Buy 5 Disney Blu-ray combo packs and save 70% on a Sony Blu-ray player

[quote name='basketb']While you are on the phone with them, please inquire whether they'll be offering any more Blu-ray players to the ones:
1. who weren't able to participate due to the fact that they didn't buy any of the qualifying titles.
2. who are suckers who have no interest in watching any of the qualifying titles and only bought them for this promotion.
3 who already participated but have enough codes to get an additional player.[/QUOTE]

So I ended up calling and spent 20 minutes on hold until a representative answered... I spoke to her about the Blu-ray player promotion, and asked if they would be offering any Blu-ray players in the future to those that weren't able to participate in the recent promotion. The representative told me that she wasn't sure if they would be offering any more Blu-ray players in the future because they aren't told in advanced about the promotions, and she also said that the marketing department are the ones who are the first aware of the promotions they are going to provide for us all. I told her that I had all the eligible Blu-rays and I redeemed all the codes before the promotion even started. Therefore, I had to go get 5 new Blu-rays in order to participate in this promotion, but I was too late since they had run out. I told her that everyone online was pissed off because everyone went out to collect 5 new Blu-rays to participate in the promotion as well, and didn't get anything to show for it. The representative just told me that was she sorry, but the way she said it, was almost as if she didn't care... She then said that supplies on The Blu-ray player were limited and she also said to me that I could continue checking back on Disney Rewards to see if they offered other great deals in the future... What a crock of BS! I think more people should call in and complain. It's so unfair to those that don't have the money to spend on 5 Blu-rays at once. I believe we deserve something at least for going out of our way to try and collect 5 new Blu-rays...
[quote name='arcane93']Huh. Wonder if they'll re-open the offer once they get more in. It seems like really bad business (or at least extremely poor planning) to tell people that they have until 1/31 to make the necessary purchases for an offer (thus it's possible that people were putting combo-packs away for Christmas, figuring on redeeming it after the holiday), and then run "out of stock" nearly two months earlier. Between that, and leaving out all of the people who had already bought and redeemed codes for most of the titles before the offer dates, this whole thing has been one big clusterfuck.

I don't even really care since I decided not to bother anyway, but it is interesting seeing a company as large and experienced as Disney seemingly doing everything wrong in ways that could cause their promotion to turn people off to them.[/QUOTE]From the rep I spoke with, they're not going to offer it to everyone else because the quantities they had for the promotion were exhausted.

Again, this was coming from the rep I spoke with, though it sounded like they had a certain number of items they'd sell for this promotion, and the demand far exceeded their initial estimates of how long it would take before the end of the promotion terms would be met.

I'm sure if they get enough crap over it, they may re-open it, though I think that would have to be quite a bit of crap.

[quote name='Vegan']That sucks. The fine print implied that they would substitute a different model if they ran out of this one.[/QUOTE]I don't think it was a supply issue, I think it was a "quantities were limited" issue and they ran through the stock they'd be able to sell at that price.

[quote name='thesis88']This is true as well. I'm going to try to call and ask if they'll be offering any more Blu-ray players to the ones who weren't able to participate in this promotion due to the fact that they were out of stock.[/QUOTE]Good luck with that. From my phone call, it didn't sound hopeful if you didn't already have an order in with them.

[quote name='basketb']Not true. The fine print just said that the "actual model may vary". But the fine print was very clear that this is on a "while supplies last" basis.[/QUOTE]They probably hit their quantity they had set aside for the promotion, and they're done. We'll see what happens when the bad press and complaints start to roll in.
[quote name='Stry-ker']So does this get charged when it ships? I had a charge on my bank account and then its gone a week later[/QUOTE]

Yes, I ordered mine the first day this was posted here and then freaked out when people were receiving there Blu-Ray Player before I did when they ordered a week later. I should have mine tomorrow or Monday, those bastards only send a shipping notification and no tracking. My co-worker is going to kill me, I keep on bugging him if it's in the truck.
Well when I seen the charge disappear I thought meant I wasn't getting it. Like I said it sat on there like it was finalized and then gone...poof. I thought that meant I wasn't getting one
Well I guess I won't be entering any of the codes from the blu-rays we get for christmas. Hopefully one day they will bring this deal back.
[quote name='h3llbring3r']Just ooc- Has anyone who ordered in the second round got a shipping confirmation yet?[/QUOTE]

It might take a while, I put my order in 11/10 and didn't get any type of notification until 12/3 that my order was being processed to ship and shipped 12/4.

