Borderlands discussion - Is Moxxi hot or not?

It wasn't bad... collecting 1k Zombie Brains wasn't fun though.

What is everyone's take on General Knoxx? I just got it and me and some friends were playing it (got most of it done) and to be honest, I hated it. There was just way too much driving back and forth for pointless things. It was stupid. I hated how you had to go through a 10-15 drive just to get to the next area. It was worse when they forced you out of the car and you had to walk. It took FOREVER. Top it off with the glitch if you start multiple quests and you have yourself a grade A piece of shit. It's much better than Mad Moxxi's, but not worth the money in my opinion. If I wasn't so close to finishing it, I wouldn't even bother.
I agree that driving up and down the same highways dozens of times got old. Fast travel stations would have helped so much. And I found the loot disappointing-- aside from Crawmerax drops, I never once personally found a weapon or item that was better than any of the level 48 gear that I began the expansion with. Other than those issues I thought the content of the expansion was top-notch, as good or better than anything in the main game.

What is the quest glitch you mentioned?
[quote name='Ryuukishi']I agree that driving up and down the same highways dozens of times got old. Fast travel stations would have helped so much. And I found the loot disappointing-- aside from Crawmerax drops, I never once personally found a weapon or item that was better than any of the level 48 gear that I began the expansion with. Other than those issues I thought the content of the expansion was top-notch, as good or better than anything in the main game.

What is the quest glitch you mentioned?[/QUOTE]

I believe he is referring to the armory glitch that wont let you finish some quests (Marcus Sweeps and It's Like Christmas, I think).
[quote name='Ryuukishi']I agree that driving up and down the same highways dozens of times got old. Fast travel stations would have helped so much. And I found the loot disappointing-- aside from Crawmerax drops, I never once personally found a weapon or item that was better than any of the level 48 gear that I began the expansion with. Other than those issues I thought the content of the expansion was top-notch, as good or better than anything in the main game.

What is the quest glitch you mentioned?[/QUOTE]

I found plenty of weapons (myself and/or duped by other people) that were far better than the level 48 stuff I began with. My only complaint about Knoxx was the driving, that area was way too big not to have fast travels set up.
Been playing this a lot lately. Im level 32 and just beat that Giant Rakk thing when you first visit the trash coast. How far into the game am I?
I played Moxxi for the first time today. Ran through Zombie Ned a few days ago. Moxxi was nowhere near as good as Zombie Ned, but I enjoy Moxxi quite a bit still. Not sure why a lot of people are so down on it.
Looking forward to Knoxx. I hear it's great. I tried it when I bought it, but I was a level 43 hunter, and all the baddies were level 61. I'm level 48(almost 49) now, so once I hit 50 I'll give it another go.
People are down on Moxxi because you don't earn XP or weapon proficiencies while playing it, making it largely a waste of time compared to everything else you could do in the game. Plus it's tuned for four-players, not less, so it's harder to get a good game going, and the (unnecessarily) longer fights are booooooring.
[quote name='myl0r']I played Moxxi for the first time today. Ran through Zombie Ned a few days ago. Moxxi was nowhere near as good as Zombie Ned, but I enjoy Moxxi quite a bit still. Not sure why a lot of people are so down on it.
Looking forward to Knoxx. I hear it's great. I tried it when I bought it, but I was a level 43 hunter, and all the baddies were level 61. I'm level 48(almost 49) now, so once I hit 50 I'll give it another go.[/QUOTE]

Get up to around 53 or so before attempting it, you still won't do much to anything above 55 even at that, but you should at least be able to kill some stuff.
Getting this game in the mail by Saturday or so.

I've put in about a hundred hours on PC, without any expansions... but I figure this is a good couch game. Probably gonna get Knoxx (didn't like Ned at all, and Moxxi sounds boring..but we'll see), but since I have to start all over, if anyone will be around regularly, I'll be starting anew this weekend.

Also, I can't believe the "modding" and duping scene. Jesus, they're ruining the game. Don't like what you found? Don't go open a program and make what you wanted to find. Sheesh.

GT: Rhett819
[quote name='Rhett']Getting this game in the mail by Saturday or so.

I've put in about a hundred hours on PC, without any expansions... but I figure this is a good couch game. Probably gonna get Knoxx (didn't like Ned at all, and Moxxi sounds boring..but we'll see), but since I have to start all over, if anyone will be around regularly, I'll be starting anew this weekend.

Also, I can't believe the "modding" and duping scene. Jesus, they're ruining the game. Don't like what you found? Don't go open a program and make what you wanted to find. Sheesh.

