CAG GTAIV Night: Same Bat-Time, Same Bat-Channel[ 9/2 @ 10pm EST ]

[quote name='MisterBee']Who is this guy? Why the hell is he talking like people actually play the multiplayer in this game competitively like its fucking Counterstrike?[/QUOTE]
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I know a secret, but I ain't telling. :p[/QUOTE]

TMK finally bought GTA and had to create a secret new profile to play it?
I guess I'm gonna drag my PS3 downstairs in my house to where my DSL modem is and go wired tonight.....on an RF switch connection, since the tv down here doesn't have composite ports.

I know, I know, how dare I hook up the PS3 via the OLDEST method, but I'm jonesing to blow crap up in Liberty City and I don't feel like trying to figure out the bridging crap for the DSL modem again just to play GTA.

Oh and NO, OkeyJokey is NOT TMK. :p
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I think the pictures speak for themselves.
Damn. There goes my secret. Oh well.....

By the way, I may be playing from a friends' house tonight, so it might not be me at the controls blowing you all up. :p

Just fair warning, though he doesn't play GTAIV unless I bring my copy up.
[quote name='mguiddy']GTAIV online is SERIOUS BUSINESS!!![/QUOTE]
It is just upsetting when you find a game with auto aim off and the only way you die is from and explosive round like a grenade or rocket. I would like to die from a bullet, but not from a sniper rifle from accross the map that has rapid machine gun fire. Thats why I only pick powerful weapons for games 10 minutes or less. The game just frustrates me because I waste so much time trying to find a game only to have people play like that. And I have been seeing no blips more and more which is the worst. Also when I try and start my own game I have been getting kicked from the room much more recently by turds who play autoaim.
[quote name='OkeyJokey']
This is swavage415 by the way [/QUOTE]
Strange... I could've sworn you already had an account here, did you make a new one? Or I could be thinking of someone else.
Yeah, I thought swavage was HuppSav... So who is HuppSav?
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I don't know if I can make this or Red Faction night because of school work and have to be to work at 7am the next two days. But I will try to make at least one of them, if not both.
[quote name='OkeyJokey']It is just upsetting when you find a game with auto aim off and the only way you die is from and explosive round like a grenade or rocket. I would like to die from a bullet, but not from a sniper rifle from accross the map that has rapid machine gun fire. Thats why I only pick powerful weapons for games 10 minutes or less. The game just frustrates me because I waste so much time trying to find a game only to have people play like that. And I have been seeing no blips more and more which is the worst. Also when I try and start my own game I have been getting kicked from the room much more recently by turds who play autoaim.[/QUOTE]

Were you in the auto aim off game I was in a week or so ago? I nailed ARENTHAK from like a football field away with a sniper shot to the head. I was hiding in that industrial building up in Bohan just up the road from the Burger Shot.

It was hilarious. I hit a sniper round right by him and it ricocheted off a wall right in front of him, so he runs like a lil chickenshit to get to cover. He peeks out and I got him dead bang: POP!! :D

Then he realized where I nailed him from and he came hunting me down.:cry:

But see, this is why I always play Free Mode and I usually have it set to 14 private slots, so there will almost never be enough idiots coming into my game to kick me. Most people leave once they realize it's autoaim and friendly fire OFF though, so no need to worry about being kicked.
Just in case you forgot, there's GTA night tonight! Like usual, we'll all be running around with rockets and autoaim and no blips like a bunch of vagina douchewad peepee butts.
Should do an all black SUV Race/GTA Race on Stars in Your Eyes (Michael Jackson). What would Billy Mays want... Kaboom!

Don't know if we've given up on these honor rule modes, but just in case here's a refresher.

The OJ Chase


GTA Race
^ Vehicle Class: Police | Everyone chooses a Police Cruiser or Police Patrol.
^ Track: Exhaust Fumes | 1 or 2 Laps
^ Weapons: Weak (Macgun, 9mm Pistol)
^ Traffic: Low or Medium

Honor Rules
^ No one moves at the beginning of the race.
^ 1 person impersonates OJ and has to find a Pickup or SUV and returns to the starting line and gets a 10 second head start.
^ Only OJ can use weapons and has to reach the finish line to win. Cops can only ram OJ to death to win.
^ If OJ dies then the cops can finish the race. Whoever killed OJ is OJ the next round.


Yes Way on the Subway


Red: Subway Tracks
Yellow: Road to Bohan

^ Vehicle Class: Any
^ Track: Road to Bohan | 1 Lap
^ Vehicle Damage: Scrapes Only
^ Traffic: Off

Honor Rules
^ Drop down to the entrance of the subway.

