CAG Lose It weight loss challenge.

That sucks you lost your 3 point shot Number83. I've been going cardio only for the 35lbs I lost so far, and I can tell I am losing muscle as well as fat. You might need to work the guns a little and you will get that shot back.
Congrats to all that are reaching goals and making great progress! I achieved my first goal of losing 20 pounds yesterday. I'm now setting my goals in 10 pound increments.
[quote name='RallyV']I'm currently at 135. I set my goal to lose 1-1.5lb a week. I know most sites/people say you shouldn't lose too much right away. Being female and not being able to burn as many calories as guys, it makes it a little tougher to make up the difference with exercise.[/QUOTE]

How tall are you and what weight are you trying to get to?
[quote name='blindinglights']How tall are you and what weight are you trying to get to?[/QUOTE]

I'm 5'1" and would like to get to 120lb. If I can pull that off I might aim for 110 which I was about 10 years ago.
[quote name='RallyV']I'm currently at 135. I set my goal to lose 1-1.5lb a week. I know most sites/people say you shouldn't lose too much right away. Being female and not being able to burn as many calories as guys, it makes it a little tougher to make up the difference with exercise.

My job got hit bad with Hurricane Irene and we were forced to close to the public for over six months. Everyone still came into work but brought in food like crazy. So between the sitting around and just eating crazy amounts of food so I easily packed on the pounds pretty fast. Now that it's warmer out a co-worker and I have been doing tennis twice a week. I can usually sneak in some strength training at least twice a week too. I also have been trying to cut down on the pop.

Just looking for some advice and a little help. Also my husband is horrible. He eats and offers me half or part of it all the time. A good portion of the time I don't even want it but end up eating it anyway. Any advice there?[/QUOTE]

1 to 1.5 lbs. per week is a good pace and sustainable so you are OK there. You are looking at about 4 months of weight loss to get to where you want to be - not bad. You can do it. To keep yourself motivated just ask yourself if you'd rather be 135 by September or 110 by September? I'm not sure what you mean about not being able to burn as many calories as a guy though - wouldn't a 1/2 hour of running at the same pace burn a similar amount of calories? Women are so confusing!

Pro Tip: You should not be trying to sneak in weight training - the best way to see results is to get on a definite workout schedule and don't skip any workouts. I fear if you are just trying to sneak them in you aren't planning to exercise daily or every other day which makes it too easy to skip.

Pro Tip #2: Stop drinking soda. Period. That shit will kill you. It is so horrible for you. There are so many other drinks that taste just as good (better, IMO) that aren't so bad for you. Eventually you should be drinking water all the time. You will be amazed at how much weight you will drop if you do nothing but substitute water for everything you normally drink (including alcohol). Once you get used to it you won't be able to go back. I can't even take a sip of soda now - it is so sweet and syrupy and gross I can't believe I ever used to drink it on the reg.

Pro Tip #3: Get a divorce... OK, not really but tell your husband to stop offering you his leftovers. Weight loss is hard enough to do on your own - you need support from the people around you in order to succeed. If you wait 15 minutes after eating your meal you will be full. I promise. Also, I 100% guarantee that your husband would fully endorse you getting into kick ass shape.

Good luck.
I was always under the impression that if I work out for 20 minutes and my husband does the same, I would burn something like 150 cal while he burns 250 or more. I know it mainly has to do with the size difference.

I have been doing my best to cut out the pop. A little tough when it gets offered to me or I just see the cup on the counter. My friend dropped 29 pounds just by ditching it so I'm going to try it as well.

