Borderlands discussion - Is Moxxi hot or not?

[quote name='Malik112099']I have no time to play during my work week so I just do this for shits and giggles. Also, I am basically skipping level 19 in the process.[/QUOTE]

Definitely worth it if you're about level 22 or under and don't have a lot of time. Once you get to about level 25 or 26 though, 20,000 xp doesn't matter quite as much.

Damn, the incendiary weapons achievement glitched on me, have almost 200 kills with it and never got it.
After beating the game an hour or so ago all I can say is thank the almighty himself for the solid arcade-esque game play because the storyline (IMHO) was absolutely horrendous. Terribly paced and unnecessarily random. Very content having milked the game for close to the price I paid for it otherwise I'd be a little ticked right now.
Ink, did you find the story unsatisfying toward the end or the entire time? And did you primarily play single- or multiplayer?

Delivering the pre- and post-mission stories by text (instead of voiced dialogue or cinematics like Oblivion or many other American RPGs) seems like a wise choice since 1: this game has a multiplayer focus and voiced cinemas would often be skipped anyway; and 2: the developers wanted to streamline the game and make it faster to play in order to appeal to FPS fans. (Plus of course this is a new IP and so its budget couldn't be as large as Oblivion's.)

Important story bits are delivered by voice on the radio, which lets you keep moving and playing, but still get the story info. This too is good, for the same 2 reasons listed above.

With all that said, I don't know where the story is going yet because I haven't beaten the game. So maybe I won't like it in the end.
Let's just say the ending has without a doubt cemented (in my mind) this title as more of a gritty arcade style pick up and play shooter than anything else. Now from what I've gathered thus far it would appear your character is more or less forced into the role of a bland errand boy/girl trudging along through a notebook paper thin plot set on a crash test dummy collision course with a Dollar Store tier plot twist which if anything does a wonderful job of leaving some players feeling confused, irritated and cheated. The writers did a shoddy job of fleshing it out properly to which the abrupt ending embraces said flaws with open arms. The lack of closure is so enormous it wouldn't shock me if a Broken Steel esque DLC spawned from it.

A rather disappointing discovery in my case because I'm the type of guy who purchases titles with the intent of experiencing all they have to offer before moving onto something else - usually via multiple playthroughs. Unfortunately when taking the time to break down the storyline on paper I've come to realize it has very little if any substance or lasting appeal at all. Certainly not enough to lure me into doing anything other than making an additional run for lingering achievements or the occasional assist for a friend. To my knowledge having completed every main story task and side quest in the game plus loot hunting having lost its charm on me after dominating most enemy types with corrosive or eridian weapons... I think it is safe to say I've experienced all there is to offer in single player and co-op for now. It really wouldn't have killed the developers to have included the backstories of our main characters or specific quests pertaining to them instead of focusing solely upon copious amounts of weaponry and game play mechanics. Definitely a RPG in the sense of allocating statistic points and nothing more. A real shame.

All that aside I honestly did enjoy the game for what it is and will continue to in the future, but with a library already filled with many different solid shooter titles fulfilling my co-op and campaign needs I was sadden to see Borderlands couldn't lasso me into add it to my revolving line up.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']After beating the game an hour or so ago all I can say is thank the almighty himself for the solid arcade-esque game play because the storyline (IMHO) was absolutely horrendous. Terribly paced and unnecessarily random. Very content having milked the game for close to the price I paid for it otherwise I'd be a little ticked right now.[/QUOTE]

Where did you hear the story was good? I agree, the story is a piece of shit. But I didn't expect anything more than a piece of shit because there wasn't a single article anywhere that I read suggesting the story was going to be good.
Man, everyone's down on the story. I've enjoyed it so far (I'm as far as the Krom mission). I like how you just get little bits of the backstory of the planet and the characters, just from playing the game-- the Patricia Tannis journal missions are hilarious. I'm not looking for big cut scenes and dramatic twists.
I've played probably 10 hours co-op and I just can't figure out why this game is so fun. I run around, shoot dogs, pick up shiny stuff, run stuff over, repeat.

