CAG BUZZ Returns! Wild Arms XF (PSP) Giveaway! Multiple Winners!

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Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?
I don't care if the game becomes a strategy rpg, all I care is the overall execution like game mechanics and story. Many rpgs follow the same suite of converting their turn based rpgs into strategy rpg. But in end, they add very little new content to differentiate from competition. In end, people compare it to inferior version of final fantasy tactics. Developer should try something new and innovated, rather putting units in a square grid. Video games like Jeanne D Arc or Disgaea.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?
Pretty average, not too good nor not too bad, just right down the middle. Very little have evolved in entire series of Wild Wild West beside the hex grid.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the

Enough with the Coyboy theme and same game mechanics with guns. Developer should try something new and engage to draw more appeal to mainstream gamers. At least this way Wild Arms might have future, their sales have been pretty lackluster since first installation.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?

I prefer action RPGs to be honest. Haven't ever liked a strat game.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?

Has a good rep, but I haven't experienced it.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the

See my answer to the first question.
Q1. This is interesting change of direction. How many times can we save the world with new ARMS anyways? I like for this to be better than FFT: War of Lions.

Q2. Well, since I haven't really beat any Wild ARMs game. I would say that they look pretty similar to me. I better look at screenshots of this game so I could give a better answer.

Q3. I like it to take a more sci-fi approach to it, with more deathray guns and robots. Also, include some plasma swords that melt doors. I suppose it should end up like a combination of Xenosaga and Final Fantasy series.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?
I think that the strategy RPG is a good field to explore. The HEX battle system introduced in 4 already seemed like a step in that direction. I'm not sure I'd like the entire series to move in this direction per se, but if done correctly it could work for the franchise.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?
I've yet to delve too deep into Wild ARMs 4 or 5, but I've always enjoyed how different the setting and music was compared to other RPGs. I also enjoyed the amount of puzzle solving and how you had to make use of each characters tools.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the future?

I guess I'd like for the series to, as others have stated, return to its roots. I don't mind when there are sci-fi elements intertwined (its been there since the first game), but seeing jet bikes in the 4th game worried me a little. I'd also like for them to return to the tool system; it made for some great puzzle solving and added to the uniqueness of each character.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?
I would rather they stuck with more traditional RPG elements because I rarely play strategy games.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?
The Wild ARMs series is like a cookie cutter RPG in my opinion. The game is a solid turn-based RPG, but there has not been any significant improvements compared with other games in the genre. I do love the music and wild west atmosphere of the games though and the original game is still one of my favorite RPG's of all time.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the

I would like to see the Wild ARMs series evolve as a turn-based RPG and introduce a more active gameplay element (see Shadow Hearts or FF12) to evolve in the genre and to keep the game from getting stale. Also being able to change characters to solve puzzles or for combat was nice from the original.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?
I love SRPGs so I don't mind the move; however, I hope it doesn't stay that way.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?
The Wild ARMs series is one of my favorite RPG series. I was always drawn to the blending of futuristic and wild west ideas.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the
I hope they go back a little to their roots for the gameplay. Bring back the original TOOLS system, switching between characters on the overworld, get rid of the way skills/magic were learned in the last two. The hex battle system is fine though. The stories have always been good, and the music has been fantastic.
Maybe a remake of 2nd Ignition like they did with the first game.
1.) If they do it right, the game should be as cool as the others. I think the guns would work well in a more SRPG setting. Hopefully they take notes from games like Disgaea and Tactics to really make a great game.

2.) I was a huge fan of the first two Wild Arms games, but then sorted of drifted from the series. I recently started them up again and it just doesn't seem the same. This is probably due to the glut of RPGs in the late 90s, and capitalization efforts on Wild Arms. Let's hope that this game turns the series around!

3.) I think it would be cool to have more sci-fi things in it. I know as Wild Arms it should be more Western, but you can integrate some really sweet technologies and such to make the game amazing.
Q1. I feel fantastic about Wild Arms moving in the SRPG direction for the PSP. I forgot how much I loved strategy RPGs before Jeanne D'arc and War of the Lions came out; now I simply can't get enough. The PSP's sleep function was built for epic games like this just so I can play them between classes. And I'm really excited about the hex battle system being applied to a full-on SRPG. The system from 4 and 5 worked like one already although on a much smaller scale, and I could see how adapting the system to a much larger area would make for a great game.