I've actually asked my husband to stop offering me his leftovers and he thought he was being nice to me. So I feel bad now. :(

Now I have to convince him to get back into shape too. That'll be the tricky part.
[quote name='Javery']Pro Tip #2: Stop drinking soda. Period. That shit will kill you. It is so horrible for you. There are so many other drinks that taste just as good (better, IMO) that aren't so bad for you. Eventually you should be drinking water all the time. You will be amazed at how much weight you will drop if you do nothing but substitute water for everything you normally drink (including alcohol). Once you get used to it you won't be able to go back. I can't even take a sip of soda now - it is so sweet and syrupy and gross I can't believe I ever used to drink it on the reg.[/QUOTE]

I never got into anything except Sprite. Good lord, I would destroy it. I cut it out completely last fall and it wasn't that bad.. then I had a setback around the holidays and chugged a ton of it.. now I'm back to just water. It's a tough habit to kick for sure, but it's well worth it. Saves you a ton of money, too. I wouldn't recommend going cold turkey like I did. You should gradually reduce your intake.
I mainly drink water and decaffeinated, fresh brewed iced tea (black tea & green tea combined). I rarely drink soda these days and I don't feel nearly as bloated now. I love iced tea too, and it's good for you (provided you don't drop a pound of sugar in it, of course).
I was always under the impression that if I work out for 20 minutes and my husband does the same, I would burn something like 150 cal while he burns 250 or more. I know it mainly has to do with the size difference.
That is true. Someone who carries more weight is going to burn more than someone lighter.
I mainly drink water and decaffeinated, fresh brewed iced tea (black tea & green tea combined). I rarely drink soda these days and I don't feel nearly as bloated now. I love iced tea too, and it's good for you (provided you don't drop a pound of sugar in it, of course).
I love soda. I usually have a Dr Pepper or vanilla coke at dinner time. Never more than a soda a day.
Giving up pop (soda, to most of you :p ) was extremely difficult...but very rewarding.

About the only things I drink anymore are water, coffee and almond milk (mainly in protein shakes).
Quitting pop was a hard. I had to go the weening method because in my most extreme World of Warcraft phase I was killing 4-8 cans of coca-cola or dr. pepper a night, but when I started the LoseIt I told myself only 1 can of pop a day. I probably drank 1 can a day for about 6 weeks then one day I didn't stick it in my lunchbox. I can still drink diet, but normal soda is too sugary for me now too.

I only drink water when I am at work and after work now. In the morning I will use 1 cup of fruit juice with some ice, frozen fruit, and whey protein to make my breakfast smoothie. It tastes great and comes out to under 300 calories.
Maybe it's bad for my health but I'll let you guys know anyway:

Been a VERY Stressful day. Didn't had time to eat anything solid.

Today, I consider this a fast day since I did ate at Chili's yesterday.

Drank mostly water throughout the day and when I got home for a "lunch break", I ended up having a protein shake so I can get some nutrients in my system. I hope this 24 hour detox, put me back to the weight I put up a few posts ago.
I gave up Soda, and switched to the Crystal Light packets that you add to the 16.9 oz water. I like it light, so I'll only use 1/2 packet, or a full packet for 20oz bottles. Lemon Iced Tea or Fruit Punch are the bees knees...and only 5 calories.

At times when I need my soda fix, it's Coke Zero.
Just got back into working out. Forgot how sore your feet can get when you kick the bag enough. And how horribly pathetic you feel when you realize that cardio you had, and think you have, is now basically nothing. lol
So what is the deal with gravity and being awake? Pretty much every morning when I wake up I'm at my absolute thinnest but by the time I'm out of the shower things have "settled" a bit and my stomach doesn't look quite as flat even though I haven't eaten anything and just worked out for 2 hours. This annoys me for some reason.
While I didn't have a large drop, I did get down to 196.9 this morning! I am extremely happy that quitting smoking has not affected me losing weight. I can't wait until finals are over next week so I can start the Power 90 program and give it my all. Right now, I am just using the treadmill and lifting light 5lb weights while on it, and studying at the same time.
nicely done mek. I didn't drop anything this past week, was 196.5 the previous week, 196 on my last weigh in. not too worried about it though, I can feel that my upper body has been bulking up.
So what is the deal with gravity and being awake? Pretty much every morning when I wake up I'm at my absolute thinnest but by the time I'm out of the shower things have "settled" a bit and my stomach doesn't look quite as flat even though I haven't eaten anything and just worked out for 2 hours. This annoys me for some reason.
For sure lol, I always want to take my "personal progress" pictures in the morning but don't want to cheat myself. My stomach looks much more flat in the morning than any other time, and that changes even if I haven't had breakfast yet and have just been up for a little while.
[quote name='Javery']So what is the deal with gravity and being awake? Pretty much every morning when I wake up I'm at my absolute thinnest but by the time I'm out of the shower things have "settled" a bit and my stomach doesn't look quite as flat even though I haven't eaten anything and just worked out for 2 hours. This annoys me for some reason.[/QUOTE] true!

