CAG Fighter Fighting Game Matchmaking - SSFIV AE Games with Gold in June, Skullgirls Encore (free update) Out Now!

Viper channeling her inner Cyclops
So are we playing BBCS2 for sure this week? I know there was some interest expressed by TooLate during EVO & some talk last week. I'd be down, I wouldn't mind a little break from Capcom fighters.....

.....unless anyone wants to play HDR ;)
[quote name='MtlTom']So are we playing BBCS2 for sure this week? I know there

.....unless anyone wants to play HDR ;)[/QUOTE]

HDR is broken. BBCS2.
[quote name='BackInBlack']I'm too clueless for anything but SF4. Gona have to study MK/BB/MVC/3S for a couple years then I'll get back to you dudes.[/QUOTE] You're only going to improve by playing better players. Pretty much everyone that plays gives tips & advice anyways. Guardian consistently bodied me at Marvel but I learned a lot. I'm still not there yet but I can at least hold my own. Besides - I think most of the people who would want to play are in about the same boat as you. Guardian, Shinobi, & I were the only ones that really played the game anyways & I know we're all very out of practice.
Some interesting information. Taken from NeoGAF.


Courtesy of SRK/EventHubs

TOP 32

* Akuma - 9
* Magneto - 9
* Sentinel - 9
* Wesker - 9
* Wolverine - 9
* Phoenix - 8
* Taskmaster - 6
* Dante - 5
* Zero - 5
* Haggar - 4
* She Hulk - 4
* Amaterasu - 3
* Storm - 3
* Tron - 3
* Doctor Doom - 2
* Spencer - 2
* Spider-Man - 2
* Iron Man - 1
* Chris - 1
* Deadpool - 1
* Dormammu - 1
* Felicia - 1
* Ryu - 1
* X-23 - 1


* Phoenix - 3
* Wesker - 3
* Wolverine - 3
* Akuma - 2
* Dante - 2
* Magneto - 2
* She Hulk - 2
* Taskmaster - 2
* Amaterasu - 1
* Dormammu - 1
* Haggar - 1
* Sentinel - 1
* Spencer - 1
* Tron - 1
* Storm - 1


*In the top 8, only 2 teams featured no Wolverine or Phoenix. They were X Ray's Dante/Ammy/Magneto and Combofiend's She Hulk/Taskmaster/Spencer. There were 3 Wolverine teams and 3 Phoenix teams.

*Phoenix was heavy in top 32 but a lot of the Phoenix players were eliminated by top 8. More so, by the time Grand Finals rolled around only 1 Phoenix player stood among the rest (Viscant).

*NO C VIPER OR TRISH PLAYERS IN TOP 32!!! Despite being agreed by most to be Upper Mid/High tier characters.

*RyRy was the only person who attempted to use Spider Man for his anti-Phoenix technology. He was not successful.

*While there were 5 Zero players in Top 32, NO Zero player made it into top 8. Further more, Sentinel players were 9 in top 32 and only 1 in Top 8 (Filipino Champ).

*Best conversion rate from top 32 to top 8 goes to Dormammu. 1 in top 32 and 1 in top 8 for 100% conversion. She Hulk and Spencer are next with 50% conversion. Only 1 player was using Dormammu in the entirety of top 32/top 8 - Filipino Champ.

*Most used assist was Akuma's Tatsu by a considerable margin.

*24 different characters were used in top 32. If all of EVO was taken into consideration, every character was played at least once on stream except Arthur. For top 8 15 different characters were used out of a possible 24 (because 8 players mean that at best we can only have 24 different characters used with maximum character variety).

*Top 5 most popular characters were: Wolverine, Wesker, Akuma, Sentinel and Magneto. All at 9 appearances in top 32.
Ha! Akuma was most used assit!...I still like Akuma, and all of you can suuuuuck it. I dont care if he is a crutch...he is awesome, even without X-factor.

Nice to see Felicia in the mix, although I'm more surprised Morrigan was excluded, she's a really well rounded character and her Meter and Shadow blade assist are good.

-A noob walks into a saloon-

Hey guys... I just got MVC3 yesterday (Holy Hard) and I have been trying to do the missions.

Mission 1. I do the move and nothing happens. Over and over... with different characters. Nothing.

I watched some videos and theirs are all passing with no problems.

Do you have to be standing still and do it perfectly? Im so lost on this!
[quote name='Lice']-A noob walks into a saloon-

Hey guys... I just got MVC3 yesterday (Holy Hard) and I have been trying to do the missions.

Mission 1. I do the move and nothing happens. Over and over... with different characters. Nothing.

