CAG Beer Drinkers Unite! Beer Snobs and Cheap Ass Drunks Welcome!

Torpedo uses alot of Magnum hops instead of Cascade hops like their standard Pale Ale. It also has that extra stage of dry hopping where they use three different types of hops but again the Magnum is the main variety used in all three stages.

The regular pale ale is 5.6% with a 37 IBU. The Torpedo is 7.2% with a 65.
Yeah, it wasn't bad, I just found it mediocre compared to say the Stone IPA, Dogfish Head 60 or 90 minute and some of my other favorites.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Yeah, it wasn't bad, I just found it mediocre compared to say the Stone IPA, Dogfish Head 60 or 90 minute and some of my other favorites.[/QUOTE]

I wasn't trying to convince you it was good. Just throwing more info out there so the thread doesn't die again.

I agree that Stone IPA is much better. I'd love to do a tasting with some of the best IPAs from around the country. I'd put Stone, Dogfish, Lagunitas, and Sun King's up there.

What other IPAs should a hops nut try before he dies?
Victory Hop Devil
Southern Tier's various IPAs and Double IPAs are damn good as well.
21st Amendment Brewery Live Free Or Die IPA
Oskar Blues Dale's Pale Ale
Oskar Blues Gubna (a double IPA)
Sierra Nevada Anniversary Ale is damn good most years
Bear Republic Racer 5
Green Flash West Coast IPA
Sweetwater IPA
Sweetwater 420 IPA

Will add some more if they come to mind later.
I really have to try some of Oskar Blue's beers. I keep hearing great things about it but I've never been able to find it. I'll have to go to my
This beer talk inspired me to hit up the beer store on the way home....well that and having finished the last little bit of a 5th of Jack last night and having no alcohol in the house which is unacceptable!

Picked up:

Dogfish Head Punkin Ale-4pk
Brooklyn Oktoberfest-6pk
Mendocino Imperial IPA- 4pk
Southern Tier Hop Sun-single
Sierra Nevada 30th Anniversary Jack and Ken's Ale (Black Barley Wine)-750ml bottle.
[quote name='Rodimus']Yes, bring on the Autum beers. My favorite time of the year. Can't wait for all the different Oktoberfests and Pumpkin ales.

I love Dogfish's Pumpkin and Spaten's Oktoberfest. Any other brands I should check out?[/QUOTE]

I always thought the Saranac Pumpkin Ale tasted like Oscar Meyer Bologna.
Damn, you guys already got Oktoberfests and Pumpkin Ales!?! Went to my local place the other day and nothing except for Weyerbacher Imperial Pumpkin Ale (which don't really care for)

SO instead I got my favorite cheap beer, Honey Brown.
Had the 2009 Terrapin/Left Hand Depth Charge last night - oh man. I haven't had the stuff for nearly a year. It was awesome - kept getting better and better! I have two more bottles left!

Also had some 2009 Sierra Nevada Estate Harvest Brewer's Ale. It had lost a bit of it's hop kick - but not all - it had a nice mellow bitterness at the end - grapefruit. It had gotten stashed away and I should have consumed it a while ago but nevertheless...

Awww Green Flash - I want some! I haven't had any in a year and they are distributed here yet.
Had a Southern Tier Pumpking on tap and loved it. I'll be picking up a bottle of this one.

Also managed a 4pk of Nemesis (2010) and bottle of Dogfish Head Bitches Brew. This fall is going to be a good one.
Had Schafly's APA this weekend. Not sure if I'll get it again though because of the price. There many other IPA/APAs out there that are just as good at a cheaper price tag. It's ridiculous to pay import prices for a St. Louis beer when I'm less than 20 miles from the brewery. Schafly might want to think they're a great microbrewery and they are but their prices need to come down if they want to actually sell more beer. That being said, it's a good hoppy beer but I can name half a dozen better IPA/APAs.

