CAG Buzz - The World Ends With You (DS) Giveaway! Multiple Winners!

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1. As far as gameplay and creativity its definitely something that sounds new and I would like to try. For design it reminds me of Kingdom Hearts just looking at the graphics.

2. Not really.

3. It does sound unique as far as gameplay is concerned, not really sure about catchy. Great to see that the DS has a quite a few titles like this, that try something different every so often.
1. What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design?
Looks like an interesting departure from the norm in both gameplay and style. Something a lot of game companys are afraid to do.

2. This game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture (food, fashion, music, etc). Would this affect your purchasing decision?
Yea, the fashion aspect looks very interesting. I love games that take style head on (rez for example) and this is def one of them.

3. Would you consider this title as unique and catchy compared to other titles currently offered for DS? If not, what other games would you compare this game with?
Yea, Despite the DS hosting a ton of innovative games (Cooking Mama, Professor Layton, etc) the fact that you control 2 characters at once using both screens makes it pretty unique.
1. What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design?
At first I was kind of iffy about the gameplay, and it still looks odd to me. The creativity and design of the game are really what makes me want to try it out.

2. This game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture (food, fashion, music, etc). Would this affect your purchasing decision?
That make me want it even more.

3. Would you consider this title as unique and catchy compared to other titles currently offered for DS? If not, what other games would you compare this game with?
I'm not really sure. There is not much on the DS that uses a present or futuristic setting in a RPG. Maybe Contact but the gameplay is very different.
I've been testdriving a euro version and there are a lot of things I like about this game. The fact that your items grow while you're not playing is a huge plus. I'm stressed enough w/o having to play every week just so I don't remember what's going on. The fact that you can take your time and get benefits for doing so is awesome.

Controlling the bottom and top screen at the same time is still rather complicated but when I actually check my health bar it seems like I don't get hit nearly as often as I think I am. Luckily having the computer take over works pretty well.
1. My first impression came several months ago when I saw my friend playing this after her trip to Japan. I found it to be a unique title with an interesting battle system, as well as an interesting design and appealing aesthetic.
2. This somewhat affects my decision to play the game. I'm interested in Japanese culture and foreign cultures in general, so anything that is heavily steeped in a different culture appeals to me.
3. Yes, it is quite unique compared to other non-SquareEnix titles on the market. The look, feel, and gameplay are quite interesting and different than other games of its type.
  1. My first impression, when the game was first announced, was that it looked incredibly interesting. Not to be a jerk, though, but I've gotten a tad tired of Nomura-san. Kingdom Hearts II didn't do it for me, and I think he's a bit overrated. And what's with all the zippers? However, now that the game is released, and I can read about the finished product, I honestly think it looks great. I love that it has a real theme, the aspect of bringing people together and connecting in a world that isn't always all that friendly.
  2. Does that mean modern Japanese wear tons of zippers for no reason? :S In all seriousness, I love Japanese culture, I'm fascinated by it, and I adore any game that has elements of any Japanese culture, ancient, modern or anything in between, but these games aren't always released here. I'm glad this one was released.
  3. It's definitely unique and catchy. There really is nothing to compare it to, especially not in America. I'm sure there are a few Japanese games that might draw comparisons, though they might be remote; Dokodemo Issho and Itadaki Street come (vaguely) to mind, but maybe I just associate them because they're never been released here and I've never played them in English.
1. What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design?
A: Well, i first heard about it on a gamefaqs poll, and when I tried to find out about the game, it seemed very unique. Especially with the pins thing. But what really hooked me was the urban Toyko celshaded-like graphics, which reminds me of the Jet Set Radio series.

2. This game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture (food, fashion, music, etc). Would this affect your purchasing decision?
A: I'm not much of a Japanophile ( :p ), so it being based heavily on their culture doesn't push me into getting it. It seems interesting to me but i wouldn't buy the game just on that.