Q2. Obviously Wild Arms has that wild west influence right down to stealing songs from classic American westerns, but what makes the series stand out in my mind is that wild west sensibility as seen through the eyes of crazy Japanese game developers. It also doesn't hurt that Wild Arms was the first RPG I ever played and I have a lot of fond memories for the series no matter how bad or ridiculous the games get.

Q3. An HD strategy rpg on the PS3 or 360 would probably ruin my life, as I wouldn't be able to stop playing it, but to be honest, I'd much rather see the series continue down the path it's been ever since 2 came out: Awesome, traditional RPGs with pretty good storylines, amazing music, and ridiculous japanese storylines. Actually, as long as they don't remake the first one again, it doesn't matter what they do with the series, really. Oh, and they need to release a soundtrack to the first game with the US end credits song. That song is amazing, and I can't hear it unless I watch a horrendous capture of the credits on YouTube.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?

Depends how good of a strategy RPG it is, I wish they would make a game more to their roots like Wild arms 1 which is still my fave :)

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?

Short of the amazing music in the first and i would say second maybe 3rd ?? And a Decent Differnt storyline... Its doesnt really have the power or the name that stands our in the massive heard of RPG's.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the

I would like to see something more serious with many puzzles like WA1 With the great musical composer of the other games... The Tool system need to be returned to how it was in WA1 as well :)
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?
I love it. Its a new idea and a new direction for this series.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?
Wild arms have always been fun games, but for me are often too puzzle based then rpg based. Series like Final Fantasy have more of what I like usually rpg wise

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the
I would love to see more Tacitcs style games or more turn based rpgs without as many puzzles.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?

I like it, strategy games are my favorites :)

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?

Its a bit different, in many areas its traditional, but the combo system was quite original at the time it was introduced

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the
I hope it remains Strategy! its the best RPG format in my opinion, and perfect for portable gaming! 1 battle at a time.
Q1. Indifferent, really. The the WA4/WA5 grid system has been worn out already so this should be new.

Q2. The Wild ARMs games to me have always been an homage to older classic RPGs in my eyes.

Q3. Keep things fresh without changing too drastically.
Q1) I'm fine with it as long as it has solid gameplay. I am among the few that didn't care for FF:Tactics and having another SRPG to choose from it great!

Q2) It never built up a strong enough following to snag the spotlight. A little more "oomph!" and it wouldn't have always been left in the background.

Q3) I would like to see an appearance on one of the next-gen consoles (PS3, probably).
I think that's a good idea, makes it a little more unique
It's not the best, but it's still quality
A next-gen title like for the Playstation 3
1. Bad idea, NIS and SE already have the market on lock.

2. Wild ARMs 3... the only good one.

3. Take the creative team behind 3 and make a game that isn't a step backwards (see WA 4 and 5).
Aw, from the title I thought it would be some sort of shooter. I was hoping for a side scroller, but I guess an RPG is cool too. The past games in that series have gotten decent reviews, so why not enter :)

1. I'm not a huge RPG fan but the strategy ones seem to mix it up enough to be different than the normal jRPG stuff.
2. It has decent reviews, but I have never played one. Nothing can compare to the KotOR games though.
3. Just from looking at the cover, I say lose the anime look. It's overdone. Find something original.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?
Not my favorite style of RPG... not the fave of most, IMHO.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the
Next-gen, realtime action.
1) I feel that it is a new refreshing take on a familiar motif. The wild arms series has started to stagnate in recent years and really could use a kick in the pants. Even the nostalgia factor of some of the older games is starting to wear off a bit, so it seems that the series could start anew and have a rebirth of sorts.

2) The original Wild Arms was a definitive RPG for the PS1 at the time of its release. RPGs were just beginning to get a foothold in the North American Market and in part, the niche genre of gaming began to slowly but surely grow until FFVII arrived and everything erupted. While the game doesn't quite hold up to classic standards as much as its other brethren from that era, it is by no means a forgotten relic. However, sadly, the charm began to fade as the sequels began to pale in comparison to the natural evolution that other rpg games began to take.