I'm the same way after playing basketball. After I get out of the shower and put my work clothes back on, I can never tighten my belt back to the loop hole where it was before hoops. It's like my belly gets swollen from exercise...or acts like a sponge from the water.
yeah... I'm annoyed because this morning when I woke up I had to take a leak so I ran into the bathroom with just my boxers on and I noticed that the "V" lines from my sides down to my junk that frame my lower abs was a lot more noticeable than usual and I was feeling pretty pleased with myself until about 45 minutes later when it was almost gone and I was like WTF???
Ha!!! My flatter-than-normal stomach lasted about five minutes this morning. It's like a dream you are suddenly yanked away from...
So I weighed myself this morning for the first time in over a month and for the first time since my Atlantic City debacle and subsequent week off from diet and exercise and I'm at 179 lbs. which is fine by me (6'-0"). I'm up 1 lb. from my low but I haven't been as diligent as I should be with my meals so once I get back on my normal eating schedule I'll be more than fine. Plus, I've been doing a lot more weight training over the past month so that might account for some extra weight too. I guess I need to take my own advice and start weighing myself once a week again...
Nice job Javery! I'm back on this (hopefully). I've taken the past couple of months without worrying about my weight since I'd been studying for an exam I took last Friday. I've been eating pretty badly and snacking constantly while studying. I'm up about 5 pounds since the last time so I have to get to work.
I think I need to go back on the diet...I don't trust myself to be off of it, as evidenced by my week long bender. But what an awesome week!!!!

I'd be surprised if I didnt gain 10 lbs...and that was with me still going to the gym and not counting points. Anyway, tomorrow will be my jumping off point again. I think I want to set my goal to 175 lbs.

I'm also going to bump up my Monday run to 70 mins and add more 10 mins to climbing stairs.
Just two quick little updates. Old scale broke, I was at 195 finally. New scale said 196.2 so I guess I have to start over on that front again! (boooo).

Went to get some new shorts over the weekend, and went for 34's assuming thats what I fit into now. Was pleasantly surpirsed at how big they were, and fit into 32's comfortably. Settled for a couple 33's though, I like them a little more roomy and just can use a belt :)

I'm getting pretty in shape, and got my bench reps back up over 200 (personal thing for me, know it doesn't matter much). I also got my resting pulse down to 64 from 80 last year. Good three month weightloss anniversary :)
[quote name='perdition(troy']Just two quick little updates. Old scale broke, I was at 195 finally. New scale said 196.2 so I guess I have to start over on that front again! (boooo).

Went to get some new shorts over the weekend, and went for 34's assuming thats what I fit into now. Was pleasantly surpirsed at how big they were, and fit into 32's comfortably. Settled for a couple 33's though, I like them a little more roomy and just can use a belt :)

I'm getting pretty cut, and got my bench reps back up over 200 (personal thing for me, know it doesn't matter much). I also got my resting pulse down to 64 from 80 last year. Good three month weightloss anniversary :)[/QUOTE]

Grats on the new dimensions! I think shrinking sizes is much cooler than actual pounds lost. I'd rather be 195 lbs, but wearing 32's than 190 lbs and wearing 34's...just my .02 on that subject.

