CAG Buzz - Final Fantasy Crisis Core (PSP) Giveaway! Multiple Winners!

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1. List 2-3 key factors and pointers that would affect your decision in purchasing Crisis Core for the PSP (battle modes, gameplay, character development, etc)?

Action based gameplay and from what I hear a decent story make me want to pick this up.

2. There is a possible rumor that the original Final Fantasy VII for PS One will be remade for the PS3. What is your opinion on this and would you support it?

I think the game wasn't as good as we remember it. A lot of the popularity had to do with its #D graphics and gorgeous cutscenes/spell animations, and killing off a main character (which Phantasy Star did first!) I don't think I would get it, but I think Square would make buckets of money.

3. If you could make any suggestions to improve the Final Fantasy series, what would it be?

Less effeminate heroes with daddy issues.
1. If it were more like the original than the latest movie spin off, then I'd hit it (the game). Also, chocobo races would be fun to go back and do again... and lastly, I know the time frame dosn't make sense, but if FF7's Cid were in it I'd get it.

2. Again, if it looks like the newer FF7 spin offs and/or movie spin off, that'll be a huge turn off for me. I like the simplicity of the original. Less pretty boys = better.

3. Make one game entirely based on combining every single Cid ever in the series... I'd buy that in a heartbeat since 90% of the Cids are my favorite characters in each FF game.
1. I beat FFVII when it first came out and I want to see more back story on why Tifa is a bitch and "plays" along with Cloud knowing he's crazy em"f"er. The new gameplay looks interesting as well.

2. I would be down with that because I hate to see 10 year old PSX games going for like $150 on ebay.

3. I would like to see the FF series going back to its traditional fantasy roots and steer away from sci-fi elements.
Q1) List 2-3 key factors and pointers that would affect your decision in purchasing Crisis Core for the PSP (battle modes, gameplay, character development, etc)?

A1) Graphical prowess/just the fact that the ff7 universe has been given such an attractive overhaul was enough for me to get it. Heck I even bought my psp months ago with the intention of purchasing this very game. Another driving force would be the characters and overall universe. FF7 was one of the first rpgs I ever played and finished, and the epic setting completely took me over. To be able to revisit the characters before the crap hit the fan is a real treat. I like to see the years take a toll on characters in any story and watch them change, so this sort of fits the bill. Lastly, the story is one of the most important aspects of any rpg, and there is no exception here. The FF7 universe has a huge setting with so much backstory that it's enough for me to keep coming back for more. Even if the gameplay is not so great, a compelling story is the thing that will keep me wanting more.

Q2) There is a possible rumor that the original Final Fantasy VII for PS One will be remade for the PS3. What is your opinion on this and would you support it?

A2) Shoot if FF7 were to be remade for the ps3 I would be first in line to purchase it. I'm all for advancement in technologies and trying out new things, but after FFX, I just couldn't get into FFX-2 or FFXII. Things have become way too complicated for me and I'm more a fan of the traditional turn based style, straight-forward job system type game, which is why i find myself replaying some of my old favorites these days, rather than attempting to move forward in FFXII. If FF7 were remade for the ps3, would they keep the typo that is in my signature I wonder? lol

Q3) If you could make any suggestions to improve the Final Fantasy series, what would it be?

A3) To not use the license board from FFXII ever again. I don't mind scifi elements, in fact, I love a bit of scifi in my fantasy games. It's the reason I find myself engrossed in games like Chrono Cross/Xenogears/Xenosaga/etc. Elements of the game that are seemingly impossible or beyond our time is what really grabs my attention. This next suggestion wouldn't really improve the final fantasy series, but would most likely improve my experience of a game, and that would be to include original audio tracks and such. Another one would be to stop cutting or censoring out certain things that don't require it. A lot of changes have been made unnecessarily to games in the past, and I say let the creators' original vision come to light man.
1) List 2-3 key factors and pointers that would affect your decision in purchasing Crisis Core for the PSP (battle modes, gameplay, character development, etc)?
As with all RPGs, a good, enjoyable battle system is the most important thing. The second most important aspect is to have a deep customization system that is actually significant to gameplay. While a good story is always appreciated, I'd rather have the game be fun and have a lot of stuff to do with an average story than have a great story with nothing else going for it.

2) There is a possible rumor that the original Final Fantasy VII for PS One will be remade for the PS3. What is your opinion on this and would you support it?