I watched some videos and theirs are all passing with no problems.

Do you have to be standing still and do it perfectly? Im so lost on this![/QUOTE]

It might help to know what characters/move you're trying to use. The move has to hit the dummy. Also, you have to do the correct corresponding strength version of the move (some moves can be done with different buttons, resulting in a stronger, or farther reaching version).

[quote name='joe2187']Ha! Akuma was most used assit!...I still like Akuma, and all of you can suuuuuck it. I dont care if he is a crutch...he is awesome, even without X-factor.
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Damn, just what we need. Another character with a puppet. :roll:

GGs last night to BIB, Guardian, Joe, & Kensei. Joe & Kensei, you guys missed out on BBCS. Especially the lulz that is Unlimited Tager vs Unlimited Tager.

Kensei - I need to figure out a way around that Viper setup. That shit is annoying as hell, lol.

I can't wait for UMVC3, lack of spectator mode is killing me.

EDIT: Two more weeks until 3rd Strike!
Nemesis seems like such a scary character to be fighting against, he has such powerful moves and im seeing some super armor charges and supers, anyone that's familiar with the RE series want to clue me in on his level 3? he seems to turn into a giant squid?

I was unsure of Doc Strange, but he seems to be a more mobile, trickier version Magneto. Both of these characters seem to have TONS of potential!
Dr. Strange has a Projectile Counter Hyper. That is absolutely huge if it has invincible start-up. The videos only show it working on Projectile Hypers, but if it works on general projectiles, then it shuts down all chip attempts. Previously safe DHCs are no longer safe. And you can't whiff punish with a projectile Hyper if someone has Dr. Strange in the second slot. Pretty awesome stuff.

Nemesis's Super Armor Hyper looks ridiculous. Straight through a Kikoshou for 1 Lvl? I think this guy is the new Juggernaut. This, coupled with Strange's Anti Projectile Counter, shows a lot of anti-zoning movesets/strategies.[quote name='BackInBlack'] for tom and guardian.[/QUOTE]

Hahah, nice.
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In light of the impending Vergil reveal, I went ahead and made a clear video showing Vergil's basic moveset in DMC3:SE to give people an idea of how he might play:

I figured it might help, since combo videos generally consist of fragmented and canceled animation... and with all the jump canceling it's difficult to discern certain moves. And this video's in higher def since it's taken from the PC version.

The only thing I could not get was Nelo Angelo Devil Trigger. I haven't unlocked that costume for Vergil on the PC version, and I can't find a save online that would give me access to him.
What did you use to edit video. Was it expensive. If you use compression does it compress on the fly or after you've done recording. What do you use to compress the raw video to save HDD space and then edit later. What does the 2N at the end of RAM timings mean.
GGs last night to Guardian, joe, & Gouki. The matches were close. Sorry I didn't stick around for long.

Also I feel like a dummy having my mic muted the entire time. No wonder nobody was really saying anything back to me :roll:.

I will definitely be in there next week for 3rd Strike. I'm really looking forward to it!

EDIT: Also, this makes me really happy:

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[quote name='GuardianE']
Nemesis's Super Armor Hyper looks ridiculous. Straight through a Kikoshou for 1 Lvl? I think this guy is the new Juggernaut.[/QUOTE]

I miss Juggernaut. If anything I just liked looking at his comically oversized hands/self. Nemesis appears to be a fun replacement though.
[quote name='BackInBlack'][youtube]NwkSs90nKQQ[/youtube]

Stoked on that 3SO next week.[/QUOTE]

LOL, that's sweet!

I'm also stoked for 3SO.

never really played it much but i look forward to learning the combos via trial mode. I'll be on most of the day on launch so anyone feel free to drop an invite, see you online.
I don't know why they bother changing Ken's Target Combo hitbox in every new version of the game, but keep the damage the same. Scaling still makes it all but worthless as a punish.
Oh, "Kollection" is next week? Huh? I guess I misinterpreted a tweet.

I haven't played MK2 in a long, long time. I wonder if it has withstood the test of time. :whistle2:k
GGs last night to everyone in 3rd Strike. The matches were all really fun. Looking forward to learning the game more seriously. I think I'm going to stick with Urien. I was having the most fun with him (Q mirror matches aside.

On a side note, what's everyone's take on Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown coming out as a downloadable title? I'll be honest, I haven't touched a VF game since like 2 in the arcades. Since it's a downloadable game & not a full-priced disk I'll be more inclined to check it out. I'd really love to see more companies doing this.
I think MK2 is still fun to play. UMK3 is the best but 2 was always my favorite and the one I was best at.

