CAG MvC2 Night: Now with 100% More Curleh Mustache [THU @ 7 PST//10 EST]


26 (100%)
Announcement(s): I am going to host an hour of MvC2 matches Thursday, August 27 at 7PM PST/10PM EST (ends at 8PM PST/11PM EST).

MvC2 mixtape mp3's available for download in the Playstation Store.


"I wanna take you for a ride!"

Welcome to the PS3 edition of CAG Marvel vs Capcom 2 Night thread. Here is where you can sign up for the weekly CAG Night and converse with fellow CAGs about anything MvC2 related. It is my hope that we contribute to the CAG, PSN, MvC2, and general fighting game communities and of course have a MARVELOUS time. Well, if you'll excuse my bad puns, it's time for fun to be had.


Signing Up

To sign up simply post in this format:



option.iv = option-iv

At this time, I am looking for an additional backup host (preferrably someone located on the east coast). If you are able and willing, please highlight your name in red.


Additional Info

Feel free to add this additional information. It will allow for a smoother CAG Night experience.

Experience: Beginner//Intermediate//Advanced
Availablity: Sun//Mon//Tue//Wed//Thu//Fri//Sat (nights)
Timezone: EST//CST//MST//PST


option.iv = option-iv
Experience: Beginner
Availability: Thu & Fri
Timezone: PST


Room Setup

Speed: Turbo
Time: 99
# Players: 6
Voice Chat: On


PSN Chat

I will send out invites to those who signed up.


IRC Chat

channel: #cagmvc2

Refer to guide in 2nd post.


Player List

Google Docs Spreadsheet of Player List

Stole this idea from another thread. Basically follow the link and you can edit and organize by name, availability, etc. by clicking on the silver bar and selecting "sort by A-Z". No need for a google account sign in. This is just the public copy, and I of course have the original copy.

With this you can find other CAGs who are in your timezone and are available when you are (roughly). You can have someone to play with even if it's not CAG night.

I'll still leave the list for those of you who don't want to deal with this.


bjstucker= Cataplexy
enufs8d = wotcher (PST)
freakyzeeky = freakyzeeky (PST)
John Hyperion = JohnHyperion (CST)
knightsdwn = KnightsDwn
MSUHitman = MSUHitman


mis0 - s1nx3
option.iv = option-iv (PST)
RelentlessRolento = Rolento (EST)

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Instruction Manual

This is a scan of the PS2 manual. It discloses the basic controls of Marvel vs Capcom 2.

Marvel vs Capcom 2 PS2 Instruction Manual (.pdf) hosted by replacementdocs



Marvel 101 Thread
- Shoryuken Forums
Marvel vs Capcom 2 Subforum - Shoryuken Forums
Marvel vs Capcom 2 Article- Shoryuken Wiki


IRC Connection Guide (Mibbit)

(no install necessary)

1. Turn on your computer and load up your preferred browser.
2. Type the following address into the browser and press enter (or simply click the link).
3. In the "IRC" field, click on the drop down menu and select "EFNET [webirc]"
4. In the "Nick" field, type whatever name you prefer (it's a good idea to make it close to your PSN or CAG ID). Only letters and numbers, no spaces
5. In the "Channel" field, type "#cagmvc2" without the quotes.
6. When all fields are completed, it should look like this.


Press go and you're set. On the right is the user list. To chat, simply type in the bottom most field and press enter to send the message.
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[quote name='enufs8d']so mcv2 and then bb?[/QUOTE]
Unfortunately, I'm not hosting BB night this Thursday. However, I'll be around on PSN for a couple games whenever. By next week, I'll hopefully establish a CAG BB Night thread by then.
Shit son! I guess I saw this thread hella late.

mis0 - s1nx3
Experience - Intermediate overall.. Beginner on PS3 (Dualshock 3 + Dorm lag = Pwned)
Availability - Random days.. whenever I have time basically.
Timezone - Pacific (California)

Trying to find my niche again with MvC2. Took a hiatus after getting to college and after I sold off my PS2 copy. I'm decent.. but the shitty internet in the on-campus housing rapes me.

Team currently consists of:
Blackheart - Beta
Strider - Beta
Dr. Doom - Beta

I'm all about the AA to complement Strider.. and also, I can't defend aerials quickly enough. I will most definitely be on the next MvC2 night.
MSUHitman = MSUHitman
Beginner (although I owned the PS2 version since launch, just never played it against others)
Monday-Saturday evenings
Central Time Zone but usually up pretty late
Sounds fun, I didn't know this game supported 6 player lobbies. Shows you how much I've played it

jrsmaster411 = Jon_Mclane
Experience: Beginner
Availablity: Thu & Sat (nights)
Timezone: CST
Hey Jon, thanks for coming man. Had great games.

Unfortunately this CAG night seems to be going the way of HDR, lots of hype then no one online after a week or so.

I'll still hold one for next week and see how that goes.
[quote name='option.iv']Hey Jon, thanks for coming man. Had great games.

Unfortunately this CAG night seems to be going the way of HDR, lots of hype then no one online after a week or so.

I'll still hold one for next week and see how that goes.[/QUOTE]

next time you all do one i'll join in i could use the practice.
notorious_pip = notorious_pip
Experience: Beginner
Availability: Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings usually after 9 p.m.
Time Zone: PST

I probably won't be able to make the official night often, but I'm up for some random games. Feel free to add me.
mr_burnzz = mr_burnzz
experience: lil advanced
availibilty: quite random
time zone: EST

i used to play alot on dream cast and havent played for years...but still havent forgotten how to do combos. not sure about my availiblity for game nights but if you are intermediate or advanced, add me and we can eventually play.
np guys. Nice to see more join. Again, you can always use the thread to find people to play during times which are convenient for you guys.
bread's done