CAG MLB 10: The Show League Fantasy Teams! MIL/PHI/SD open! Series 6 Games Due 9/6!

Aside from being unable to make it on Saturday, it's been completely on his end that we haven't gotten it played. He hasn't responded half the time, and I have had to initiate contact almost every time.

There's no reason that even the possibility of me losing the game should exist, unless we get to play it and he beats me. I'm here ready to go, a few minutes before midnight Eastern, as I have been ready to play all but that one time. I've done a good 75% of the work in attempting to schedule this game.
dude go screw im always on my ps3 if you ever wanted to play you coulda messaged me. your on my FL so its no hard to tell if im on or not. you never even play your ps3 . whatever dont try and put this shit on me. you tell me whe your available i pick and then you make other plans. whatever
[quote name='m_d_amore']dude go screw im always on my ps3 if you ever wanted to play you coulda messaged me. your on my FL so its no hard to tell if im on or not. you never even play your ps3 . whatever dont try and put this shit on me. you tell me whe your available i pick and then you make other plans. whatever[/QUOTE]

I told you I would be available from 7 eastern on that day. You never got back to me about a time, so I scheduled a Madden game. This league is based on the forums. I shouldn't have to turn on my PS3 to look for you. You are inconveniencing me.

I've put more effort into this league, by far, than anyone other than Nate. I've posted my availability numerous times and not one person has bothered to respond, except Supreme one time.
[quote name='Matt Young']Aside from being unable to make it on Saturday, it's been completely on his end that we haven't gotten it played. He hasn't responded half the time, and I have had to initiate contact almost every time.

There's no reason that even the possibility of me losing the game should exist, unless we get to play it and he beats me. I'm here ready to go, a few minutes before midnight Eastern, as I have been ready to play all but that one time. I've done a good 75% of the work in attempting to schedule this game.[/QUOTE]

Look at the last page of posts and tell me there's not plenty of blame on both sides. It seemed early in the week, mdam0re was sitting on PSN waiting for you to show up, and even got stood up on the one time you both agreed on (which you admitted to). The past few days, sure, it seems like his effort has been less. But I can't ignore the fact that if you had shown up at the time you two agreed on, trying to find time to play the game the past couple days wouldn't have been necessary.

Matt, I like you. We're friends. But SERIOUSLY, please recognize that you're one of the busiest people on CAG. You're in basically every sports league, you go out a lot, you have people drop by your place unexpectedly, you get random phone calls that can be lengthy, etc. You're just a very social guy. I know you make a big effort to post your availability for people, and that's awesome of you. But because of the schedule you keep, you also have stuff "come up" more often than most people. And those are usually the times you run into problems with people (you know as well as I do that mdam0re isn't the first person you've had this argument with).

I hope saying this doesn't piss you off. But really, I'm only taking the time to explain it because I actually care whether I piss you off or not. If I didn't, I'd say "This is how it's going to be. Tough shit." and not worry about it. If you really feel it's unfair, you don't have to put up with it. This league is barely surviving as it is, and I'd never try to force somebody to continue with something that they're not enjoying. The ironic part about that last sentence is I'm typing it as I'm the one having to mediate people arguing over whether or not an actual time to play was ever agreed upon. As I said, it shouldn't be that difficult.
[quote name='Matt Young']I've put more effort into this league, by far, than anyone other than Nate. I've posted my availability numerous times and not one person has bothered to respond, except Supreme one time.[/QUOTE]

I agree with you here. The problem is, right now...and for a while now, we've been going one game at a time, one week at a time. I can't look back at two months ago and say who tried harder. In this specific week in which the game was due to be played, you both had some faults.

[quote name='Matt Young']This league is based on the forums. I shouldn't have to turn on my PS3 to look for you. You are inconveniencing me.[/QUOTE]

But he did post in the thread saying that he would be on PSN all day...and for you to just get on and message him when you wanted to play. If someone's telling you they'll be on all day, then just take it at face value, and get on when you want to play and see if they are indeed on. If they're not, then it's on them. But if you don't bother to check, how can you complain?

Although, you're both on right now, so I hope to God you're actually playing the game.
All right, all of the Series 5 games except the one between Matt and mdam0re (which they are playing now) have been resolved. The only real outstanding game left was between Supreme and Keith. I saw that you guys exchanged messages about playing earlier in the week, but I'm not sure what happened with that. I know neither one of you really cares though, lol...but I just ended up flipping a coin, and Supreme got the win.