But, it's great fun!
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Man, everyone's down on the story. I've enjoyed it so far (I'm as far as the Krom mission). I like how you just get little bits of the backstory of the planet and the characters, just from playing the game-- the Patricia Tannis journal missions are hilarious. I'm not looking for big cut scenes and dramatic twists.[/QUOTE]

To be fair, I personally think 90-95% of game stories are pieces of shit. Pieces of shit is probably too harsh, so let's say throw away. The story in this game? You go to Pandora to unlock the treasures of something called "The Vault." OK. Great. Everything you do from the beginning to when you find that treasure is inconsequential. How does say, collecting shotgun parts fill me in on the story? Or more to the main quest line, why do
these giant fucking creatures have pieces of the vault key? I don't care, I just want the key to move on. I also love how you're forced to blindly follow the directions of some woman talking to you in your head.
It's all contrived. I haven't beaten the game yet, but I'm not driven to beat the game because of the story, I want loot.

Also, I'm not sure where you're getting backstory on the characters...there hasn't been a single instance where I know ANYTHING about ANY of the characters. They're just character classes to me, shells for you to fill in. I agree that the Tannis journals can be funny, sometimes, but I've heard so many that they're redundant (I get it, you've gone crazy because of isolation) and none of them have ever added anything to the main story.

EDIT: Unless you mean the NPCs. Then sure, you get little tidbits, but again, nothing for me personally to care about.

But again, most game stories are completely "throw away" to me. I rely on the game play 100% to drive me forward in a game than story. It's like a big reason why I completely hate the MGS series. I think the game play stinks and the story is some 5th grade otaku anime shit. If I actually liked the gameplay in MGS, I'd probably play the games (maybe, the story is SO dumb to me it actually makes me angry) but I don't, so I don't play them.
Vid removed for "terms of use violation"? WTF? lame. Glad I watched it when it was first posted. when back to take another gander, but ohh no Gearbox doesn't want you telling people where the good stuff is, then they might stop playing.
Hit level 48, I'm close to done with my second playthrough.

I agree that the story is awful, but it obviously wasn't the focus in this game. I'm really excited for the DLC but I want a level cap increase or a major difficulty spike and a LOT of new loot.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']EDIT: Unless you mean the NPCs. Then sure, you get little tidbits, but again, nothing for me personally to care about.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I meant the NPCs. I agree that the story in this game is minimally sketched, I guess I just don't mind it since the setting is interesting and the NPCs are amusing. It's enough for me that they are just random treasure hunters looking for an alien vault. I'm not looking for the big reveal of Roland's traumatic childhood or something. :)

What I'm wondering whenever people describe the story as "awful" or whatever-- is it because they were expecting a more plot-driven game and Borderlands doesn't deliver that, or is it because it does become more plot-driven, but does a poor job of it? If it's just the first then I'll be perfectly satisfied.
People might want to see this: Known Issues thread @ Gearbox forums

There's some scary stuff in there, including inventory and skill points getting wiped when you join or leave a co-op game. I haven't experienced any issues yet but I might shy away from co-op for a little bit until this gets patched up. At the very least I'll be sure to back up my save data to a memory card before each session.
It's all stuff that is very low to happen. Only had one glitch where my buddy killed something and the item got stuck in a rock. but he exited out the area and came back and it was there. I have yet to have any problems really.

Just hit 30...:D Weapons are doing so much damage it's crazyness :D
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Yeah, I meant the NPCs. I agree that the story in this game is minimally sketched, I guess I just don't mind it since the setting is interesting and the NPCs are amusing. It's enough for me that they are just random treasure hunters looking for an alien vault. I'm not looking for the big reveal of Roland's traumatic childhood or something. :)

What I'm wondering whenever people describe the story as "awful" or whatever-- is it because they were expecting a more plot-driven game and Borderlands doesn't deliver that, or is it because it does become more plot-driven, but does a poor job of it? If it's just the first then I'll be perfectly satisfied.[/QUOTE]

I think its the former. Again, IDK anyone who went and bought this game and said "I can't wait to see how this story plays out."
Now that I think on it, I think there is one bug I've run into... I bought the blue ammo SDU upgrade for the SMG, which should have increased my bullet capacity from 460 to 900, but I still could only pick up 460. I was thinking that maybe I just got confused and bought the wrong SDU but now I'm not so sure. Maybe I'll mention on the Gearbox technical support forum. Anyone else run into a problem like this?
Is the air time challenge counting time spent in the air as a whole or do I have to find some super big ramp and launch the vehicle into the air for 5 seconds?
I just wanted to through an offer out there to add me if you want any 'lower level' games. I've got a level 20 siren and a 14 Berserker (and I'm not opposed to starting over if someone wants to!)
I hate FPS games on consoles. Hate hate hate them. But I love this game. Damn thing makin me learn how to shoot with a controller.