GT: Rhett819[/QUOTE]

Just curious as to how they ruin the game? You can easily do private matches and only play with people of your choosing and this isn't even a competitive multiplayer game. I dupe stuff for anyone who wants it and people have duped for me... after "farming" stuff with no real success (found a couple good weapons, shields, and mods, but none near what have been duped for me) and see no need to spend hours upon hours still trying to farm it. I wont bash anyone for not wanting to dupe (I don't mod though I have a couple of modded items in my inventory for show), but to each their own in this game.
Cheating does ruin the game for non-cheaters who play with you. It's pretty obvious, but I suppose the cheating type would not get it.
[quote name='SlimJim0725']Just curious as to how they ruin the game? You can easily do private matches and only play with people of your choosing and this isn't even a competitive multiplayer game. I dupe stuff for anyone who wants it and people have duped for me... after "farming" stuff with no real success (found a couple good weapons, shields, and mods, but none near what have been duped for me) and see no need to spend hours upon hours still trying to farm it. I wont bash anyone for not wanting to dupe (I don't mod though I have a couple of modded items in my inventory for show), but to each their own in this game.[/QUOTE]

It ruins the game when it tempts other people who were playing legitimately to dupe for modded/other duped weapons. I mean, I know the game can deal you some bad luck streaks, but what's the fun in getting a badass gun off of a friend when you could go find it? (I can understand trading with another legit, or sharing loot after a run, but not generating or duping)

I understand it's up to the individual person to accept cheating or duping, but pretty much the only existing reason there's replay value is finding new guns at later levels. That's the whole point of the game. However, I can't tell people how to play, and I can at least avoid cheaters/non-legit players, it just irks me since I adore Borderlands.

Mostly ranting, but I just can't believe how many people do it. Then there's threads on other forums comparing modded guns to see who's is better, and then duping/giving away the better one instead. -.-
[quote name='Rhett']It ruins the game when it tempts other people who were playing legitimately to dupe for modded/other duped weapons. I mean, I know the game can deal you some bad luck streaks, but what's the fun in getting a badass gun off of a friend when you could go find it? (I can understand trading with another legit, or sharing loot after a run, but not generating or duping)

I understand it's up to the individual person to accept cheating or duping, but pretty much the only existing reason there's replay value is finding new guns at later levels. That's the whole point of the game. However, I can't tell people how to play, and I can at least avoid cheaters/non-legit players, it just irks me since I adore Borderlands.

Mostly ranting, but I just can't believe how many people do it. Then there's threads on other forums comparing modded guns to see who's is better, and then duping/giving away the better one instead. -.-[/QUOTE]

I have killed Crawmerax over 200 times and not found a thing that I would even consider using. I have a Siren with a catalyst mod on and play with 2-3 others that have the +2 rare items and we still got nothing. I love the game too, but I don't have fun spending x amount of hours hoping to get an amazing weapon. I can completely understand wanting to avoid modders and modded weapons (I don't even use the 1-2 modded stuff I have), but I enjoy the game more working up my proficiency and playing actual missions more so than just farming over and over.

I am not trying to tell anyone how to play and I respect how you do it, I just don't understand the hate for duping and saying it ruins the game when it really doesn't affect the actual game at all. They are still legit weapons, someone just made a copy of theirs... that gun would still be floating around regardless and if you played with the original owner, would it be any different having them use it over someone else? I am just trying to understand it...

[quote name='eastx']Cheating does ruin the game for non-cheaters who play with you. It's pretty obvious, but I suppose the cheating type would not get it.[/QUOTE]

How is taking a copy of a legit item cheating? The item is still real regardless of whether I own it or not. It isn't like I run around with a level 70 character or some godly weapon that shouldn't be in the game.

Edit: And it shouldn't tempt anyone to do anything, you are going to either do it or not do it regardless of what someone else does and you don't have to pick up a weapon if they drop it.
Modding is one thing, but I don't mind duping weapons. I actually like it. The first 1/2 of a playthrough I did was online, and I was way lost as to what was going on. We would kill a boss, and I would see people mad rush to where the loot dropped, but I didn't know why. Then one day someone duped Sledge's Shotgun, then I found out some bosses drop a weapon.
I was just ranting, don't mind me. I just love Borderlands so much, heh. I just won't partake in duping or modding.

Just got it today, it's almost nostalgic playing it again. Controls are kinda weird, though (B to crouch, right stick to melee?), and it's weird getting used to the aiming without a mouse (since criticals were easy to get on PC, due to the whole mouse thing).

But yeah, starting anew if anyone else wants to join in. Playing a Soldier at the moment. GT on the left.