3. Would you consider this title as unique and catchy compared to other titles currently offered for DS? If not, what other games would you compare this game with?
A: It definitely seems very unique and catchy. If you just happen to see screenshots of the game and that doesn't catch your attention, then.... well, WTF!?
  1. It looks different. If implemented well, it could be great. If not, another one bites the dust.
  2. No, but maybe if I was Japanese.
  3. I would not, for the catchy part. But, it's hard to say, not having played it. I have not seen any similar games for the DS, though.
1. saw the trailer vid. this game looks beautiful. i totally dig the design. the gameplay is definately creative, but would wanna play it first to see how great it is or not.

2. not really. the game had me at first impression. its good learning another country's culture, etc.

3. it looks like viewtiful joe, lol. i love cell-shaded games. cant wait.
1. From everything I've seen and read the game looks very creative in design. I do remember other games where you had to manage two characters at once in a similar manner but can't recall any on the DS where it looks like this will shine.
2. Not at all, it seems to add style without detracting from the game if you don't have any knowledge of the culture.
3. The game is very unique and I can't think of another game to accurately compare it with.
  1. What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design?
  2. This game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture (food, fashion, music, etc). Would this affect your purchasing decision?
  3. Would you consider this title as unique and catchy compared to other titles currently offered for DS? If not, what other games would you compare this game with?
1. I followed this game for a while, and really got hooked on it by the art style (same guy that did the Kingdom Hearts art), so I followed news on it for a little while. Finding out its main basis was music too is also a big selling point.

2. If it's too weeaboo, it would make me not want to buy it, but it all depends on how things are implemented.

3. Unique, I guess. Controlling two characters at the same time seems a bit difficult, but hopefully it's done well. I guess this goes for anything though, if something new is arguably good and not a cheap gimmick, then I'm all for it. No games will match the greatness of Ouendan/Elite Beat Agents on the DS though, I'm still dying for the next game in those series.
1. my first impressions were very positive, i was intrigued and wanted to know more about the game. i like the idea of controlling two figthers at the same time.
2. The various modern japan culture influences haven't influenced my purchasing decision, but i'm glad it was influenced by modern japanese culture which isn't often seem in rpgs these days. In fact because it has modern japanese influences in it, makes me look more forward to the game's release
3. Yes, I considered this title right up their with other unique ds titles like Ouendan, elite beat agents.
1. What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design?

It looks fucking awesome, I'm quite fond of the design of this game in general.

2. This game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture (food, fashion, music, etc). Would this affect your purchasing decision?

I'd say yes, I tend to like games that are set in a modern or futuristic setting rather than a fantasy one.

3. Would you consider this title as unique and catchy compared to other titles currently offered for DS? If not, what other games would you compare this game with?

It sure seems so, having to control two characters on two screens is pretty innovative in my opinion. Not to mention the whole plot of the game is rather unique I think.
[quote name='jeremywoods'] 3. it looks like viewtiful joe, lol. i love cell-shaded games. cant wait.[/quote]heck yeah cell-shade games for the freaking win. Back on the cube I think i fell in love with VJ from the instant I saw it.

What I'm curious to know about is what happens after 7 days. in generally I don't like games that take place over arbitrarily short period of times. I had the same problem with T3 actually (most of the movie takes place over 6 hours?). From what I've seen The game is pretty darn deep. By the time you get most of your abilities 3 days have gone. I'm really hoping it doesn't just stretch out the last four days. That brings me back to what happens after the 7 days? That's one of the things i"m most interested in finding out.

What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design?

When I first heard about this game, I was very excited. I know several friends who have felt that Square Enix have become a company that too heavily relies upon cliches and established IPs. That Squenix created a new IP, for the DS, which heavily used DS capabilities, and has a very distinct art style and gameplay is very refreshing.

This game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture (food, fashion, music, etc). Would this affect your purchasing decision?

If this at all affected my decision, it would probably be positively so. I may not know so much about Japanese culture, but I have learned some of it through games (especially JRPGs), anime and manga. The opportunity to learn more in a critically acclaimed Square Enix game is definitely an appealing idea.

