CAG Fighter Fighting Game Matchmaking - SSFIV AE Games with Gold in June, Skullgirls Encore (free update) Out Now!

[quote name='bs000'][/QUOTE]

That post is incredibly old. That 2010 timestamp isn't even correct because this diatribe has since been reposted after SRK's forums underwent an overhaul.

On a fundamental level, not many of his points have changed. His overall stance speaks more to the idea of cheapness rather than the word itself. The term "cheap" has evolved colloquially to mean more than what he's expressing here... as some serious accusation of ban worthy or dishonorable play. Seth didn't invent the word "cheap," nor do I think he gets to define it for all future use. Justin Wong, Mike Ross, and PR Balrog have called things "cheap" openly in conversation and in public interview. I'm pretty sure Seth isn't calling those individuals scrubs by nature of this blogentry-disguised-as-forumpost. They're using it in a context that doesn't fit his narrow definition of the word.

Subsequent posts are filled with standard quality SRK, some shedding some general insight and making compelling arguments with questionable examples, while others bandwagon in order to make themselves appear more hardcore.
[quote name='bs000']

While I agree with most of Seth's Domination 101 articles and think they're a good read for any FG player, I agree with Guardian on this one. Cheap can mean a lot of different things depending on the context. In the context of that article, I think Seth is referring players that will complain about something being cheap but would never "lower themselves" to using such cheap tactics. A perfect example of this is your typical Xbox Live rage quitter that complains about spamming the same move, run away/turtle, etc.

If you watch any stream, you'll hear top players & commentators throw the term "cheap" around a lot. In that context, cheap is something that is really strong or abusable. I think this is more along the lines the context of the regular fight night group is using the term. Being that UMVC3 has taken the approach of "give every character something really strong" balance, you're absolutely going to hear the word cheap thrown around.

Do I think Zero is cheap? Hell yes I do. Do I think you only have to press a button to win with him? Absolutely not. I know you have put a ton of time into that character and your team as a whole. Has the time paid off? Considering I have a hard time even starting an offense against you, I'd say it has.

I know two of the most important things in this game are 1) Not dropping your combos and 2) in matchup/character experience. I'm not bad at the first, but I know I'm nowhere close to you or Guardian in the second and it clearly shows. I'm super grateful for all the advice and tips you have given me & continue to give me but the bottom line is I simply cannot hang with either of you, especially with your main teams. That's really the source of my frustration. I know I should be able to win more than 1/5 or 1/10 games against you guys. But week after week it's the same thing. Against everyone else in our regular group, I either go about even or ahead. Hell, last week when Guardian had the save data issue & left the lobby I went on a 7 game streak. I'm not bad at the game & I enjoy the fierce competition, but I'm not improving to the level I want to be at and it's frustrating.

TL;DR. This is getting really far into rant territory so I'm going to end it here.
Happy New Years everyone! Now that the holiday season is over I should be back to being on a little more regularly.

GGs the other day to Kensei. I'll definitely try to hit you up for some games. Maybe I'll try to get on a little early this Wed for some matches.

[quote name='joe2187']
I have not put any time training mode with it so I'm just not hitting it correctly. When I try it randomly the tatsu comes out or they drop out of the combo before the demon flip hits.
Practice makes perfect. I think you're just not doing the palm fast enough if they're dropping out of it. Try doubletapping the L for the palm (RDP+L, L). I haven't really used Akuma a lot in UMVC3, but I remember his new combo was a little easier than his old divekick relaunch combo in vanilla.

Oh and to bs and axc yesterday - sorry I didn't accept. I was re-installing my games & doing a license transfer to my other console. Going to make that one the primary since it has an HDMI.
Why is this thread dead?

GGs to Kensei & Guardain. I like my new team.

By the way, Guardain & I were talking about playing a game that is not UMVC3 this week, thoughts?

I vote AE2012.
I don't really have a strong preference for what we play this wednesday. I'm up for either 2012 or MK. I also wouldn't mind playing BlazBlue or KOFXIII.