Any good build guides out there?
So far I've really enjoyed the game but I've had two annoying quest problems. They are named "Scavenger Sniper Rifle" and "Scavenger Sub Machine Gun". Both are bounty quests and both I have found 3/4 of the parts. When I look for the fourth I am literally right on top of the quest marker but the part is absolutely nowhere in sight. I'm playing co-op and my partner can't find it either. Anyone else have any problems with these missions? Thanks!
That took me a little while to figure out too. With the scavenge missions, the marker just indicates the general area you should look. Then you have to look around yourself to find where the actual pieces are hidden. Kind of makes sense when you think about it.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']That took me a little while to figure out too. With the scavenge missions, the marker just indicates the general area you should look. Then you have to look around yourself to find where the actual pieces are hidden. Kind of makes sense when you think about it.[/QUOTE]

Alright I guess we'll have to look around some more, it's in the same general area as the other 3 pieces though right?
[quote name='Nealocus123']Alright I guess we'll have to look around some more, it's in the same general area as the other 3 pieces though right?[/QUOTE]

I know that the final piece of the scavenger sniper rifle quest is in the same general area as the other three that show up correctly on the map. I've never done the scavenger SMG one, so I can't help ya with that one.
[quote name='Nealocus123']So far I've really enjoyed the game but I've had two annoying quest problems. They are named "Scavenger Sniper Rifle" and "Scavenger Sub Machine Gun". Both are bounty quests and both I have found 3/4 of the parts. When I look for the fourth I am literally right on top of the quest marker but the part is absolutely nowhere in sight. I'm playing co-op and my partner can't find it either. Anyone else have any problems with these missions? Thanks![/QUOTE]

Any "Scavenger" quest you come across, the waypoint on the map is just a general area for you to find x number of parts for y weapon
I went with a Full Soldier medic and just beat the game at level 36 last night. I might re rent it again if people need some help with it.
Is anyone above level 20 able to search for custom games and find ones that are your level? It always brings up games that are far too low.

Just hit 31 with my hunter, add me if you're around there!
[quote name='fizzywix']Is anyone above level 20 able to search for custom games and find ones that are your level? It always brings up games that are far too low.

Just hit 31 with my hunter, add me if you're around there![/QUOTE]

I have a thirty five hunter, and when I search custom games, it comes up with low twenties and below games. Do you have Borderlands on Xbox 360, or PS3? If you're on Xbox, go ahead and add Tillawen, or I'll add you. Two hunters might not be the best team, but beats playing solo, lol.

Nevermind, I added you on Xbox.
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For the Sniper one I got stuck on a piece. Its up top on the other side of the waypoint. and the smg one really got me for awhile. its behind the goody box in the top hut thingy. Hope that helps :)

I am level 32 in the trash coast. you can add me I will be getting my gold renewed in a day or two so we can coop in a couple days.
[quote name='Tillawen']I have a thirty five hunter, and when I search custom games, it comes up with low twenties and below games. Do you have Borderlands on Xbox 360, or PS3? If you're on Xbox, go ahead and add Tillawen, or I'll add you. Two hunters might not be the best team, but beats playing solo, lol.

Nevermind, I added you on Xbox.[/QUOTE]

I'm having the same problem. Level 36 Hunter, just finished the first playthrough. You guys are both welcome to add me.
Finished my first play through tonight at level 36. What is the quickest way to level 50? Just playthrough the game again? Will it be quicker playing in co op to get to a 50 or single player?
[quote name='DomLando']Finished my first play through tonight at level 36. What is the quickest way to level 50? Just playthrough the game again? Will it be quicker playing in co op to get to a 50 or single player?[/QUOTE]

Playthrough 2, coop.
[quote name='DomLando']Finished my first play through tonight at level 36. What is the quickest way to level 50? Just playthrough the game again? Will it be quicker playing in co op to get to a 50 or single player?[/QUOTE]

If you want the absolute quickest way, find someone who is a level 50 Hunter and has beat 2 playthroughs and also has the bullets go through shields 100% of the time skill. The replay the level where you trek up the mountain and battle the guardians over and over, you should be getting anywhere from 3k-15k a kill.