-> Gravitate towards the sides of the tracks to touch the official checkpoints while racing on the tracks. *Wall grind at the 3rd checkpoint.*

^ Turn right when at the “Fork in the Tunnel” (10 to 15 seconds from the exit).

^ After exiting the subway tunnel (where you first dropped down to on the tracks): hold ‘Triangle’ to respawn at the last checkpoint and continue racing towards the official finish line to claim your final position!
[quote name='metaly']Just in case you forgot, there's GTA night tonight! Like usual, we'll all be running around with rockets and autoaim and no blips like a bunch of vagina douchewad peepee butts.[/QUOTE]

I sent ya a friend request under the name I was using tonight(since I couldn't friggin figure out how to sign in on my friend's PS3 with my PSN account) and I got zip, zero, zilch, nada, nothing.

:razz: If I didn't know better, I'd swear you guys didn't like me or something. :roll:
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I sent ya a friend request under the name I was using tonight(since I couldn't friggin figure out how to sign in on my friend's PS3 with my PSN account) and I got zip, zero, zilch, nada, nothing.

:razz: If I didn't know better, I'd swear you guys didn't like me or something. :roll:[/QUOTE]

If you weren't so negative in your overall attitude I'm sure people would be more welcoming to you.
[quote name='Dasflikko']If you weren't so negative in your overall attitude I'm sure people would be more welcoming to you.[/QUOTE]

The 'negativity'(I assume you mean me saying to metaly about getting nothing from the friend request I sent)? I said earlier I was going to probably be playing from a friends house tonight, so if someone could invite me, that would've been nice. As for the response I put up to metaly's post earlier, I guess your sarcasm detector is a bit broken, hence the eyeroll and tongue sticking out smilies.

However, metaly's name was the only one I really was 100% sure of offhand and since he's the usual host I figured I had the best shot of getting an invite from him. Plus, you never know WHO is going to show up from week to week, so it's not like I could've sent xxx or DD an invite if I had no way to even know if they were online.

We need some more races(heli, motorcycles, ice cream trucks, something wacky and unique)and maybe some Hangman's NOOSE or Deal Breaker if we could find 2-3 people to host 2-3 seperate games.

I'm sure the trophy collectors could get some that they may have missed playing only the modes that we typically seem to play in a certain order as of late(Rocket DM to start, hour of C&C, occasional race with Biff's or whatever, occasional Turf War and end with CB Run).

We just need some variety to spice things up, since I found myself not really missing CAG night due to the aforementioned 'scheduled list of games' we always seem to play. We seem to forget that Mafiya Work, Team Mafiya Work, Team Carjack City, etc, etc exist.
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Best GTA night in a long time. Pretty chill atmosphere and some great rounds, too! I'm loving he Team Mafiya Work, which is a surprise because I hated it when the game first came out. Chopper duels!! :bomb:

I really was out of it during the rocket DM at the airport. It could have just been because Super King kept nailing me from across the runway as soon as I'd spawn. That brought back some Warhawk memories.

[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']long post[/QUOTE]

I like how you rewrote your entire post and it says almost the exact same thing. Also it's enough of a pain keeping my friends list under the magic 50 without having to add everyone's alts.

Enjoyed that Team Mafia Work, except for that cheap "collect the money bag" mission, would like to see it again and make it $2,500 less to win ($5,000). Totally rad collecting AI partners.

IAmTheCheapestGamer doesn't talk during online so are we just going off his rants at the game in this thread as some sort of punishment as hearsay towards the sacred GTAIV? He's just consumed in the chatroom is all (mixed blessing this week since the chatroom upgrade would of surely gotten abused). Gotta' say though, I'll miss it being lag free if we can get over the drama.

And hey! Am I the only one who still believes in Yes Way on the Subway? Only took 9.5 minutes that night (less than a normal Deathmatch and can easily be done in 7.5 now that we know how simple it is). Just don't psyche yourself out because of its size, brings variety/hilarity. It's there, but I'm not going to be chirping it every week anymore.

Now how about that OJ Chase...
[quote name='metaly']Best GTA night in a long time. Pretty chill atmosphere and some great rounds, too! I'm loving he Team Mafiya Work, which is a surprise because I hated it when the game first came out. Chopper duels!! :bomb:

I really was out of it during the rocket DM at the airport. It could have just been because Super King kept nailing me from across the runway as soon as I'd spawn. That brought back some Warhawk memories.

I like how you rewrote your entire post and it says almost the exact same thing. Also it's enough of a pain keeping my friends list under the magic 50 without having to add everyone's alts.