Madcatz just announced that they'll be releasing SF x T Fightpads!!!! Hooray! Oh, and some sticks, too, for whoever cares about those. :p Apparently they redesigned the Fightpads internally so that they're lighter and won't break down so much. Hopefully, it works because my third Fightpad is on its last legs. I guess I won't have to use those Brawl Pads after all.

Food for thought: Justin Wong's current Top 5 in UMvC3 is Zero, Wesker, Dormammu, Spencer and Wolverine. SRK also posted their community tier list, but I don't really think it holds much water, personally.

Kensei and I were talking about our respective Top 10's in the game yesterday, and it became really difficult to narrow it down. The upper level of characters is, quite frankly, pretty crowded.

EDIT: DJ Huoshen posted his top 5's on Twitter:
Top 5 Solo Characters (Chars who do really well in all situations by themselves, no order) - Dormammu, Hawkeye, Dr Doom, Magneto, Zero
Top 5 Team Characters (Chars who in teams are hard to stop, no order) - Wolverine, Zero, Wesker, Felicia, Hawkeye

He then reiterates (and I'm inclined to agree) that lists like these are pretty pointless in a game like Marvel. Certain characters will always work better in certain teams, so matchups are too dependent upon team dynamics. Still fun, though.
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I could be convinced to play MK9. I literally haven't touched the game since Freddy got announced.

I think all of those top 5 lists are pretty valid. With the amount of factors in the game I think a top 10 is more appropriate. My personal top 10 are (in no order): Zero, Wesker (these two are clearly the top 2), Hawkeye, Spencer, Vergil, Doom, Dorm, Magneto, Dante, Wolverine.

That being said, the next few characters I can think just outside of that of aren't really too far off from that top 10. Even characters that a lot of people consider mid tier are still really good, especially paired with the right assists. With the amount of combinations in the game & viability of a lot of characters it's really hard to make a definitive list.
[quote name='wjhard63']Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Dibs on Cowboy Hat Pikachu.[/QUOTE]

Get those friend codes handy! I still haven't really played Brawl at all.
[quote name='MtlTom']I could be convinced to play MK9. I literally haven't touched the game since Freddy got announced.

I think all of those top 5 lists are pretty valid. With the amount of factors in the game I think a top 10 is more appropriate. My personal top 10 are (in no order): Zero, Wesker (these two are clearly the top 2), Hawkeye, Spencer, Vergil, Doom, Dorm, Magneto, Dante, Wolverine.

[/QUOTE] My Top 5 was actually Zero, Dante, Wesker, Viper, Spencer, but I'm less and less confident of the choices. My Top 10 was similar to yours except I didn't have Vergil in there. I think I had Felicia instead. I'm actually of the opinion that Zero is the best, but Spencer is a better character than Wesker overall, and I think over time you're going to see more and more Spencers, and fewer and fewer Weskers.

Moving right along, Viscant talked about his current top tier:
Viscant has 17 characters in his top tier, and narrowed it down to Top 6 and then the 11 after that. Zero, Wesker, Doom, Dormmammu, Spencer, Viper in top 6. Next 11 Phoenix, Felicia, Wolverine, Vergil, Dante, Hawkeye, Super Skrull, Firebrand, Strider, Taskmaster, Magneto.
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They must have raised the price. I got in on it for $40. I'm on the fence too but i want to give it a shot. I'm kind of interested in Soulcalibur but I've never really played the other ones and I'm not a big fan of 3d fighters. I might just wait til it drops in price.

I've been hacked. Stole $70 off my CC and all of my current points

Wont be playing for some time after xbox gives me back my account.

[quote name='joe2187']Well...

I've been hacked. Stole $70 off my CC and all of my current points

Wont be playing for some time after xbox gives me back my account.

Well on the bright side you should be getting it back in under a week its been so common now it seems M$ hired a team just to deal with hacked accounts
[quote name='joe2187']Well...

I've been hacked. Stole $70 off my CC and all of my current points

Wont be playing for some time after xbox gives me back my account.


Aw fuck, that sucks, man. Hopefully this will get wrapped up quickly.
Joe - that seriously sucks. I hope they can recover your account ASAP.

