CAG MLB 10: The Show League Original Teams Finish 1 game by June 13th

[quote name='Josh5890']Don't worry about it. You are a dedicated person who has kept in contact with this thread daily. You let me know a little while ago about your situation. Whatever happened to your PS3 was beyond your control. We won't be starting until early next week at the earliest. I'm giving you as long as you need. I would much rather delay completing week 1 rather than droping a dedicated player and causing a bunch of headaches week 1.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. Smart move. I thought last year it was possible to accept league invites through the SportsConnect website, but they don't even have this year's set up right yet (apparently, it's in "phase one"), so it doesn't look like that's an option. That was going to be my suggestion as a means for Matt to at least get into the league, but also allow people to be start playing their games.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']All right, Roger Clemens. Somebody is sure "misremembering". You may have been one of the first who "wanted in the league", but 16 people signed up before you and you ended up on the waiting list. At one point, you were actually on the waiting list for both leagues at the same time...while there were spots open in both leagues (which is why I PM'd Josh asking him if you were going to take the open spot in this league). What does that tell you? The only person getting in your way of having fun with this game is you and your "Cardinals or nothing" attitude. So, have fun with nothing.[/QUOTE]

Yeaaah....that about sums up why I don't mind not being in your league. The only problem I had is that I sometimes have to leave town for a few days for work. I was at home when Josh's thread started and then had to leave town a few days...I come back and the whole league is signed up. That's when I messaged Josh and told him I did want in his league. He put me on the waiting list.

Then you started your league. I jumped on that list because I was wanting to play on a league if I could. I have to leave town a couple days, come back and you said that the draft would be on a Wen or Monday. I stated that Monday would be better for me in the thread and then you acted like I didn't have the right for any say in it because I "hadn't been there when you were voting". Its true, I haven't been able to be on the thread for a day or two at a time. I didn't realize that I HAD to be. Real Life comes first, friend.

I don't really get your attitude either. Just because I couldn't accept your invite within 12 hours you are complaining about it...then you have "bad vibes" about me. So I tried to be LESS dramatic and just give up trying with couldn't just leave it at that either. Whatever dude. Enjoy your new found power and strut around.

Josh,'re cool. N8....well like I said, I don't get your attitude. Have fun in your leagues.
[quote name='Josh5890']Don't worry about it. You are a dedicated person who has kept in contact with this thread daily. You let me know a little while ago about your situation. Whatever happened to your PS3 was beyond your control. We won't be starting until early next week at the earliest. I'm giving you as long as you need. I would much rather delay completing week 1 rather than droping a dedicated player and causing a bunch of headaches week 1.[/QUOTE]

Thanks. Hopefully the SportsConnect website will start working so that I can join that way if I don't get it back before you planned to start week 1. And, to update things, my system arrived in Dalls/Fort Worth this morning and left there an hour ago, and is set to get to the repair center tomorrow. I really hope the 10-14 day turnaround is from when the system is mailed out and not from the date they receive it. I know with m,y 360, it was only at the repair center for a couple days before they mailed it back out to me.
[quote name='Matt Young']Thanks. Hopefully the SportsConnect website will start working so that I can join that way if I don't get it back before you planned to start week 1. And, to update things, my system arrived in Dalls/Fort Worth this morning and left there an hour ago, and is set to get to the repair center tomorrow. I really hope the 10-14 day turnaround is from when the system is mailed out and not from the date they receive it. I know with m,y 360, it was only at the repair center for a couple days before they mailed it back out to me.[/QUOTE]

In the mean time Matt, it is your team pick.
Ok, since 14 teams have been picked I went ahead and formed the league. First everyone as to accept my buddy invite through MLB 10. Then I can send you league invites. n8, Droogs, and yukine already have league invites on their way.

Matt and Ivan, when I typed your names in for buddy invites they both said that your names don't exsist. I find it awkward since you guys are already on my friends list. My only theory is that you guys haven't played the game online yet? Is that true or is there a glitch. I'll try later.
I got the message and started to join until I saw that it wants you to pick a team as soon as you join...i'll have to wait.
[quote name='Josh5890']Ok, since 14 teams have been picked I went ahead and formed the league. First everyone as to accept my buddy invite through MLB 10. Then I can send you league invites. n8, Droogs, and yukine already have league invites on their way.