So, once Matt and mdam0re finish their game, Series 6 games will be on the clock...with a deadline of, well...I guess technically now Tuesday 9/7 at 1:30ish AM EST. I'm guessing if deadlines keep getting bumped like this, we'll eventually be into Tuesday evening, but I'm doing the best I can here.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Look at the last page of posts and tell me there's not plenty of blame on both sides. It seemed early in the week, mdam0re was sitting on PSN waiting for you to show up, and even got stood up on the one time you both agreed on (which you admitted to). The past few days, sure, it seems like his effort has been less. But I can't ignore the fact that if you had shown up at the time you two agreed on, trying to find time to play the game the past couple days wouldn't have been necessary.

Matt, I like you. We're friends. But SERIOUSLY, please recognize that you're one of the busiest people on CAG. You're in basically every sports league, you go out a lot, you have people drop by your place unexpectedly, you get random phone calls that can be lengthy, etc. You're just a very social guy. I know you make a big effort to post your availability for people, and that's awesome of you. But because of the schedule you keep, you also have stuff "come up" more often than most people. And those are usually the times you run into problems with people (you know as well as I do that mdam0re isn't the first person you've had this argument with).

I hope saying this doesn't piss you off. But really, I'm only taking the time to explain it because I actually care whether I piss you off or not. If I didn't, I'd say "This is how it's going to be. Tough shit." and not worry about it. If you really feel it's unfair, you don't have to put up with it. This league is barely surviving as it is, and I'd never try to force somebody to continue with something that they're not enjoying. The ironic part about that last sentence is I'm typing it as I'm the one having to mediate people arguing over whether or not an actual time to play was ever agreed upon. As I said, it shouldn't be that difficult.[/QUOTE]

This will be long, but that shouldn't surprise you since it's me writing it, heh.

When I checked, he wasn't online. I had no desire to play any other PS3 games at that point, so I didn't stay on. The lone time I saw him on was Wednesday night, technically Thursday since it was after midnight. He had said he couldn't play that late, and I was very tired and also was going to watch a Blu-ray with friends. I fell asleep 45 minutes into Clash of the Titans.

As far as getting stood up, I accept blame, but I couldn't do anything about it. My Madden opponent agreed to an exact time for the game, and I said I'd play mdam0re between the end of that game and the start of UFC 118. Since my opponent has connection issues- though not as bad as mdam0re's- we had to restart twice, and there was no time for the MLB game. Had we set up a specific time for that day or any other day, which I tried to do, it wouldn't have been an issue. I offered to play MLB earlier, before Madden, but mdam0re said, "Nah, hit me up after your Madden game finishes."

I wouldn't say I'm one of the busiest people on CAG, but I get what you're saying. It wasn't that way till the last couple months, though. Before that, I was busy on weekends (mostly hockey games) but home during a lot of the week. And, due to not sleeping, I was home a lot in general till July. It's just been a combination of general outdoor summer activities/parties (which are a totally different experience when you don't drink, and everyone else is getting pretty buzzed!) and the fact that my good friend from Minnesota was in California for a month, and we were hanging out and going to wrestling shows, concerts, etc. and just hitting the town in L.A. I see him maybe every 6 months. All that, combined with the feeling that I was wasting my remaining youth staying home a lot (no energy/sick feeling due to insomnia that you know about) made it so that I forced myself to go out and do more things.

As for the phone calls and people dropping by- that's one reason scheduling a time to play is ideal. If I have a game scheduled and I get a visitor or a call, I will tell the friend I'll call him/her back, or ask that person if they don't mind watching me play my game (or entertaining themselves with the other TV, the computer, or whatever) since I have a commitment to my opponent. I don't have a time scheduled and those things happen, I probably won't get on. Obvious exceptions are visits or calls that require my immediate attention/friends needing help, but otherwise, I am usually good about keeping appointments. I will admit, however, that when the insomnia extended past the 24 hour mark, I'd often lose track of things, and I kept weird hours since I never knew when I'd be asleep or awake. I'm mostly on track now, and I've slept 16 days in a row, whereas I hadn't slept more than 4 days in 1 week in over a year.

You're not pissing me off at all. I think we know each other well enough that we can have disagreements, even heated ones (not that this one is at all) and then move on and not harbor any ill will toward each other. I like that about you. I wish more people were like that, honestly, and I appreciate the fact that you treat myself and others respectfully during disagreements/arguments, unless they give you reason not to.

