CAG BUZZ Returns! Wild Arms XF (PSP) Giveaway! Multiple Winners!

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Head Cheap Ass
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CAGBUZZ: Wild Arms XF (PSP) Giveaway!

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WILD ARMs XF (pronounced Crossfire) is the newest installment in the long-running role-playing series which marks a couple firsts for the franchise; the first one containing tactical strategy gameplay, as well as the first Wild ARMs game to appear on a handheld console. Wild ARMs XF is a unique strategy role-playing experience with a hex-based grid system producing more tactical positioning options, a large number of job classes allowing vast party customization, and a wide range of mission objectives making it one of the deepest strategy games on the PSPR (PlayStationRPortable) system. Wild ARMs XF features an original cast in an epic story of death, betrayal and redemption played out against the backdrop of the dying world of Filgaia.

- Innovative hex-based battle grid system allows more tactical positioning options, such as Formation and Combination Arts, as opposed to the traditional square-based battle grid.
- One of the deepest strategy games on the PSP system with over 50 stages containing a wide array of mission objectives, as well as numerous optional battles.
- Almost endless party customization with over 20 unique job classes to choose from such as Berserker, Elementalist, Grappler, Geomancer and Sacred Slayer, among others.
- Extensive material creation options to create more powerful weapons, spell books and armor by combining rare materials obtained from battle.
- US-exclusive inclusion of a Music Library containing 20 select tracks from the game accessible any time from the game menu.
- Original Japanese voice-overs selectable from the Options Menu.

Answer these questions for a chance at winning Wild Arms XF (PSP)!
Mutiple Winners!

Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the

Visit official site for more info:

Q1) I'm a little disappointed in it not being a conventional RPG anymore, as I never was a big fan of strategy RPGs. But lately, after having playe Jeanne D'arc and Disgaea:AoD, I've warmed up to the genre a bit more and look forward to seeing where the series is gonna take this.

Q2) Wild Arms started off really promising, for me. But as the series progressed, it seemed to lose some focus and charm. One thing that stands out clearly in my mind is the first time I started up the first Wild Arms and was greeted with this beautiful and ridiculously catchy anime intro. The recent ventures into 3d have been somewhat of a letdown for me.

Q3) I'd like the game to move away from the 3D style and be more of a hand-drawn look, similar to how Wild Arms and the first two Suikodens looked. Apart from that, I can't ask for much more from the series.
1. I have been on a total strategy RPG kick for the past several months. I went straight from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance to Jeanne D'Arc to FFT War of the Lions, so the genre sits very well with me lately.

2. Wild ARMs always looked distinctive (at least in the PS1 days) for having sprite based characters on pre-rendered backgrounds. Also, the Wild West influence mixed with anime style has remained fairly consistent in the series, making it another distinctive hallmark.

3. I would love to see a new-gen RPG, whether it be Wild ARMS or otherwise, to reintroduce the "art" of lush, colorful pre-rendered backgrounds. They can truly be a piece of art all by themselves, and it's a shame to see them go in favor of 3D. The last game that truly wowed me in this regard was Baten Kaitos for the Gamecube.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?

I love SRPG games, so it has renewed my interest in the series.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?

I haven't played it since the first in the series, but the western flavor was very cool.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the

Either continue the SRPG route, or do make the stories a bit less generic.
1. I'm a fan of SRPGs, but it'll depend on how the system works. If it has a job/class system, I'm ALL IN.
2. I was really impressed with the art style in 3. The cel-shading and the western setting really made it stand out.
3. They've GOT to speed it up. To be fair, I haven't played the more recent releases, but 1 and 2 moved so slowly I was afraid I'd fall asleep.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?
I am a little disappointed that it is not a traditional RPG like the others. But it might be a good change of pace for the series.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?
The Western theme is what sets it apart.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the
I would like them to stick with the traditional RPG route and make the battle system a little deeper.
1. I prefer traditional turn-based RPGs, but I occasionally get into SPRGs. The familiar hex system might set the game apart from its peers.

2. I haven't played a Wild ARMs game since the original, so I'm not sure how the series compares. At the time, I preferred FFVII.