I'd greatly appreciate that. I never got around to playing FFVII until a year ago, and the 1997 "cutting-edge" graphics are really hurting the entertainment value. I've never placed a high emphasis on graphics for a game to be enjoyable, but for some reason, it's really hard for me to play this game for more than a couple hours at a time. I really want to finish this game, so a graphical update would go a long way toward motivating me to finish the game.

3) If you could make any suggestions to improve the Final Fantasy series, what would it be?

Don't be afraid to experiment with the numbered Final Fantasies. It's okay for one entry in the series to be considered "bad" if it stimulates improvements for all of the games following it. Eventually, the tried-and-true formula won't work anymore, and I'd hate to see the series die a slow death.
We still doing this? Okay! Finally, a game I care about.
  1. List 2-3 key factors and pointers that would affect your decision in purchasing Crisis Core for the PSP (battle modes, gameplay, character development, etc)?
Personally, if I had a PSP, I would already own this game. I'm a terrible Square-Enix fangirl, and I purchase most of their games either for myself or others. Personally, I'm having trouble shelling out for a PSP. I bought a PS3 for FFXIII, and I already have a DS. I don't want to buy another handheld for just one game, especially one so *ugly* compared to the DS. American!Special Edition?

But I'm going to get this game, eventually, for the FF7 backstory, and the Gackt/Genesis guest star.
2.There is a possible rumor that the original Final Fantasy VII for PS One will be remade for the PS3. What is your opinion on this and would you support it?
I would be all over this like white on rice. I loved the graphics of Advent Children, seen in the new games, but the storyline of FF7 is legendary. It was one of the greatest games of my lifetime, but I've got two boys who weren't even born when it came out, and two others that have only played it though the wonders of backwards compatibility. An updated version would be on my must-buy list as soon as it is announced.
3. If you could make any suggestions to improve the Final Fantasy series, what would it be?

Cutscenes are pretty. Music is pretty. But sometimes I want gameplay. Let me skip the cutscenes easily when they come up, but also give me the option of going back and watching them through the top menu or something. Also, I'm a sucker for 'premium editions', and so if you release an edition with a soundtrack bundle, that would be fun.
[quote name='CheapyD']
  1. List 2-3 key factors and pointers that would affect your decision in purchasing Crisis Core for the PSP (battle modes, gameplay, character development, etc)?

  2. There is a possible rumor that the original Final Fantasy VII for PS One will be remade for the PS3. What is your opinion on this and would you support it?

  3. If you could make any suggestions to improve the Final Fantasy series, what would it be?

1. The battle system and gameplay are the dealbreakers for me. If it's not really fun to play, then what's the point?

2. I think I would care more if I had a PS3, but if it was remade, it would give me more incentive to beat the game.

3. Try to push the envelope in some areas; however, FFX and FFXII skill-learning systems weren't exactly the best ideas to use.
  1. List 2-3 key factors and pointers that would affect your decision in purchasing Crisis Core for the PSP (battle modes, gameplay, character development, etc)?

    Well it has to have a good story first of all, cause thats what I like about Final Fantasy games, and it keeps me going through the game. Also it has to have customization, on pretty much everything including the materia in the game.

  2. There is a possible rumor that the original Final Fantasy VII for PS One will be remade for the PS3. What is your opinion on this and would you support it?

    Definitly, cause I just bought a PSP and I would LOVE to have it on the go.

  3. If you could make any suggestions to improve the Final Fantasy series, what would it be?

    I would have to say more voice overs, cause I get tired of reading all the text!
[quote name='Ghostcri']Crisis Core got a pretty bad review on Xplay. Discuss.[/quote]

What else would you expect from a cash-in followup to the worst post-NES Final Fantasy?
[quote name='Ghostcri']Crisis Core got a pretty bad review on Xplay. Discuss.[/quote]

Well that means it's good.... On that note it's 86% on game rankings right now.
  1. Game Play and reviews will most likely determine if I buy this game.

  2. I would buy this, especially if it looked like the tech demo. Unfortuntely, I highly doubt they will.

  3. Return to character development. ff12's characters were very flat, the SNES/NES versions had more dynamic characters. Maybe it was the FF focus on the MMO that caused them to lose sight of quality gaming and character development.
  1. Since it's FF7 it would have to be somewhat designed around that fighting style, maybe a newer rehash but similar, i.e. with materia and limit breakers or something. Another would be how easy it is to actually play the game, are the buttons all over the place, battle scenes to hard to understand or the menu options to hard to scroll through, such as you wanting to use an item but you have to go through 3 menus to get to the item screen making the battle longer.