Nice job on the reps too...keep up the good work!
[quote name='Number83']Grats on the new dimensions! I think shrinking sizes is much cooler than actual pounds lost. I'd rather be 195 lbs, but wearing 32's than 190 lbs and wearing 34's...just my .02 on that subject.[/QUOTE]

Same here definitely. I'm much weaker now than I have been in the last 15 years because I'm not focused on lifting heavy weights and I don't even care. I'm all about maintaining a slim look now instead of a somewhat muscular one. Fitting into 32/34 sized pants feels much better than benching a ton of weight.
Tuesday Weigh-In

Height: 6'0
Starting Weight (4/23): 190.0 lbs
Last week's Weigh-in: 190.0 lbs
This week's Weigh-in: 189.8 lbs
Pounds Gained/Lost this week: -0.2 lbs
Pounds Gained/Lost total: -0.2 lbs
Goal weight (175 lbs): 14.8 lbs to go

I know, I said last week that I was done. But after my first week off the diet, I've come to the realization of two things: 1) I can't be trusted to eat whatever I want...I'm like a sailor on shore leave when it comes to food; and 2) That even though 190 lbs > 250 lbs, it still doesn't feel I could do better. I still have a belly, still wear 34's and I think I'd like a larger buffer zone to play in with weight fluctuation. 175 Lbs gets me there, but probably at the cost of looking sickly...I guess it'll be time to hit the weights. :cry:

Yesterday at the gym I ran 7 miles in 68 minutes...thats a record for distance and time elapsed for me. Took a longer than usual walking break in there, so theres room for improvement. I think 2 more weeks at this level, then I'll push for 75 minutes and 8 miles. Tomorrow I'll do 40 minutes of stairs, which is an increase of 10 minutes, and 20 minutes on the eliptical. I'll also gun for 100 crunches w/ 3 lb weight...My record is 75.

Psycho mode...ENGAGED!!! :D
I've fallen off the wagon, and need a pep talk.

I've been to the gym twice in 1.5 months. Moving has completely thrown me off. Combined with the house warming party, I've been eating like shit.

Well, it's never too late to get back on. Eating super clean today, getting back to the gym. Just gotta get back on schedule.

My squats suffered pretty badly. Everything else stayed stable, but I dropped a good 60 pounds in squats :/
C'mon sean - you can get back on schedule. Twice in 6 weeks is better than nothing - now that the weather is starting to get better you should be extra motivated. We all go through lulls in our workout routines - especially when some life event occurs (like moving). Talk to me in 3 weeks when my wife has the baby and see what my routine looks like... I keep telling myself to make the time but I know how tiring a newborn can make you and with my job I can either work out first thing in the morning or not at all...
[quote name='seanr1221']I've fallen off the wagon, and need a pep talk.

I've been to the gym twice in 1.5 months. Moving has completely thrown me off. Combined with the house warming party, I've been eating like shit.

Well, it's never too late to get back on. Eating super clean today, getting back to the gym. Just gotta get back on schedule.

My squats suffered pretty badly. Everything else stayed stable, but I dropped a good 60 pounds in squats :/[/QUOTE]

You know, with all those moving pics I did not see one that included a home gym! ;)

Like Jav said, twice in 1.5 months is better than Zero. It will take a few reps, but you'll be back in a groove in no time. It's like riding a bike.
Had a pretty good weekend. My metabolism must be doing pretty good now. I didn't really workout this weekend because I was studying for finals. I didn't eat too badly, but I didn't eat as good as usual, either. However, I went from 196.9 on Friday to 193.6 this morning. I am VERY happy about this. My 36's are now too big (just bought them like a month ago), and my 34's are starting to become loose. My 33's are a little snug though. But whatever. I haven't been under a size 38 in like 15 years, so I am happy with anything less right now, lol. Now that finals are almost done, I should be able to start my Power 90 program full force next Monday and hopefully watch the rest of the stomach just start to disappear and the muscle build. I think I'll do some weights tonight, and some cardio tomorrow just so I can get something done during finals week.
I know I'm late to the game, but I just downloaded Lose it! with the intentions of having some motivational helps from you guys. My wife and I have used MyFitnessPal in the past and love it, but it gets boring real quick when its just me and her. My account is under [email protected] if you want to add me!
Sean: don't beat yourself up about it, just get back on the horse and keep going. Everyone needs a break now and then, you just have to deal with catching back up once you start over again.

I'm up a couple pounds over the last week or so (186 lbs), but I'm not really worried about it. I can see my abs and my stomach is flat. The crazy amount of pull-ups I've been doing the last month or so have really made a visible improvement in my back.