3) I hope to see the Wild Arms series either take a radically new approach, ala XFire, and at least see what can be done by tinkering with a new formula. If not, go back to a completely traditional 2d classic rpg in the vein of Dragon Quest 8. A solid cast of characters, strong plot, and creative/unique art are all fine and well, but the gameplay is what will give the game its wings and longevity. If one merely wants to find a good story, there are a plethora of other rpgs that can fill the void. Adding some new original gameplay mechanics can help to separate wild arms from the crowd. I'm also glad that the decision was made to bring this to the PSP. While console games are great, there is more of a chance to gain a larger market share by targeting a relatively untapped user base with an *original game* (the marquee rpg titles i think of on psp are: valkyerie profile lenneth, disgaea afternoon of darkness, final fantasy tactics war of the lions, and j'ean d'arc, with 3 of the 4 being ports).

In any case, good luck to the title and hopefully it can rekindle the faith of the Wild Arms faithful.
1) I dont have too much of a problem with it, but the old way is still something I like more but the stategy RPG will just make it more fun and challenging.

2) You can't really compare Wild Arms to any other, it's basicly it's own genre in way just like the why Suikoden and Final Fantasy are. Comparing either one against another would just be unfair.

3) I would love to see a complete next-generation game fully 3D and improved from the last-generation games would be ubber kool. Also putting the original battle system would be like heaven as well =]
1) I love SRPG game, so I'm glad Wild ARMS is going in that direction.

2) A RPG with a wide wild west theme.

3) I would like to see the future Wild ARMS on portable systems. PSP would be my first choice.
1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?
If the game play is there, sub-genre doesn't really matter.

2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?
Top of the middle ... not quite in that upper echelon.

3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the future?
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?
Personally, the genre has gotten stale. Hopefully this game will add some zest to the genre.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?
It's an interesting series, but there are better.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the
Hopefully the series will embrace the "wild west" theme a lot more. That will differentiate it from other series in the genre.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?
I love it, it will change the gameplay upa nd breathe new life into the series

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?
It's ok, i liked it more back then.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the
Try to differentiate it a little more
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?
I think it;'s great. The series needs a change.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?
It's a knows but lesser series

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the
I'd like to see the setting move into different genre's of gaming. There are very few good western themed games.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?

bit surprised but if it works out it could be great

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?

it has had its ups and downs but overall been a very enjoyable series albeit probably a C level series overall

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the

as long as it sticks to its roots of the western theme and doesn't try futuristic things anymore I think it will continue to be good
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?
SRPGs are perhaps my favorite sub-genre of RPGs when they are well done. As long as it's gameplay is solid and it doesn't just copy the system of other popular SRPGs it should be great.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?
I think that their western theme is interesting and they don't have any major flaws in my eyes. I like them more than the Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest series, but not as much as the Shin Megami Tensei or Tales of series.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the
I enjoyed the first two titles the most, so I would like to see them try to recreate their atmosphere in the future, while still trying out new ideas as to what they could improve on in gameplay.
Q1, I feel going to a new genre is worth a try. Final Fantasy has done it, and Suikoden has done, two of series contempories on the PSOne. It is nice as a side story and worth a shot to experince Filgaia in a new genre.

Q2, The Wild Arms series has been up and down like the Suikoden series. Wild Arms bridged the gap between Beyond the Beyond, Persona, Suikoden, and Final Fantasy VII. The 2nd game seemed a little unispired and I enjoyed the 3rd game. I am currently working on getting IV into rotation and have yet to purchase V.

Q3, I would like to see Wild Arms get back to basics and reintroduce what made the 1st one great. The graphics of the 1st one worked so well with the mood the game was going for and the main enemies had a personality. The parallel storytelling of the good guys/bad guys worked well and it is something that Final Fantasy has done for years.
Q1. It looks pretty good can't wait to try it.

Q2. The lore and story of the games makes it unique. The western steamunk like themes always draw me back to play them. Don't try to diminish it like what happened in wa4.

Q3 MMORPG I have waited for years for someone to make a western themed mmo and wild arms is the perfect candidate. The story setting and not to mention the gameplay system based around force abilities and ARMS would be awesome. Atlus already has shin megami tensei imagine mmo so a console game can be made into an mmo successfully.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?
I love Role Playeing Strategy games. Games like Advanced Wars and the LOTR RPG game are fun.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?
It looks like Advanced Wars and FF put together.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the
Mabey try for DC like the Xbox Live Arcade?
Q1. I think it will be great for the series. Strat RPGs work very well on hand helds.