  2. I loved the game, but I think it should stay only on the PS1. If you are a FF fan, you've played it already. I love when things are released on newer consoles so younger people can play them, but with FF I'm somewhat against a new release of this game. If it was released, I wouldn't pick it up ONLY because I own it for PS1 and have played it, but I would suggest it to everyone who hasn't.

  3. This is hard, everything from music to art to the stupid credits are great. Perhaps the battle systems, make them more interesting and flow smoother instead of there being pauses between attacks.
  1. I would purchase this game for many different things my main two would have to be. Story & Gameplay

  2. I do support the remake of FFVII on PS3 since its a game I truly love. But what I really cant wait for is a remake of FFVIII

  3. nothing
  1. FFVII was a good game, but it was also a long time ago. I believe the franchise has to move forward, both in gameplay and innovation, with each new game. The death of a franchise begins when each new installment is a rehash of the old, even if the characters are all new. What has turned me off from the FF franchise recently (since about FFX) is that it has felt more like watching a game being played than actually playing a game. Too many cut-scenes may make for a nice story, but they make for a less involving game. The first NES game I ever bought (aside from Super Mario Bros pack-in) was the original Final Fantasy, and for its time it was superb, because of the freedom, depth of gameplay, addictiveness, and plain old fun. The fun for me is the standard RPG model...achieve, gain levels/equipment, discover things about the world, and conquer increasingly challenging enemies. I'll sum up my long-winded answer. First, do some new innovative things with the gameplay..specifically to make combat engaging, and move away from the "press A repeatedly" model. Depending on how its done, the real time system they have been talking about in crisis core could be a fantastic improvement. Second, keep cut-scenes to a minimum...insert when necessary, but make them short and engrossing and story-driven. I want to play, not watch. Third, make characters likable and allow players to invest in them...if they gain the same skills and progress in the same manner no matter how you play the game, its less of an experience.

  2. In general, no, I would not. As I said above, the franchise needs to move forward. I'll add that if they want to return to that story arc, with significant innovations to combat and game mechanics, it might be ok, but give us a new story, eh?
  3. I think I put too much info into my first answer. As I've said, mainly get players back into the game, playing. If i only have a half hour to play a game today, I'm not going to pop in a game I know has a good chance of droning on and on in a 20-minute cut-scene. If people feel like a game is wasting their time, they are less likely to buy the next one. Look to new innovations to make combat and exploration more immersive. I think the real time battle system thats supposed to be in crisis core is a major step forward. I personally like the magic angles a lot more than the technology one's, but I think that's more of a personal preference. My favorite of the recent games though has been FFIX, not because it was the "best" game, by most standards, but because it really channeled the fun and excitement of the original franchise. It has that light-heartedness to it that originally hooked me on the series, and I thought was deep enough to be very fun while also being extremely entertaining. That's the kind of experience I can sink many hours into.
1. ) Character and story are key, followed by gameplay, and graphics are a nice bonus. I loved FFVII, so a similar gameplay style would work just fine for me.

2. ) Like I said - big FFVII fan, so, most likely I'd be buying this.

3. ) As many here have also experienced, I haven't gotten into FF much since FFVII, so I can't speak to the gameplay of some of the later games. As much as the summoning cut scenes were cool, they get old after a while. A menu option to skip them would be great. A game I'm playing right now (Jeanne d'Arc, PSP) gives you the option to push a button to skip the storyline cut scenes - very nice for replay value. As much as 'wide open gameplay' is touted these days, I like a bit of guidance, so a strong central plot for gameplay is important to me. Nothing wrong with side quests, but I start to lose interest when they're the only way to get key items and they take up 2 hours of your time. Along with the 'wide open' thing, huge cities and maps are cool, but when I have to spend most of my limited gameplay time walking from point A to point B just to be sent back again (I'm looking at you, World of Warcraft!) I'll drop the game pretty quick, too. In a nutshell, why I couldn't get into FFXII...
  1. Either a save anywhere function, or a very generous save system. Also, a minimum amount of grinding. I enjoy my portable games as short experiences, and rarely play them for more than 30 minutes at a time.
  2. If they do remake it, I'd be interested only if there were substantial improvements to game play and story. I'm not really interested in shelling out $60 for a graphical face lift.
  3. I really enjoyed the battle system in FF XII, and would like to see it used in future titles.
1) Key factors would be similarities to FF7, and PS3 interactivity for bonus content.