Agree that modding is a whole different animal than duping (and not just because SlimJim has duped me some awesome stuff :) ).

Modding is glitching the game to go outside of the way it was designed and meant to be played. It breaks the challenge scaling that the developers built and it's totally understandable why it would ruin someone's fun to play with modders.

Duping is just sharing something that is a legitimate part of the game, and if you're playing with someone it's not like you could even know whether they got their guns from a drop, or someone else did, unless they told you. It's still the same gun and the same gameplay that the designers intended.
[quote name='Rhett']Getting this game in the mail by Saturday or so.

I've put in about a hundred hours on PC, without any expansions... but I figure this is a good couch game. Probably gonna get Knoxx (didn't like Ned at all, and Moxxi sounds boring..but we'll see), but since I have to start all over, if anyone will be around regularly, I'll be starting anew this weekend.

Also, I can't believe the "modding" and duping scene. Jesus, they're ruining the game. Don't like what you found? Don't go open a program and make what you wanted to find. Sheesh.

GT: Rhett819[/QUOTE]

I originally thought the modders/dupers were lame, but then I found that they generally want to join your game and show off their weapons and even give you their weapons. A lot of randoms without mods just want to steal all the loot and get obsessed that you might pick up a gun that they want. The basic no rolling for loot system of the game sucks.

So I've actually had more fun playing with people with modded weapons.
[quote name='wakawakawa']I originally thought the modders/dupers were lame, but then I found that they generally want to join your game and show off their weapons and even give you their weapons. A lot of randoms without mods just want to steal all the loot and get obsessed that you might pick up a gun that they want. The basic no rolling for loot system of the game sucks.

So I've actually had more fun playing with people with modded weapons.[/QUOTE]

But Borderlands is amazing if you know your friends will share loot, especially if all of you are after specific types, and then you gradually upgrade your other weapons when they find things that aren't upgrades.

Though, I'd still rather only play with one other than 3 others (I imagine it gets chaotic)
just ordered this earlier. can someone give me a breakdown of the dlc packs, such as the amount of achievements for each, extra play time, and cost (I think all are same)? also anyone think there might be a dlc compilation?
That shield glitch was lame as fuck. I didn't appreciate being subjected to that.

Gamer SDP, they released the first 2 DLC's on disc for around 20 dollars.
I'm gonna be playing this for the next few hours if anyone wants to join in, or make new characters. I'm up to Sledge/Level 16 (Roland) ATM.
[quote name='Gamer SDP']just ordered this earlier. can someone give me a breakdown of the dlc packs, such as the amount of achievements for each, extra play time, and cost (I think all are same)? also anyone think there might be a dlc compilation?[/QUOTE]
Zombie Island of Dr. Ned - 5 cheevos, 125 points

Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot - same as Dr. Ned

Secret Armory of General Knoxx - 10 cheevs, 250 points

Dr. Ned and Secret Armory are new areas with new missions, basically more of the same stuff as the base game. Dr. Ned takes maybe 5 hours to play, Secret Armory is substantially bigger. Secret Armory also ups the level cap to 61 and introduces some new guns and class mods.

Mad Moxxi is a horde mode similar to Gears of War 2, and it also contains a storage bank for extra items. If you want the achievements for this, be prepared for multiple 3-4 hour play sessions (you have to do all of the waves in one go, no saving and resuming).

They all cost $10. It's a fun 1500 to get, and not super tough, just a lot of time commitment. I heartily recommend all of the DLC if you enjoy the base game. :)

As for the viral achievement, most people had it very quickly after the game released-- just host a couple of co-op games and you'll get it in no time.
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Just started back on this game and I'm addicted as hell. Question about Dr Ned DLC:

I got it on sale the other day and jumped to it to check it out. It was several levels higher than my lvl 20 roland and labelled tough so even though I was wreckin shop on the first zombies I saw I went back to the main game. Now the first zombie mission is labelled trivial. If I wait until I beat the main game before returning to Dr Ned's will it be super easy or will it adjust to my level? Have I introduced modern day Marty McFly to future Marty McFly and messed up the space-time continuum?
No, the DLC won't adjust to your level. I would do it when you're in your 20s or 30s. But there's also the second playthrough option. Once you've beaten the main game, start a second playthrough with your character and everything will be higher level than it was the first time out.
Lol just started the Hunter class, now I've done them all. Man once you think the game gets old you're just playing for hours on end lol. I sold a lot of stuff early on to buy a really good sniper rifle and then 5-10 minutes later I find a purple sniper rifle! Haha
I think i screwed up my 2nd playthrough. Basically, I did the first quest, then got into Fyrestone, accepted the skag quest, then teleported to T-bone junction. Now when I start up my game, it takes me to the bus stop at the begining of the game, and the way to Fyrestone is closed off.