Also picked up a sixer of Paulaner's Octoberfest Marzen and a 12 of Grolsch. I'm not sure if I could pick Grolsch in a taste test with Heineken but it's a good change of pace.

Paulaner just makes great beer. I've never been disappointed with any of their brews.
Goose Island released a tap-only beer called White City. I was going to try it the other night but it was $8 a glass. Harumph.
Had some Southern Star Buried Hatchet Stout a couple days ago. It's 11.99 here for a 4-pack of cans. Still one of only a few breweries that does cans. It rings it an 8.5%. It was decent - good carbonation, caramel in the nose, a tiny bit of hop flavor up front, roasty bitterness on the end. Ultimately I don't see myself picking it up again unless I just "need" cans for some reason (beach drinking or something) - I think there's better stuff out there for the price for sure.
[quote name='depascal22']I really have to try some of Oskar Blue's beers. I keep hearing great things about it but I've never been able to find it. I'll have to go to my[/QUOTE]

My local shop has the whole OB lineup and they are all great. The Ten Fidy (Imperial Stout) is one of the best beers out there, IMO.

I've been picking up a bunch of stuff lately as well. A lot of it has already been mentioned in this thread.

The ones I have had so far:
Sierra Nevada Tumbler (very drinkable brown)
Weyerbacher Imperial Pumpkin - like most others have said it is very meh
Sierra Nevada 30th Anniv Black Barleywine - excellent!
Southern Tier Unearthly - always a favorite

Still sitting in the fridge:
Williamsburg Alewerks Cafe Royale (coffee stout aged in bourbon barrels)
Williamsburg Alewerks Pumpkin Ale
21st Amendment Back in Black (Black IPA)
Bells 25th Anniversary Ale
Founders Dirty Bastard (Scotch Ale)
Saranac Pumpkin Ale
Southern Tier Porter
Southern Tier Phin and Matt's Extraordinary Ale
Flying Dog Raging Bitch

I also have a 2006 Samichlaus that I have been sitting on. I think I will finally drink it this winter
Nothing really new lately. Well I did buy the Sam Adams Harvest Collection 12 pack last week, and that had a couple of new ones that were alright. Harvest Pumkin Ale and Dunkelweizen.

The other 4 in the pack were Boston Lager, Octoberfest, Black Lager and Irish Red. Better than the christmas pack at least since no crappy fruity beer to suffer through!

This weekend I just grabbed some Sam Adams Octoberfest and Harpoon IPA for football etc.
Great Lakes Nosferatu is on shelves now. The trick will be to hold off until Halloween to get some.

Had Left Hand's Milk Stout tonight. Is that alcohol I taste in a 5% beer?
I went to the Upland Brewery in Bloomington, IN yesterday. I'm still not that impressed with their Dragonfly IPA (not quite as hoppy as I'd like) but their Bad Elmer's Porter is excellent. I had the porter with a Bad Elmer's Bison Burger. Nice combo that really set the day off right.
Picked up a couple new ones the other day.

Shipyard Pumpkin Head Ale--pretty sucky IMO. Very bland, light beer with a bit of pumpkin/nutmeg added.

Southern Tier Creme Brulee Stout. Haven't tried it yet.

Also grabbed a Heavy Seas Prosit! Imperial Octoberfest and a 4 pack of Founder's Breakfast Stout, both of which I've hard before and are very good.
Winter/Spring is my favorite when the seasonal Imperial Stouts, Barelywines and IPAs etc. start rolling out.

I like some of the Octoberfests and Pumpkin ales, but I'm much more of a stout and IPA guy so the winter and spring beers are my faves.
Tuesday I had New Belguim's Hoptober, which was very tasty and crisp.

Last night I had Sierra Nevada's Tumbler, and I liked it too much, paying for it today at work.
I tried a Tumbler at a friend's bbq a week or so ago - really impressed me!

I haven't had much else either - We had a baby on Monday night!

