CAG GTAIV Night: Same Bat-Time, Same Bat-Channel[ 9/2 @ 10pm EST ]

[quote name='finsfan0210']I'm in the process of watching every movie Christopher Walken has been in![/QUOTE]

Suicide Kings is one of my favorite Walken movies.

And True Romance.

And Things to Do in Denver When You're Dead.
Drama City.

Glad I wasn't on the team that crashed with all 4 occupants during a Cops 'n Crooks round (just another reason why All for One > One for All). Team Mafia Work wasn't as exciting as the week before for some reason; at least it was amusing to see an entire Rockstar zombie outfit on my team.

May I suggest to just make every team game's Voice Chat option global all the time so we can start another game quickly and not take ~4 minutes in the lobby? Can definitely squeeze twice as many team games if we speed up the ready-up process.
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[quote name='Shrapnellistic']Drama City.

Glad I wasn't on the team that crashed with all 4 occupants during a Cops 'n Crooks round (just another reason why All for One > One for All). Team Mafia Work wasn't as exciting as the week before for some reason; at least it was amusing to see an entire Rockstar zombie outfit on my team.

May I suggest to just make every team game's Voice Chat option global all the time so we can start another game quickly and not take ~4 minutes in the lobby? Can definitely squeeze twice as many team games if we speed up the ready-up process.[/QUOTE]

C'mon now, even Kube said he wished he would've seen it. I just thought it was sweet, sweet revenge for being made a one man team the game before. I also figured everyone would bail out once they saw the gas station. I've been practicing unorthodox kill methods in free mode.:D
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']C'mon now, even Kube said he wished he would've seen it. I just thought it was sweet, sweet revenge for being made a one man team the game before. I also figured everyone would bail out once they saw the gas station. I've been practicing unorthodox kill methods in free mode.:D[/QUOTE]

I had just joined when the 1-man-team thing happened. I figured you were cool with it, or had done something to deserve it. :p

When you started going thru the alley, I thought "Oh cool, he knows a shortcut to where they're going." But then you didn't turn towards the bridge and I saw what you were heading towards. I tried bailing, just too late.

And sorry for repeatedly teamkilling you during the rocket TDM, but c'mon, you deserved it!
[quote name='iggywiggum']I had just joined when the 1-man-team thing happened. I figured you were cool with it, or had done something to deserve it. :p

When you started going thru the alley, I thought "Oh cool, he knows a shortcut to where they're going." But then you didn't turn towards the bridge and I saw what you were heading towards. I tried bailing, just too late.

And sorry for repeatedly teamkilling you during the rocket TDM, but c'mon, you deserved it![/QUOTE]

The team killing was being done all around in the rocket dm, so it's cool, but I have no clue what I did to "deserve" being put on the one man team. Well, there is the fact that I've been the one inviting Swavage, but I thought we're suppose to be a 'community' here, so I was just inviting a long time player. I can't help it if he's better than most & makes some trash talking remarks.
WOW!! It's Tuesday night. I thought somebody would've bumped this thread by now. So....should I invite Swavage tomorrow night?? :razz: Or should I invite my friend LUDE who would make Swavage seem like an amateur by comparison? He's also a fellow CAG.
I wont be there tomorrow night fellas, I have to work super late!

You guys will miss my potty mouth, my screaming during cops and crooks when we have poor drivers, and my awesome rocket kills!

In an attempt to beat the record set at last week's Red Faction night, we'll be playing from the usual time for 24 hours straight, until Red Faction starts again.
After the nonsense last week and all of the bullshit related to it, I'm not even sure if I'm going to GET an invite tomorrow night to the game. But if you want to, you can add me lolkizz.

Just beware of my kamikaze kill techniques I've been trying to perfect since last week's not so friendly games.
[quote name='lokizz']ill add you now then .[/QUOTE]

Add metaly, he's the host 99.96% of the time. But he does have issues with his friends list limit or something... I dunno ask him.
[quote name='metaly']GAME NITE 2MORO.