3. I'd like to see an online component in any future game in the series.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?
I feel that some sort of change was necessary in order to make the Wild ARMS series worth playing again. If changing the genre a bit does it, so be it.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?
It had a great start. The original Wild ARMS was one of my favorite RPGs on the playstation, but the series quickly degraded into a set of generic RPGs.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the
I want to say that I want the Wild ARMS series to go back to its roots as a traditional hand drawn 3D RPG, but I don't think that would do it. The story telling and perhaps the subject matter needs to be done in a different way. How that is, I'm not exactly sure.
Q1. Well I do enjoy all types of RPGs. As for Wild Arms new game being a Strategy RPG, I would like to see how they handle it. I've played a few here and there and I'm currently enjoying the Disgaea series right now, but I"m always looking for new perspectives on this type of game.

Q2. I've always enjoyed the art of Wild Arms and the colorful characters in the series, but it would be the western theme that many have stated before that sets it apart.

Q3. I'm a big fan of the traditional RPG but I would really enjoy a fast paced storyline that is compelling and is full of mini-quests and well worth the investment of time. That is what I would like to see at least in this or any RPG.
Q1. Meh. I couldn't care less but I heard Wild ARMs was a good RPG series in the earlier days so a return to form on the PSP would have been nice. I don't find myself liking Strategy-RPGs too much but I'm always looking for the next Final Fantasy Tactics.

Q2. Well hearing Wild ARMs makes me think it's at the least a good RPG, or well-made.

Q3. Stick to the handhelds where Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, the Tales of..., Star Ocean, and a few other series don't reside. I wouldn't give it the time of day if it were on a console (unless it was amazingly beautiful) but handhelds are great.
Q1) As long as it's fun, I don't mind either way.

Q2) An RPG with a western theme.

Q3) Not quite sure, as I haven't played enough to have a conclusive opinion of the series, despite owning ACF, 3, 4, and 5.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?
Honestly, I'm very excited. I can't get enough portable (good) SRPGs.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?
I love the Western theme of the games. The series has been great overall with the exception of Wild Arms 3.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the
I like the SRPG direction being taken with XF. Maybe they would continue to make Western themeed SRPGs.
Q1) Being a fan of SRPGs, I thinks it's a great move. It's even better that it's on the PSP since I can take it on the go with me now.

Q2) The hex system has always been something I liked about the Wild Arm series. It's not without its faults, but I feel it gives the genre a much needed different approach.

Q3) It would be neat if it could become real time strategy like Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings. Of course, that depends if they can get the strategy part down in XF.
Q1. All of the previews I've read are in agreement that XF is a great game; however, I wish there was a AAA traditional JRPG on the way from Sony, SE, or some other company. Even Crisis Core appears to have a lot of action/RPG elements in it.

Q2. I've only played the original, but I liked it for the time and it held up pretty well when I downloaded it through PSN a few weeks back.

Q3. I kind of answered this in the first question, but I'd like to see a balls-out AAA Wild Arms JRPG on the PS3 from Sony, a complement to the Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, and SMT games. I'd think they'd have the resources to do this.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?
I feel like it may be moving from one genre crowded with excellent titles that overshadowed it to another genre with excellent titles that will overshadow it. Worried.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?
I think most of the series has been serviceable but unremarkable RPGs.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the
I also would like to see a big budget blowout version for the ps3
Q1. I'm totally cool with it, and I'm expecting great things. The Wild Arms battle engine has really evolved over the years, so I don't see why this should be anything to get alarmed over. Not to mention a friend of mine picked up the Japanese release and speaks very highly of it!

Q2. Over the years, Wild Arms has definitely had its ups and downs. I absolutely loved the first game, and the second and third were decent. The fourth, with its new battle engine, was great fun, and I've yet to play the fifth, though I've owned it since day one. I dig the western theme, since that really sets it apart from most other RPGs.