Matt and Ivan, when I typed your names in for buddy invites they both said that your names don't exsist. I find it awkward since you guys are already on my friends list. My only theory is that you guys haven't played the game online yet? Is that true or is there a glitch. I'll try later.[/QUOTE]

Is a "buddy invite" something in MLB 10, separate from a PSN friend request? I'm 99% sure I haven't even gotten to accept your PSN request since I don't think you sent it till after my system was sent in. Then again, maybe I'm wrong. And I definitely haven't played MLB 10 online yet, since I don't even have my copy yet.
[quote name='Matt Young']Is a "buddy invite" something in MLB 10, separate from a PSN friend request? I'm 99% sure I haven't even gotten to accept your PSN request since I don't think you sent it till after my system was sent in. Then again, maybe I'm wrong. And I definitely haven't played MLB 10 online yet, since I don't even have my copy yet.[/QUOTE]

Yea, both lists are seperate. I don't know why they did that. Anyway I thought I sent you a friend request originally but upon further review I didn't. I just sent a friend invite now, even though you won't get it for a week. Hopefully Ivan hasn't been online yet and that will explain why you two don't get buddy invites at this point.
[quote name='Josh5890']Yea, both lists are seperate. I don't know why they did that. Anyway I thought I sent you a friend request originally but upon further review I didn't. I just sent a friend invite now, even though you won't get it for a week. Hopefully Ivan hasn't been online yet and that will explain why you two don't get buddy invites at this point.[/QUOTE]

Because the guys who created the online structure for this game are fucking retards. It's the same reason you can actually refuse to allow someone to concede a game. How big of a dick would you have to be to tell someone "no, I won't let you give me a free win. I'd rather force you to quit."? It's this kind of crap that is preventing me from fully enjoying this game. I love that it actually plays well (baserunning aside), but screwing up the little things is really annoying.
Alright Droogs, it's your pick. Just remember that you have to pick an American League team.

Also, according to n8, apperantley people playing in online leagues are having problems with, among other things, games not counting. So the league might be delayed. More info to come.
I thought about making a joke about how i'm not going to play in the league since I can't be the Cardinals....

I will be choosing the Blue Jays.
[quote name='DestroVega']^ would have been funny to just pick the Cardinals, since no one else did.[/QUOTE]

I almost think it's funnier that they didn't get picked.
Here's another league issue I found:
3) I started a small, 6 man online league. After 3 games played, our league is now broken it seems. All of us try to enter the league, and it gets "stuck" at the screen that says "Initializing Team Office". Once this happens, this too requires a manual shut off of the console.

Thought i could think of a "workaround", so i had a league member, my cousin, meet me in the league "Game lobby". From there i was surprised to see from that lobby i could still challenge him to a LEAGUE GAME. Once we entered the game, it was apparent that the rosters were completely different from the original rosters AND even the newest updated live rosters.

He uses the Mets and they had Mike Jacobs, and a few other players that simply are not on the team on any roster up to this point. Was this what broke our league? How did Mike Jacobs sneak onto the Mets roster when he is not on their roster yet on any other version so far?
[quote name='n8rockerasu']I almost think it's funnier that they didn't get picked.[/QUOTE]

I was seriously going to pick the Cardinals but I figured we would have some die-hard fans who would want to play them.
[quote name='yukine']Have the league invites been sent? Because I haven't received one yet.[/QUOTE]

I thought I did. I'll resend now.
Just making sure, but you guys know the invites are actually in game and not through PSN right? Everything is handled through SportsConnect, so if you don't log in to that often, you won't see it.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Just making sure, but you guys know the invites are actually in game and not through PSN right? Everything is handled through SportsConnect, so if you don't log in to that often, you won't see it.[/QUOTE]

I was in sportsconnect today after downloading the update, but I did not have any league invitations.
Ok, six people are in; me, n8, yukine, madbst, BigAT, and Droogs. I have league invites out for iSuperfly. spidamatrix, and Supreme. I have friend invites for wildpac, Dahk, Steggy, notoriousxbox, and DestroVega. I need you guys to accept my friend request inside of MLB 10 online. I don't understand why they have it that way but they do. Once you are my MLB 10 friend I can send you a league invite.

MattYoung can't do anything right now because of his situation so he is fine, especially since there are problems right now with online leagues. ivanctorres, have you bought the game yet? Every time I send you a friend invite, they say that this player doesn't exist. I need you to go online with the game please so I can send you an friend invite.