Would you consider this title as unique and catchy compared to other titles currently offered for DS? If not, what other games would you compare this game with?

The graphics, the gameplay, and the heavy japanese culture infulence all make this a very unique DS game. The problem with "casual" systems like the Wii and DS are that developers often resort to making quick minigame compilations, or just copy another developer's idea and stick in new characters. The World Ends With You is a fresh game in a library that has some gems, but is also inundated with cliches and over simplicity.
the nature of the plot as it's known kinda lends itself to be sequelized. This is actually something to which I am looking forward. As someone who has had only nintendo systems for about .. well actually lifetime. It'd be nice to get a decent solid series from square again. Rather than spinoffs (i'm lookng at you Crystal Chroncles. even though the first was awesome, and you Tales of Symphonia 2 rather than a whole new Tales)

Mingle mode looks so cool I wish I knew other people with a DS so i could convince them to buy it. It even has a great feature that turns the system off when you red light. I had no idea they could do this. Why haven't everyone else been doing this?
Oh well as I said I never meet anyone with a DS and since I drive myself everywhere the chances of me meeting another DS owner in range.. much less someone who has it on but closed much less is projecting TWEWY rather than Nintendogs, or Animal Crossing or Metroid Prime:Hunters are pretty much nothing.
1. What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design?

Looks very creative; bright colors, dynamic artwork; bit concerned about the frantic combat.

2. This game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture (food, fashion, music, etc). Would this affect your purchasing decision?

Yes -- I have a positive bias towards the Japanese culture.

3. Would you consider this title as unique and catchy compared to other titles currently offered for DS? If not, what other games would you compare this game with?

Looks to be bleeding edge, LOL. Good use of the dual screens/touchscreen.
1. What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design?

-The game looks like a very awsome rpg from Square!

2. This game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture (food, fashion, music, etc). Would this affect your purchasing decision?

-Not at all, I think games influenced in Japan's modern culture is something the states need more of. It worked well with Persona 3, and that game became a big hit!

3. Would you consider this title as unique and catchy compared to other titles currently offered for DS? If not, what other games would you compare this game with?

-Unique yeah, catchy I hope so. Hopefully by catchy your meaning if it'll catch that costumer at the store to purchase this title instead of another.
  1. I'm impressed by the game stylistically, and the gameplay looks like it could be fun.
  2. Absolutely. I'm much more likely to purchase it since it gives me a window into a foreign culture.
  3. I can't think of any comparable DS games.
1. certainly looks like a fun gameplay experience
2. as a former nippon-phile, and current lover of quirky things like ouendan, I tend not to judge things like that beforehand
3. yes, it looks to be a truly unique game
1. When i first heard that you could control two characters at once i thought.... Ok. However after thinking about it seems like a very good idea and if they went this way they more than likely added things to make it pretty fun and useful to control that many people.

2. I love the designs of the characters and it was the first thing i noticed about this game was the anime style. Even though the games story is heavily influenced by the culture in japan is fine with me and a major selling point with me since im an anime fan.

3. I would consider this game unique and catchy since most of the games coming down the Ds pipeline for the U.S. haven't been anything that really seems original excluding of course Professor Layton and the Curious Village which was awesome.
1. Well my first impression of this game was 'Wow, this game looks like something new' It's unlike anything I've seen.

2. Well, I'm interested in Japanese culture so that makes the game all the more intriguing.

3. As I said before this game seems very unique unlike anything I have witnessed.
1- I thought the new gameplay styles were very creative, made me want to play the game more.

2- I wanted to buy it more for the art style, it looks very cool.

3- Yes, this game is very unique. Something comopletely new on the DS.
What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design?
This game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture (food, fashion, music, etc). Would this affect your purchasing decision?
Would you consider this title as unique and catchy compared to other titles currently offered for DS? If not, what other games would you compare this game with?