[quote name='n8rockerasu']
But he did post in the thread saying that he would be on PSN all day...and for you to just get on and message him when you wanted to play. If someone's telling you they'll be on all day, then just take it at face value, and get on when you want to play and see if they are indeed on. If they're not, then it's on them. But if you don't bother to check, how can you complain?[/QUOTE]

I did check then, and he wasn't on when I checked. What I meant was that refusing to set a time and relying on the "Message me if you see me on" approach as a primary or even sole means of getting the game(s) in is pretty preposterous to me when we have the thread, PM's, and even Facebook if people would like to communicate with me through that. PSN's PC integration is terrible compared to You can see which PSN friends are online, but not what they're playing, nor can you message them from the site. You also can't see when they were last signed on. That makes such an approach more difficult.

Also note that there is the 3 hour time difference. That makes early games for me next to impossible, and the same for late games for East Coasters. Noon in EST? Not early. But that's 9 A.M. here, and that is early for me to be playing video games. Conversely, 9 P.M. here = midnight there, which could be too late for EST people.

Hopefully that made sense. I am pretty tired now since it's 3 A.M., but I read your posts earlier and I wanted to get back on and comment before bed since you deserved a timely response and explanation. Thank you for being so civil and well-mannered about this disagreement/misunderstanding (not sure what to call it, exactly). I can't think of a way to say this without it sounding corny/cheesy/"gay", but I respect you for that, amongst other reasons, and I'm glad I have a friend like you, and that you're running the league.


About the game and mdam0re: I was disappointed that mdam0re took my comments so personally. I had nothing against him and even defended him. I hope we can move past that and be civil from now on, but I do have to say the following first: That that game was absolute garbage. Last time he and I played, he beaned several of my batters in the head. Wasn't he also the one complaining about people not throwing strikes? The lag was bad then, but not like this.

We couldn't connect for 2-3 tries, and then it said he lost connection the first time we got to the choose uniform screen. The next time, we got in the game, but the bar kept going from yellow to red. The game quality varied between ridiculously choppy and completely unplayable. We even got the "Traffic... Delay... Traffic" message 2-3 times. I had baserunners continue to advance when I didn't push the button again after the first advancement, and even one who rounded first without me pressing anything, resulting in the final out.

Often, one of us would swing through, and it looked like a strike, but the ball would shoot out seconds later. The pitching meter lagged terribly, started its motion without me pressing any buttons (not even selecting a pitch) a few times, and even froze completely a couple times. The complete freeze resulted in a passed ball on strike 3, and that unearned baserunner- instead of being out #3- ended up being 1 of 4 to score- his only runs in the game- when that inning should have been over.

That alone made the game a miserable experience, especially after all the trouble we had getting it played in the first place. But on top of that, mdam0re's play style was just... wow. No beanballs this time around since the lag was too bad for me to be able to hit the ball to go up 5-0 on him like last time, but literally half his offensive plays were "attempt steal while bunting". That was it. He was nearly guaranteed to advance the runner on a SAC bunt every time. I'd get one out from the sacrifice, maybe two consecutively, but one single would drive in one or more runners. It was all bunt/steal/repeat, and that was crap.

So with the way mdam0re got pissed at my initial statements (I started sniping back at him after he irritated me, yes), then the scheduling problems, and then the lag/play style combo, it made the game about as enjoyable as playing Yaris while getting electroshock treatment on my nuts while Amy Winehouse stood before me with her pussy lips spread next to a high powered fan that blew the diseased odor into my face.

I want to stay in here because (A) I have respect for you and said I'd stay no matter what, (B) I know I'm better than mdam0re and have proven it under proper conditions, (C) I just want to play the damn game! I've played maybe 30 games since getting the game on March 30, and that's including RTTS. Between the patch, league issues, and then the aforementioned rise in social activity over the summer months, I haven't really gotten to enjoy what is a pretty awesome game of baseball at it's core. Now I fear that, with Madden out and NHL looming, I won't have anymore chances.

As for week 6, Jetman's gone. Does MLB 10 even let me play a CPU opponent? Almost all my games have been "resolved" rather than played. I'm tempted to start my own league- the smallest possible- with 1 series per team, 1 game per series. That way, we can play the games, hopefully, and the get the trophy for playing 60% of games and completing a league.
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I'm glad Supreme got the win - he did try that one time, and I checked for him once or twice that day, but didn't really put in much effort or anything. I just can't bring myself to care, but don't want to screw up anyone else.

With the issues of the game itself and difficulty for whatever reason w/coordinating schedules I think I may end up quitting the league. It shouldn't be this difficult for any of us, and then when you put in the effort and the game craps out (lag, drop, etc) it's just crazy to keep going. N8 - I'll let you know what's up within a day or so - I certainly appreciate your efforts trying to keep this sinking ship afloat.
I still say that 1 series/1 game/minimum number of teams (I think it's 6) would be a nice supplement to this league. I have no idea who'd be interested, if anyone, but we have several reliable players- myself, Nate, cpac if he ever returns, Supreme, and possibly Keith and madnena.