I just received my player this past Friday and it was the s470, if you have any doubts or questions just call the number. It's posted some where in here a few pages back.
For those of you who don't know or are wondering, it ships from Wisconsin. It takes 5 days to from there to California. So the closer you are the faster you will get it. There have been a lot of weather delays at UPS though.
me too-- ordered it Dec 3-- they held the money until last week, then released the money. And now they ship-- I had guessed that it was canceled since it was on that line. But guess not.
[quote name='h3llbring3r']Same here. For once, I hope something I ordered takes more than a week to ship.[/QUOTE]

If it shipped out today, you might get yours by Thursday or Friday
from Wisconsin to the ATL
[quote name='skiizim']If it shipped out today, you might get yours by Thursday or Friday
from Wisconsin to the ATL[/QUOTE]
FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- I am going to have to get someone to pick this thing up.
Since Disney Rewards didn't have enough Blu-ray players in supply for the loyal customers that went out of their way to buy the extra 5 Blu-ray movies, I went out and got myself the Sony BDP-S570 3D Blu-ray Disc Player last Saturday at Best Buy. It was on sale for $139.99. Not practically what most of you paid for the one Disney Rewards gave you, but I wanted a Blu-ray player badly and since Disney Rewards screwed me, I went out and got the newer edition. I'm happy. Screw you, Disney Rewards! :)
I got mine yesterday. I don't have a clue what to do with it. Between my brah and I we have four ps3s in the house. My gf has two. Meh, I'll wait to see which of my friends have a bday coming up.
I also took advantage of this deal, sent my $75 dollars in and recieved it before xmas, nice!. Now here's the rub. One of the reasons i wanted this unit was the netflix, pandors, blah, blah capability, to my suprise as i read the instructions to install with my usb in hand it read"not cable with any usb but the sony XXXX which is a 79.00 dongle!!! So my cheap unit is now $155 dollars for my intended use. I think that sucks, Doesnt say it anywhere on the box and i feel conned by sony that you cannot use any wireless adapter. Anyone have an alternative?
[quote name='minwage']I also took advantage of this deal, sent my $75 dollars in and recieved it before xmas, nice!. Now here's the rub. One of the reasons i wanted this unit was the netflix, pandors, blah, blah capability, to my suprise as i read the instructions to install with my usb in hand it read"not cable with any usb but the sony XXXX which is a 79.00 dongle!!! So my cheap unit is now $155 dollars for my intended use. I think that sucks, Doesnt say it anywhere on the box and i feel conned by sony that you cannot use any wireless adapter. Anyone have an alternative?[/QUOTE]How did Sony "con" you? The model of the player had been discussed widely in this thread, as well as elsewhere on other sites, so you could easily go look up that this player only has an Ethernet connection and not built-in WiFi like the 570 and 770 players have. Any player that doesn't have built-in WiFi will only use a proprietary USB-connected WiFi dongle and not some generic adapter.

Try this as a lesser cost solution, which is an Ethernet-to-Wireless N bridge:
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do a little research online... maybe there's a cheaper compatible alternative. There's a Rosewill adapter that works perfectly with Samsung units. Hopefully there's a 3rd party solution for Sony as well.
[quote name='jp2']do a little research online... maybe there's a cheaper compatible alternative. There's a Rosewill adapter that works perfectly with Samsung units. Hopefully there's a 3rd party solution for Sony as well.[/QUOTE]

I know, shrike linked to something that plugs into your wall but I just wanted something first party. I remember reading there is some kind of special firmware or something or other that wont let other adapters other than the Sony one work on it. Hell, I would have used the one I used to use to get my DS online.
bread's done