1..... very neat and its about time a game takes advantage of both screens


3....... yes very nice lookin game
1. The visual look of the game was the first thing that caught my eye. I love Tetsuya Nomura's character designs in Kingdom Hearts, and his designs here are really cool and striking. I also liked that it's a sprite-based game, which (aside from Pokemon and ports of older games) is an uncommon thing these days. It wasn't until later on that I started reading up on the gameplay, the story, etc.

2. Though I do think it's a breath of fresh air, the "modern Japan" setting's not as appealing so much as the overall quality of the game - gameplay, music, design, etc. - as well as the pedigree of the people and studio that created it (yeah, I'm a Square Enix fan).

3. It's definitely unique; I haven't seen a DS game quite like it (and I'm still wondering how I'll be able to control characters on both screens at the same time...).
  1. It looks amazing and I think that Square and the people that brought us Kingdom Hearts. The PIN uses and risk/reward gameplay has me extremely intrigued.
  2. No, the only thing that worries me is the fashion aspect. IGN said the main character acts like a dick at times so maybe it will even out.
  3. This looks absoultly unique. Nothing on the DS looks to even attempt to be this unique.
I will be picking one up.
1) What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design?
Square has a history of innovation in RPG's. I'm expecting good things from what I've seen so far.

2) This game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture (food, fashion, music, etc). Would this affect your purchasing decision?
I like games that keep the flavor of their local culture.

3) Would you consider this title as unique and catchy compared to other titles currently offered for DS? If not, what other games would you compare this game with?

I wouldn't necessarily say unique and catchy. While it may be different in certainw ays, I think it blens in with a long line of different rpg type games. Just not as traditional.
  1. After researching a bit about the game, I find the game very unique. It has it's own style of music and gameplay. The story from what I heard of seems to be very interesting and engrossing.
  2. I don't look for those kinds of things in a game. I simply base it off of the gameplay and story.
  3. This title from what I've heard of it is like Kingdom Hearts. Although, the quirky art style, music, and gameplay really seperate them both. This game for the DS is unique and a very nice addition to the DS library.
[quote name='Wolfkin']heck yeah cell-shade games for the freaking win. Back on the cube I think i fell in love with VJ from the instant I saw it.

What I'm curious to know about is what happens after 7 days. in generally I don't like games that take place over arbitrarily short period of times. I had the same problem with T3 actually (most of the movie takes place over 6 hours?). From what I've seen The game is pretty darn deep. By the time you get most of your abilities 3 days have gone. I'm really hoping it doesn't just stretch out the last four days. That brings me back to what happens after the 7 days? That's one of the things i"m most interested in finding out.[/quote]

but its guna be like dbz when namek was guna blow up in an hour
when in fact it took 2 some weeks to actually explode :booty:

i loved dark cloud 2.. even spheda :3
1. my first impression is that it seems like it would work well with the ds using two screens.

2. Well i love japanese artwork/anime/etc. It would definately boost my chances in buying this. ( i think the japanese culture is awesome).

3. Actually it does seem very unique. I like how the game starts and it actually catches my attention. I am very curious on how the game continues.
[quote name='jeremywoods']but its guna be like dbz when namek was guna blow up in an hour
when in fact it took 2 some weeks to actually explode :booty:

i loved dark cloud 2.. even spheda :3[/quote]I just got a :ps2: last month ($40 CL). Dark Cloud and Odin Sphere are two games I've heard a lot about that I'd like to get. Unfortunatly from what I recall Odin Sphere is going to be a hard find. Luckily my PS2 needs are small. I have most of the games i want. Ace Combat 4, Kingdom Hearts I/II. I don't really want much more than that. GoW 1 and 2 and those other two and I think I'm done.

