Boycotting COD6 due to leaked scenario

[quote name='johnnyrocker360']just to let everyone know activision has addressed this matter and says the part in question can be skipped.

here's the link and with spoilers if anyone wants to read it.;title;2.

i'm not reading it on account of the spoilers but anyone who wants to there you go.[/QUOTE]

Here is the meat of it folks. Spoilers?
"At the beginning of the game, players encounter a mandatory 'checkpoint' in which they are warned that an upcoming segment may contain disturbing elements, and they can choose not to engage in the gameplay that involves this scene."
[quote name='thecheapest']Was this a troll? The poster didn't really seem into it.
Bleh, I don't think it really matters. So what if you're an undercover terrorist? What's the difference between killing civilians in this than killing civilians in any other game?

Even if the player were playing from the direct view of a terrorist why would it matter then? Would people be up in arms if this were about Nam and you had the option to kill and rape?

I mean, I could see people mad about this game if you literally were crashing a plane into the WTC, but all you're doing is cementing an undercover identity by killing a few civilians. It's a more realistic portrayal of the job of someone undercover.

EDIT: After watching the video, I must admit, this will probably be the next game that parents groups/Jack Thompson get all pissy over. Even if it is only for that level.
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[quote name='Malik112099']In Fallout 3 you were forced to kill innocent people in Tranquility Lane. The were running, screaming, cowering, etc and you just murder them with a knife. I didn't hear shit about that part of the game when it came out.....

jump to the 6 minute mark...[/QUOTE]

You're not exactly forced to, though. You can initiate the failsafe and Chinese soldiers will do the job for you.

But I must admit, I've brought this up in conversation, too, and all I got from the guy I was talking to was, "But it's a simulation in the game! None of that's real!"

To which I said, "But what is the game, if not a simulation?"

The way the games set up scenarios seems to be where people decide if it's wrong or not. If they see that you can murder civilians in a realistic war game, then they get up in arms, but if it's a simulation inside the game, it apparently isn't the same thing.
[quote name='CaptainJoel']You're not exactly forced to, though. You can initiate the failsafe and Chinese soldiers will do the job for you.

But I must admit, I've brought this up in conversation, too, and all I got from the guy I was talking to was, "But it's a simulation in the game! None of that's real!"

To which I said, "But what is the game, if not a simulation?"

The way the games set up scenarios seems to be where people decide if it's wrong or not. If they see that you can murder civilians in a realistic war game, then they get up in arms, but if it's a simulation inside the game, it apparently isn't the same thing.[/QUOTE]

That's interesting - but also a somewhat esoteric point. I doubt Sally Chris, Jack Thompson, and the concerned league of soccer moms would care.
As mentioned, this part can be skipped in the game (and watching G4 yesterday, someone on there said it was confirmed this is part of the game and staying).

I'm really surprised there weren't a few other people in this thread taking up the OP's side. Really, I'm guessing, this is exactly what the storywriters in this game envisioned. Your not suppose to relish slaughtering the innocent (unlike the multitude of other games that reward you for said behavior, that most of us here have partaken in and enjoyed). It's suppose to make you sick.

This looks to be one of those rare games where, because of this scene, you may actually hate your opponent. You want to kill this virtual terrorist (and his organization) for killing those innocent people. You now give a damn.

Whether you play it or not, you now care. That's a hell of a step in the right direction for video games staking a claim to me more art than toy.

And, as games move forward, and game makers get better at tugging your heartstrings, these situations will happen more and more (maybe not often, but more than they do now).

This is a first more than anything else.
[quote name='SpazX']Of all things....

It's Call of Duty 6, after Call of Duty 5 (World at War), which came after Call of Duty 4. Just because they decided to actually get creative with the names doesn't really matter.[/QUOTE]

It may not matter to you if you like being wrong.
[quote name='Hostile']Meh. I killed random people in GTA4 and I will do the same in MW2. I at least have faith Infinity Ward will put a good story on why you're doing it.[/QUOTE]

Grand Theft Auto 4 had a good story...
In Modern Warfare on the first act, you drop onto a boat in the middle of the night with silencers, shoot men in the back with no warning, and can even stalk through the barracks with men sleeping and execute them in any manner you wish. If you don't the friendly AI does anyway.

How is this any different?
You keep waiting on that 5th call of duty game then, I dunno when they'll get to it, they apparently haven't made a new call of duty in 2 years. It could be a decade before they get around to a 6th. I hear they're working on Call of Duty 7 right now, I guess they're just lining it up years in advance, gotta work real hard on that one, get the textures right.

