BRINK - The Next Generation of FPS Coming May 10th 2011

About how many folks are getting this for Xbox? I'm thinking about whether i should get it for Xbox or PS3........ and no I don't have any friends.... well i do but I think they're too main stream for brink
agreed with what jaredstorm posted. 360 all the way, specially if the community for this dies down, the xbox will be populated more then the PS3. Also being a team based game, this is all about communication, no one talks on ps3.
[quote name='Big St3ph3n']agreed with what jaredstorm posted. 360 all the way, specially if the community for this dies down, the xbox will be populated more then the PS3. Also being a team based game, this is all about communication, no one talks on ps3.[/QUOTE]
This is true... I'm like the only dude on a mic in BO smh or I'll have one teammate, I'm like if y;all clown can afford a ps3.... y'all can afford a blue tooth!
I've been excited for this game, but part of me worries how long I'll actually want to play it.

I recently fell back into Team Fortress 2 for PC and I'm loving that again. :(
[quote name='Ashtaar']This is true... I'm like the only dude on a mic in BO smh or I'll have one teammate, I'm like if y;all clown can afford a ps3.... y'all can afford a blue tooth![/QUOTE]

Well... from what I've read, there are options to enable or disable in-game chat. All VOIP/in-game chat is disabled by default. You (and everyone else) has to enable it just to chat to anyone on your team. I think you can limit it to certain people, too. I believe I remember them saying their goal was making it as easy as possible to work together without voice chat, just in-case. I personally disable voice chat in games like Halo or Black Ops just because of all the douchebags and kiddies.

[quote name='BingoBrown']
I tried replying to your original request a few days ago, but my post never appeared. Not sure if I screwed up or what (I may have hit Preview Post, instead of Submit Reply), but here it goes again.

Anyway, I've got Brink for 360 pre-ordered at Gamestop, which offers the Doom bonus pack. I'd be willing to trade it for either the Amazon bonus pack or the Walmart bonus pack if you or anyone else is interested. I realize it's not the bonus pack you want, but it's the best I've got. [/QUOTE]

Can't say I'd be willing to trade my pre-order pack for that one. :(
Just preordered from Amazon. I had some credit and Free RDD with Prime is nice. I hope they increase the deal a little bit since brink its $49.99 on, so anyone in this thread that hasn't submitted the cheaper price to Amazon yet, please do so :)
[quote name='BackInBlack']Just preordered from Amazon. I had some credit and Free RDD with Prime is nice. I hope they increase the deal a little bit since brink its $49.99 on, so anyone in this thread that hasn't submitted the cheaper price to Amazon yet, please do so :)[/QUOTE]

I don't think they'll go any better unless somewhere has a better deal of either $20 off, or $20 credit. To Amazon, $10 credit with order is equivalent to $49.99 elsewhere, it seems like.

Can't keep trying to milk them or they'll get even more uptight about pricematching. :| (not that I wouldn't mind getting it cheaper, but it's likely going to be a worthwhile purchase anyway)
An excellent 8 minute clip of someone playing a Heavy Soldier, on Resistance mission #2. Part 1 of 4, rest to be uploaded soonish. Bots are on Hard, and it has captions to help explain some of the situations.

Easily the best video to date. Very high quality, and it gives me the impression that playing on 'Hard' would be somewhat comparable to playing online (with all bots, that is). The bots do not appear to automatically, constantly, know where you are at all times (!).
I'd be down for a CAG night if it's not on a wednesday night- wont be getting it for a week after release too (used free super saving or whatever its called from amazon).
[quote name='Coper3000']I'd be down for a CAG night if it's not on a wednesday night- wont be getting it for a week after release too (used free super saving or whatever its called from amazon).[/QUOTE]

I'd hope you get it sometime this week :)

This game comes out at the perfect time. I finish up this semester on Wednesday, I can't wait to shred Brink this summer.
I don't know about a 'CAG night' (doesn't seem too popular...yet?), but I'll probably be playing it quite a bit myself. Maybe mostly bots, or hosting small 6-8 human games (with bot fillers, of course), for me. (ISP can't support much more than that. =X)

I can't even pry the people I know who play FPS' constantly, away from Halo or CoD, for this. They're like: "What's Brink? ... oh... meh."

Hopefully the community builds up by word of mouth, at the least. I don't get why people who enjoy FPS' wouldn't be enticed by Brink, even a little.
I'm incredibly excited for this game. Getting it on release, and me and my friend would definitely be interested in a CAG night.
Y'know. Decided to preorder it. Mainly for the fact that people are starting to come out of the woodwork and ask about this game now.

