[quote name='perdition(troy']Dang sean, that is truly impressive.
Was bored while my wife was working yesterday, went on a 30.5 mile bike ride. It was very relaxing, and I felt pretty good after I was done. Other than that, I think I had a 2,000 calorie meal Saturday at Red Robin...yum.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Javery']

yeah sean. That is truly impressive.
Rig - I would kill to be that thin. I can see your abs and you aren't even trying.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Chase']Sean— Man, that is truly impressive. And I thought I had to overcome a lot. That's an infomercial promo shot if I ever saw one.
Glad to see you keeping your eyes on the prize, 83. If possible, I recommend squats (Olympic, kettlebell, whatever you have around; sack of rice). Works abs, as well as back, legs, triceps, and a few other muscle areas. Keep at it, sir.
Damn you, Rig, and your lean-ass lean-ass-ness! ...
I quit calorie restriction. That was no fun. Started a new stack which is just two things. Anabolic Freak and Myodex. I think, in the long-run, it'd be cheaper to drive down through Mexico, walk into Costco, buy their generic AndroGel, and smuggle that back into the U.S. ...Not that my prescription shot-in-the-ass T therapy is cheap, but I'm interested to see what an elevated testosterone/epitestosterone ratio would feel like.
Inspired by Sean, I dug up an old high school photo and paired it with a recent shot.
I destroyed a lot of these—and have always been reluctant to share them with anyone. But, I prefer to be honest with you guys. [/QUOTE]
Thanks guys, really appreciate the kind words. Chase, you've made similar huge imporovements, so congratulations to you too.
Leaving for the beach tomorrow night. Thursday-Sunday my stomach is going to get wrecked. May the fitness gods have mercy on me.