2) My opinion on FF7 remake is about the same as it was 10 years ago. It'd be awesome, as long as it's done right. I don't want things really changed, because that's what made FF7 so great. New elements are a must, of course, but they shouldn't really *interfere* with the plot, but rather *assist* it.

3) I think that releasing sub-par games like FFX-2 are all well and good for marketing strategy, but they hurt the game as a whole. With FFX-2, it felt kinda like some stuff could've been meant for FFX, and the game came out so soon after. Pushes fans a way, a bit. FFXI was cool to be online, but never make a FF game that's not playable offline; call it something else.
[quote name='Grecco']What did it get on Xplay?[/quote]

2/5 stars I think. Gamefly is shipping it to me so we'll seeeeeee....
1. Interesting story line, good combat system, and the length of the game.

2. I would love to play a remake of FF7 for the PS3, I would buy it the first day.

3. Bring back the old class system like in Final Fantasy 5.
  1. if it was free, if I won in it a contest, and if the battle system was good.

  2. yep it's comin and I'm gonna make everyone I know buy it.

  3. make them all like FFVII and FFVIII
1. gameplay. story. battle system.

2. a FF7 remake would make me buy a PS3.

3. Use the job system more. Also, one of my favorite parts of FF7 is Materia. I would like to see a combination of both. Make more Tactics games.
  1. Since I don't have a PSP I'd really like to see this in a PSP bundle like Sony did with Star Wars. I fall for fanboyish stuff like that all the time. I play RPGs for the story, so it better be solid!
  2. I think it would make a great download but Square Enix should focus on putting out something new. Then again, the fanboy in me gets a little excited when rumors like this start...
  3. Sometimes I think I'm the only one who likes the random encounters. I'd like to see them brought back. Also, Square Enix should focus on a new FF game for the Wii or 360.
1. List 2-3 key factors and pointers that would affect your decision in purchasing Crisis Core for the PSP (battle modes, gameplay, character development, etc)?

1) A traditional battle mode with sensible and fun improvements. A story that isn't of comprised of the usual love stories. And a main character with a personality way different than anything we've seen and having his/her moveset reflect that.

2. There is a possible rumor that the original Final Fantasy VII for PS One will be remade for the PS3. What is your opinion on this and would you support it?

I think this is a great idea since FFVII has been the most profitable and popular Final Fantasy thus far (imo) and I would totally support it. If I get a PS3, this will be on my to get list.

3. If you could make any suggestions to improve the Final Fantasy series, what would it be?

To amp up the difficulty greatly while maintaining the traditional battle system. The ease of the main story line has always been a bother.
1. That Zack finally gets the attention he deserves because Cloud is basically him for half of FF7 anyway. And I like the battle system, sort of Kingdom Hearts but tuned well for the PSP.

2. They'd have to add a lot really because I have the original and a graphical upgrade wouldn't be worth $60 to me. I'm glad they're considering it though, it'd really boost both Square Enix revenue and marketability of the PS3. It'd sell them even more than MGS4 is going to.

3. More like FF12. Very complex story and character depth and characters that are interesting without having to be emotional wrecks. Just not the FF 12 battle system. Offline MMO? No thanks, FF 11 was slow and boring enough combat wise as it was, don't need a single player version. And less trying to make them action games. They're getting further and further away from RPGs. If I don't want to play a JRPG I'll play a Bioware or Bethesda game. I get FF for a quality JRPG experience.
  1. List 2-3 key factors and pointers that would affect your decision in purchasing Crisis Core for the PSP (battle modes, gameplay, character development, etc)?
    Battle modes - I read it is mainly based on randomness and chance. Not cool
  2. There is a possible rumor that the original Final Fantasy VII for PS One will be remade for the PS3. What is your opinion on this and would you support it?
    I think Sqaure would be stupid not to. FFVII remake = $$$$$$. I think it would outsell FFXIII.
  3. If you could make any suggestions to improve the Final Fantasy series, what would it be?
    Some online component... not a full MMORPG like FFXI but silmilar to Phantasy Star would be cool.
1. List 2-3 key factors and pointers that would affect your decision in purchasing Crisis Core for the PSP (battle modes, gameplay, character development, etc)?

