buy blu-ray movies on PSN if they had it on the PSN true at E3 sweet and to DL PSP

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would like to how many people would download blu-ray movies to PS3 from PSN
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If it's just the movie by itself, and was around $10 I might consider it, but it would take too much room and too long to download, so no.
[quote name='Thongsy']If it's just the movie by itself, and was around $10 I might consider it, but it would take too much room and too long to download, so no.[/QUOTE]

how much more GB do blu-ray movies take then blu-ray PS3 games do
Well games like MGS4 and Gran Turismo Prologue don't install the whole game on the hdd, only a portion of it. So it if a movie was to be download, a whole movie I think it would probably be somewhere in the 20 gb range if it came with everything on the disc. Even if it was just the movie itself, to download off the PSN would take days. Just downloading a 800 mb demo can take a couple of hours. Sometimes it can be fast but it's usually very slow for me, and I'm not even on the wifi, it's hooked directly to the router.
[quote name='Thongsy']Well games like MGS4 and Gran Turismo Prologue don't install the whole game on the hdd, only a portion of it. So it if a movie was to be download, a whole movie I think it would probably be somewhere in the 20 gb range if it came with everything on the disc. Even if it was just the movie itself, to download off the PSN would take days. Just downloading a 800 mb demo can take a couple of hours. Sometimes it can be fast but it's usually very slow for me, and I'm not even on the wifi, it's hooked directly to the router.[/QUOTE]
crazy thankz for the info
I'd probably pay around $10 for a movie I really wanted to download. I generally prefer a physical product that I can sell/trade if I want to, but at a nice discount I'd bite on the media download...particularly since I find physical BluRays ridiculously overpriced for the most part, unless I can find them used.
I don't think it's a blu-ray movie if it's not on a blu-ray disc... rather it's just a hi-def movie. I would only buy a hi-def movie if it were significantly cheaper than getting a physical copy of it (i.e. $12 or less).
Nope, it would either be compressed (lower quality) or take a long time to download and all of my storage space. Also I don't plan on buying blu ray movies till they are in the $5-10 range anyway so the disc will still be cheaper (I never spend more than $5 on a dvd now)
If it was a rental bullshit like MS does, no thanks. If I could have unlimited DLs of it and not the 5 dl limit like the games have, maybe.
I agree with everyone else, true blu ray quality movies would eat up about 16gig of space on your hd and would take a while to dl, your better off getting a hard copy.

But I might bite if they start offering tv shows in HD to download.
Sure! If Sony kicked in a spare 200 gig external harddrive! Or... If you could download the blu-ray off PSN and than burn it to a blu-ray disc and than delete the file of your harddrive that would be sweet.
[quote name='Kendal']If it was a rental bullshit like MS does, no thanks. If I could have unlimited DLs of it and not the 5 dl limit like the games have, maybe.[/quote]

What he said. Although, I really don't like the idea of downloading to a console with such limited hard drive capacity. That coupled with the fact that Sony, in their brilliance, decided the PS3 doesn't need to support the NTFS file format on external drives, limiting you to
I wouldn't buy and download movies, I like having something physical to prove ownership. But if they were to offer HD video streaming I would be interested. But I doubt they have the network to handle that type of load.
what's this talk about 12gb and 20gb movies? People already do bd rips at anywhere from 2-6gb's, both 720p and 1080p encodes. If it were just the movie itself it'd probably only be around that size.

Also, anybody seen the preview pics of their video download service? Ghost Rider in HD (I didn't see what res it was) was around 6gb. Whether that's finalized or not i dunno, but that's probably a close approximation of what to expect.
Hell no, and for many reasons, take too long to download, it would take up too much room on my hard drive and i like to have a physical copy of my movies
No, they would take WAY too long, and if they didn't would be way too compressed.

Some blu-ray movies (such as Casino Royale) take up 40gb on the blu-ray disc. Now, thats PCm, but even if they used Dolby True Hd it would probably still be ~35gb.
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