[quote name='Ed_']That's his job, though. By that same logic one should nominate the Amazon pc game rep.[/QUOTE]
As was already said, he secured it last year.
But how do we know what is and isn't is job? I mean, he was in charge of securing deals, putting them together, getting feedback on them from the community, talking with the community.
But he definitely has gone above and beyond on things that are more than likely outside his job description. He has helped quite a bit of people on CAG. I doubt it says in his in his job description he had to be on CAG 20 hours out of the day or something ridiculous, but the only things to keep him away from CAG were a birth and a death in the family.
He was pretty dedicated to helping everyone on this site out the best he could. If that was entirely because it was his job, then good on him, because he did it better than any job I've ever done.