In an attempt to beat the record set at last week's Red Faction night, we'll be playing from the usual time for 24 hours straight, until Red Faction starts again.[/QUOTE]

Please don't tempt me to play longer than I should :headache:
[quote name='metaly']GAME NITE 2MORO.

In an attempt to beat the record set at last week's Red Faction night, we'll be playing from the usual time for 24 hours straight, until Red Faction starts again.[/QUOTE]

Like I need more reasons to neglect the rest of my big game backlog. Then again, I played this for 3-5 hours last night with a buddy of mine. We were making our own rampage game up as we went along.

We ended up having a pretty epic standoff with the police & SWAT while we were hunkered down in the law office in southern Algonquin. He got to 6 stars and survived the onslaught for around 30-45 minutes. I kept getting annihilated as soon as I hit 3-4 stars.
[quote name='Dasflikko']Add metaly, he's the host 99.96% of the time. But he does have issues with his friends list limit or something... I dunno ask him.[/QUOTE]

did that just a bit ago thanks for the heads up.
Now that sounds like it'd be a fun game mode. Party mode with cops on and FF off, we'd all stock up on ammo and hunker down in a building with roof access and we'd see how long we could survive. :lol:
[quote name='mguiddy']Now that sounds like it'd be a fun game mode. Party mode with cops on and FF off, we'd all stock up on ammo and hunker down in a building with roof access and we'd see how long we could survive. :lol:[/QUOTE]

The construction site with the huge cranes just across from the lawyer's office has roof access for a chopper getaway and it's fairly easy to just pick off any incoming waves of police from the rooftops there. I know this as I set up my own six star rampage there the one night when I grew bored of playing the Rockstar created modes.

I had a full compliment of rockets(8), full sniper ammo(50 shots), full shotguns for close combat, smg's, some grenades and either an M-16 or AK-47 for picking off the ones I missed with the sniper rifle.

Best part is, if you get atop the building via chopper, you can 'reload' rockets by getting into and right back out of it, so the carnage could be endless if you just keep the chopper safe.
[quote name='lokizz']did that just a bit ago thanks for the heads up.[/QUOTE]

There's a bug in the game where you can't invite people who are #51 or above on your friends list, and I am over 50 at this point so please add someone else just to be safe.
Yes to free mode with cops, especially if there is a way to limit lives, it would be hilarious to watch the last person try to survive as long as possible against 6 star cops.
[quote name='MisterBee']Yes to free mode with cops, especially if there is a way to limit lives, it would be hilarious to watch the last person try to survive as long as possible against 6 star cops.[/QUOTE]

The only options I can think of for this idea to work are either a C&C game with cops turned ON(if possible), though I think the AI cops get turned OFF during a C&C game.

The only other way to do this would be to set up a deathmatch game in Algonquin or wherever we wanted to try this game out at and if possible turn OFF friendly fire but keep cops ON, which kind of defeats the purpose of a DM game in the first place.

If anyone wants to test out these two options prior to tonight's game lemme know, as I should be on and play testing these in a bit.
You could do a TDM with everyone on the same team (I think)... But I don't think you can limit lives unless you do the one for all C&C.
Actually, I believe the TDM thing would require a second 'team' for the game to even start. Trust me, I've been in enough DM/TDM games at 2 am when EVERYONE tries switching to ONE team. Either people had to switch to a second team or the game just would not start the countdown.

Third option for this game is the game mode I play these unorganized rampages in most often: Free Mode

We can set friendly fire to off, weapons to all or powerful and limit the game to one section of town if need be. However, there would be no 'score' and no real deaths besides that of the cops.

Thing is, until the timer runs out on Free Mode you'll respawn as many times as you die, so there's no way to limit the amount of lives unless we go by an honor system and those who are 'dead' wander off and do something else till the game ends.
After watching numerous videos from YouTube of the game in action, I have to say that most of my interest in it went down the crapper. The game looks horrendous, much like many PS1 era early polygonal games. I mean, I still look back on stuff from the Genesis/SNES and even Master System NES eras with great nostalgia, but some of those way early PS1 games look like jaggy messes to me nowadays.