I haven't played virtua fighter since 2 also. I'd be interested in giving it a shot. The game I want the most to come back as a xbla title would be capcom vs snk2.
[quote name='Kensei']I think MK2 is still fun to play. UMK3 is the best but 2 was always my favorite and the one I was best at.

I haven't played virtua fighter since 2 also. I'd be interested in giving it a shot. The game I want the most to come back as a xbla title would be capcom vs snk2.[/QUOTE]

Mark of the Millennium or something like that? YEESSSSSS
[quote name='MtlTom']On a side note, what's everyone's take on Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown coming out as a downloadable title? I'll be honest, I haven't touched a VF game since like 2 in the arcades. Since it's a downloadable game & not a full-priced disk I'll be more inclined to check it out. I'd really love to see more companies doing this.[/QUOTE]

I just hope that there would be a good influx of people interested in playing it. Otherwise, it's gonna be lonely Akira nights for me. :/
I just played SFIII Online for the first time. As a matter of fact this is the first time I have played Street Fighter III. I am a fan of fighting games even though I have never reached the level most people here do. I was always intrigued by SFIII but none of the arcades near me ever had it so I never played it. I like it so far. I can see that it can be fun for everyone but there is a lot of depth in there. I do need a better arcade stick because the wireless Tekken stick is pretty much useless for this game. I can do pretty good in SSFIV, MVC 3 and BBCS but this game need much more precise moves and this stick just doesn't cut it.
[quote name='MtlTom']These guys should probably quit playing 3rd Strike ASAP.

I'm not sure what you're talking about because that is one of the greatest Third Strike matches I have ever seen in my life.

[quote name='eliter1']I just played SFIII Online for the first time. As a matter of fact this is the first time I have played Street Fighter III. I am a fan of fighting games even though I have never reached the level most people here do. I was always intrigued by SFIII but none of the arcades near me ever had it so I never played it. I like it so far. I can see that it can be fun for everyone but there is a lot of depth in there. I do need a better arcade stick because the wireless Tekken stick is pretty much useless for this game. I can do pretty good in SSFIV, MVC 3 and BBCS but this game need much more precise moves and this stick just doesn't cut it.[/QUOTE]

It could be your stick, but in the end, a lot of people seem to just have to unlearn the shortcuts and generous input windows of the current fighters. If you've gotten used to mashing out super or shoryuken or ultra in SSFIV or MvC3, you already know that won't work in Third Strike. There are shortcuts, but they're very specific and really just drop maybe one direction. BlazBlue doesn't really have shortcuts, but it does have a much larger hitconfirm and buffer window than a game like Third Strike.

SSFIV and Marvel (to a lesser degree) has messed with a lot of peoples' execution.
[quote name='BackInBlack']How do I do Urien's first trial? Standing Strong and then a charge move holding down? I quit.[/QUOTE]
You kind of need to think of it like doing Balrog's Headbutt -> Ultra in SSF4 only a little different. This is what your motion should look like:

[quote name='GuardianE']
It could be your stick, but in the end, a lot of people seem to just have to unlearn the shortcuts and generous input windows of the current fighters. If you've gotten used to mashing out super or shoryuken or ultra in SSFIV or MvC3, you already know that won't work in Third Strike. There are shortcuts, but they're very specific and really just drop maybe one direction. BlazBlue doesn't really have shortcuts, but it does have a much larger hitconfirm and buffer window than a game like Third Strike.

SSFIV and Marvel (to a lesser degree) has messed with a lot of peoples' execution.[/QUOTE]

Yeah. I noticed my stick had something to do but there is definitely a different, not as generous, input window as other fighting games. I would almost say SFIII is more like an old school King of Fighter game with it's more precise inputs.
I couldn't resist and got 3rd Strike. I kinda surprised myself cause I'm not as bad as I thought I would be. I guess all those endless hours playing online on the OG Xbox paid off.
[quote name='Arikado']GGs in 3s Guardian.[/QUOTE]

Good games, Arikado! And good games to Jimbo Slice, too. I'm still figuring stuff out, so thanks for the matches. Learned some good stuff. :)
[quote name='BackInBlack']Someone play 3S with me. Anytime, fight me please.

Old Rasputin.[/QUOTE]

I'll play you in 10 if you want. I'll shoot you a message
This is the most boring thing you've ever seen followed by the most awesome thing you've ever seen.

I'd like the record to show that the two hot chicks voted for me.

Here is a close match with bs000:

Good games to Joe, Roses, and bs000 tonight.

[quote name='Monsta Mack']We should get a CAG tournament goin'.[/QUOTE]

We could get one going this wednesday if enough people show. That'd be fun.
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bread's done