Best Buy's Buy 5 Get $100 RZ promotion. While it was work, it still didn't beat getting 5 brand new releases to what equated to me at $20/title on average (PMing). Matched with Best Buy's trade in promotion (with the crazy TIVs at first), this was beyond fire. After PMing, I got in at $207 (mix of cash and store credit). Traded in 3 of the games for $107 (after completing them). All in all, I spent $100 to play 5 hot New Releases on release day (keeping MW3 and GoW3) and Best Buy gave me $100 dollars to use later on. Being that I would probably have spent that anyway, I essentially got MW3 and GoW3 completely free on release day.
$207 (GoW3 50, Batman 42, JD3 35, MW3 50, AC:Rev 30)
- $107 (Batman 40, JD3 37, AC:Rev 30)
- $100 (RZ Bonus for 5)
0 i.e. FREE
Honorable mention: Target's B1G1 (error) and Walmart's Dance Central 2/Kinect Sports 2 $15 on BF