BRINK - The Next Generation of FPS Coming May 10th 2011

Looks nice. Good work, Bethesda. Now stop wasting time and go make Elder Scrolls V. I live 10 minutes from your offices, don't make me come up there.
Bethesda = Publisher
Developer = Splash Damage

This will be SD's first in-house, cross platform, original IP. They've been working hard the last few months so I suspect we'll be seeing in-game footage at E3.
Has potential but a lot of that looked a little rough, spent most of the time just running back in forth in front of the door.

A better preview is needed, although I already love the ability to slide into cover.
[quote name='Soodmeg']
A better preview is needed, although I already love the ability to slide into cover.[/QUOTE]
I Can't wait to do that online and right into a grenade by accident.
After watching the 4 developers videos on XBL , I'm kinda torn. On one hand the changing classes/weapons at (almost) any time , which in turn opens different sub-objectives you can do in the stage is really cool and really lends to the thought of being able to play through any stage the way "you" want to play through it.

On the other hand , I'm not completely sold on the whole smart/context sensitive button. It's probably one of those things that's hard to show off or tell someone about who has no idea how it actually works , but it seemed rather clumsy and confusing. Maybe I'm just dumb. It probably works fine in game , but hearing someone explain it doesn't impress me much.
The graphics remind me of a mix between Fallout 3 and Borderlands.

I'm not sure how I feel about this yet.. That preview made it feel kind of early to me. Looks like it has a ways to go before release.
Honestly it looks like the combination of Mirror's Edge and Quake 4 that I've been waiting for! :pray:

Insert awesome image of Brink 8v8 here:

Even after I was already hyped about it I thought to myself...hmmm, that Developer seems, whatever. I completely forgot they made Oblivion and Fallout! Anyways, hopefully this'll be an original gameplay experience.
[quote name='Jelster']Bethesda = Publisher
Developer = Splash Damage

This will be SD's first in-house, cross platform, original IP. They've been working hard the last few months so I suspect we'll be seeing in-game footage at E3.[/QUOTE]

No one is excited about this? It's coming out a week earlier (5/10/2011) and I have it preordered. However, for some reason Amazon isn't guaranteeing release day delivery... I didn't know that they even shipped newly released games without it? Especially if you have PRIME.
I want to get it, but it seems like it won't have a huge following...this may be similar scenario to what happened with Crysis 2. Excellent game, excellent multiplayer, but not enough people online.
Cant wait for this game, love the feel of the game. I get a mirrors edge movement, with borderlands shooting. And a dash of shadow run customization.

There are tons of multiplayer gameplay videos of this on the tube. Watching the teamwork in action made this a day one purchase. Cant wait!

I like smaller communities on games like this, makes it for alot of better players. :)
I am definitely buying this game day. The news about its release being pushed forward a week was a bit suprising, and since that week is finals week for me, I may not get it until the following week anyways.
I just got an email from Amazon saying they were confirming release date delivery (may 10) for BRINK. Good news considering they were saying it would take the full 2 days even when the release date was May 17 (meaning I would get it May 19th). Pretty excited even though there isn't a ton of hype for it. Have a feeling it might pick up speed like Borderlands did though.
I'm excited, but I still have too many question before I preorder this, especially with L.A. Noire coming out just a week later. What is the leveling system? What does it get you? Will people ever be online? Is it impossible to complete single player?
[quote name='matto1233']I'm excited, but I still have too many question before I preorder this, especially with L.A. Noire coming out just a week later. What is the leveling system? What does it get you? Will people ever be online? Is it impossible to complete single player?[/QUOTE]

Somewhat general questions, but I'll try...

1: Everything you do awards XP. You can have up to 10 characters. Each separate character is differed mostly by body type, which is not changeable (AFAIK), hence reason for 10 characters. Doing tutorials, challenges, leveling, and other methods unlock things for your character. Things like apparel, looks, tattoos, guns, weapon modifications, and possibly more.

Three body types (Light, Medium, Heavy). Affects how much health and maneuverability (parkour) you have. You can have any class and perk combination with any body type, but body type restricts your weapon selection.

Four classes (Operative, Soldier, Medic, Engineer), mostly differing in abilities. You level and gain ability points, which allow you to buy abilities for that character. I believe you can respec later, but you're still stuck with that body type, so it's beneficial to have different characters. Abilities can drastically affect how you play compared to others of similar role.

2: Of course people will be online! It's a shooter! :D (see: #3)

3: It is not impossible to beat the campaign in single player. It's all pretty much melded.

You can start a game with all bots (up to 16 total players, with all bots but you), and have it open to the public. Or private (invite friends only). Or have no bots, but you'd probably have to have other people with you. You can play campaign or individual levels. Campaigns rely on the host for determining what map is next.

Or you can jump into someone else' game, instead of starting your own.

The bots are supposedly pretty good/fairly human-like. Hope this is the case, as I can't stand playing with most of the XBL cesspool.