In the meantime, get a handle on the triple posting.
[quote name='Malik112099']In Fallout 3 you were forced to kill innocent people in Tranquility Lane. The were running, screaming, cowering, etc and you just murder them with a knife. I didn't hear shit about that part of the game when it came out.....

jump to the 6 minute mark...[/QUOTE]Is the song that is playing in Fallout 3?It's the same song Dexter has on when something happens.
Kinda the point that stuff like this is nothin gnew.

[quote name='hxcmusic']Dude are you seriously referencing a game from 1988?!?! 1/2 the people reading this thread weren't even alive when that came out.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='SpazX']In the meantime, get a handle on the triple posting.[/QUOTE]
I got a handle on your mom. Maybe she can help me out with it.
[quote name='lordxixor101']This looks to be one of those rare games where, because of this scene, you may actually hate your opponent. You want to kill this virtual terrorist (and his organization) for killing those innocent people. You now give a damn.[/QUOTE]

But wait you were one of the terrorists... so doesn't that in-turn mean that you hate yourself and want to kill yourself?

I really don't know that this is a step forward for games, its hard to evoke a feeling of hate when your the one performing the actions. Personally I think this stuff is probably better handled in a cut-scene because it doesn't confuse the player's identity (i.e. why am I the "good" guys and the "bad" guys, in a game that is mostly focused on one side of that conflict).

In other games playing the "bad" guy works fine, like in Fallout 3 and KOTOR because you choose that path and the result is that your character is perceived differently based on those actions... do good actions and people respect you... do bad actions and people fear you. But those two games have a very mailable main character which is not the case in CoD where clearly the "good" guys and "bad" guys will be set up from the start and isn't going to change during the course of the games plot, so clearly COD6 will have you playing both sides rather than in the aforementioned games where the player is only one part of the story and can choose what side they want to be on but you don't ever play as your enemies.

With all that said this particular scene isn't going to stop me from getting the game because I loved CoD4 and I have a feeling this game will be really fun and have an interesting plot. Still, I certainly don't know that I think this particular idea is really a very good gameplay decision... but I'm willing to wait and see and ultimately judge for myself when the game comes out.
Man all this is thread is doing is making me hope that I get to shoot infants, children, and women, in that order of course, by the hundreds as a terorist. You know why though, because it's a fucking fairy tale. God Damn.
I'm actually glad IW had the balls to put out a level like this, I want video games to push the envelope since if every game I played I was forced to kill mushrooms and save a princess I would shoot myself. Thank god someone can say FU to the prissy folks who can't see past it being a piece of fiction and let the rest of us play our games and maybe make us think about actions we do by our own free will.
i was waiting to see the video until i played it, figured it was all just hype like the mass effect sex scene and countless other games that push the envelope. but after watching it, i might be skipping the entire single-player campaign. i found it to be torture porn, and if you have to stoop that low to evoke strong feelings, then it shows a complete lack of the art of storytelling. for those who don't mind, that's your decision and i'm not one to judge, but for me, that was too much.

but please, don't dismiss this as no big deal because violence is so prevalent on the news, other games, etc. i'm assuming most of us are adults, considering we are on this site to save as much as our hard-earned money as possible. saying something is okay just because other people do it is a terrible mindset. saying this is okay JUST BECAUSE ITS EVERYWHERE DOES NOT MAKE IT OKAY! watching the news and causing the news is 2 completely different things. me watching the news to stay current, not for entertainment value mind you, and me perpetuating such acts, is very very different. but that is my decision for me, and everyone gets to decide for themselves.

i am glad that i live in time and place that allows me to make my own decision, and we should all be grateful for that. just because i don't agree with something doesn't always mean its wrong, its just not for me. cant wait for spec ops and see everyone online.
[quote name='icebeast']But wait you were one of the terrorists... so doesn't that in-turn mean that you hate yourself and want to kill yourself?

I really don't know that this is a step forward for games, its hard to evoke a feeling of hate when your the one performing the actions. Personally I think this stuff is probably better handled in a cut-scene because it doesn't confuse the player's identity (i.e. why am I the "good" guys and the "bad" guys, in a game that is mostly focused on one side of that conflict).[/QUOTE]

I really don't think there are any real "bad" guys in MW as a whole, and I think that's what Infinity Ward is trying to show. In the first game, the opening loading screen features the speech from the Russians saying how we stole their country, their honor. In many ways we have, and many Russians feel that way.