Q2. It's decent. It's been awhile since I played, but I don't remember hating it.

Q3. Depending on how this one works out, game design wise, the direction it's going sounds interesting.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?
it will make the Wild Arms series better! i will totally enjoy it as i love Strat RPGs such as Front Mission 4, Disgaea, etc. its a breathe of fresh air for the series and i feel it will do good to.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?
thought the series has had sum hurdles (WA 2 though WA 4 had mixed feelings), its a pretty good series. love the stories to them. i cant rly compare it as it has its own style and play to it. it is unfortunate that it gets lost in the flood of RPGs that come out. WA 5 was great and i know this one will be also!

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the
i hope they takes the series more in depth, like the Shin Megami Tensei has. i hope to see more anime like characters and cutscenes. i want to see more depth and interation in the game, more things to break it apart from the generic RPG formula like others follow. i like to see it jump to the next gen consoles and get stuff like downloadable content and expansions
Q1. I love the wild arms series, and final fantasy what a great game! I'm really looking forward to this "Wild Arms interpretation" of the strategy RPG genre.

Q2. In general, the wild arms series is a great series whose storyline beats out several others (i prefer the wild arm's western theme to the generic futurism type theme). However, I find that i can best compare Wild Arms 1/Wild Arms Alter Code F vs. FF7. Since a friend and I were comparing these two the other day, i came to the conclusion that the wild arms 1's storyline beats out that of FF7. (and i personally prefer the graphics in Wild Arms 1/Alter code F to ff7 as well)

Q3. While the wild arms' series take on the western theme seems to have been the main point of all the sequels, overall the first wild arms (and the reiteration - Alter Code F) had the best storylines in my opinion. I would love for the series to go back to its roots and have a storyline as deep as that first game.
Q1) Disappointed. I never liked the Hex system of Wild Arms 4 and 5. I wished it would go back to the traditional battle system.

Q2) The Wild Arms series has been one of my favorite RPGs ever since I've played WA 2 in the PSX. Although the recent ones aren't that good compared to the first three games. Besides, I love the "western-ish" music of the games.

Q3) Uh, why not return back to it's "western" theme roots? I've haven't felt I'm playing the same game as I did years back when I played 4 and 5 since the devs. pretty much ditched the whole western theme.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?

I wish that they wouldn't have gone to a tactics scheme.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?

They are a long running series which had its ups and downs.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the

I wish that they would go back to their original RPG scheme.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?
A1.Wild ARMs always been a turn wait basis game since 97' just like Final Fantasy VII and continues to with simple battle system so everyone be able to comprehend. The bgm composed by Michiko Naruke captures the every moment throughout all the WA Series. It wouldn't be called an RPG if you don't think a little bit harder than usual. Thank you Puzzle Pyramids in 3rd Advance.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?
A2. Answer to that one varies a lot. Like all major RPG having a fancy anime intro or some sort, the 3-d environment with 2d character made the major changes in 3rd Advance and continues on to advance on. Alter F managed to haul 3d throughout the whole game which was pretty impressive and I can't say about 5th Vangard since I haven't get a chance to play when on deployment. Battle system always seem to be common throughout all rpg-type game and every bgm is unique to a point. Overall, all RPGs have the same gfx platform to some extent, it based on the consumer whether they like it or not

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the future?
Its really time to break out of the turn wait basis and go into more like Crisis Core which may take a long time to make, but the result is worth it. Though controlling more than 1 character might be challenging in that platform; thats why you would have set character's characteristic before or during the battle mode like agressive, defensive, all out magic, and so forth.
Q1. It's good because it fits with the system really well. This genre of games could be really successful on the PSP.

Q2. I've never played a Wild Arms game, so an educated answer to this one, but I would love to get this game and tell you what I think then.

Q3. I want to have more games on the PSP that are lengthy (30+ hours would be awesome) and have a great story with cool cutscenes and good voice acting. And by more, I mean at least 1. I hope that this series could do that for me.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?
It's great, I love SRPG's while I'm a bit indifferent to regular RPG's. Final Fantasy Tactics, Joan D'Arc, and Metal Gear Ac!d 2 are some of my favorite PSP games.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?
I've only played two, but I didn't like the whole Western motif. I can't think of any other RPG's that use that genre.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the future?
Definitely SRPG; Even if I don't win, I plan to check this title out.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?