-Ownership of a PSP
  1. Gone is the turn-based gameplay, in its place, a hack-n-slash approach which is a blast to play. Zack's story is one of the best of the FF series, a Patapon price couldn't hurt either.
  2. I would indeed support this. It is also my belief that Square-Enix has a small team in place working on the remake as we speak. I will even venture to say that they have been working on this since last year sometime. With the amount of character development that the series has seen between the original and the spin-offs, along with the artistic talent SE has, it wouldn't be hard to get the project started while the original development team finishes up their current projects.
  3. Improvements, eh? If i had to improve anything, it would be multiplayer of any sort. Whether it be online of at home, the ability to play with a friend or group of friends is something that the series needs in order to survive.
1) Probably battle system and storyline. In a game like this, you need both. That's why I never played Dirge of Cerebrus, though I heard the story was decent.
2) I would love to see an FF7 remake... to finally see it done in a consistent art style would be well worth it.
3) The biggest thing FF games need to address right now is their battle systems, which make characters far too interchangeable. This was a major problem in FFXII. They should look back to the job system in FFV and even to X-2, which took its inspiration from V. FFV was the greatest, with the ability to build up both a primary and secondary job skill on a character. You really had to think about how you invested your ability points, and choices had lasting impact (though you could always choose to develop another job later).
  1. a) Is it really final fantasy VII for the PSP?
    b) Is it a good continuation of the storyline?
    if the answer to the above is yes I will buy it. I loved the story of FFVII and I will happily support games and developers with good story lines. I don't know why I like the FF games so much, the games are often repetitive and unnecessarily long due to random encounters, but I keep coming back to them.

  2. I would probably buy it. My only reservation is that I already played it emulated on the PSP so it's hard to see playing through it again on the PSP anytime soon.

  3. Please do away with random encounters. I would much rather have a 30-40 hour game I can actually finish than the same game with random encounters which takes 60-80 hours.
1) Co-Op, online Co-Op would be monsterous. Although it's tricky with a remake (who gets to be cloud?) I think Co-Op RPG attracts me most.

2) Honestly - If I had a PS3, probably not unless it was a $20 game. Or online co-op.

3) The best suggestion I would have would be is go back to what made Final Fantasty III/IV so great. FF7 is good, but the SNES ones were the best. Past that, stop milking the franchise. Buckle down and make Final Fantasy a big deal - I actually like Tactics... keep it in the same universe, same characters, same classes and not call it "Final Fantasy". Reserve that title for a big RPG.
  1. List 2-3 key factors and pointers that would affect your decision in purchasing Crisis Core for the PSP (battle modes, gameplay, character development, etc) bundle it with a limted ed psp for those who wish to play but have no psp yet. gameplay and story

  2. There is a possible rumor that the original Final Fantasy VII for PS One will be remade for the PS3. What is your opinion on this and would you support it? Great and interested if the original story is kept mostly intact while also adding new content. Not sure if i would pay full price for it as I have already played the original but if it was reasonably priced $30 I would consider it.

  3. If you could make any suggestions to improve the Final Fantasy series, what would it be?
    Character development, inspired storytelling.
  1. key factors for purchasing this game would be the charecters and setting, battle mode and of course story over evrything.

  2. i would totally support a ff7 ps3 remake
  3. a suggestion to improve the series in the future would be to not make the main charecters looks so girly when there suppose to be men, and to use the job system again. that was the best part of FFT and X-2. we need more!!!
1. I don't play my portable much ... typically in 20 minute increments. Final Fantasy usually required multi-hour sittings, so that's a tricky transition. If the battles aren't too drawn out, the save system is good and the story is not told via cut scenes over 45 minutes long , it might work for me.
2. It's a shame that such a great, pivotal game is out of reach for many due to "collector" pricing. Despite the years, the game still holds up, so it is absolutely a good thing to offer it up to a new audience.
3. I'm a big fan of the removal of random encounters. If I only have an hour to play, I don't want to waste it just venturing to the next save point.
1. For me, the massive story development and interesting characters made me love FF7. If Crisis Core is supposed to be a prequel, it'll have to do something pretty similar in my opinion. I know the battle system is updated, which is great because i get bored of the original turned based fighting.