I will be cracking open my 2004 Double Bastard that I've been saving for a special event - had planned to have it at the hospital but it was a whirlwind birth so there was no time! Very curious what a 6+ year old beer will be like.
The Southern Tier Creme Brulee Stout was pretty damn good. Lots of burnt vanilla/cream flavor, so it lives up to the name.
I didn't think I could love this site any more than I did...and then I found this thread. Awesome.

I tried the Gordon Biersch FestBier, which is their seasonal Oktoberfest brew, and it was damn good. Anyone else have a recommendation for other season/winter brews that are not stouts? I love a good stout, but I'm looking for something a bit lighter.

Has anyone tried Dead Guy Ale?
[quote name='dmaul1114']Dead Guy Ale is from Rogue. It's damn good. The Double Dead Guy is even better.[/QUOTE]

No kidding? It was everywhere at Whole Foods when I went yesterday. I'll pick it up next time I'm there.

I don't know if it's just us (gf and I) but for anyone who is a Miller Lite drinker, have you had any bad batches of the stuff, can or bottle? We've come across a 12 pack and 6 pack that was obviously bad and tasted awful. Is there a way to report it to the company?
My favorite bartender stopped working at the place I go to every Friday. She would always give me a pint free if I bought two. I poured out a little malt liquor in her memory.
I'm boring when it comes to beer, only drinking a Miller Lite or Bud Light whenever I'm out at a bar/party with friends. Dunno if I'm ready to try Yuengling(sp). Might try Coors Lights.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I'm boring when it comes to beer, only drinking a Miller Lite or Bud Light whenever I'm out at a bar/party with friends. Dunno if I'm ready to try Yuengling(sp). Might try Coors Lights.[/QUOTE]

It's just a matter of trial and error. Eventually you'll find a style of beer you like and start developing a palate. When I first started drinking beer beyond domestic I only liked lighter stuff; amber ales, blonde lagers and such. But after sometime I really started enjoying pale ales, more bitter beers. Now I am in love with stouts, IPAs, bocks. But I still have my favorites of all types.

Just do this, when you go out with friends at a bar just order a beer you haven't before each time.

Oh, we used to have beer potlucks in college too. Everyone brings a 6 or 12 pack and you get to drink all sorts of different beers. Good times and big varieties.

One more thing, try not to drink new beers when you're too hammered. Try to have one as your first or second beer so you can really get a taste for it and remember what you like or dislike about it. I've had plenty of bad beer when I'm drunk that I wouldn't touch when I'm sober.
Yep, it's kind of a slow process. When I first started drinking beer back in high school and college even the light stuff tasted bitter to me. And I hated IPAs etc.

Gradually I started loving IPAs and now I love super bitter beers, really strong imperial stouts and barelywines etc. and even beers like Sam Adams that i though were very bitter back then are pretty bland for me now! :D
At least you're drinking, Mana. You should really find a liquor store that lets you build your own 6 pack. That way you can try new beers over a weekend without having to break the bank.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Yep, it's kind of a slow process. When I first started drinking beer back in high school and college even the light stuff tasted bitter to me. [/QUOTE]

When I started drinking, I hated beer. I drank the typical stuff; Miller, Bud, malt liquers. Now I love beer and I even homebrew. I realize that it wasn't beer I didn't like, but it was crappy beer I didn't like (and still don't)! :cool:
Yeah, I hate that cheap stuff now. I will say it's more palate development and I did try stuff like Guiness and Sam Adams and Sierra Nevada etc. back then and hated it as it was too bitter for me. Where as now those are all beers I find pretty bland/boring!
Hey. I didn't know this thread existed. I'd be glad to share my likes and dislikes with some CAGs.

Dislikes: APA, IPA, DIPA, etc., Light American Lagers, Fruit Beer,
-Basically, I dislike pale ales unless the IBUs are kept to a minimum. I think the overwhelming hops give me heartburn as well. Occasionally I will enjoy one but not regularly. I dislike most mainstream American beer and find myself drinking them only when I'm trying to get really wasted. In this scenario; I normally drink PBR or Natty Light. PBR has a fair amount of flavor and I can dominate some natty. They get the job done when I'm trying to tie one on.