Wait. You guys actually played something OTHER than friggin' C&C for an hour? :razz:/sarcasm

Anyway, the 'alt' name was actually my buddies' families name and it was gonna be a one night thing since my connection is still pretty well fucked here and I didn't feel like dragging my PS3 and my SDtv downstairs yesterday to try and get connected via a wired connection.

But I DO understand what ya mean about not putting everyone's alts on your friends list, which reminds me when I get on PSN again I gotta delete some people I haven't seen on in forever.

[quote name='Shrapnellistic']

IAmTheCheapestGamer doesn't talk during online so are we just going off his rants at the game in this thread as unwanted? He's just consumed in the chatroom is all (mixed blessing this week since the chatroom upgrade would of surely gotten abused). Gotta' say though, I'll miss it being lag free.

And hey! Am I the only one who still believes in Yes Way on the Subway? Only took 9.5 minutes that night (less than a normal Deathmatch and can easily be done in 7.5 now that we know how simple it is). Just don't psyche yourself out because of its size, brings variety/hilarity. It's there, but I'm not going to be chirping it every week anymore.[/QUOTE]

LOL Like I need anymore reason to keep yapping in the chatroom. :p As far as the planned but off the beaten path races go, I love the idea of them, but even I got lost at times which makes it all the more fun. Though if it was a GTA Race, I could at least take advantage of everyone else being lost too and score some kills in the tunnels of the subway.:D
[quote name='Shrapnellistic']All I gotta' assume is one must be CheapyD high if people find themselves lost on a course that can be wallgrind 85% the way. ;)[/QUOTE]

CheapyD high? What's that mean?

Mind ya, I think the Yes Way On The Subway might be a tad more ummmm 'interesting' if'n we add weapons to the mix(ala GTA Race). :D

I just wish the subway trains ran during the races, since that would make things REALLY interesting in addition to the inclusion of weapons.
One would think the CAGcast would be a prerequisite to active CAG posters.

Not to beat a dead horse, but people would wreck their cars when in the subway (including me) so it has to be Scrapes Only which is only in the regular Race.
Good thing too since Race > GTA Race.
[quote name='Shrapnellistic']Good thing too since Race > GTA Race.[/QUOTE]

You might be in the minority on that opinion. I'm not sure I understand the fun in playing a race in GTA4 where I can't shoot at the other players.
[quote name='Shrapnellistic']One would think the CAGcast would be a prerequisite to active CAG posters.

Not to beat a dead horse, but people would wreck their cars when in the subway (including me) so it has to be Scrapes Only which is only in the regular Race.
Good thing too since Race > GTA Race.

I have never listened to any of the CAGcasts since I joined the site. I have no interest in most of what is said on them really. As for the races in the subway being 'bad' when they're being done in GTA Race, I think it would just make things more interesting, since then we would all have to be mindful of how much damage our cars have. Plus, the addition of the ability to use guns would make for some interesting situations, if you ask me.

Imagine if we all wrecked in the one section with those metal beams and the branching tracks. Now imagine if each of us had weapons when that wreck happens......pure mayhem. It would turn a GTA Race into what many of them have become recently: unorganized deathmatch games.

Speaking of unorganized DM games, what about a mode where it's a GTA Race, with the only weapons being sniper rifles(if possible). You could have 1-2 people scout a pre-made course the night before, choose a spot to snipe from and it's up to the rest of the players to try and survive the race. You get shot and killed, you join the snipers.

Thing is, I think ANY race requires a set number of players to finish the race before the 30 second countdown timer takes over and ends the game for the rest of the players, so this idea might not work in a structured game environment. Otherwise, it may be a perpetual race. But it might work on Shrapnel's subway race, though it WOULD have to be in GTA Race mode.

Sorry bout the snippiness last night, but like I said, I don't know who is gonna show up from week to week so I didn't know who else to send a request for an invite to.
You might be in the minority on that opinion. I'm not sure I understand the fun in playing a race in GTA4 where I can't shoot at the other players.
I just hate how people can exit their cars and get a faster one, defeating the purpose of themed races, also I'd rather it respawn a person with their starting vehicle and not a Fa**io. I don't really own a dedicated racing title for the PS3 aside from the sealed MotorStorm that came with the bundle (hated the demo) so I'm most likely channeling that crave for a "pure racer" outlet in Liberty City.
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Driving into the gas station with a flaming car & chasing cops was a great laugh.. the turf war was good too.

Also, despite how the rounds go sometimes, Cops 'n Crooks is the best game mode on GTA IV online.

[quote name='Shrapnellistic']And hey! Am I the only one who still believes in Yes Way on the Subway? Only took 9.5 minutes that night (less than a normal Deathmatch and can easily be done in 7.5 now that we know how simple it is). Just don't psyche yourself out because of its size, brings variety/hilarity. It's there, but I'm not going to be chirping it every week anymore.