As for the Middle East front, well, just think what you would do if someone invaded us because they thought our culture was wrong. Wouldn't you be willing to pick up whatever guns are around and begin to protect your home, your country, and even yourself from an invading force handing down judgement when they can't even speak your fucking language?

Yes, the airport scene is graphic, brutal, and can move people to tears. But that's the point. This is Modern Warfare. There are no nicely drawn battle lines and clear enemies to kill. We have slaughtered hundreds of thousands, if not millions of civilians overseas. We tortured over hundreds of innocents on a daily basis. And they are fighting back the same way we fight them. All Infintiy Ward is doing is giving perspective to the other side of this war. Something which is severely lacking in Western media.
[quote name='heatison777']i found it to be torture porn, and if you have to stoop that low to evoke strong feelings, then it shows a complete lack of the art of storytelling. for those who don't mind, that's your decision and i'm not one to judge, but for me, that was too much.

but please, don't dismiss this as no big deal because violence is so prevalent on the news, other games, etc. i'm assuming most of us are adults, considering we are on this site to save as much as our hard-earned money as possible. saying something is okay just because other people do it is a terrible mindset. saying this is okay JUST BECAUSE ITS EVERYWHERE DOES NOT MAKE IT OKAY! watching the news and causing the news is 2 completely different things. me watching the news to stay current, not for entertainment value mind you, and me perpetuating such acts, is very very different. but that is my decision for me, and everyone gets to decide for themselves.

i am glad that i live in time and place that allows me to make my own decision, and we should all be grateful for that. just because i don't agree with something doesn't always mean its wrong, its just not for me. cant wait for spec ops and see everyone online.[/QUOTE]

How do you expect to evoke emotion without showing the worst that humanity is capable of? What is your definition of good storytelling, then? Anything that avoids real connection to the protagonist and the setting? Stick to watching Disney movies then, while the rest of us appreciate narrative at its greatest.

Just because it's everywhere, does not make it okay. But worse than that is to ignore the suffering of humanity altogether. And news hasn't been informative for decades. News is nothing but entertainment. On the day Michael Jackson died, 7 soldiers died in Iraq. Where was their coverage? Why don't they have a funeral in the middle of LA? While you're glued to watching an empty balloon sail across the midwest, people are getting murdered.

You are right. We all do have a choice. You can or cannot buy the game. You can or cannot skip the scene. You can or cannot play the campaign. It's too bad you are making the wrong one.
torture porn, you obviously never played some japanese hentai games.

That's a SAW reference there, not about pornography.

People who have pirated the game are saying MW2's campaign mode is shorter than ODST's, most likely due to Activision continuing their douchebag streak by adding more campaigns in DLC.

Their proof is that the last line heard in the campaign is "Let's go, I know a place..."
[quote name='Nohbdy']People who have pirated the game are saying MW2's campaign mode is shorter than ODST's, most likely due to Activision continuing their douchebag streak by adding more campaigns in DLC.

Their proof is that the last line heard in the campaign is "Let's go, I know a place..."[/QUOTE]

Yep. Because people who pirate games are the most trustworthy.

Don't trust what you read online. That's how WWI got started.
[quote name='Nohbdy']People who have pirated the game are saying MW2's campaign mode is shorter than ODST's, most likely due to Activision continuing their douchebag streak by adding more campaigns in DLC.

Their proof is that the last line heard in the campaign is "Let's go, I know a place..."[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't be surprised if they did extra campaign levels through DLC, but I don't see that line as being much proof, it could just be the setup for the inevitable sequel.
[quote name='Malik112099']who cares? I've killed so many civilians in so many fucking games....[/QUOTE]

I usually use the sidewalk as my roadway in GTA IV. It's simply delightful hearing the telltale bump/thud after you hit a ped.:D

[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Can't wait for the suicide bomber simulator game.[/QUOTE]

Actually, I do that ALOT in GTA IV online. I'll run right up to enemies while priming a grenade. Once they realize what I'm trying to do, it's hilarious to watch them trying to run away before I go KA-BOOM.:D

As for really offensive stuff I've done in a game, I've taken the jetliner in San Andreas and tried to slam it into a building or nine before.

I'm hoping Rockstar has the balls to add in a 'terrorist' mission in their next GTA game. Rumor has it there WAS one in GTAIII just before it was released, but it was taken out due to 9/11.

