Buy Binary Domain and get Alpha Protocol free. Online, YMMV B&M.

This should have been the preorder bonus if GS/Sega are sitting on this many copies of AP new. AP is such an underrated game.
Completely agree, Alhpa Protocol is a pretty good game but can be had for around $5 most place....Also Binary Domain should like $39.99 and I still won't consider it.
Thx for the info OP! I already grabbed AP from BB during the holidays.. for I think $7.99? Still waiting on a price drop for Binary Domain though. I hear it's a great game, but too many good games came out lately, I gotta hold back.
$44.99 Free Shipping

For those interested in Binary Domain but not alpha protocol.
Not worth it. BD will drop, though it looks a step or two above average enough to be worth visiting, and AP is cheap as hell.
Not thrilled with the deal, but I will also agree that Alpha Protocol is a fantastic game. Except for the game parts of it... which are a little jank. Just spec pistols and spam chain shot, though, and that stops being a problem.
I wouldn't call AP fantastic but I thought the gameplay was perfectly enjoyable, but really not worth a second playthrough.

I always find it hilarious how many people can't handle the boss fights in DX and AP. Granted, AP made the awful choice of having the weapon skills really limiting your shooting abilities, but, come on, HALF your stats involved weapons, nearly every bit of gear you found or could buy was a better gun. Stealth is fun, but you guys have to be ready for the swerve. You KNOW you're going to have to shoot someone before the credits roll. The game is clearly built off Syphon Filter, not Splinter Cell.

And, of course, in DX, you CAN'T suck with weapons, and even if you take every non-typhoon combat aug, you STILL won't have measurably better survivability against the bosses. Sneaky nerd Jensen fights the bosses the same way as Shoot'n McHeadshot Jensen
Best way to play Alpha Protocol .. use the shotgun and power through it like a badass ... stealth is broken but boost your speech options (forget what they call it in the game) and its actually a really fun, almost mass effect like game.
Agreed. Alpha Protocol was way underrated. I'm kind of pissed that I let myself be influenced by other people and didn't get it sooner. Gameplay was unpolished, but story was like a current day Mass Effect. A lot of people made fun of the main characters personality, but I thought he was a good representation of a green agent. When I chose "professional" options, he behaved like a slightly naive but professional agent. When I chose "sauve" he behaved like a bit of an ass who only thought he was suave. It was a very fun story to play through.

I would have LOVED if it had become a series and been improved upon. Oh Obsidian...
Never played Alpha Protocol. Hoping for this to work in-store and a price drop on Binary Domain before the end of the month. $40 for Binary Domain and Alpha Protocol for free is my set point.
[quote name='Buuhan1']This isn't a deal as far as I'm concerned.[/QUOTE]

For the PC at least I would have to agree. I grabbed Alpha Protocol a while back when it was on a $2 sale on Steam. Yes, $2. As in casual indie game with short playing time on sale price. Sega must not value it very much.
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