases or steelbooks. Oh well, I wouldn't have bought The Omen collection anyway.
[quote name='graf1k']I was really hoping a new format would mean an end to crappy flimsy cardboard boxes and that companies would either stick to the standard BD cases or steelbooks. Oh well, I wouldn't have bought The Omen collection anyway.[/QUOTE]

I'm with you. The crazy packaging that started to take over DVD is ridiculous. I actually prefer the simple, compact design of blu-ray cases and HD-DVD for that matter. I blame marketers for the packaging silliness. You know companies complain that there isn't enough space on the box to promote the movie.

I was kind of annoyed to find the slip cover to Iron Man. Even worse, the jacket to the inner case has none of the movie info. Just Robert Downey Jr's mug. Feels like the beginning of the end.
[quote name='guyver2077']forget that.. everyone should preorder:

*removed picture of 8-Mile*[/QUOTE]

They'd have to pay me to even take it.... only so I can then toss the disc out, remove the artwork and keep the case itself.
[quote name='GizmoGC']Its one of the worst boxsets I've ever seen before. Honestly.[/QUOTE]

Even worse than the POS Battlestar Galactica Season 1 HD-DVD?
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Even worse than the POS Battlestar Galactica Season 1 HD-DVD?[/QUOTE]

Yes. Two of my discs were loose already and the case is completely squished. Such a POS.
The problem with the OMEN set, as Gizmo mentioned, is that the whole cardboard CASE is so flimsy. There's a little tiny central point where the discs are "stuck" on each inside panel but there's no real case involved. Thankfully mine didn't arrived smashed but one of the discs was loose (luckily it was the '06 OMEN, lol).

It's actually a far WORSE design than BATTLESTAR GALACTICA's HD-DVD set.
[quote name='GizmoGC']Got Sweeny Todd today!!!

I'll have to compare it to my UK version to see if they are the same encode or not.[/quote]

Im very interested in this. I thought the other version was pretty bad. By removing the grain they made the actors look like dolls.
[quote name='Scorch']Definitely, please let me know if you like it.

And let me know if you want to sell it after viewing it :)[/QUOTE]

Yes, I will. I have the UK one so no need for the American (identical features and most likely enocode). I'll PM you right now...
[quote name='genfuyung']Im very interested in this. I thought the other version was pretty bad. By removing the grain they made the actors look like dolls.[/QUOTE]

The few reviews I read made the UK version out to be pretty good. I'll be comparing both later tonight/tomorrow so I'll let you know then.
If anyone is interested in SWEENEY I have 2 copies (one sealed, one open) of the US BD version.

I also have THE STRANGERS -- not my cup of tea -- but if anyone is interested just PM me.

[quote name='GizmoGC']Got The Incredible Hulk today as well. I'll be watching that one tomorrow![/quote]
You know wat its not even a good movie just send it to me and i'll painfully watch it;)
[quote name='GizmoGC']Got The Incredible Hulk today as well. I'll be watching that one tomorrow![/quote]

pre ordered that the other day when it was in my gold box. I hope it looks great.
bread's done