Now how about that OJ Chase...[/QUOTE]
I liked that subway race, but I think only a handful of people have actually run it so far, unless it was attempted during those two weeks I missed GTA night. I'm just not sure how you got off the tracks, is there a way off or did you reset your car?

[quote name='Shrapnellistic']One would think the CAGcast would be a prerequisite to active CAG posters.[/QUOTE]
o_O Why? That would assume everyone likes the CAGcast.

[quote name='bmachine']You might be in the minority on that opinion. I'm not sure I understand the fun in playing a race in GTA4 where I can't shoot at the other players.[/QUOTE]
When you can't shoot the other players, that means you have to focus solely on racing. GTA races can be fun too, but we do too many of those and not enough regular races.
I think most of the group usually tries to stick with their original vehicles during GTA races, since the weird vehicles are half the fun. After your vehicle gets totaled or you die, though, I think all bets are off and you can switch to whatever you want. That's how I've always played, at least. :)
First, that avatar is soooooo wrong.

I liked that subway race, but I think only a handful of people have actually run it so far, unless it was attempted during those two weeks I missed GTA night. I'm just not sure how you got off the tracks, is there a way off or did you reset your car?
Yeah, CAGs should reset their cars after exiting the tunnel (where you first dropped down). Thought it would be less stressful than keeping an eye out for the narrow gaps.

I can compromise GTA Race: I'm fine with it being a Fa**io theme race. Also consider doing another boat GTA Race since you respawn with your starting vehicle there if you die. And if we have to do a GTA Race with Burrito/Biffs (would rather it be a Race) can we make the weapons pistol only or weak (Macgun, 9mm)?
[quote name='TruthinessFC']Also, despite how the rounds go sometimes, Cops 'n Crooks is the best game mode on GTA IV online.

I liked that subway race, but I think only a handful of people have actually run it so far, unless it was attempted during those two weeks I missed GTA night. I'm just not sure how you got off the tracks, is there a way off or did you reset your car?

When you can't shoot the other players, that means you have to focus solely on racing. GTA races can be fun too, but we do too many of those and not enough regular races.[/QUOTE]

I beg to differ on the best game mode in GTAIV online, as I've always believed the best mode is FREE MODE. Although from having had far too many annoying experiences with others coming into my games and trying to deathmatch me for 20 minutes, only to FINALLY realize that friendly fire's off and leave, I got bored with that too.

The next best one, imo, is either Hangman's NOOSE or Deal Breaker, though when playing those modes it helps immensely to have autoaim ON. Those are the ONLY two modes in which I would suggest autoaim being on is a GOOD thing.

As for the racing thing, there are gaps in the railings on the subway tracks, but you really have to look for them in order to get off of the tracks.

As far as racing goes though, if I want to play a strict race with no weapons, I'll buy . I play GTA to blow shit up and kill people. :D
[quote name='OkeyJokey']thanks 4 da invite[/QUOTE]
No problem...

But seriously, metaly was saying you removed him from your friends list, most people were saying you weren't on their friends list anymore so there was no way to invite you.
[quote name='OkeyJokey']add swavage415
if you want to see some crazy shit[/QUOTE]

Define 'crazy shit'. You're not talking about the glitches that have been widely reported for over a year, are you??

The craziest thing I've ever seen, was when someone took me in an Annihilator INTO the Rotterdam Tower and flew UNDER Liberty City. Of course, ONE glitch I wish they would fuckin' fix is the one where people can park their ass inside the one hangar at the end of the airport where the choppers spawn.

I hate when glitchers sit in there and pick you off.

Mind you, I think I did it one time from inside the main terminal of the airport on CAG night, so I guess I shouldn't talk, huh? :razz:
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I haven't got crunk in a looooooooong time. I stopped drinking @ 21 and haven't looked back on that decision. Too bad you're gonna miss Wednesday cuz I may even TALK ON MIC for the first time. I'm just debating between voice changer on or off. :p
[quote name='bornrunnin31']And because you got me in a Scooter mood, here's a bonus video:[/QUOTE]

I lol'ed when the painting went all Clutch Cargo and started singing.
The crazys thing I have done is get hit by the chopper blades and fly into the air on a sanchez. I went so high a couple of times that I did 13 360s one time and about 11 flips another.
I was about ready to shun you for life, xxx, until I noticed those guys are German. You get a free pass when listening to foreign music. (Unless it is French rap.)

Also oh my god, I almost died when I got to the last image here. I know you Fight Night players will appreciate this.

Definitely the crazys thing I saw tooday.
bread's done