Anyway, I'm going to be out from now through Sunday around 1-2p.m probably, so please accept invites and we will take it from there.
[quote name='spidamatrix']I was in sportsconnect today after downloading the update, but I did not have any league invitations.[/QUOTE]

I just sent you one. :)
Hey Josh, you can actually send invites to people not on your buddy list. Just click on somebody who is on your list, then choose "invite by name". Then you can type in anybody's name and it will send them one. That's how I did a lot of mine. Not sure if you have time to do it before you leave, but that would at least allow more people time to accept before you get back.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Hey Josh, you can actually send invites to people not on your buddy list. Just click on somebody who is on your list, then choose "invite by name". Then you can type in anybody's name and it will send them one. That's how I did a lot of mine. Not sure if you have time to do it before you leave, but that would at least allow more people time to accept before you get back.[/QUOTE]

Thanks a bunch. Another 10 minutes and I would be out the door. Everyone now has league invites except for Matt and ivan. See you Sunday guys.
My PS3 was shipped back to me tonight, according to an e-mail I just saw. I may just get it back before I leave for Phoenix on Thursday. I'm still pissed, though, about losing all my progress and saved data for Little Big Planet and Final Fantasy VII.
@josh, I'll log on today. I have the game, but haven't played any online games. Hahaha.

I have two wireless routers, and I seemingly always have the one that connects to my ps3 off.
I'm posting this in both league threads because it's relevant for both. mdam0re and I just played a game for my fantasy team league. I thought the game itself went great. No lag to speak of (except like between play stuff, which to me looks more like framerate issues than lag). He jumped out to a 1-0 lead with a leadoff home run when I tried dropping in a curveball on an 0-2 count. But thanks to some great hitting from Mike Lowell, I came back and took a 4-1 lead into the 7th. mdam0re then hit a solo homer with Jason Kubel, and threatened again in the 9th by putting the tying runs on base. But I was able to close it out for a 4-2 win.

BUT guess what? It doesn't matter, lol. The game didn't count at all. I've read people saying that their games have registered in the schedule portion of the league, but just not in the standings. But this game didn't show up in either (and I know we were playing a league game...the rosters were set right and it said "league game" before we started). No stats were recorded at all, and the game still shows as "unplayed" in the schedule. Hell, we probably could have played it again as the option to "challenge to league game" was still there.

I'm sorry, but something like this SHOULD NOT get by testing. Did they even test leagues at all? There's essentially no purpose to playing any of the games. But it's so nice! You can set your roster, decide who you want to keep on your MLB club, and who stays in AAA. You can set your lineups and pitching rotations just like in offline franchise. So many features this year! Oh, except that the games don't count. :wall:
My system left Laredo, Texas yesterday. I'm hoping I'll get it before I leave for Phoenix on Thursday night. But it requires a signature upon delivery, and I'll be out all Wednesday afternoon, so I don't know.
[quote name='Matt Young']Got my PS3 right now, but I'm literally headed out the door to Phoenix. I'll get the game and join when I return.[/QUOTE]

Sweet. Do you know when you will be able to get on?

Also, Ivan and Supreme, I still need you guys to accept your invites :)
Accepted my invite a little earlier. I've avoided popping in MLB 10 because of the online problems and God of War. I also didn't think there was any hurry since we're waiting on Matt.
we are really waiting on the online problems to be fixed anyway right? some games still aren't registering as played?
Right now I'm just waiting on Matt getting the invite. He has his PS3 back but he has been out of town for a few days. I think he's coming back in a day or two. This helps us because Sony has been suffering with technical issues with online mechanics. While some of them are fixed by now it will seem likely that a couple of issuses will persist. I hope everyone understands that this isn't a perfect system with the online but we can all grind through it. I have been playing in n8's practice league and all of the games have been very enjoyable with minor errors. Hopefully our league will be alot of fun.

I apologize for the tardyness of the league lately. Like I said, I wanted Sony to smooth the edges with online. Anyway, I'm looking anywhere between Wed-Fri for our starting time, depending on Matt. I expect everyone to play a game ever 5-7 days. If our league is the same as n8's, everyone will have 9 games to pick from to play other players in. That should give people plenty of options, especially at the beginning. My plan is that if someone is inactive for 2 weeks without a good reason, I will probably kick them. I'm not trying to be a cruel Nazi commish or anything but I really want to keep this league going.

F.Y.I- I know this weekend coming up will be busy for some players, especially Catholics like me. So I'm hoping that depending when we start playing that I'll probably allow 7-10 days to get your first game in.
Thanks for the update Josh. Weve been dealing with some flooding issues up here in Mass so these delays have been a blessing
I got back home a few hours ago. I went straight from the airport to the store to buy the game. Josh, I accepted your friend invite, so go ahead and shoot me the league invite whenever you get a chance.

If anyone else wants to add me, my username is MattYoung730. I think only Nate and Josh are on my list.
bread's done