Q3. Well, the strategy RPG angle will prove interesting, I'm sure. I'd say the most important thing for the franchise is to keep things fresh plot-wise and make sure the characters stay engaging.
Q1.) I love the fact Wild Arms has gone SRPG. I just hope they have some truly innovative ideas implemented, give Nippon Ichi and Atlus a run for their money.
Q2.) I like the fact that they were willing to take the risk and make an RPG series set in a Wild West type environment. I personally can't remember any other RPG to do so.
Q3.) I would love to see the Wild Arms series go more in the direction of MMORPG. With the creation of all the different job classes they have here in XF they really only need to create a story to fit the scenario and throw it up online. It would be especially cool if they did it in a manner where you traveled in smaller groups and they instanced all the zones for your group, really add to that Wild West feel.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?
A1. Great introduction to the PSP. The system needs more titles like these.. Its perfect for commute.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?
A2. Honestly, after Wild Arms 1 i have not played the series since. I played a little bit of Wild Arms 2 but i was deeply disappointed (i still want my $50 back from that one!). It needs a fresh new start.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the future?
A3. Maybe it should be released on portable systems for now. since the system itself is desperate for a good RPG/Strategy series, i think alot more people will be able to play the series..
1) I've got mixed feelings. The past 6 months or so have been flooded with Strategy RPG's. FF Tactics WOTL, Jeanne D'arc, Disgea: AOD, Advance Wars: DOR, Luminous Arc, Front Mission, etc. I've tried the majority of them, and for some reason they just didn't hook me like they used to. Don't get me wrong, I love the genre, I just want to make sure that the game is unique enough to really stand out.

2) It's a niche series that seems to get lost in the background.

3) I think the strategy RPG gameplay & handheld platform is a smart choice for this franchise. This game belongs on this platform. One way the game can distinguish itself is by implementing some real-time elements, which no other SRPG has done.
Q1. I'm pretty happy the series has gone in this direction. Personally, I've taken a real interest in strategy RPGs and it's nice to finally have something besides Disgaea and Final Fantasy Tactics.

Q2. I think it started off a little slow but I think that as it's evolved over the years its kept its charm while still introducing interesting and fun gameplay elements.

Q3. I'd like to see something like WA5 but on the PS3 or 360. i also wouldn't mind a console strategy RPG like this PSP iteration.
Q1. Strategy RPGs are one of my favorite genres, and most of my PSP games are from said genre. I don't grow tired of things I like, so it's neat to see that it went the route of the SRPG.

Q2. It's always been at the very least above average for me. Not groundbreaking, but always solid. It's an interesting universe that I'm interested in.

Q3. I'd like to see it on a next-gen console in either the form of a traditional RPG or SRPG. If that isn't possible, I'd like to see a continuation on handhelds in either direction. I love both traditional RPGs and SRPGs, so I don't have a huge preference one way or the other.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the

Q1.. I have been lookin forward to this game for a few months since i heard about it. HOpefully its going to be a very long game since it looks like its goin to be fun... 40 bucks is very high for the game. I would of probally picked it up in a second for 30 or under.,

Q2. anything has to be better then the wild arms 4. I still need to pick up 5 but wild arms is one of the better rpg games that i love . Personally i think i liked the earlier wild arms even over te FF games.

Q3 go back to the classic RPG games like wild arms 1 s
A1. Strategy RPGs made out of traditionally non-strategy-RPG series seems to have worked better for some series than others. But the Shining Force games are among my top favorites, so I'm ready to play. Besides, based on the screenshots, this game looks good.

A2. The Wild Arms series uses its western/fantasy/Japanese RPG cross style very well, especially with the music. That style combined with well done traditional elements make the games fresh and fun.

A3. An action RPG could be excellent. I see a lot of potential there; the ideas are flowin' outta me :)
Q1. I really enjoyed the Wild arms series, I'm interested to see how this will work out. I've played other games where change made the game rock. I'm looking forward to this!

Q2. Wild Arms back in the day was semi par with what was out at the time, better than most but not quite the epic tale of FF. Now I like the series a little bit more since it's some what retro.

Q3. Just keep the titles coming! Keep a good story, maybe more characters, can't have enough characters! Wild arms is a series that you know will be good.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?

I dig SRPGs, so I'm pretty stoked about it actually.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?

I think the style is unique, and it makes the player feel like the setting is a character in and of itself, which is a tough thing to do in the gaming universe.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the

As cool as SRPGs are, I'd love to see it go back to it's traditional roots because it's a highly underrated series that a lot of people didn't get a chance to experience in its prime.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?

Love it, SRPGs easily have my favorite type of gameplay.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?

Pretty good. Not always the greatest in terms of story, but the battle systems and characters are usually enjoyable.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the

Move to a completely action-oriented combat system.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?

