CAG CONTEST: Win a One Year Xbox Live Subscription

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I like xbox live because i love hearing children sling profanities at me. Also, it makes it easier to avoid real life contact with friends i might otherwise have to have over my apartment to play halo.
I like Xbox Live because it is one unified service that so geniously incorporates an enormous set of features. No online gaming service can touch it.
I really like Xbox Live, although as a non-360 owner it's sad to see it dying off. Thanks for running the contest Cheapy.
I enjoy xbox live because I go to law school. In a town of 600 people (400 of which are students), the closest store is 20 minutes away and the closest REAL store like Walmart is a hour and a half away. The town is isolated in the mountains.

So I use Live to play games, talk to people OUTSIDE this blasted area and overall, try to keep my sanity while studying law all day long. ALL day long....

It's my escape.
A ninja killed my family. Now he's hiding on the xbox network. A free live subscription isi the only way I can extract revenge and keep my house from being haunted.
I Love the Xbox Live Service, because It's the X-Band (X) 20 times better...remember that device...XboxLive service to me is like having a cellphone for console gaming community,outside of having a cellphone this is a
great way to communicate with friends & family,plus play games together.Now
with the 360 in place,gamerscore,rep, and other etc. have made me friends
online. Besides any real gamer knows to have any Xboxlive gamertag....look to
the left (
I just got an Xbox 360 and have the free month of Live, I'd love to continue it.

Why do I like it? The integration. Everything is so smooth, with joining games to making friends and speaking with eachother. It's great.
I love the downloadable games. Being able to play stuff like Contra again without having to drag out my old consoles and even giving some of them a facelift is worth it to me.
I love Xbox Live because it is built into the Xbox 360, and I can show off all my scores and achievements to my friends, and download a bunch of cool demos and Arcade games to play whenever.

Oh, and even when Wombat is on a not so fresh day he was still enjoyable on the show. Thanks guys!
I love it because i love the chainsaw! That and more cowbell. Thoes 7 year olds on live love bringing up that old cowbell joke.
i like xbox live because we've been able to have the hockey league the past couple of years.

also, i like the fact that no matter how good i think i am at a game, there's always someone on xbox live ready to destroy me.
I got my 360 because I got sick of trying to keep my PC up to date to play high-end videogames. I love my 360 becuase I never run out of things to do on it: when I'm not playing AAA games, I can be playing casual games on XBLA, streaming music or video from my PC, downloading demos, video, etc from the Marketplace.
I would like to win the Xbox Live subscription so that my brother in law can stop beating the crap out of the cpu's in fight night round 3 and get some real competition, oh and nbal07 kekek >
Xbox Live is great because my friends and I can get together and play Halo when we can't actually get together.

Also, the XBLA is pretty kickass too.

I need this... my subscription is running out.
I love XBox Live, because all of my college buddies live in Chicago now and I never see them anymore. Thus, we can all reconnect and teabag each other's corpses in Halo 2.
None of my actual friends play videogames... sooo, it's great to be able to see how I measure up to real competition & become a legend in my own mind!
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