Burn Notice


8 (100%)
Burn Notice's second season debuts July 10, 2008.

I know USA Network Originals aren't for everyone. In fact, I have been especially critical of their shows. Monk, for instance. However, I really dig this show. I like the lead, Jeffrey Donovan, as Michael Westen, and the chemistry between he, Gabrielle Anwar ("Fiona"), and, the great, Bruce Campbell ("Sam").

I'm also aware that some people don't like the editing, but I never found it to be detrimental. The stories, while nothing to write home about, are competent and enjoyable. Heck, it's enough to keep me as a fan, and I'm said to be overly-critical of everything. Hahaha...

As for the ending of Season 1, and speculation about his new antagonist...
Season 1, Episode 5. I believe the blond, Veronica, Sam meets after he loses the FBI tail is Michael's new trouble. She probably chose to observe Sam's reaction.
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I really enjoyed the first seaon of Burn Notice. I do agree that the way the show is edited can be annoying at times but it is a fun show to watch and Bruce Campbell's role is perfect.
I can't wait, season 1 was absolutely brilliant.
I gotta pick up the 1st season too...I was hoping that it would show up on Blu-Ray but I guess DVD will have to do.
As you can see by my avatar I'm a huge fan of Burn Notice.

The editing is barely noticeable when you take into account how awesome the show really is.

I've seen all of the episodes multiple times, just picked up the season 1 dvd. Can't wait for July 10th.
I love this show and I have the dvd's, I really like how they broke up commentary tracks. Can't wait for season 2
I echo the sentiment about the editing. The only grievance I had was one episode that ended with the main character saying "I guess I'll have to get the Camaro" and they did this super cheesy close up of him putting on his sunglasses.

Also, anyone know what sort of suits the main character wears? They are bad ass.
i thought the first season was ok...I am really not happy that usa decided to go with this over a show like 4400..(4400 was cancelled so they could spend resources on there newer shows (burn notice, psych etc..)
[quote name='LinkinPrime']What's the complaints on the editing?...the show is perfect just the way it is IMO.[/quote]

I too dig the show's style, but have seen complaints about it from places I can't remember.

Also, if anyone needs to watch Season 1, Hulu still has it up.


It's also up on the USA site.

I think his suits are Armani (don't quote me)

I definitely like the fact that the show is based in miami...a show like this in a more dreary setting, no one would have watched, but keeping the show in a place like miami, keeps it light enough that the show wouldnt get bogged down in the darkness of spy thriller...crazily i really needed to go to bed early last night...but i flipped past usa and the finale was on...couldn't turn the tv off. great show.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']What's the complaints on the editing?...the show is perfect just the way it is IMO.[/QUOTE]

It's cut poor as shit.

Honestly, LP, when I watch this, it makes me think some intern is editing it. They don't hold onto shots long enough, it's like hyperactive editing. I felt like, nauseous watching it, but being an editor, it's something that's really noticeable to me.
Love the show. I've never even had a thought about something being wrong with the editing...weird complaint imo. Really looking forward to the new season starting this week. :)
Dodge Charger I apologize.....

I just caught the tail end of another episode I never saw before, which when I turned to it had the main character answering the payphone and being forced to run a mile to meet up with a former spy. Seeing as the main action scenes are well done, I thought they were going to show Weston busting ass, but they just show him entering into a rigorous jog. Fiona too, was chased by the ambigious black shirted spy bad guys and entered into a girlish trot. If any of you ever saw the ending to Mission Impossible III, with Cruise's character basically sprinting for half a mile, that sense of speed in that scene was amazing and I thought I was going to see something similar to that.

It seems like it'd be the easiest type scene to shoot, but very few shows or movies get it done right. Miniscule complaint I know.

Regardless, a fun summer show. I hope Season 2 does not try to reinvent the formula too much.
Premiere tomorrow night at 10...never really heard any complaints about the editing but here...definitely looking forward to the tricia helfer guest starring...looks like they are trying to ramp up the sex appeal this season (i have zero problems with that) anwar was already hot anyway..
That was former WCW pro-wrestler Glacier in the Season 1 finale! :shock:

Michael's got a new car. Wee! I felt the Season 2 premiere needed more Sam and Fi, but it was a solid start to the new season. :mrgreen:
It was solid overall, and an enjoyable episode, but I felt like it was a bit of a tease.

I guess I was expecting more of a James Bond villain-esque reveal, like Blofeld sitting in a chair stroking a cat, but at least we know who Carla is.
A little bit, though I did like her punching Michael in the face when he was acting so glib about suddenly being back.
I always presume season premieres to cheese things up a big in an attempt to draw in new viewers. Well, most of the time. It did feel like Fi was a bit out of character (particularly due to the "we can never be together" scene). Hopefully, she returns to her confident bad-assery next episode.

I assume Carla will drive a wedge between Michael and Fi.

Is Michael really going to be driving around a Saab?

Also in Season 2, Episode 1 what other TV shows/movies has the hacker been in before. I couldn't place it and its bothering me.
[quote name='strayfoxx']Also in Season 2, Episode 1 what other TV shows/movies has the hacker been in before. I couldn't place it and its bothering me.[/quote]

Patrick Fischler.

He's been on Bones, CSI, ER, and that show Drive that Fox canceled after about 20 minutes.

He's had small roles in a few movies too: Mulholland Drive, Ghost World, Idiocracy, The Black Dahlia, and a few others.
Burn Notice, Season 2
Episode 2, “Turn and Burn”

“I thought it was a regular gun.”

“…so I could not - communicate.”

This was a nice episode showing how Michael’s lifestyle can be overwhelming.