I did this last night to get my 50. Then brought in a level 1 character. In 2 run throughs (about half an hour) I got him from a level 1 to a level 30.
Just picked this up yesterday and it's kind of hard for me to get into the groove of it. I've been experimenting with a couple of the characters but I still really can't figure out who to play. I'm more of a Jack of all trades player and prefer to not be locked into one class of guns. Any suggestions on a character I'd probably be well suited to play as? I'm not really liking playing as Roland too much.
Try Lilith. Her focus is elemental damage, which can apply to all weapons, instead of any particular weapon type. Although she does tend to hit hardest with SMGs.
[quote name='CaptainJoel']Just picked this up yesterday and it's kind of hard for me to get into the groove of it. I've been experimenting with a couple of the characters but I still really can't figure out who to play. I'm more of a Jack of all trades player and prefer to not be locked into one class of guns. Any suggestions on a character I'd probably be well suited to play as? I'm not really liking playing as Roland too much.[/QUOTE]

I found the soldier to be incredibly boring to play as well. The turret is nice but, IDK, can't get into him. He's my second character anyways, and since I already got his achievement, I think I'll stop playing as him.

My main was a Brick and you don't have to be locked into a gun if you don't want to be. I used SMGs, Shotguns and Sniper rifles the whole game, none of were specific to my class. Just choose a class you like and use whatever guns you want.

Also, terrible ending confirmed. Like. Terrible. Utterly terrible.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']No.[/QUOTE]


I'd even like to be able to sell stuff to my buddies and price gouge on stuff, I think that would be hilarious.

Run in, grab all the cool stuff, then sell it to the highest bidder!
[quote name='hx214']I'd even like to be able to sell stuff to my buddies and price gouge on stuff, I think that would be hilarious.

Run in, grab all the cool stuff, then sell it to the highest bidder![/QUOTE]
That would be an amazingly effective way to guarantee ninja looting in co-op at all times. No thanks.
[quote name='speedracer']That would be an amazingly effective way to guarantee ninja looting in co-op at all times. No thanks.[/QUOTE]
As opposed to now? ;)

(Nah, really though, most people online are pretty considerate.)
I just hit Level 44. With my Leader Class Mod, it's taking me around 40 minutes right now to go from level to level (Or at least that's how it's been from 40 to 44). I'm playing by myself because I lost a fourth of my inventory when I joined a co-op game, including my Class Mods.

I'll probably put in some more time tonight and get to level 45.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']I found the soldier to be incredibly boring to play as well. The turret is nice but, IDK, can't get into him. He's my second character anyways, and since I already got his achievement, I think I'll stop playing as him.

My main was a Brick and you don't have to be locked into a gun if you don't want to be. I used SMGs, Shotguns and Sniper rifles the whole game, none of were specific to my class. Just choose a class you like and use whatever guns you want.

Also, terrible ending confirmed. Like. Terrible. Utterly terrible.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Ryuukishi']Try Lilith. Her focus is elemental damage, which can apply to all weapons, instead of any particular weapon type. Although she does tend to hit hardest with SMGs.[/QUOTE]

Thanks! I thought I'd end up being stuck with certain weapons or it would take forever to gain proficiency with a weapon like Mass Effect. I may try Brick or Lilith in my new game with friends. Assuming I can get my friend to let me have Lilith.

Also, how much of a terrible ending we talkin' here? Gears of War 1 bad?
Patch out tomorrow.

Fixed a bug which caused players and other things in the world to appear incorrectly on clients in networked games

fixed a bug in which players gibbed in arena combat disappeared

fixed a bug which caused the dollars counter to spin continuously

fixed a bug that caused the digger elevator to be unusable after completing the Find Tannis mission

Weapon mapping to the D-pad should no longer reverse left and right

various localization and other text and tooltip corrections

The introductory quests with CL4P-TP should now always progress properly all the time

Lilith's Phase Strike ability now works as intended

Load times have been improved
just finished first play through as a soldier. Got to lvl 36 and took a leisurely 35 hrs to complete. Ending was pretty weak I agree. Started second play though and yeah it's staying pretty tough.

I'm an oddball using the same combat rifle - same exact rifle - most of the game. It's a pretty crappy one but for some reason I like it. I've just switched to another with a slightly faster burst fire to try it out. It's all I use - my combat rifle skill is around 18 or so I think. I have a combat rifle damage/ammo regen mod on. I typically hang back and do a good bit of scoped shooting.

Still loving the game!
bread's done