So I'm seriously thinking about taking Kensei's advice and putting Wolverine back into the fold. I'm thinking of putting him in Dorm's slot instead of Dorm/Wekser/Doom. The team I have now is strong though & I just don't know if I've fully developed it. I'm doing better than I was with the Frank West team, but still not quite where I need to be (IE: Winning more than 1/10 matches).
[quote name='IanKazimer']What happened?[/QUOTE]

I want to know this as well. Now I'm mad that I gave in to peer pressure to play Borderlands. Salty meltdown?
[quote name='wjhard63']I want to know this as well. Now I'm mad that I gave in to peer pressure to play Borderlands. Salty meltdown?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='IanKazimer']What happened?[/QUOTE]
Basically I'm starting to get the impression that Marvel is not the game for me.
[quote name='MtlTom']I sent a PM to Guardian & Kensei.

I'm done with Marvel for now...[/QUOTE]

I thought we were frnds.
I want Herald colors for my team. But the game won't give them to me. For any of them. It makes me sad.

Stoic, if you have Ultimate MvC3, feel free to join us on wednesdays at 9:00pm EST, or send a message/invite whenever.
[quote name='GuardianE']I want Herald colors for my team. But the game won't give them to me. For any of them. It makes me sad.

Stoic, if you have Ultimate MvC3, feel free to join us on wednesdays at 9:00pm EST, or send a message/invite whenever.[/QUOTE]

I found your whole team last week. I know you already know but I just wanted to remind you again.
What's the minimum amount of effort required to get Herald colors? This week I picked a team, got a match with the worst connection I've ever had, and just worked on stuff while I let the guy maul me. I got a point. To my understanding, that should get me one costume if the team wins, right? I just don't see me getting into the mode.
[quote name='bs000']i found your whole team last week. I know you already know but i just wanted to remind you again.[/quote]


[quote name='IanKazimer']What's the minimum amount of effort required to get Herald colors? This week I picked a team, got a match with the worst connection I've ever had, and just worked on stuff while I let the guy maul me. I got a point. To my understanding, that should get me one costume if the team wins, right? I just don't see me getting into the mode.[/QUOTE]

1 point might not net you anything, actually. Joe had mentioned that he got 7 points one week and received no colors. I got 100 points and received 2 colors. I got 5 colors back when I got 300 points once, I think.

Something to note, if you're looking for particular colors, Heroes side will always net you Capcom character colors and Herald side will always net you Marvel character colors.
Oh awesome, good to know. I guess I'll just ride this week out and see what happens if Heroes win. I don't think I'll lose any sleep over it, but I'd love a silver Rocket to troll with someday.

Also, I forget, is anyone here picking up SoulCal 5? It may be nostalgia goggles, but the more I watch from it, the more I want to go buy it RIGHT NOW.
[quote name='IanKazimer']Oh awesome, good to know. I guess I'll just ride this week out and see what happens if Heroes win. I don't think I'll lose any sleep over it, but I'd love a silver Rocket to troll with someday.

Also, I forget, is anyone here picking up SoulCal 5? It may be nostalgia goggles, but the more I watch from it, the more I want to go buy it RIGHT NOW.[/QUOTE]

I think maybe Shinobi is getting it. I was thinking about it but Guardian basically talked everyone out of getting it ;).

On this plus side though I think everyone is getting BBCSE.

EDIT: Also Guardian & I were discussing the possibility switching up the format this week & doing FT5 or FT10 sets. Maybe even something like a round-robin format tournament?
[quote name='IanKazimer']Oh awesome, good to know. I guess I'll just ride this week out and see what happens if Heroes win. I don't think I'll lose any sleep over it, but I'd love a silver Rocket to troll with someday.

Also, I forget, is anyone here picking up SoulCal 5? It may be nostalgia goggles, but the more I watch from it, the more I want to go buy it RIGHT NOW.[/QUOTE]

I had it pre-ordered but I canceled that pre-order yesterday. I still want it, but I think I can wait for the CE to drop in price a little. Basically, hardly anyone in the core group is getting it, and then BlazBlue is coming out the following week, leaving only a single week devoted to SC5. I'm definitely picking it up down the line, though. I think it has potential to be a mainstay, but BlazBlue is higher on the pecking order for me.