I dig the show’s equal opportunity punishment. First, it was Franchesca’s explosion assassination. Last night, it was seeing the result of Sophia’s rough interrogation by Raul. I’m glad the show doesn’t shy away from such violence as it would be absurd to believe that female characters would not be injured in this cutthroat environment.

I am a bit surprised Michael didn’t investigate the coffee maker for listening devices, or other plants. Maybe he did off-camera? It just seems a bit out-of-character - especially when it was delivered by Carla.

Fi works best when she’s curious and fiesty. Preferably, they would find better ways to use Fi, as these first two episodes have been quite de-Fi-cient.

The start faltered a bit, but the show found its roots and built up to a solid second half.
I died laughing when Michael just stared at his mom, then at the shrink, and back again and simply gives a little shake of his head since they looked almost identical.
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[quote name='Scrubsy']I died laughing when Michael just stared at his mom, then at the shrink, and back again and simply gives a little shack of his heads since they looked almost identical.[/quote]

Hahaha... yes, that was great. :mrgreen: I also dug Tricia Helfer and Jeffrey Donovan's interaction. They appear to have good chemistry, which is good for us.
Second episode continued the good feelings about this show from the premiere ep...the interactions with his mother were much better this time (the psych office scene was classic)..

nothing like seeing fiona prance around in a short dress to plant a bomb..I agree on the carla/michael interactions...helfer seems to be really nailing the bitchiness/edge of the carla role IMO...

did anyone think the fact that carla had "another appointment" is going to lead to some other work?
Like a dumbass I accidentally deleted all of the marathon episodes of the first season off my DVR so I d/led them and I'll be quickly catching up. Mean while Season 2 will be piling up on my DVR. xD
[quote name='VipFREAK']Like a dumbass I accidentally deleted all of the marathon episodes of the first season off my DVR so I d/led them and I'll be quickly catching up. Mean while Season 2 will be piling up on my DVR. xD[/quote]

Have fun! Season 1 was very fulfilling. :cool:
[quote name='gotrice415510']my favorite show right now... sort of humorous but not trying to be, its genius :)[/quote]

Welcome, sir! :D

Burn Notice, Season 2
Episode 3, "Trust Me"

"This --is-- my regular speaking voice."

"Let's play poker!"

"Just don't work too hard!"

Michael is a man of many faces. Mr. Man-E-Faces. He is a regular Living Tribunal. A living tribute to

Since when did Michael give Fi the car? Why did he give Fi the car? The Charger doesn't appear to be a snowglobe. Unless he gave her the Saab. I really do need to pay more attention to detail.

Tandum arm-crossing and sitting. I got chills. They're multiplying. Michael better shape up, 'cause Fi needs a man, and her heart is set on him. Okay, I'll stop. It's a slippery slope when Greased.

In the prologue of his life, I suspect Michael will be seen running a Cat Fancy Fu dojo. Their gi will be made out of coughed up fur balls. The colored belts will be a nice range of various whites. Creamsicle will be the highest rank, and the most delicious.

Barry must respect and fear Michael. I assume he has not yet tried to remove Michael from his scene because he fears Michael's response. I assume he will later attempt such a coup given how this episode hinted at a possible failure at Barry depositing the bad money.

I also assume we will see Yaseem in a future episode where he will be killed off. Now, he's not a recurring character, but his playful behavior with Michael suggests we may see him again. Plus, he's in Miami, and the city is only so big. I predict Carla kills him off for giving Michael intel about herself.

To sum up this episode, Burn Notice: "Even the filler's good."
The costumes and voices that michael does are a great part of the show..my favorite is still the counterfeiter from earlier this season...i agree with the yaseem thoughts...

i like how nate got back in the action in ep. 4...was wondering where they'd slide him in.
[quote name='bmachine']Patrick Fischler.

He's been on Bones, CSI, ER, and that show Drive that Fox canceled after about 20 minutes.

He's had small roles in a few movies too: Mulholland Drive, Ghost World, Idiocracy, The Black Dahlia, and a few others.

Yes Mulholland Drive. I remember him freaking me out in that. Thanks.

Also I know with this show you have to suspend some disbelief, but Michael has managed to piss off and/or jail counterfeiters, mercenaries, human smugglers, money launderers, drug dealers, heads of prostitution rings and a variety of spies and security guards and none of this catches up with him? Miami is only so big.

Also its nice to see this show addressing its faults. You have a sense that the writers/producers are afraid of treading the same old ground. However the damsel/weakling in distress story arc that seemingly appears every week is getting old. Moreover, the family stories either fall flat, are adequate, or occasionally hilarious such as in the psychologist scene. I think the reason the family scenes don't work out that well is they barely made any attempt to address them in Season 1, and on top of that Michael's mother in Season 1 was this whiny bitch who showed did not show the range of emotions that she does now, and now we are expected to care about her?

The brother, however, is an interesting character.
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[quote name='LinkinPrime']Was a few episodes behind but finally caught up. Loving this new season as much if not more than the last. Never disappoints.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, this season rocks. Though I wonder where Carla has been. I want her and Michael to have some more things going on, it's always interesting.
well she showed up in voice only last night...definitely liked the episode...i was almost rooting for michael to turn the guy down, so it could be an episode of him trying to figure out who and why he was burned..but it ended up working out anyway...

did anyone catch what the crossword puzzle said at the end?
Ok, I haven't been keeping up with tv lately, but I just caught up with BN. So, umm... wait wait... I just watched the Bad Blood episode. Was that really Micheal Shanks from Stargate I just saw playing Victor. This show keeps getting more and more AWESOME! WTF! I can't wait to catch the next episode!!!
tonights episode was excellent...all the times when michael pretends to get his ass kicked are hilarious...the look on his face right before it happens...is priceless...he knows he could easily win...i wish they could extend the season a bit....will be sad to see it go when it does.
bread's done