CAG Destiny PS4 Group

PSNID: HyeVltg3

EST ....uhhh 6pm - 4am 

I like to use mic, but live in a loud household so I probably only get the Mic going after 9pm-10pm

Just Hit LV20 today(got Destiny 1.5 days ago), so looking for a grind/farm party.

Please give me a reason to continue playing, solo-gaming sucks, and I usually fear end-game in most MMOs because of THIS, sure the grind's fun, sure the Looting is fun ... but shooting alone sucks ass!

I also have Destiny on my X1 and only play it now if my friend's online. other than that the X1 just gathers dust.

Also just got my PS4 about 4 days ago, so...if I can figure out how to Add all of the above people to my FR list, I will be sending out mass requests. =)

^_^ see you at the Tower, may the Light illuminate your darkness.

PSN - gujimmy

Lvl 25 titan

nights and weekends EST

Looking for some friendly games to break up the monotony

I will be adding people later this evening. If you want you can add me up too.

My PSN: craizieboi888

Just put a CAG msg so ill know where the invites from.

I usually play everyday around 9pm-1am PST or when my kids are sleeping. Hehe!

I have a lvl22 hunter (main) but im also working on leveling my lvl8 warlock.

Usually on 830pm est to 12am weekdays
Random times on weekends. No mic but tell me what to do and ill try my best. Lvl 21 warlock
I'm on at random times throughout the day, mostly in the mornings though. Looking for groups that want to run strikes and eventually raids. Currently do not have a mic, but I'll follow the group's lead. Feel free to add me. Currently a lvl 20 warlock.
i play on PS4 and i'm on pretty regularly. level 13 hunter, always down to fireteam and looking forward to meeting some cags.

PSN: phoenixdownx99

PSN listerfiend78

Only a level 4 I was out of town when this came out. Will be playing on mostly weekends and later in the night on those.

PSN: SavagePenguin

I play pretty often in the morning and afternoon. Level 26 warlock and I would love to run weekly stuff or do whatever. I have nobody else to play it.

I haven't gotten to play much with the people from here who have added me. I usually have my fire team set to invite-only by default, but if you send a message or invite, I can invite or join you as long as I'm not mid-mission.
I've gotten a few fireteam invites, but I'm gonna be a lot more likely to accept them if the person inviting changes the generic "Play Destiny!" message to something more descriptive of what you actually want to do.  Or just send me a PSN party invite first.

Party chat is definitely better. With my game audio coming through my headset, it's hard to hear fire team chat over the action. Party chat solves that problem.
Just got to level 28 last night.  Looking for more level 28's to do the nightfall strike or vault of glass.  I'm on nights and weekends EST.

PSN: gujimmy

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Lookimg to do Nightfall and Vault of Glass.
PSN; TehAmazingTurtle

EDIT: Also willing to help out with Strikes.

Please put Cag in message. Usually available everyday unless noted

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I'd like to do the weekly heroic for my exotic bounty and find good players for other strikes/raids and crucible(I prefer Control). I'm usually on at night EST, but I also play random times.

PSN: OrganizedChaos11

Put CAG in your friend request

I'm level 26 Warlock right now, but I should be level 28 soon enough assuming Xur has good gear to sell me tomorrow.

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Just added a bunch of you. I'm currently level 27 Titan. Play with a Mic, usually late at night (somewhere between 11PM and 4AM most nights, although sometimes earlier if I'm not working that evening) PSN: Skizza306, add me up, nightowls especially.
Arjay, iGnatia, and I are looking for 3 more CAG clan members that are 28 or higher to do the raid with. There is a trophy to beat the raid with only your clan members. So if you are level 28 or higher and are interested please let one of us know. Also helps if you know how to do each stage, but that can also be explained while playing.

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Arjay, iGnatia, and I are looking for 3 more CAG clan members that are 28 or higher to do the raid with. There is a trophy to beat the raid with only your clan members. So if you are level 28 or higher and are interested please let one of us know. Also helps if you know how to do each stage, but that can also be explained while playing.
I was playing with arjay and ig for a few hours last night. I'm only at 26 right now but I'll be playing all day so if I hit 28 I'll shoot over a message.
Im level 28 and have raiding experience through to the last area. Defender Titan. Psn: Dwarfmann
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Arjay, iGnatia, and I are looking for 3 more CAG clan members that are 28 or higher to do the raid with. There is a trophy to beat the raid with only your clan members. So if you are level 28 or higher and are interested please let one of us know. Also helps if you know how to do each stage, but that can also be explained while playing.
I offer myself up for tribute.

Arjay, iGnatia, and I are looking for 3 more CAG clan members that are 28 or higher to do the raid with. There is a trophy to beat the raid with only your clan members. So if you are level 28 or higher and are interested please let one of us know. Also helps if you know how to do each stage, but that can also be explained while playing.
Still have room for one more? My friend is interested, Lvl 28 Hunter. :lol: It's fine if its a no.

I play on ps4. PSN name is DEATHANGEL626. I need help with the queen's mission. I could help others with strikes and missions. Feel free to add me. I'm a level 25 Hunter.
Can we get a group together to do the raid?  I know its tough finding a time when ppl are available.  I'm available Saturday and Sundays, and weekdays 8-12 EST.

PSN: gujimmy

lvl 28 Defender Titan

Can we get a group together to do the raid? I know its tough finding a time when ppl are available. I'm available Saturday and Sundays, and weekdays 8-12 EST.

PSN: gujimmy

lvl 28 Defender Titan
Id love to give the raid a run. jgu can attest how little use I am in lvl 28 content.

level 26 warlock. usually run sunsinger with the group cooldown when in groups.

Send a friend request, PSN: gujimmy.  I'll try to get a group together this weekend. [SIZE=14.3999996185303px]I have no raid experience either, thought it would be fun to try and [/SIZE]possibly[SIZE=14.3999996185303px] get some sweet sweet raid gear.[/SIZE] I'll try to pick higher level guardians, since all the enemies are level 28 or above. 

I'll be ready for a raid later tonight (around 8pm- 9pm est.) lvl 28 sunsinger. I beat the raid once before.

Have gotten up to level 24 with my Warlock. Still kind of fresh to the game though as I've only done the earth strike and finishing up the story missions. Looking to do Raids and such after the story though, so please send my an invite.


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I"m usually on in the evenings, Level 23.  Looking to join people and work on leveling ranking up. If you need help with anything, hit me up also. 

PSN: Squall41269

Was able to send a FR to everyone in the thread but Provis, for whatever reason. Let me know if you guys want to run anything, especially Queen Kill Orders. Those things are burning a hole in my pocket.

I'll be looking to do some queen kill orders probably in an hour or so, ichabod00 if anyone hasn't added me yet
Has anyone been able to join lately? I know of one member thats been waiting, but i heard that it might be full. There really should be two different groups, one for PSN and one for Xbox if this is true.

bread's done