Ordinarily, I'd just get both, but they're so close to each other.
Yeah, I know what you mean. I've got it coming from Gamefly, so even if I decide to keep it, it shouldn't hit too hard. We have to move in March and I don't even want to think of how hard the wallet's gonna bleed.

I'm gonna try to be on Wednesday; it's been way too long since I played with you dudes. Finally hit 6th Lord too, so I can be done with fuckin' ranked. I could use a legit stomping instead of the occasional laggy ones.
I think it would be fun to do some sets. Hopefully some more people will show. Maybe I can finally get some matches in with Kazimer. I'm interested in SC5 but I'm also gonna wait for the eventual price drop.
Haha yeah man, you always sign on right as I'm about to get off, and I've just been focused on getting those ranked cheevos out of the way so I never have to touch it again. I could use some time to play with mah other teams. Trying to learn me some Dorm eventually. Think he might help Rocket more than Hulk does.

Also, one of my work buddies might jump on if we party up tomorrow. He played AE with us one night; trying to get more in Mahvel.
[quote name='MtlTom']I think maybe Shinobi is getting it. I was thinking about it but Guardian basically talked everyone out of getting it ;).[/QUOTE]

Correction, Shinobi has a shiny SoulCalV CE sitting in his video game cave. Guardian makes me sad. This is normal.

[quote name='GuardianE']I had it pre-ordered but I canceled that pre-order yesterday. I still want it, but I think I can wait for the CE to drop in price a little. Basically, hardly anyone in the core group is getting it, and then BlazBlue is coming out the following week, leaving only a single week devoted to SC5. I'm definitely picking it up down the line, though. I think it has potential to be a mainstay, but BlazBlue is higher on the pecking order for me.

Ordinarily, I'd just get both, but they're so close to each other.[/QUOTE]

Hello, my name is Hardly Anyone. I'm the resident CAG Fighter IV punching bag. I believe we've met somewhere before.

You guys are all excited to get this game cheap. What's so good about cheap? You act like this website promotes it or something. Geez.
[quote name='wjhard63']
Hello, my name is Hardly Anyone. I'm the resident CAG Fighter IV punching bag. I believe we've met somewhere before.

You guys are all excited to get this game cheap. What's so good about cheap? You act like this website promotes it or something. Geez.[/QUOTE]

So anyways, if we do a round-robin I'm thinking 2/3 or 3/5 if there is enough time/not a lot of people.

I think this is a much better solution to leveling up. Everyone gets more matches & more experience.

I hope you can join too Kazimer, I don't think we've played in UMVC3 yet.
[quote name='wjhard63']Correction, Shinobi has a shiny SoulCalV CE sitting in his video game cave. Guardian makes me sad. This is normal.

Hello, my name is Hardly Anyone. I'm the resident CAG Fighter IV punching bag. I believe we've met somewhere before.

You guys are all excited to get this game cheap. What's so good about cheap? You act like this website promotes it or something. Geez.[/QUOTE]

Ack, sorry, Shinobi. I was planning on keeping my pre-order, but I wasn't sure if you were getting it or not. I really want it, but I feel like we made the same mistake with KOFXIII, and we rarely get to play that. First drop in price, I'll be grabbing the CE, though. I've been watching previews that really make me want it.

[quote name='IanKazimer']Haha yeah man, you always sign on right as I'm about to get off, and I've just been focused on getting those ranked cheevos out of the way so I never have to touch it again. I could use some time to play with mah other teams. Trying to learn me some Dorm eventually. Think he might help Rocket more than Hulk does.

Also, one of my work buddies might jump on if we party up tomorrow. He played AE with us one night; trying to get more in Mahvel.[/QUOTE]

I still need to get those Ranked achievements. :( I just need to start playing Ranked before it's a ghost town.
bread's done