Also, all XP gained in SP is counted. It's no different from playing online. There used to be an XP penalty for playing by yourself, but not the case anymore. Boosting is also unnecessary as you get put into different brackets based on your level. EX: Levels 0-4 are bracket 1, levels 5-8 (rough guess) bracket 2... etc. up to level 20, which is its own bracket.

Higher levels can enter lower brackets, but cannot use anything that isn't unlocked within that bracket. Low levels can enter higher brackets at will, but they will be at a disadvantage with unlocks.

Since I already have a bunch of info, I'll tack on some more...

Kill/Death ratio is not shown anywhere, as far as I know. At least not easily accessible. This is to reduce the elitist douchebaggery "MY KD IS BETTER THAN YOURS LOLOLOL FAIL", since it is, again, a team-based game.

10 maps. 8 default, two unlockable (one per side, beating each campaign).

The preorder bonuses for weapons are just skins. Don't get the wrong impression. They are not preorder specific weapon unlocks. Just skins. I believe the helmets are unique, though. Perhaps the attachments and tattoos, as well.

Can't think of much else right now... I kinda paced myself on Brink info as I've been looking forward to it for the past year. Hope this helped. >_>
[quote name='Rhett']Somewhat general questions, but I'll try...

1: Everything you do awards XP. You can have up to 10 characters. Each separate character is differed mostly by body type, which is not changeable (AFAIK), hence reason for 10 characters. Doing tutorials, challenges, leveling, and other methods unlock things for your character. Things like apparel, looks, tattoos, guns, weapon modifications, and possibly more.

Three body types (Light, Medium, Heavy). Affects how much health and maneuverability (parkour) you have. You can have any class and perk combination with any body type, but body type restricts your weapon selection.

Four classes (Operative, Soldier, Medic, Engineer), mostly differing in abilities. You level and gain ability points, which allow you to buy abilities for that character. I believe you can respec later, but you're still stuck with that body type, so it's beneficial to have different characters. Abilities can drastically affect how you play compared to others of similar role.

2: Of course people will be online! It's a shooter! :D (see: #3)

3: It is not impossible to beat the campaign in single player. It's all pretty much melded.

You can start a game with all bots (up to 16 total players, with all bots but you), and have it open to the public. Or private (invite friends only). Or have no bots, but you'd probably have to have other people with you. You can play campaign or individual levels. Campaigns rely on the host for determining what map is next.

Or you can jump into someone else' game, instead of starting your own.

The bots are supposedly pretty good/fairly human-like. Hope this is the case, as I can't stand playing with most of the XBL cesspool.

Also, all XP gained in SP is counted. It's no different from playing online. There used to be an XP penalty for playing by yourself, but not the case anymore. Boosting is also unnecessary as you get put into different brackets based on your level. EX: Levels 0-4 are bracket 1, levels 5-8 (rough guess) bracket 2... etc. up to level 20, which is its own bracket.

Higher levels can enter lower brackets, but cannot use anything that isn't unlocked within that bracket. Low levels can enter higher brackets at will, but they will be at a disadvantage with unlocks.

Since I already have a bunch of info, I'll tack on some more...

Kill/Death ratio is not shown anywhere, as far as I know. At least not easily accessible. This is to reduce the elitist douchebaggery "MY KD IS BETTER THAN YOURS LOLOLOL FAIL", since it is, again, a team-based game.

10 maps. 8 default, two unlockable (one per side, beating each campaign).

The preorder bonuses for weapons are just skins. Don't get the wrong impression. They are not preorder specific weapon unlocks. Just skins. I believe the helmets are unique, though. Perhaps the attachments and tattoos, as well.

Can't think of much else right now... I kinda paced myself on Brink info as I've been looking forward to it for the past year. Hope this helped. >_>[/QUOTE]
Helped a TON my man. Thanks. If I can get some friends to pick this up, I may preorder. :D
I just preordered this. I hope it rekindles the relationship I could never get going with TF2 on X360. Not that TF2 was bad, but it was terrible on 360.
Since the dev and gameplay vids sated my curiosity I guess I could take the plunge on another shooter I might only play through once and never touch again. The heavy emphasis on teamwork and plotting your own course solo for objectives against live opponents is definitely attractive. The character customization is looking sexy as hell but I kind of wish there was more than just the campaign. Either way I'll find a way to get my money's worth. I always do... eventually.
I'm on the fence on this game... Some of my friends are planning to get it right away, but though I've heard/seen some things I like (pervasive levelling across modes, in depth customization [but no female characters-- boo!], objective-based team play), for whatever reason the game just isn't making the sale for me. Something's just not clicking. If the Amazon preorder incentive was $20 instead of $10, that might be enough to push me over the edge and give it a try, but as is I think I'll probably pass.
As a small amendment to my previous post, I think body types can be changed as long as you aren't mid-game. This is mostly so your choices at the start of the match have consequences (as do other peoples' choices of ability/body type/class). Seems like you can change anything about your characters, just not in-game.