I can't decide if I want to go for a bulk or try to get stupid lean. Part of me wants to the chiseled abs, the other part of me prefers the idea of eating a lot and just hitting the weights hard. Decisions, decisions.
[quote name='blindinglights']I can't decide if I want to go for a bulk or try to get stupid lean. Part of me wants to the chiseled abs, the other part of me prefers the idea of eating a lot and just hitting the weights hard. Decisions, decisions.[/QUOTE]

Any idiot can bulk up with weights. Not everyone has the discipline to get chiseled abs - if you can get the ridiculous six-pack I say go for it. I'm trying... but it isn't easy.
The easiest way is to cut, bulk, then cut again. And to rebut Javery's point, any idiot can lower their calorie intake and get chiseled abs :p

Just figure summer is coming up pretty soon. You can gain 8-9 pounds of muscle and mass by June 1st and stay looking pretty fit. You could always do a 5 week bulk and end May 29th, or just go 6 weeks and end the 5th. Start your cut after that with a slightly bigger build and get your abs back. Being muscular and having abs is much nicer looking than a skinny pack.
I'm getting a lot more attention from women while bulking than I am while lean. When lean, I had a six-pack and all that. When I'm bulking up I do put on a little fat, but, I've still got abs (with the benefit of a bigger chest/arms/legs).

Already liking how I look at 170 versus when I was at 160.

That's my way of saying I'd vote for bulking up. *shrugs*
hmmm... maybe it's because I've always been on the "bulked up" side of things - big chest small waist but haven't had a 6 pack since college - that I think it is better to slim down... I like how I look at 178 about a million times more than when I was at 195 (which was the weight I maintained for years and years while lifting). To each their own I guess! Any way you slice it we are all going to get tons of ass. LOL.
[quote name='DestroVega']Is everyone having success with Lose It?[/QUOTE]

37lbs lost since I started. I cannot complain here. Hoping I am at 40lbs lost when I do my weekly weigh in on Friday.
When it comes to cutting, do you guys just eat less, but not a huge drop in calories, eat clean, and maintain the same weights at the gym so you don't lose strength?
[quote name='seanr1221']When it comes to cutting, do you guys just eat less, but not a huge drop in calories, eat clean, and maintain the same weights at the gym so you don't lose strength?[/QUOTE]

I tend to maintain weights but increase cardio. My diet stays the same for the most part because that is the hardest thing for me to control at least as far as dinners go since I pretty much eat whatever is in the house (healthy stuff... mostly).
I drop about 10% of my total calories, increase cardio, and maintain my regular lifting days/weights.

I definitely eat cleaner too when I'm cutting. I don't eat too bad when gaining...but I definitely do change it a bit.
Just thought I'd share a quick picture update.

Feb 23:

April 21st:
[quote name='seanr1221']When it comes to cutting, do you guys just eat less, but not a huge drop in calories, eat clean, and maintain the same weights at the gym so you don't lose strength?[/QUOTE]
No, there is no real "such" thing as clean eating, a carb is a carb regardless whether it comes from Oatmeal or Ice cream, both will get broken down into glucose at some point or time

Check out IIFYM:
I rarely eat carbs as it is. Most of my carbs comes from vegetables and nuts. To me clean eating is lean meats, eggs, lots of vegetables, moderate amount of nuts and fruit, etc. I don't eat cereal, bread, pasta, rice (unless I'm having a weekend cheat meal).


You guys should check out the app Body Shot. It's pretty cool.
Weighed in today at 284.6, down 52.4lbs. from 337

Pants are down from 54 to 48...luckily Amazon had that nice 50 dollars off 200 with the rewards card to get some new pants...had an awesome hobo cinch going on with my belt in the 54's.

Still doing my intervals on the bike 6 days a week but moved the resistance up to 8/15 and its kicking my ass again. Diet wise I've been sticking to my smoothie for lunch (15 blueberries, 1 banana, 5 strawberries, 8oz orange juice, 1 Chobani vanilla Greek Yogurt, ice/water), then a small meal around 2:30-3 and then dinner at 5. (usually some brown rice/veggie/meat concoction).

Cheating has been going on but I'm not letting it drag me completely back into old shitty eating habits.
bread's done