Honestly, I am not too thrilled. The balance between good srpgs and good jrpgs is off. I'd much rather you had made a classic turn based rpg with some new elements added.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?

Wild Arms is a great series and I hope it doesn't go away any time soon.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the

Back to their roots!

Q1: While I think it's a major change, in my opinion it is a welcome change to the series.

Q2: Although I haven't played the latest installment, from the looks of the screenshots it looks very promising, and I'm a huge fan of SRPGS. Final Fantasy Tactics, Advance Wars, and Fire Emblem are a few of my favorites.

Q3: A deep, engaging, SRPG on a console like the 360 or PS3 would be awesome.
Q1. Not really that smart a move considering disgaea is what people would first buy both this game.

Q2. Its not nearly as good I feel because the story is never up to snuff

Q3. RPG exclusive for the Wii. Its not like they'd need to worry about FF, DQ or PSO crowding the platform.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?
- I recently started playing strategy RPGs and I am enjoying the genre. I hope Wild Arms is fast paced like Jeanne D'Arc.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?
- I haven't played any other RPGs with a western theme so this by itself sets it apart from other RPG titles.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the future?
- This is a positive direction for the series, i.e. going portable and strategy. Hopefully they bring the Wild Arms series to the PS3 as well.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the

1. Any strategy rpg is fine by me.

2. I've never played any of the games in the series. From what I can tell by the screenshots, it seems to be in the higher tiers of rpg quality.

3. Simply stick with the their current formula and I'll be a happy camper.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the

1. I have Wild Arm 2, 3, Alter Code : f, 4, and 5. Can't say I've actually played over them (yay immense game backlogs) so can't say its good or bad. Did like playing Jeanne D'arc and Popolocrois recently though, so i choose good.

2. See Above

3. I think they should throw in some zombies and Bruce Campbell.
Wild Arms : Boomsticks?
Q1. I've always preferred strategy RPGs vs traditional RPGs. I personally think SRPGs work better on a portable anyway since there is never a sense of urgency or demand while playing. If you have to stop 5 min into a fighter or an hour into a fight, you are still ok and set to go or stop :)

Q2. I personally like the western aspect of the series, but kind of feel it needs to have a stronger western cowboy aesthetic to it.

Q3. In relating to Q2 I would love to see an adventure more about the land and scenerey and less about the fantasy aspects of the series.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?

Haven't played any of the games in the series, but I like strategy/tactical RPGs so I'm down.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?

Again, never played the series. I could lie and say "ITZ THE BEST EVERZ!!" But I won't.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the

Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?

I don't know. Let me play it first.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?

For some reason, I want to see this series succeed. Unfortunately, there have been some duds since the original, but I think it can move back into mainstream with a couple good entries.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the

Better graphics to attract the mainstream crowd.
Q1) Never try it so I dont know, but the RPG were great!

Q2) I think its great, there are not a lot of others RPG I played with Western theme like Wild ARMs series.

Q3) Since I prefer RPG, I would prefer to play Wild ARM as a RPG.
Q1. How do you feel about the latest Wild ARMs game being a Strategy RPG?

Ever since NIS has went on a rampage releasing SRPG's here I have been a fan. To series like Wild Arms and Even Suikoden Tactics hit the market makes me happy. This seems like a nice edition to the WA series and it has seemed like they have been hinting this direction with the fighting style of the last 2 console games.

Q2. How would you compare the Wild ARMs series to other RPG games?

Well it is similar to many other JRPG's with the cliche boy saves world type deal but in another way it is it's own series. With the way each game has changed in some way it is keeping pace to keep fans interested and bring in a few new ones. The thing that has always brought me back to buy a new WA game has been the old Wild western theme they use.

Q3. What direction would you like to see the Wild ARMs series take in the

Well them making a full on SRPG is great and all and more of these titles would be great for the PSP/PS2/PS3 but as a branch off of the main WA franchise. I would still like to see them make the full scale RPG games for consoles.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']I like how suddenly, CAG is FILLED with Wild ARMs fans. Come on people, stop lying. You just want a free game.[/quote]

I'm probably one of the few who answered honestly. There's no way this many people could sincerely enjoy the entire series.
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