I tried playing through Duke Nukem: Time To Kill recently and a game that I couldn't put down back then I couldn't even stomach now.

Now, with that aside, I have to ask everyone's opinion on the rampage/siege that we did in free mode. Do you think you would do it again and for longer? If we all had a place where we could hunker down(strip club in Bohan comes to mind) after taking ample time to grab various weapons I think it would've been ALOT more fun.

Another fun location to do that is the lawyer's office in southern Algonquin. The construction site right near there is another great spot.
Personally, I would rather stick to C&C or Mafiya Work than these impromptu custom games, but I'm always open. It was cool that we all spawned in a circle, though. :grouphug:

Also, it was lame that all the objectives spawned so near to each other during Team Mafiya Work. I was hoping it would be sort of a cross-city scavenger hunt. But oh well. I'm sure they'll improve that in GTA5. :whistle2:\"
Good times last night. I thought it was funny when everyone was completely silent because Cheapest was actually talking without his voice changer. He had some good info though and it was surely a rare moment in GTA4 night.

I liked the longer Mafia Work because it let use get more than 3 missions in.

I actually enjoyed the Free Mode because DD83 and I were picking off cops in choppers from the construction crane and watching them fall to their death (morbid, but cool because I've never seen it). My only complaint was that the cops didn't seem very aggressive and I couldn't figure out how to get more than 4 stars.
[quote name='bornrunnin31']Good times last night. I thought it was funny when everyone was completely silent because Cheapest was actually talking without his voice changer. He had some good info though and it was surely a rare moment in GTA4 night.

I liked the longer Mafia Work because it let use get more than 3 missions in.

I actually enjoyed the Free Mode because DD83 and I were picking off cops in choppers from the construction crane and watching them fall to their death (morbid, but cool because I've never seen it). My only complaint was that the cops didn't seem very aggressive and I couldn't figure out how to get more than 4 stars.[/QUOTE]

I'm glad I could help out for once, though I think MisterB got very nervous since it kept spawning him in the same cop/crook car with me and I kept asking where the nearest gas station was.

I guess that's my new shtick.

As for how to raise your wanted level, try grabbing some RPG's and take out a few police choppers or blow up all of the cop cars.
As for the weapon trick I mentioned last night, it works with everything save for melee, projectile(grenades/molotovs), sniper rifles and RPG's. It also works in all sorts of various combos, such as using an M-16 or AK-47's fire rate on a pistol or the aforementioned smg to shotgun one.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I think MisterB got very nervous since it kept spawning him in the same cop/crook car with me and I kept asking where the nearest gas station was.[/QUOTE]

I was nervous, but I really wouldn't have cared if you had driven it into a gas station. It doesn't bother me if I win or lose, except during races, those I care probably too much.
[quote name='MisterBee']I was nervous, but I really wouldn't have cared if you had driven it into a gas station. It doesn't bother me if I win or lose, except during races, those I care probably too much.[/QUOTE]

I'm exactly like you, except for the fact that I really don't care if I win or lose at all. I just play these games to have fun. I still can't believe I finished that Mr. Tasty race in the same vehicle I started in and without having grabbed health for myself or it for the majority of the race.

I think by the time I hit the finish line I had no back doors on the truck and I was leaving a trail of sparks from my two flat tires I had.
The Mr. Tasty race was fun. My favorite race was when I was pushed int the river, then on the second lap 2-3 others followed. I gave the survivors a warm welcome with the SMG I had picked up. :lol:
[quote name='Cthulhu8u']The Mr. Tasty race was fun. My favorite race was when I was pushed int the river, then on the second lap 2-3 others followed. I gave the survivors a warm welcome with the SMG I had picked up. :lol:[/QUOTE]

I've done that numerous times myself, greeting the survivors of a massive crash in the game with a rocket or other implement of death.

I know I asked this the other night during the game, but have any of you done any glitching in the game?

I ask because there's a few really fun ones, one of which is at the Firefly Projects in Dukes/Broker. You have to back up a car into a swingset and the swingset flings your car around 5-10 blocks or so.

