I have been very weird this month it started 1th april, I dont know why...
I crashed my car into my neighbors tree becuase I thought it was an Elite ,but I did never got that damn Splatter Medal!... When I was at the top of my house roof, I thought I had a Jet Pack on my back and I jumped and broked my leg. But I respawned at the hospital later on...
One night I was walking alone in the dark streets when a big guy came infront of me and told me to give him all my cash! I was starting to armor lock and thought I was invinible, so I crouched and stayed in armor lock position until the big guy assasinated me and stole my cash! after that he T-baged me...
Yesterday I asked my doctor...
What is the problem with me, why am I weird?
The doctor looked in my eyes and he saw the planet Reach...
The doctor told me I know exactly what you need!, you need the early Halo Reach Beta before you going to do more stupid things, its start 29 april and I know who can help you... Cheapassgamer!
And here I am please give me my medic! I really need to play Halo Reach early!
// Jolley34