What the fuck ever happened to Josh?

I just want a short league where games are played and trophies are earned. That won't change anything about this one, though, if the idea even comes to fruition.
Small ball is Baseball . here's a box of tissues, you lost dont be salty. you had bases loaded the next inning. take your loss like a man.

again your bringing up specific times like a woman would. you said you would be free wed@7 and thurs@7 i worked wed so i told you thurs assuming you would know it was @7 because that was your availability then you made other plans.
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[quote name='m_d_amore']Nena when can you exploit me for a win?[/QUOTE]

Amore, I pitched balls from time to time to keep you off balanced since you swing so damn much. I stole early because you let me. I hit and pitch against you because you don't know how baseball works. You call it exploits. I say you suck.

[quote name='m_d_amore']Small ball is Baseball . here's a box of tissues, you lost dont be salty. you had bases loaded the next inning. take your loss like a man.

again your bringing up specific times like a woman would. you said you would be free wed@7 and thurs@7 i worked wed so i told you thurs assuming you would know it was @7 because that was your availability then you made other plans.[/QUOTE]

m_d_imsalty, don't call other players salty when you're the definition of being salty when losing. I haven't forgotten the bullshit you put up against me last time we played. I scored 7 runs and you start hitting my EVERY batter until I was up 40. It was funny, at one point, you probably thought I left my PS3 so you threw a fastball right down the middle for a bases clearing double. Then you disconnected.

I should get credit for the win but I can beat you again because you suck so much.
[quote name='Matt Young']I still say that 1 series/1 game/minimum number of teams (I think it's 6) would be a nice supplement to this league. I have no idea who'd be interested, if anyone, but we have several reliable players- myself, Nate, cpac if he ever returns, Supreme, and possibly Keith and madnena.

What the fuck ever happened to Josh?

I just want a short league where games are played and trophies are earned. That won't change anything about this one, though, if the idea even comes to fruition.[/QUOTE]

Lol I'm down for that league. Maybe we can actually get the league trophy.
[quote name='m_d_amore']Small ball is Baseball . here's a box of tissues, you lost dont be salty. you had bases loaded the next inning. take your loss like a man.

again your bringing up specific times like a woman would. you said you would be free wed@7 and thurs@7 i worked wed so i told you thurs assuming you would know it was @7 because that was your availability then you made other plans.[/QUOTE]

How does mentioning specific times have anything to do with women? That's how responsible (or in my case, semi-responsible, LOL) people usually set things up. I said I would be from from 7 on, and I asked you for a time. You didn't give me a time, but my Madden opponent did. If you can't bother scheduling a time when I ask you to, why should I waste my time waiting for you? And you used the word 'assuming". I think the old saying about those who assume applies to you.

Do you even know what small ball is? Small ball is not bunting and attempting steals on 50% of your plays. That's never happened in any real baseball game, ever.

And again, the only reason you scored was because of the horrible lag and that wild pitch (which you were stupid enough to swing at) allowing you to reach base. Otherwise, I would have won 1-0. I destroyed you last time we played, even though you've literally played at least 40-50 more games than I have.

So, let's review, since I know all that was probably very hard for your brain to process:

1) You have no idea what small ball is, or how the game of baseball is played. Evidence of the latter portion of that statement- complaining about people not throwing strikes. Learn to take pitches. And you sure as hell don't throw strikes all game long (nor should you), so that makes you a hypocrite.

2) You have a horrible connection that is unsuitable for online play.

3) You are ignorant enough to believe that scheduling things is a feminine characteristic. So, if your boss tells you to be at work at 8 A.M., do you insult him or her for daring to suggest you meet your commitment at a specific time?

Honestly, you seemed like a decent fellow before. A little on the dumb side, but decent. But your attitude here and your insults toward me after I defended you and then tried to be friendly causes me to now view you as a bitch. Not an asshole; just a dumb bitch. Regardless, I will not go out of my way to criticize you unless you write about or to me directly from now on.

madbst: Glad you're in. I have a friend (the guy who just visited from Minnesota for a month) who just picked up the game and is both interested and reliable. However, he needs a new router. We'll just have to see if we even have anyone else interested in the first place.