I feel great that wild arms is a strategy RPG due to the fact it will have similar elements to final fantasy tactics and I really enjoyed final fantasy tactics.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?

The western theme to the game makes it unique comparied to all the RPG's I have seen out there.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the

I would like to see Wild Arms be more of an Adventure/(Real-time) RPG with voice acting and online gameplay and of course be on the PS3. I have played wild arms since ps1 and continued with ps2 all the way to wild arms 5. Wild arms 6 with all the above listed features would be a great addition to the already great series.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?

A1-I'm not really that surprised actually. 1, 2, and 3 had pretty traditional battle systems, with 4 and 5 innovating and taking the series in a new direction with the HEX system. It seems like a natural progression to try something new with a the game since it is the first time on a hand held console. (I doubt downloadable WA1 via the PSN counts). I'm looking forward to seeing how they implement it, though I'm sure the game will be fun no matter what.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?

A2-It's hard to compare the series as a whole to other RPGs, since there has been so much variation throughout. Even WA2 had areas on the world which were lush instead of your typical sand-stained landscape. For someone like me who grew up watching westerns with his Dad, it's a great break from your typical RPGs. There is only so many times I can handle saving the world with an androgynous lead character while summoning dragons or using forbidden technology.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the

A3-As long as they continue to create well-developed characters with compelling stories, in a Western/Tech setting I'm sure I will continue to play the games. As well, innovation for the new games is great but just don't take it too far. Keep the basic thematic elements, but don't make the changes from game to game so large that you might alienate traditional fans of the series.

Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?

A. I love strategy RPGs, I like the Wild Arms universe so I feel pretty good about it. The only thing being that it seems, especially on portables, that this genre is over saturated so unless you can really stand out from the rest your going to get lost among mediocre strategy rpgs.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?

A. I really enjoyed the first one thought the puzzles were clever and not too easy. The anime style is pleasing. Story could be deeper.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the

A. With the growing number of adult gamers I want more mature games. I would like this series to get darker with older main characters and the story to have more mature themes and issues.
1) I welcome all new strategy RPGs. I have not played any Wild Arms games before but the screen shots look cool and I have liked the genre since Final Fantasy Tactics on the PS1.

2)It would be hard for me to compare it since I've never played a Wild Arms before, but the hex grid system seems like an interesting new perspective on strategy over a traditional square grid.

3)If it went to the PS3 also that would be great. The PS3 is in need of more RPGs.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?

I think its great that Wild Arms XF is a strategy RPG. Strategy RPG is one of my favorite genres of video games.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?

I really like the western theme in the game.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the

I would like the next Wild Arms to be released on the PS3 and have it be a strategy RPG.
How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?
I like strategy rpgs so liking it, the screenshots look good.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?
Never played wild arms

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the
Couldn't say as I have never played the series so have no clue what it has done and how it is.
Q1. Considering the format of the last two Wild Arms games I believe a Stratagy RPG format one isn't going to hurt the series. The HEX System is sortof like a dumbed down stratagy RPG interface anyway, I believe the WA team can manage to pull off a full scale one without hurting the battle system in any way.

Q2. The WA series is by far my favorite. I enjoy how the games make constant references to previous games as if they're all set along one timeline. The WA series acknowledges Fans favorite characters and game mechanics and so every game is typically a tremendous improvement. Unlike series like FF and Grandia, the WA games have also kept a constant theme as far as setting and feel - they're all Western games, yet they all feel so different than previous installments.

Q3. I would like to see the next Wild Arms game following the path that Wild Arms 5 took but adding mechanics from Wild Arms 3 in terms of Dragon and Sand-Ship battles. I would also like to see the Wild Arms 5 world map return but with a bigger world to explore instead of the slightly limited world that was presented in WA5. I would like to see one of the magic systems from WA 1 or 2 return, allowing you to make your own spells and whatnot, instead of learning magic with skills. If such a magic system returned I'd hope that they'd allow a much larger selection of magic in addition to synthesizing custom magics that involve items and whatnot in order to make a spell feel more like your own. I would like to see the old puzzle system return to a new installment. I would like to be able to control all of my characters within dungeons and use all of their individual tools in order to get through the dungeons. I miss having difficult dungeons that require thought to complete. And, finally, I would hope the graphic power of a next gen console would allow high res textures to be used instead of the simple ones used in all previous games, so even the sand looks grainy and the weapons look like real metal.
1. I've never played the series so it sounds good to me.