Likes: Beligian Dubbels and Trippels, Whites and Blondes, American craft lagers and pilsners, European pilsners, and Weizenbocks
-My current favorites include Brookln Pilsner, Brooklyn Lager, Pilsner Urquell, most of the Unibrau beers including Trois Pistoles, La Fin Du Monde, and Terrible. I also like the Belgian Trappist Ales like Chimay (blue), Westmalle.

Probably my favorite beer is Schneider Weisse Adventinus. I really dig the banana and clove tastes in that beer and at 8.2%, it takes about 2 pints to get a good feeling. Its a good summer or winter beer. Yum! I think I'll have one tonight.
[quote name='ArthurDigbySellers']I like pretty much everything Unibroue makes. Try Terrible or Trois Pistoles if you haven't before. Very good beers by Unibroue.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. Terrible comes in at a whopping 10.2% I believe. When I start brewing, I will be sure to try and make something like this.
I absolutely love what Dogfish does, with spreading the word about craft beer, trying different oddball things, but I haven't enjoyed their beers at all. I can drink 60 minute but that's about it.

Summer is over, so it's time to put away the Pilsners and Kolschs, and start drinking a bit heavier fare, time to see how that 2 year old Expedition Stout is doing in the cellar or see if my Angel's Share finally got some fizz going, lol, time to get some more Boulevard Bourbon Barrel Quad flowing through the veins and anxiously await the release of more Kentucky Breakfast Stout next year.

But most of all, once winter settles in, it's time to break the seal on some Maker's Mark. :)
I mainly just stick to Wheat Beers. I've tried the occasional Stout and Porter and just can't get past the taste of them, kind of like burnt chocolate.
Beers to drink for October:

Dogfish Head Punkin
Southern Tier Pumpking
Goose Island Night Stalker
Great Lakes Nosferatu
[quote name='Vacabck']I absolutely love what Dogfish does, with spreading the word about craft beer, trying different oddball things, but I haven't enjoyed their beers at all. I can drink 60 minute but that's about it.

The 90 Minute is the shit. One of my favorite double IPAs if not favorite. The Pumkin Ale is good as well, only pumpkin beer I've had that I really like. Several others are very good as well in my opinion...Chicory Stout, Raison D'etre etc.
I thought the 120 Minute and a couple of their other uber high alcohol (16-18% etc.) beers were pretty bad. But I just don't like super high ABV beers as the alcohol overpowers everything else. I'd go for a whiskey if I want straight alcohol taste.

They've also had a couple fruity ones (the peach one etc.) I didn't care for as well.
Not quite beer per-se, but Woodchuck has a new Pumpkin Cider out for the fall. Just picked up a 6er from the local store, and it is amazing.

Other fall beers: Sam Adams Oktoberfest is pretty decent as usual, and Saranac's Pumpkin Ale is pretty "eh."
[quote name='rabbitt']Great Lakes Nosferatu[/QUOTE]

Just putting the name Nosferatu in it makes me want to try it. What kind of beer is it?

[quote name='depascal22']I don't even try anything over 10 or 11%. It's not even beer at that point.[/QUOTE]

Seriously, at that point it's a light Brandy
[quote name='Rodimus']Just putting the name Nosferatu in it makes me want to try it. What kind of beer is it?

American Strong Ale. The alcohol comes through in a strange way - you'll either love or hate it. Dark fruits, strong hops, unmistakable taste.
[quote name='rabbitt']American Strong Ale. The alcohol comes through in a strange way - you'll either love or hate it. Dark fruits, strong hops, unmistakable taste.[/QUOTE]

Thanks, I'll see if my local store has it. It sounds like something I might like.
bread's done