If Rockstar ever adds planes, parachutes and destructible enviros into one of their GTA games, well I'll be having a ton of fun causing mayhem with all of those. It's why I've always kinda loved the Mercenaries series. Take a tank and obliterate buildings with it.
[quote name='jd_james_427']How do you expect to evoke emotion without showing the worst that humanity is capable of? What is your definition of good storytelling, then? Anything that avoids real connection to the protagonist and the setting? Stick to watching Disney movies then, while the rest of us appreciate narrative at its greatest.

Just because it's everywhere, does not make it okay. But worse than that is to ignore the suffering of humanity altogether. And news hasn't been informative for decades. News is nothing but entertainment. On the day Michael Jackson died, 7 soldiers died in Iraq. Where was their coverage? Why don't they have a funeral in the middle of LA? While you're glued to watching an empty balloon sail across the midwest, people are getting murdered.

You are right. We all do have a choice. You can or cannot buy the game. You can or cannot skip the scene. You can or cannot play the campaign. It's too bad you are making the wrong one.[/QUOTE]

It's not necessarily "the wrong decision". The mission sets the tone of the game. If the guy won't enjoy the game there's no reason he should spend 60 bones on it, and it may be too traumatic for some people. I also appreciate that he basically stood up for the first amendment.

Also "narrative at its greatest" is really pushing it. While it isn't Fugitive Hunter where take out Osama in a kung fu fight, it is somewhat exploitative. However I also believe this scene makes you think, it sparks discussion, in other words IMO there is some merit.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I usually use the sidewalk as my roadway in GTA IV. It's simply delightful hearing the telltale bump/thud after you hit a ped.:D


YEAH! do it up Kurgan style!
[quote name='jd_james_427']Stick to watching Disney movies then, while the rest of us appreciate narrative at its greatest.[/QUOTE]

Narrative in an interactive medium, perhaps. Narrative as a whole? Hardly.
Because, you know, you can't kill civilians in GTA and many, many other games, and, um, of course, REAL military undercover agents don't kill civilians, right? Dumbass. Grats on not buying it, I'm sure they'll miss that sale as they're counting their mile high stacks of cash...
[quote name='TJFreeman']YEAH! do it up Kurgan style![/QUOTE]

I really wish they did keep a sword in GTAIV, since I would've loved to have ended a few missions with a nice beheading.

Speaking of which, yet another iteration of a game version of Highlander(one not based on that weird as shit animated series anyway)has been cancelled.

I was saddened when I learned that I would not be fighting as a member of the MacLeod clan for the prize.:cry:
[quote name='saturnotaku']Narrative in an interactive medium, perhaps. Narrative as a whole? Hardly.[/QUOTE]

Narrative in any media contributes to narrative as a whole.
This has to be the absolute stupidest reason to boycott a game. Does the OP not realize how many innocent people have been killed in Afghanistan and Iraq over the years? A hell of a lot more than American causalities. The world isn't all sunsets and butterflies buddy, so get used to it.
I'm sorry but in the Modern Warfare world, terrorists have used the first nuclear weapon on the public since World War 2. It's obvious that the military will be willing to sacrifice some civilians for the greater good.

Hell look at what happened after 9/11. We invaded a foreign country on false pretenses. Now imagine if someone had detonated a nuke.

In the context of the world of Modern Warfare, this makes perfect sense.
[quote name='rickshankshaw']I'm sorry but in the Modern Warfare world, terrorists have used the first nuclear weapon on the public since World War 2. It's obvious that the military will be willing to sacrifice some civilians for the greater good.

Hell look at what happened after 9/11. We invaded a foreign country on false pretenses. Now imagine if someone had detonated a nuke.

In the context of the world of Modern Warfare, this makes perfect sense.[/QUOTE]
Well most do know by now, at least I'd hope so that 9/11 was done by the government so they could get the majority of the population behind a pointless war on "terrorism". I'm not going to go into detail because it really doesn't really have anything to do with the topic of MW2.

But you do make a good point, killing a few civilians to prevent a country from being nuked would make a lot of sense. The real world isn't a movie, you can't save everyone all the time.
I can think of a better reason to not buy this game...

[quote name='rickshankshaw']I think the OP prefers censorship to art.[/QUOTE]

lmao... Art? wow... no wonder there's so much bullshit out there named as "art".
[quote name='VipFREAK']I can think of a better reason to not buy this game...

lmao... Art? wow... no wonder there's so much bullshit out there named as "art".[/QUOTE]

The Dark Knight
Fight Club

All have terrorism in them. Are they not art?

Videogames are growing up.

You should too.
Wow. This guy is entitled to his opinion. Don't bash him because of it, we are all entitled to our opinions, just don't bash him or try to make up garbage excuses of why it's okay to bash him!
bread's done