CAG CONTEST: Win a One Year Xbox Live Subscription

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I like Xbox Live because i can show off to random nobodies on the internet how much better at life I am than them through Achievements.
Without X-Box live, I would never have known how comfortable the ground in the frozen cities of WWII Russia are to lay on for, oh say... 15-20 times per match.
I like xbox live because some times you need to be comforted by the warm embrace of the racial slurs coming from the mouth of people with gamertags like Dirtysanchez69...
I like Xbox Live because... dammit... I don't know man. What's with all these questions anyway?? Maybe you need to tell me why you like Xbox Live, then give me the card!
Probably the best thing about Live is the ability to play against other people online easily and quickly on a console. The reliabilty is fantastic as well, very little lag in most games from Microsofts side of things. Overall Live's ease of use is astounding. Setting up, connecting and playing are all acheived very simply. Plus, the ability to quickly and easily locate friends and get in games together is quite useful. Especially because that same friend's list is used in all games.
I like the unified friends list and cross-game support, but hate that you have to pay for it and the voice chat quality is lousy.
I love Xbox Live because I can sit in an empty lobby in the games that I love to play, but apparently no one else does, like Crash n Burn.
Because I can play with other people anytime everyday as well as extend the life of my games, giving some of them, i.e. Halo 2, infinite value.
Because if you don't award me the prize, there will be hell to pay and hell isn't cheap... and It was just my Birthday, so that should be an inclination to...
My subscription is about to expire and I totally can't live without LIVE. I can't renew either because the money I have has to go towards tuition. So, pick me out of pity!
Because Xbox Live lets me get my ass kicked by 12 year olds all over the world! Hooray!!! He's a hero!!
Xbox Live is great for some co-op, Uno and Big Bumpin. It also makes me remember that my reaction time is not what it used to be.
I am moving to Chicago in January and all my friends are here in New York.I also just bought BIG BUMPIN' and I need to play it online.
i need to win this! why!?
because i'm tired of stealing the 2 month free offers from the boxes inside blockbuster! been doing it for 2 years!!!!
because instead of killing only your friend, neighbor, and cousin on your xbox on one tv you can shoot at fifteen other people, or in my case have more than just your cousin as good competition in FIFA 07
I just purchased an Xbox 360 for the holiday season on EBay, and I have alot of friends on Xbox Live who I'd like to keep in touch with. That and my console was bundled with Gears of War and I plan on getting Smackdown in the coming weeks. Online play also makes me less lonely sitting around.. it brings in a community to a game.. and you meet so many interesting people on it. Thanks, and peace.
I can't hear little kids and grown adults repeatedly screaming obscenities, homophobic insults and racial slurs anywhere else. Thankfully xboxlive fills that void in my life.
It's always reliable and you always have plenty of people to destroy. While doing so you can hear the dispair in their voice (and now see it in their face as well) :D
Well I think that Xbox live has provided a way for the world to communicat. I am not sure If anyone has been inside Space ship earth at Disneyworld in florida, (Im sure some of you have) but at the end they talk about tis future connectd world where everyone will be able to communicate and it will be as if people across the world are sitting in our living room. Xbox live has certainly done all of that.

It is interesting how a game console can go from just a gaming machine to a communication device that allows for friendships to be formed and bonds to be made across on the international level.
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