You can also do this glitch outside of a car and it'll fling you up in the air to the max height for a helicopter. Thing is, if you have full health, you shouldn't die on impact when you land.

There's also a glitch at the airport involving the main terminal where you can jump over the support beams in the back and be inside the terminal.
[quote name='mguiddy']I've only tried the swingset thing. Got it to work a couple times.[/QUOTE]

The swingset thing works with really ANY swingset in the game, as there's also one in Alderney by the docks that tosses you a good distance. But it also destroys your car ALOT faster than the one in Dukes/Broker and there's a little curb you have to pop your car up on to get it to work.

The swingset glitch also works with some of those big metal shipping containers that're in various spots around LC too, but that involves someone else jumping over the top of the door of it while using a car to block the door from closing/opening completely.

If you want to see some of the wackier stuff people have done in GTA IV, try going to YouTube and searching GTAIV glitches. There's quite a few videos on there showing some really insane stuff.
So am I banned from the Cag GTA game this week for no apparent reason again? I just want to let you dirts know that I deleted most of you because I only need 1 or 2 of you on my friends list to make the game. Also I had baseball games on cag gta night for a couple of months and I wanted to let some people like Metaly free up some space on their crowded friends lists. Also I think the only person I ever played with more than a couple of times outside of cag gta night was Cheapest. Why would I keep 10+ cags on my list that never play with me. Then before I even say anything bad to anyone I hear talk of wanting me banned just because I am in the zone ripping people up. Then I do get banned for a week because I try and defend myself.
I don't know what else to say.
[quote name='OkeyJokey']So am I banned from the Cag GTA game this week for no apparent reason again? I just want to let you dirts know that I deleted most of you because I only need 1 or 2 of you on my friends list to make the game. Also I had baseball games on cag gta night for a couple of months and I wanted to let some people like Metaly free up some space on their crowded friends lists. Also I think the only person I ever played with more than a couple of times outside of cag gta night was Cheapest. Why would I keep 10+ cags on my list that never play with me. Then before I even say anything bad to anyone I hear talk of wanting me banned just because I am in the zone ripping people up. Then I do get banned for a week because I try and defend myself.
I don't know what else to say.[/QUOTE]

Why would you even want to play with dirts like us anyways? Find a new group of people to play with.
Anyone who actually pays American currency to see that G.I. Joe movie should have their right to vote revoked.

Also, they're off of my friends list.
[quote name='bmachine']Anyone who actually pays American currency to see that G.I. Joe movie should have their right to vote revoked.

Also, they're off of my friends list.[/QUOTE]

But it had such a cool intro:

But yes the live action one will suck horribly. This coming from a guy who sells joes for a living. GI Joe: Resolute was way better than Rise of Cobra will be.

Lastly: "You know it's funny, these people they go to sleep and they think everything's fine, everything's good... then they wake up the next morning and they're on fire."
[quote name='iggywiggum']But it had such a cool intro:

But yes the live action one will suck horribly. This coming from a guy who sells joes for a living. GI Joe: Resolute was way better than Rise of Cobra will be.

Lastly: "You know it's funny, these people they go to sleep and they think everything's fine, everything's good... then they wake up the next morning and they're on fire."[/QUOTE]

i still remember when that came out on tv it was such an event. still is a pretty cool movie in its own way same for the animated transformers movie and both had awesome intros. sad that the movie is an expensive turd with crap actors/actresses. whose playin cobra commander btw?
[quote name='lokizz']whose playin cobra commander btw?[/QUOTE]

Joseph Gordon Levitt, an actor I usually associate with quality indie movies (The Lookout, Brick, Mysterious Skin, 500 Days of Summer).

Christopher Eccleston, another decent actor (Shallow Grave, Existenz, 28 Days Later, Doctor Who), is actually playing Destro.

I hope they're both getting nice fat paychecks for this shit.
[quote name='bmachine']Anyone who actually pays American currency to see that G.I. Joe movie should have their right to vote revoked.

Also, they're off of my friends list.[/QUOTE]

bread's done