Namek. haha I totally remember that. I remember that when it first aired (in the US) that did take forever. If they pull that kinda stunt with this game it'll be my one con (aside from the fact I haven't gotten down the nack of controlling top and bottom w/o killing myself). I think what's more likely is some sort of time rest or something but I can't figure out how they'd do it. I don't see this turning into something like Majorah's Mask (doh. I need to play that)I'm actually taking a 2 day hiatus from my borrowed copy to level up my badges. It's gonna be hot.
1. The gameplay looked like tons of fun, and the art style looked awesome.

2. I suppose it probably helped, but as long as the game is fun I would still have considered it if it were set in a hole in the ground.

3. The game is definitely unique! There's no battle system like it, and I seriously can't wait to give it a try.
1) I haven't really done much research into how this game plays, but on first look at the fighting in the game I kind of have no idea what's going on lol. That may be a good or bad thing. May be a new take on a battling system that works really well, or it could just be damn confusing.

2) In one word, yes. There aren't enough games out there that convey the kind of culture that Japan has to offer. Plus I'm a Japan nut myself so seeing a piece of another world is fascinating to me.

3) I'd definitely say it's a unique game in that it seems like it's very stylish and upbeat and really unlike any other game I've played on the DS
1. Jet Set Radio meets Puyo Puyo with a collecting RPG backbone.
2. I loved Persona 3 for its distinct Japanese style and take on yes, Id buy it.
3. Yes, this looks like it is actually pushing the RPG genre forward and taking it in some interesting directions.
1. What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design?
The art style looks great and it uses the dual screen in a completely new way that has never been done before.
2. This game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture (food, fashion, music, etc). Would this affect your purchasing decision?
I love J-pop and Japanese culture so it definitely make the game a more likely purchase.
3. Would you consider this title as unique and catchy compared to other titles currently offered for DS? If not, what other games would you compare this game with?
I think this game is more unique than most games currently available for the DS. It is a new concept and IP.
What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design?

When I first saw this game, it looked like a new Kingdom Hearts game (which I love). The dual screen / dual character control looked really interesting but potentially gimicky. I tend to give Square-Enix the benefit of the doubt though and an entirely new RPG from them designed just for the DS is freaking awesome.

This game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture (food, fashion, music, etc). Would this affect your purchasing decision?

I'm half Japanese and I've really gotten into the J-Pop culture more and more as of late. Its a departure from the classic sword and mana RPGs that I love into another setting that I love just as much. If I didn't win, ofcourse I would buy it (but I'd prefer to win it ;))!

Would you consider this title as unique and catchy compared to other titles currently offered for DS? If not, what other games would you compare this game with?

There hasn't been a game on the DS that has me this excited in a long time. Not even the other Squar-Enix titles have really caught my eye like this one has. I'm picky about games I buy, I just can't afford to buy every new release that comes out, and I've been saving for a while and I think this one would be worthy of my hard earned money.
  1. My first impression would be that the Gameplay is creative as hell with the Dual character controlling on the DS and really using the DS's controls to its advantage. I Also like how they incorporate the characters depressed personality into the gameplay and how people tend to not notice you and you use that with the story of the game.
  2. By the game being influenced by Japan it will likely effect my purchase into a + area as in im more eager to buy in that it being set in say UK or US. Since i really enjoy japanese interesting and sometimes odd culture.
  3. I would consider this The world Ends with you on the upper tier of touch controlled games for the DS since you are always utilizing it into the gameplay when fighting and doing other things/objectives. if i had to compare it to another game it would have to be Zelda: Phantom hourglass for its touching combat/controls.
1. Looks different and might have to check it out.
2. No, a unique look can be a good thing.
3. No, it looks a lot like Elite Beat Agents.
1. The dual play system looks like it'll be confusing at first. I hope it won't take too long to get used to. Other than that, the style looks great (other than the usual guy who looks way too much like a girl) and the storyline and world work real nicely.