I think this game could quite possibly be a sleeper hit.
looking forward to this after playing the gears 3 beta...

not to bash gears 3 but I'm just not feeling it. of course I've also never played a gears in multiplayer before... but it just seems sluggish.
[quote name='BackInBlack']I'd hope you get it sometime this week :)

This game comes out at the perfect time. I finish up this semester on Wednesday, I can't wait to shred Brink this summer.[/QUOTE]

Bad timing for me, Summer semester starts tomorrow, then Brink arrives Tuesday, followed by LA. Noire next week.
Rhet thanks so much for promoting and posting the videos for this amazing game. I can't wait to play it this Tuesday and I know this will scratch the team based fps itch we all have been screaming for.
I'm gonna wait and see what reviews and friends say about the online play since there was no public beta and only PC gets dedicated servers unless that changed in the last week or two.
I've been seeing some pretty god-awful comments about this game from people who have downloaded it early. Here's hoping they are all wrong because I really want to like this game. Of course I wanted to like Homefront too but we all know how that turned out.
Damn you Chris. My experience with Homefront is primarily why I had convinced myself to buy this at launch but now you've made regress back to waiting for a price drop or some damn reviews.

I need a new shooter or RPG to play badly. I guess I'd better start Portal 2 and quit whining until you guys let us know what's the real deal.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Damn you Chris. My experience with Homefront is primarily why I had convinced myself to buy this at launch but now you've made regress back to waiting for a price drop or some damn reviews.

I need a new shooter or RPG to play badly. I guess I'd better start Portal 2 and quit whining until you guys let us know what's the real deal.[/QUOTE]

Hehe... well if I've learned anything is that it pays to wait. I hope Brink is the next Borderlands but I can wait a day or two to read some in-depth reviews and feedback on message boards before purchasing it. It seems that most big games go on sale somewhere within a few weeks now anyways which makes the day one incentive less enticing.
Just got a text from Best Buy stating that the game is now on sale at their stores.

Wanted to share for those who are really wanting to get this.
I got the same text message. I wonder if they really are selling the game today since I only ever get msgs from them on "deals" and coupons and never have received a "this game is out" message.
There was a separate thread on the BB text but it has since been deleted by a stealth mod instead of combining it with this thread.
A CAG in that thread was going to check the store but I never saw whether they were successful or not.
Well, at least says if you buy it for in-store pickup it will be ready to be picked up on 5/10 and not today. I figured I'd check.
Hahaha. Just got this.
Best Buy GAMER: CORRECTION - Available Tuesday 5/10 at Best Buy - BRINK on PS3, Xbox 360 and PC. Reply HELP for help, STOP to cancel.
Yeah, somebody fucked up. I still wonder why they sent out this txt message since this is the first I've gotten from them letting me know a game was "out." They have always been messages about coupons or deals in the past.
has anybody said how much day 1 dlc is going to be available for this game?
I hope not any. Even if it was done I would rather they release it later and not tell people so we felt better about it.
[quote name='serenitygod']has anybody said how much day 1 dlc is going to be available for this game?
I hope not any. Even if it was done I would rather they release it later and not tell people so we felt better about it.[/QUOTE]

I believe it was said that no DLC would be available on release day, and that none was planned to be released for some time. I could be wrong, though. I'm not sure where I read this. There's been no mention of DLC though.

I've been seeing pockets of people complaining about things like texture pop-in (fixed in a day-one patch), terrible framerates, "lag" (playing offline? WHUT?), and various other things... but I've only seen the pop-in, which isn't bad. I've seen plenty of streams and gameplay videos and neither "lag" nor framerates appeared to be an issue, at all.

Not like most of us could cancel our preorders anyway. If you didn't end up wanting it, you could return it to Amazon (or wherever) anyway.

Still no real reviews up yet, either.

Still sorta looking for anyone who was gonna get it at Walmart (to potentially trade Psycho for Spec-ops packs). The local Walmart is having a midnight release, too. If you REALLY want it, you should check yours. :)

It's been a long damn week, but the 10th is finally here!
I'm so stoked to play this! I've nearly gotten my 90 matches in the Gears 3 beta, and then getting 100 Retro kills will be cake! That will free up my time to play this launch week.
will be getting this tommorrow... looking forward to getting my FPS fix haven't played one in awhile since Black Ops.
I want the fallout stuff from Best Buy.
If anyone wanted to trade for psycho pack (probably not on here)
PM me if you want and live in either Brevard or Orange county FL
[quote name='Scorch']Eep.. 2/5 from Joystiq, 6 from IGN, 7.9 on GameTrailers..[/QUOTE]
:whistle2:# glad i didnt pre-order this ... come on battlefield 3
yeah I read 3 reviews. Goddamn fucking embargo
seems no lobby is a big thing sense I got a xbox 3 days ago I have no friends on it yet anyway.

They are releasing a "day 1 patch" for the lag. This makes it better

I just hate what Joystiq said about choke points and grunts. It sounds like we should all be heavies and sit at thermopylae while the ants get lit up. This is potentially game ruining if it is that bad.
yeah lol. it was just yesterday I decided to get the 360 version. I wanted online because this really won't have a story.

However, IDK if it was a mistake maybe the patch is like turning New Vegas into Fallout 3 (hey I can dream right)?
I commented in a deal thread sunday but should say it here as well... I was a day one buyer for sure UNTILL I played it sunday at a friends house. They had some good ideas but it's lame. We only got to play SP for awhile but it's a turd and MP won't save it. Read reviews and watch on Youtube before you buy/open. Rental may be in order...
bread's done