CAG Hero of the Year

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Speedy since I guess I wasn't around for marten's good deed and only learned about it here.

Runner up awards to 6669 for her work on the strategy guide wiki, Strell for the humor and jollydwarf to give me something interesting to read now and then.

I know he didn't do anything heroic as a CAG but it would be cool to see his name on the ballot as a nice little goodbye tribute.
Speedy has come though with not only very well typed up ads but the earliest ads on the net. I have to say he is one hell of a CAGer and the community appreciates his efforts!
1. Captmurphy
2. Speedy

the hell? has anyone mentioned captmurphy for his 360 trading thread?
i'm gonna be pissed if no one else votes for that guy!
Its a crime if Speedy1961 doesnt win. Other than the mods, he hands down does a greater service for CAG than anyone.

I just wanted to mention as an honorable mention LinkinPrime. He always provides great info in both the Xbox 360 and Off topic forums.
[quote name='Cantaloup']I'd like to nominate neocisco for his Circuit City clearance threads.[/QUOTE]
Ditto, I think he and BenBoxer should get credit for being the official inside sources of Circuit City and TRU, respectively
I don't know what marten did - and it sounds like his generosity should have trumped all other candidates - but I only know what I know, and that is Speedy's consistent delivery of the weekly advertisements.

Second place would have to be the guy who keeps breaking news of the Circuit City clearance deals.
Guitar Hero...

No actually I nominate Cheapy, for his increased exposure out in the internets and bloombergTV and for sponsoring the childs play drive and for providing us with hours of hilarity in the CAGcasts
[quote name='sying']Guitar Hero...

No actually I nominate Cheapy, for his increased exposure out in the internets and bloombergTV and for sponsoring the childs play drive and for providing us with hours of hilarity in the CAGcasts[/QUOTE]
I nominate sying for being the biggest brown noser CAG has ever seen.
So many awesome CAGs this year! Speedy, Fido, io, 6669, Shrike, marten, benboxer... this is gonna be the toughest category hands down.

My vote will go for either speedy or marten.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']I nominate sying for being the biggest brown noser CAG has ever seen.[/QUOTE]

I nominate RedvsBlue for Villian of the year for being such a meanie butt. Oh and
[quote name='CAG 79']Speedy1961 gets my vote. Thanks to him I can plan ahead my purchases and save me and my family money. I can't remember how many times I've prevented a friend or family member from spending the unnecessary cash on a game or DVD because I know who is going to have the best deal thanks to Speedy.[/QUOTE]

Yup, what he said.
Well this Marten fellow sounds like a nice guy, but as I wasn't aware of him or this project, so...

For info, I'd have to say Speedy, as well.

For pure enjoyment, Strell never fails to make me LMAO, and I think io and Daroga would come in a close second. I always enjoy their posts :)

Not only does he post the sales in advance but he seems genuinely happy to do it and he answers a ridiculous amount of questions personally that arise even when they're not DVD or game related.
Speedy with his amazing ability to foresee sales in the future! ;) Has saved me tons of cash, as I have waited many times to buy games thanks to him.
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