If I go into someone else's game in co-op and complete the skag quest, start the next one, and then save, will that start me off inside Fyrestone back when I go into my game?
[quote name='eastx']No, the DLC won't adjust to your level. I would do it when you're in your 20s or 30s. But there's also the second playthrough option. Once you've beaten the main game, start a second playthrough with your character and everything will be higher level than it was the first time out.[/QUOTE]

According to the Borderlands Wiki, the enemies do scale in Zombie Island:

Now, it is a wiki, so the info could be wrong, but there is a differing opinion out there.
I've certainly read that nothing in the game scales to the player's level, but I haven't actually tested it myself, so the Wiki could be right. Who knows?
I haven't started Dr Ned yet, but noticed that the difficulty had gone from hard when I started playing my low 20s character to trivial when I quit playing that session and it was normal when I started my next session. I noted it's a level 30 mission for my level 31 roland and a level 10 mission for my level 7 hunter.
I just went to Zombie Island in my 1st playthrough. I'm level 35, and the zombies are also level 35, so it must be scaling to my level.
Or trade it back in if TIV is decent especially with the extra 30% deal if it's still going on. Maybe I shoulda done that instead of getting DR Ned on DOTW.
[quote name='Sharp Katana']can the add on disc even be shared?[/QUOTE]

yes just like the oblivion/ fallout 3 add ons
[quote name='reddjoey']so who wants to setup a disc train?[/QUOTE]

For realz! I want in on this.

I HAD to post this somewhere. I JUST found two orange assault rifles, consecutively, both from skag piles. Easily the weirdest moment in all of my Borderlands playtime.

One's a Steel Bastard, other was a Glorious Revolution. Just so weird. Happened in the two piles that normally drop high quality shields/mods at the start of Arid Hills. I don't even have +scavenged items, and I was also alone, so this has to be a pretty random and rare occurrence.

Also gonna get Knoxx shortly (maybe today, maybe tomorrow), when I get my Hunter to 50, alongside my Soldier. Could use some reliable, legitimate (no modding) people who still play, on my list for future Crawmerax farmaging.
Speaking of piles of junk that may consist of many good things, check out Earl's Scrapyard. There is a pile right after the the entrance of the area next to the ramp on the left (which goes to the vending machines) and a few times I've found a pretty good mod just lying in that. I showed my friend and he didn't know anything about it. I checked it with a different character but found junk the last time.
[quote name='Rhett']For realz! I want in on this.

I HAD to post this somewhere. I JUST found two orange assault rifles, consecutively, both from skag piles. Easily the weirdest moment in all of my Borderlands playtime.

One's a Steel Bastard, other was a Glorious Revolution. Just so weird. Happened in the two piles that normally drop high quality shields/mods at the start of Arid Hills. I don't even have +scavenged items, and I was also alone, so this has to be a pretty random and rare occurrence. [/QUOTE]Wow. I found an orange gun in a skag pile in Zombie Island about halfway to through the lumberyard. It was either a pretty awesome repeater or a good machine gun. I think it was the machine gun and says stand your ground or something to that effect.

[quote name='Spybreak8']Speaking of piles of junk that may consist of many good things, check out Earl's Scrapyard. There is a pile right after the the entrance of the area next to the ramp on the left (which goes to the vending machines) and a few times I've found a pretty good mod just lying in that. I showed my friend and he didn't know anything about it. I checked it with a different character but found junk the last time.[/QUOTE]I hit that one a bunch at earlier levels once I found it. Got a few ggod items to use and a bunch to sell there.
I finally hit level 50 earlier.

And the amount of cheaters with the infinite shields and one shot weapons is just absurd, I finally caved and decided to get ahold of one of the Omega Rose shields, also acquired a shotgun that seems to do max damage, haven't lost a duel since. I'm just quicker on the draw. Though, I'd much rather everyone stops cheating and duels the right way, but this is how it has to be...
Yeah the modders really pushed me away. I ended up boosting the dueling and area achievements with another legit player since there was no way I would beat a modder.

I'll try and get a disc to start the disc train this Sunday.
Man when you think you're done with Borderlands it just pulls you back in. Lol I got a random orange drop, X4 sniper rifle that really eats away at fleshy enemies!^^ The funny thing though is my main weapon is a X4 SMG with a high fire rate, coupled with my Siren's fire rate bonus, I just eat through shields in no time! It's just a normal blue weapon too lol.
bread's done