2. Of course I would support it. Taking an awesome game that people still love playing to this date, with incredible updated graphics, voice acting, closer realistic cutscenes and possibly online options? would make it a must buy for most PS3 owners.

3. They're doing something well with the next FF installment by changing the battle system. That's pretty key in making an RPG nowadays ( I prefer Tales of Symphonia battle system). FF series has always had story as a core element into their game, however, not every character is great. People want to love the character to enjoy the game to the end, otherwise they'll get bored.
1. From the gameplay videos, the battle system looks pretty good. I like that they are going into more detail about zack, cloud, and sephiroth before the events in the original FFVII.

2. I'd be pretty excited if a updated remake was made but if it didn't happen I wouldn't be sad.

3. I generally enjoyed all the Final Fantasy games no matter what battle system or game mechanics are. The only thing I want to see stay is the removal of random battles.
  1. I'm worried it's going to end up being some sort of fanfiction esque prequel all about cloud. Barring that, everything I've seen is pretty solid, I just hope it isn't iffily glued together like Dirge of Cerberus. So... I just hope it's not like the other spinoffs, really.

  2. Honestly, my opinion is 'If it happens, I will buy it.' They said that the decision to make Crisis Core was proposed and approved in about two days, so anything could happen at any time. Plus, the 'Compillation of Final Fantasy Seven' is listed as a seperate series from Final Fantasy, now, along with stating it's a 20 year project, so it really could happen.

  3. As much as I loved Final Fantasy 7, and will probably love Final Fantasy 13, the whole '20 year project' idea doesn't sound wonderful. FF13 would probably have less problems with this, but some of the FF7 spinoffs are downright fanfictiony. So, less bad spinoffs, really. Maybe less remakes, too.
  1. I'm a fan of cut scenes and hope that there is a good amount in this. Story would need to be better than the last few spinoff's.

  2. While I usually think game remakes are as worthless as movie remakes, I would actually pick this up.

  3. I would like to see more Tactics games.
1) Revistiing the FF7 universe in general and added backstory to characters.
2) If they re-did the graphics and changed the gameplay some including elements from later FF
3) Less turn based gameplay, and more dynamic events bringing wetsern RPG elements
1. List 2-3 key factors and pointers that would affect your decision in purchasing Crisis Core for the PSP (battle modes, gameplay, character development, etc)?

Key Factor 1: Length. The game should provide enough playtime to warrant a $30-$40 purchase.
KF 2: Compatibility. I don't own a PSP but have considered it for sRPG titles like the re-releases of Disgaea and Final Fantasy Tactics. An FFVII prequel that's actually good would only tip the scales in the PSP's favor.

2. There is a possible rumor that the original Final Fantasy VII for PS One will be remade for the PS3. What is your opinion on this and would you support it?

A rumor this remains as Square has consistently dashed the hopes of remake wanters. If it were to come out in a way that honors the original while improving it, however, it would definitely be a system seller. Just to be clear, yes, I would "support" it.

3. If you could make any suggestions to improve the Final Fantasy series, what would it be?

Allow for more customization of the graphical appearance of party members (with equipment and whatnot) outside of portable Square series, such as the 3D FF remakes on DS and the Tactics games. Wombat loves this, and so do I.
  1. Price (Preferably $20 or less), gameplay (fun to play, good story length, side quests)

  2. I would like to see it and would support it as long as most things in the game would get an overhaul (graphics, sound, etc.)

  3. Some form of online play, something like online co-op might be fun if done right.
1. Its a FFVII game...and sounds like it doesn't totally suck +1
Its sounds like a good "portable" game, easy to pick up and play, but also easy to stop
Graphics look pretty sweet
2. I would totally support it. I don't know that I'd be willing to pay full PS3 retail ($60?, come
on), but who knows. I enjoyed the original game, but it is starting to really show its age,
(I started playing it again on my PS3....yuck)
3. Stop making all the dudes look like chicks. Heck, I haven't played any FF games since VII
(I dabbled with IX, which I did enjoy since it was more of a throwback to the old school
RPG) because I can't tell if the characters are dudes or chicks...ha
Seriously though, I like the old school FF's where they aren't all connected ore even
remotely related. You don't even know if they were all set in the same world, but who
cared, they were all a blast! I don't really care for the whole Ivalice setting
  1. From what I've seen in videos, the battle mode seems really ace. What I would really like from this game is to see how the events preceding Final Fantasy VII really happened. I watched Last Order and the ending did not match up with the PSOne game, so I'm hoping Crisis Core ties up loose ends.