Two weeks! :hot:

Oh, and no dedicated servers, sadly. I suppose we'll see if this is an issue...

Personally, I'm looking forward to bots more than anything. :lol:
No dedicated servers for a game such as this sounds like a catastrophe waiting to happen. I think I'll wait on a few reviews and/or a price drop before I touch this one. Thanks for the heads up.
I do hope Amazon raises the gc to $20. That, however, will just remain a dream. I'm kind of torn on this game at this point. I need hands-on previews from people.

I sound so wishy washy from just a few posts ago. Haha
What I get out of Brink, is that it's a more serious rendition of Team Fortress 2, with modern FPS elements. I'm mostly in it for the bots, and the customization, though.

A little more information, including something that I thought was incredibly cool (regarding the controls). Courtesy of the GameFaqs Brink board FAQ. Also, highlighting some information with better detail, that I mentioned earlier.

Q: Will there be dedicated servers?
A: Dedicated servers will be available for Brink on PC. It will be peer-to-peer on Xbox Live and PlayStation Network.

Q: Will we be able to customize our controls?
A: Fully mappable controls for all platforms. The game will also include controls schemes based on popular games.

Q: Can I switch characters during a match?
A: No, you can't. You can switch sides, weapons and class. Your bodytype and character remain the same. Switching sides is only possible while not playing campaign mode.

Q. Is there splitscreen for Brink?
A. No, there isn't.

New video posted Tuesday (26th)
with all the comparisons to TF2, youd be retarted to not pick this up.

Bots is a big sell for me too. I love just kicking it back, taking it easy and blasting some bots.

I cant wait to play this game.
Dunno about anywhere else. But Walmart seems to be having a semi-sweet deal. The spec ops bonus plus a 10 $ e-gift card is not too shaby. I might pre-order a game from Wal-mart for once. Still gotta make my decision though.
I guess now's as good a time as any..

I'm going to be ordering from Amazon, mostly since I have credit. I don't like the preorder bonus, though. Would anyone preordering from Walmart be interested in trading? ( Your Spec Ops pack for my Psycho pack)

I was more interested in Security than Resistance, so, not all that interesting Resistance-aimed customization.

Oh, and I guess I was wrong in a previous post about all 4 preorder bonuses having only weapon skins. Amazon and Walmart's preorder bonuses come with weapons, not skins for existing weapons.
[quote name='Necrozilla']That strawbag and soda can looks sick. Keep the Psycho pack.[/QUOTE]

Too ghetto for me, meng.

I like the potential reference to Scare Crow, but no, too wacky for me. (then again, the Spec Ops pack has a gimp mask... but I still like it more than the straw bag. >_>)

"new" trailer released yesterday.
[quote name='Rhett']
I'm going to be ordering from Amazon, mostly since I have credit. I don't like the preorder bonus, though. Would anyone preordering from Walmart be interested in trading? ( Your Spec Ops pack for my Psycho pack)[/QUOTE]

I've got my pre-order through Gamestop (ordered with 25% off coupon last April, and have store credit to burn there), so I'm in line to get the Doom bonus pack. I know you're looking for the Walmart Spec Ops bonus pack, but if you can't find anyone to trade it to you, and if you have an interest in the Gamestop Doom bonus pack, I'd be willing to trade you.
[quote name='exileinoblivion']Heres hoping the online community sticks on this one because I've got far to much on my plate to pick this up day 1[/QUOTE]

I think it should hold pretty well. Red faction had people playing over a year after it was out.
[quote name='Irukandji']I think it should hold pretty well. Red faction had people playing over a year after it was out.[/QUOTE]

Yeah. Looks polished, and it's an FPS... I mean, people can only take so much CoD until they move onto another game (or onto a previous CoD). At least, most people. And it has bots, so it's not like the MP can completely die out.

I probably intend on hosting 6-8 player games (8 bots, 6-8 humans), as that's my internet speed's limit.. about. Probably more all-bot games than anything, though. Or me and a couple friends. Hopefully the server browser is pretty good, so you can tell which servers have a higher limit than their ISP supports. Also hoping the game analyzes your internet speed and recommends or locks human player limits based on the speed.
[quote name='Rhett']
Again, anyone interested in trading your Spec Ops (Walmart) pre-order pack, for my Psycho (Amazon) pack? (pics in an earlier post)


I tried replying to your original request a few days ago, but my post never appeared. Not sure if I screwed up or what (I may have hit Preview Post, instead of Submit Reply), but here it goes again.

Anyway, I've got Brink for 360 pre-ordered at Gamestop, which offers the Doom bonus pack. I'd be willing to trade it for either the Amazon bonus pack or the Walmart bonus pack if you or anyone else is interested. I realize it's not the bonus pack you want, but it's the best I've got.
bread's done