2. I've never played the series but it reminds me a lot of the older final fantasy's mixed with tactics.

3. 360 edition would be nice
1. Well, to tell the truth, I've had very mixed feelings about strategy RPGs in general. When they are done in a very simplified manner with a great story (see: Shining Force, Vandal Hearts), then they appeal to me. Other, more complex games such as any of the Nippon Ichi games do not appeal to me. On the other hand, I'm a huge fan of Wild Arms so right now I'm cautiously optimistic.

2. The first thing most people notice, I think, is that it doesn't have the same graphical quality as a Final Fantasy game. For some people that may be a turn off but I have always enjoyed the anime style, especially that of Wild Arms 3 and 4. Unfortunately, I would have to say that the Wild Arms series starting from the very first one, has been overshadowed by other RPGs like Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, and even Suikoden.

3. When I first heard that Wild Arms 4 would have a totally redesigned battle system, I was disappointed. I enjoyed the original battle system (even though it may have been a little stale) so I was afraid of change. But after playing through WA4 (and soon WA5!), I have to agree it was for the best. I think they should (in the vein of Wild Arms: Alter Code F) remake Wild Arms 2 with the hex-battle system for a next-gen system.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?
A1. I have never personally played the series. A good deal of rpg's often make a strategy/tactical spinoff and usually aren't bad, hell some are godly (FFT anyone)

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?
A2. Again I haven't personally played this series, however one of my friends has and enjoys it. It seems to be one of those cult like games (no not thematically), just that is has a relatively small yet faithful following.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the
A3. Strictly based on what I have read, the series is good game playwise. The series however needs to have a big turning point. It needs something to attract more fans to at least be popular enough to be reprinted as a greatsest hits or whatever series.
Q1. Were this a console release I might be less enthusiastic, but I think it works well on a portable system like the PSP.

Q2. Having had only limited experience with the game, I can't comment too much on it in relation to its competitors. However, I did find the setting and characters to be entertaining, and a step up above the usual generic mish-mash of RPG stereotypes.

Q3. While gameplay and story obviously come first, it would be nice to see a Wild Arms for a modern console(s).
Q1. A bit dissapointed, but a western stratagy game might be good.

Q2. Unique, plot wise its hard to compare as the western aspect rocks.

Q3. I think it should go back to its roots. Simple RPG play in the Wild West w/ multiple storylines that overlap.
1. I love SRPGs, It's nice to play something different than a Straight RPG, or Straight Strategy game once in a while.

2. I dunno, never played it :)

3. I dunno, never played it :)
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?

I love SRPG's. Disgaea did it perfect with a great story and great gameplay. Hopefully this game can produce a simular quality game.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?

Two main things that go along way into making a RPG game stand out but are rarely done it seems. One thing is 2 player co-op play. Tales of symphonia, Final Fantasy 6 and 9, star Ocean III. Playing a more true RPG (not MMO) through with another player makes a game so much more special rather than the other person sitting there for 40-80 hours or passing off. Second is when good carry overs are made. A set of three games or more that all stand on there own but are deeply intertwined sp? make that much more of a reward. Xenosaga did this well. Suikoden 1-3 did this amazingly well. All 3 games stood on there own but when you look at all 3 games together and the manga that was an unbelieveably well done series. I haven't seen much that compares to that level of depth.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the

Co-op and intertwined stories as mentioned above.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?
i love SRPG's and id like more popular franchises to attempt to make one

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?
id say there in the top 5 to other series like FF, DQ, suidoken etc, there good games but not the best or that memorable, there kind of under the radar.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the

the wild arms series needs to try something differant and i think there going in the right direction with WA5. they need to do something that tells casual RPG fans "hey look at us, play our game" wich i dont think they've done. but this Wild Arms SRPG is a great idea if they can pull it off.
1. I'm not a big fan of SRPGs, so it's a bit of a disappointment to see that a portable Wild Arms game isn't a standard RPG. However, there have been good SRPGs on the PSP, so we can see if this lives up.