Yes, the trophy is something I want, but I mainly just want to play the games. The trophy comes from playing 60% of games and completing the league, even if you lose them all.
Matt your a bitch for crying and moaning. take the wild pitch run away I still beat you by 2. I was on that thursday all night.If you would've just turned your ps3 on and messaged me on psn we coulda played its not that hard. We have another game to be played Destroy me then. I bunted men over in 2 innings not the whole game. i tried to throw strikes but was hard to deal with the lag so instead of 90% strikes i had 80%. im glad you think im dumb but i still beat you. I only had a lag problem against you every other game i had played was fine .
[quote name='madbst']So if we do the bare minimum games for a league, it's 6 games (at least 4 games to be played) to get the trophy?[/QUOTE]

If the minimum number of players is 6 (I heard that it was, but haven't checked) then we'd play 5 games each. 3 games played would equal 60%, but I only want to do ti if everyone plays all their games. That's why I'm wanting to go with the bare minimum. I'll have to check in-game and see what I have to work with.

[quote name='m_d_amore']Matt your a bitch for crying and moaning. take the wild pitch run away I still beat you by 2. I was on that thursday all night.If you would've just turned your ps3 on and messaged me on psn we coulda played its not that hard. We have another game to be played Destroy me then. I bunted men over in 2 innings not the whole game. i tried to throw strikes but was hard to deal with the lag so instead of 90% strikes i had 80%. im glad you think im dumb but i still beat you. I only had a lag problem against you every other game i had played was fine .[/QUOTE]

I'm a bitch? Okay, kid. Go back to "Your Moms Box" (having that as your location shows your intelligence and maturity). And no, you wouldn't have beaten me by 2. If you hadn't reached base on the wild pitch, the inning would have been over and you would have scored zero runs. The opportunity only came after that pitch, which you struck out on but reached base.

"If you would've just turned your ps3 on and messaged me on psn we coulda played its not that hard." IF YOU WOULD HAVE RESPONDED ON CAG, WE COULD HAVE PLAYED. It's not that hard!

You're completely lying about the lag. Others have complained about lag against you, and you've even admitted to having a laggy connection yourself.

Yeah, you ended up with a higher score due to a combination of terrible lag and sheer luck, but you didn't beat me.

I said I wanted to drop this, but if you want to keep on, I have no problem making you look like even more of a fool, as I have a low tolerance for stupid people. Everyone in this league thinks you're a garbage player and a complete moron. You make wildcpac look like Sir Isaac Newton, for God's sake.

Christ... CAG's much better than most forums, but it still amazes me how the internet brings out the most outstanding examples of idiocy in our society.
[quote name='Matt Young']If the minimum number of players is 6 (I heard that it was, but haven't checked) then we'd play 5 games each. 3 games played would equal 60%, but I only want to do ti if everyone plays all their games. That's why I'm wanting to go with the bare minimum. I'll have to check in-game and see what I have to work with.[/QUOTE]

Oh yeah, I'd want to play every game as well so we're sure to get the trophy. Let me know if you get it started.
Well, wildcpac has been permanently banned from CAG. So, that makes getting in touch with him even harder. Without him, the NL is left with mdamore and Matt. That means even more simmed games on the way to the finish line...and a locked in NL playoff picture. I'm not throwing in the towel, but under the category of "why bother" scenarios...this one has to be up there, haha. I'd almost be more interested in doing Matt's "quick league" idea just to give us all something for our efforts this year. Considering the trophy is not even for making the playoffs or winning the league...but just completing 60% of your games, it seems asinine that none of us would get it. Thoughts?
I wouldn't mind a small league with regular teams. drafting at this point for that league wouldn't make sense.

I can contact wild on the Stern Fan Network boards though.
lol...why Matt? I think everyone pretty much agreed that nobody cares enough to trudge through 10 more weeks of games...putting the start of the playoffs around December. Because of the countdown between series, I physically couldn't make it go any quicker than that. And with only 2 teams left in the NL, you and mdamore have already clinched a playoff spot. Add to that that probably nobody would get the trophy for even participating in a league, and it all feels pretty pointless.

The only thing there could be a remote interest in doing is the small 6 man league you proposed just to get the trophy. Really, out of the 12 that started, there's at most, 8 of us left in here anyway. I'd like to do it just to say I did something with this game, but I abandoned my franchise months ago, and I have a hard time wanting to play as it is. 5 games wouldn't be a big deal...but that's the only thing I could see working.
[quote name='Matt Young']Okay, if we did that, we'd have me, Nate, and madbst. That's 3. Maybe Steggy would want to play?[/QUOTE]

Pretty sure Steggy sold the game. He dropped from the league a long time ago.
bread's done