2. The influences are a big reason I'm interested at all, so it won't keep me from getting the game.

3. It's definitely something new, both in look and gameplay. If I had to compare my impressions of it to another game, it'd be Chronos Twin for DS.
1) I really like the art style
2) Yes but for the good, I love games that do this.
3) Yes, I also like that the actual title of the game is interesting, it sounds like a movie more than a game.
1) The addition of two player combat would be kinda fun but there would be a steep learning curve in most cases
2)No, I enjoyed yakuza for ps2 and it was a very japanese influenced game and am looking forward to Yakuza 2
3) I think it highly unique in that it takes place in the modern day, which very few titles do, and it is about a goth which could be quite interesting.
1. What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design?

Mind-boggling--it initially seemed like some post-modern garbage idea that simply tried to sell itself on being innovative, rather than good quality... obviously, the reviews are indicating otherwise.

2. This game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture (food, fashion, music, etc). Would this affect your purchasing decision?

Japan is actually my number one place I would love to visit... so any exposure to their culture, even a fictional biased one, is welcome.

3. Would you consider this title as unique and catchy compared to other titles currently offered for DS? If not, what other games would you compare this game with?

This seems part of the recent handheld trend in quirky, beautiful titles ala Patapon and LocoRoco... can't wait.
  1. What is your first impression of this innovative title regarding gameplay, creativity, and design?
  2. This game's story, character, and design is heavily influenced by Japan's modern culture (food, fashion, music, etc). Would this affect your purchasing decision?
  3. Would you consider this title as unique and catchy compared to other titles currently offered for DS? If not, what other games would you compare this game with?
1. It seems a little strange to wrap your head around, but once I got the concept down it was aces.
2. It would probably influence me to want to buy the game.
3. Yes this is one of the most innovative and unique titles to come out on the DS. I would not compare it to anything else on the system.
1. It is a very unique design, I don't know if I have ever seen anything like it before.
2. Definitely, but in a good way. I love games that think outside of the box.
3. Yep, this game is one of the most unique on the system. I don't think I could compare to anything else.
  1. The battle system looks very innovative for the ds. from some of the videos i've seen it looks like a combination of chain of memories and elite beat agents. the design is reminiscent of other Tetsuya Nomura games, but without looking like the same ol thing.
  2. I really like japan, so it's kind of a plus for me. i think both nintendo fans and square fans are used to japanese craziness, so i don't think it will phase the core audience for this game.
  3. It's hard to say without having played it, but it does look like they're doing something new. The aesthetic of the game looks like a mesh of kingdom hearts and jet set radio, which is a pretty cool combination.
1. A 2-screen battle system is very exciting, and the graphic design is beautiful.
2. Of course. I enjoy exposure to foreign cultures, and the style of the game sets it apart.
3. This title is very unique. First of all, the DS does not have many good action RPGs at the moment, certainly not any with a bold graphical style like this one. The story is very distinct from just about every RPG out there, since it isn't your cliched fantasy RPG story.
  1. Intriguing twist on a classic genre
  2. Only inasmuch as it's an RPG set in modern times
  3. Definitely
  1. I really enjoy the art style, I love games that show off some crazy art. I'm also interested in see how the all controlling 2 characters at once is going to work out.
  2. I might be more inclined to purchase the game because of this, but either way not likely.
  3. Yes, most of the mainstream games are some kind of coaches or rehashes of games years ago. It's good to see something new and willing to be something new.
1) One word: Refreshing. While I do enjoy RPGs, I am tired of the constant medieval settings.

2) This game's looks remind me so much of Jet Set/Grind Radio... plus it's Square. That affects my purchasing decision.

3) Everything I've read and seen thus far says yes, this game is unique and catchy.
  1. So far it seems like a game that could really take advantage of the DS's unique abilities. I'm just hoping it can do it in a way that makes the game fun and memorable.
2. Not at all. I've been through the Dynasty Warriors series and countless other RPGs (none American made). I think that makes it interesting in a way to play a game when it relates to another culture I guess.

3. From what I read, it seems unique. In order for me to really determine its uniqueness I would have to get my hands on the game to really get a better idea about the game.
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