  2. I fully support and would gladly purchase a remake for the PS3. What I hope goes into the remake is that Square-Enix retains the charm of the original with next-gen graphics.

  3. Keep the characters interesting and unique so that there is an incentive to using characters outside of the main party
1. List 2-3 key factors and pointers that would affect your decision in purchasing Crisis Core for the PSP (battle modes, gameplay, character development, etc)?

Story, Characters, and gameplay are my key factors in purchasing Crisis Core for the PSP.

2. There is a possible rumor that the original Final Fantasy VII for PS One will be remade for the PS3. What is your opinion on this and would you support it?

I think it'd be awesome if it gets to be remade for the PS3. First day purchase for me if it happens.

3. If you could make any suggestions to improve the Final Fantasy series, what would it be?

I kinda wish Square would go back to the turn base battle system. Final Fantasy 12's battle system was so boring. They need to use a similar battle system like Chrono Trigger.
1) It's a real high budget Final Fantasy title. It would be nice see more of the world and back story from FF VII.

2) I'm a Final Fantasy whore, what can I say. Sure I support it. Also I think it's a good thing to remake classics for a contemporary audience. Both Tomb Raider Anniversary and Bionic Commando Rearmed are good examples of this.

3) I'm not so sure about all the spin offs, they're fine when they come out way after the original title, but XIII makes me a cautious since several games are being planned at once. I'm holding judgment on XIII though, it could turn out really great. I understand that SquareEnix wants to put out FF titles more frequently, but personally I don't mind the long development cycles, that's one of the things that keeps the Final Fantasy series fresh for me.
  1. List 2-3 key factors and pointers that would affect your decision in purchasing Crisis Core for the PSP (battle modes, gameplay, character development, etc)? Price, the battle system, I am a bigger fan of an action-RPG style of battle system, And the story is always very important to me, especially in a RPG.

  2. There is a possible rumor that the original Final Fantasy VII for PS One will be remade for the PS3. What is your opinion on this and would you support it? That would be awesome and I would definitely support it.

  3. If you could make any suggestions to improve the Final Fantasy series, what would it be? Battle systems, and difficulty. I shouldn't have to grind for hours just to be able to finish the game.
1.The Gameplay is what got my decision to purchase Crisis core. This seems the main reason to buy a psp. The story is so great and I can't wait to see how the setting was before FFVII.

2.I had high hopes for the FFVII remake. But once I heard that the trailer was a tech demo I was sad. But if Square-enix ever does decide to remake it, I will count down the days till it is released.

3.My suggestions are to focus more on gameplay, Make the game more fun and exciting at the same time but keep that feeling that it will be fun to go through a 40-50 hour game.
1.Gameplay and story are most important
2.I might buy it, depending on if they modernize it enough.
3.I'm sorry to say it, but different character designs would definitely help.
1) The story is probably the most important, since Final Fantasy VII has been established as one of the best RPGs made with a massive following and even its own hate parade. Being a prequel, there needs to a solid story if its going to be taken seriously. The other factor is, of course, gameplay (and the battle system). Changing it up from the original is good as it adds flavor to an old franchise.

2) I love it (though I'm a huge fan of the original, so I'm definitely biased) and I'd buy it as soon as it came out. If they remake it how they should (obvious improved graphics, some minor tweaks to gameplay, voice acting, addition sidequests, and few additional or remixed songs, etc.), then they should expect a large turnout in sales in additional to more fans (since FFVII came out, what, 10 years ago?).

3) They need to slow with the spin-offs. It use to be that every FF game had a grace period of a year so that the FF game that was recently released could be hyped and praised, while still being criticized, which, of course, leads into the hyping of the recently announced and upcoming FF game. With all the spin-offs; however, most of the fall short of expectations adding little to the overarching story and disappointment in the area of gameplay (with the exception of Crisis Core). Still, a better pacing in the development (so failures of the series would be fleshed out better) and spacing between the games (so none of them overlap and some gamers would have to choose between then) would help overall.
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