2. The Wild ARMs series used to be one of the more standard JRPGs with a couple twists with the general formula. What really made it interesting, however, was the introduction of the HEX battle system in WA4.

3. Probably a next-gen RPG for any of the three consoles, and keep it a standard JRPG, with the lush Western backgrounds we're used to seeing.
Q1. I think it's great, I love Strategy RPG games anyway, and I did enjoy the Wild Arms games when they first came out, so this could potentially be a great combination. I think it's about time they took the series in a new direction; hopefully it will pan out.

Q2. It's hard to compare them on a whole, as they range from great to decent, but if I had to choose a way to describe them, I would go with "ever-evolving." The only difference is hopefully this time it will be for the better.

Q3. After this game I'd like to see them either remake the original or create a new game that is more like it. I still have faith in the series, I think they just need to spend more time/effort in producing the Wild Arms games and they could be great.

Thanks for the opportunity!
I don't even know if I can win here since I didn't find any information regarding international shipping, but I'll participate nonetheless. I'd pay a little extra for shipping if I win. :]

Q1) Since the last games I played on my PSP, and this sounds almost too coincidental to be true, were "Final Fantasy Tactics: WOTL" and the original "Wild ARMs" downloaded from the Playstation Store, I couldn't be more excited. I spent a lot of hours on both and I hope WA XF will glue me to the screen in a similar way. I like WA and I like SRPGs, so bring it on.

Q2) The thing I appreciate in the WA series above a lot of other RPGs is the setting, the music and the gunplay. It's always difficult for me to compare games to others, but I know I had a lot of fun with the WA games I played.

Q3) If I was in charge of another WA game I would:
1. Go even more into the whole Frontier/ Wild West setting, complete with music, guns , towns , story and characters while still trying to keep the anime-ish style.
2. Center the story completely around the AMRs.
3. Use the nice graphics engine introduced by SEGA's Valkyre of the Battlefield.
Q1. I think it is a great move since there are fewer SRPG in the US.

Q2. I love the western theme of the WA 1-3, there isnt another series like it.

Q3. I am going to be happy just getting a US release. Hopefully we can see a PS3 version soon
Q1. Its a very nice change of pace from the other Wild Arms games. Can't top Wild Arms + strategy RPG.

Q2. I would say Wild Arms is something unique and different from the Final Fantasy games. The Western theme has been pretty cool too. They are always a welcome change of pace.

Q3. I would like to see them make another strategy game, then go back to their roots and make a next gen Wild Arms game, hopefully on something other than the PS3.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?

Personally, I love SPRGs. I have played Final Fantasy Tactics, Disgaea, and even Generation of Chaos. Therefore, Wild ARMs turning towards SRPG elements excites me. I have played previously Wild ARMs games, and I enjoy them; but a Wild ARMs with a strategy element? Finally!

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?

Compared to the rest of the RPG games, I would have to say that Wild ARMs has never really brought something consistent to the market. Previous Wild ARMs games range from traditional RPGs to Puzzle solving. I enjoy the fact the company tries something new with every installment of Wild ARMs, which I believe makes this series notable compared to the rest.
Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the

Actually, the release of Wild ARMs XF was the direction I wanted this series to take. Since they finally answered my prayers, I am wholly satisfy with their direction right now. In the future, I hope they continue to find new and innovative ways to improve this series. (Hopefully towards more SRPGs) ;).
1. I am thrilled that the new WA is a strategy RPG. These are my favorite genre (see Final Fantasy Tactics, Jeanne D'Arc, etc.)
2. I have always loved the wild west theme and traditional RPG gameplay. Wild Arms has been my favorite RPG series (well maybe along with Final Fantasy) so I cannot wait for this game. My fav. RPG series + my fav. genre = uber happiness!
3. I think in the future there should be new installments of the traditional WA game for consoles, and the developers should explore alternative genres like this - maybe putting them on a handheld.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?

I am really looking forward to it, but would rather it stay with the traditional RPG style.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?

I find the wild west setting to be very interesting and unique in comparison to the cookie cutter mold that many RPGs fall into. It also has one of the best soundtracks of any RPG series.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the

I would like to see it go back to a turn based non-grid battle system, but hopefully if the turn based strategy of XF is a success we will have a spin off series simular to Final Fantasy Tactics.
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