CAG Niche Backloggers Anonymous (Monster Hunter World!) [February]

Pretty much daddy's little girl.

3) I gotta get my kindness up. I havent done her story arc.
I didn't find her SL that interesting. I think her backstory was mostly what you learn in the palace related to her.

3) I gotta get my kindness up. I havent done her story arc.

4) Do you have to have a tragic background to be interesting?

5) There are 'cross-over' moments in P5. I guess they really only happen in 'spend time/hangout' trips. I've had Kawakami show up while hanging with Ryuji, Hifumi show up while hanging with Makoto, and Chihaya show up while out with Mishima (who always looks like he needs a hug). I've yet to have the whole group show up, but at least this little bit is there with special dialogue that allows you to earn rank-up points with both confidants.

6) There was at least one explicit flirty moment b/w those two where Ann basically said that Ryuji *should* be looking at her body (beach? Hawaii trip?).
3) For her story I just meant the one from her story arc during the palaces. I've only gotten through half her social link, it's mostly jokes, but there are a few mentions of her mother that touched my heart a little.

4) No, definitely not. In fact, I wanted to say that the P5 ones are often too tragic, and seems a bit exaggerated at times. Especially Yusuke who seemed to have everything going downhill for him, and it seemed a little cliche at times. Ann actually seemed like the odd one out of the bunch too with no real traumatic past. There were definitely a couple of interesting backstories/personalities in P4, most memorable for me being Kanji and Naoto. But it's just that the others have very plain ones, or ones without much impact. I even forgot what Chie's was like (something about Parents being Kung Fu masters?), and Yukiko and Yosuke's seemed a little petty, Yukiko especially, when she complained about having to inherit that inn. Actually, Ann's is like that too, with the whole model business thing. But P4G's addition of Marie definitely stepped things up, and is one of my favorite social links too.

5) Oh yeah, I remember something like that, I think I remember the Hifumi/Makoto one, haven't seen the others, but also a Futaba/Mishima and Haru/Ohya one. It was a little short though, and I wish it happened more often. Yeah, and Mishima seems like a huge loser in this game, I feel really bad for him. He's like the punching bag of P5. Everyone gets free shots at him.

6) Yeah, that scene triggered the Ann x Ryuji dream for me. I won't get into spoilers too much, but Ann came out looking sexy af, and Ryuji got the hugest pervy grin on his face. I think she said "So I'm not that bad now huh?" and just elbowed him. I thought it was a pretty cool moment, but there's also a lot of other hints that seem to indicate Ryuji has a huge crush on Ann, but is really scared to tell her, or doesn't want to admit it to himself. Chie/Yosuke, and Yukari/Junpei had great relationships too, but Ryuji and Ann are just perfect for each other.

Also, Haru has a big forehead, I'm glad she's the only one with a hat. She also has a huge bust. And a huge booty or maybe that's just her pants.

Finished my first Persona 5 playthru. I'll do a NG+ at some point, using the Japanese VA to compare.

Speaking of the english VA, overall, I was kinda disappointed. Some were good, most were alright, but a few just didn't work at all. I think the video-game confidant (can't remember name...) was the absolute worst. Of the main party VA, Futaba's voice just wasn't right for me as to how I read the dialog that was written for her. She just sounded way too old, and didn't convey the enthusiasm of the dialog.

Gameplay-wise, it was solid; best of the trilogy (P3-5). I really liked the addition of guns, sort of a call-back to how P1 had guns. That and the demon negotiation gave it more of a classic Persona feel to it.

It doesn't have anywhere near as much teenage-humor of P4G, and I really missed that.
Although the scene at the end you get if you go "harem" and romance all the girls is absolutely hilarious.
After the first palace, it focused a whole lot less on the school-side of things than 3 & 4, which isn't a bad thing, but it makes it feel less like you're playing a bunch of teens than the other two games. It certainly seems to be the most "grown up" Persona game.

All things aside tho, I was kinda....I don't want to say "disappointed" in the game, but I don't think it was as good as it could have been, story-wise. I really hope there will be another version (like "Golden") down the line, to tidy some things up.
I especially hope they do something about the final dungeons...those really dragged things down at the end for me.

Anyway, I guess I'll get back to Nier: Automata now.

PS: Makoto is bae, but I'm really just using her to get to her older sister.

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Also, Haru has a big forehead, I'm glad she's the only one with a hat. She also has a huge bust. And a huge booty or maybe that's just her pants.
She has a swimsuit that doesn't mask anything.

Do people not realize hairstyle is like the easiest thing to change?

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I thought Futaba's voice work was alright, especially her growns "uguuu..." I do understand the complaints though, when she's explaining a lot of info at once, which she often does, she loses the cute tone of her voice a bit and it sounds monotonous. But her best work is when she navigates, the short lines like "Bonafied, Monafied!" and "You're so cool, Joker!" really stand out and is memorable.

Yeah like I said earlier, it lost a lot of the school-humor and went for a much darker route. P4 still had the Dregassi or High School Musical vibes, but P5 just went straight to Friday the 13th status, or maybe something closer to Scooby Doo. At lot of really dark themes like murder, cursing, rape, drug use, prostitution, abuse, exploitation, etc. It's great for what it represents, but I also miss the fun humor of P4. Especially the Kanji segments.

She has a swimsuit that doesn't mask anything.

Do people not realize hairstyle is like the easiest thing to change?
Haven't tried any of the costumes yet. And also had no idea that the hairstyles could be changed.

Haru probably dresses the best though, at least the most fancy. I feel uncomfortable with how Futaba dresses like a prostitute, or I guess prostitot in this case...

Haven't tried any of the costumes yet. And also had no idea that the hairstyles could be changed.
You can't change her in-game hair. I just meant everyone has a huge forehead. It's just her hairstyle that highlights it. If you swapped the hair of Anne and Haru's models, Anne would end up with the big forehead. I meant hairstyles IRL is extremely easy to change, and would take away her big forehead instantly. Meanwhile, something like personality, etc. aren't so easily changed.

She's loaded. She can hire her own hairstylist to follow her around if she wanted, if that's people's biggest issue.

As for the costume, let's just say she squats down.

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No, the hairstyle is definitely not a big deal or a dealbreaker for me. I love her regardless, just that it stands out a bit is all. 

I am actually starting to like her as much as Makoto. In fact, I really want a Persona 5 spinoff where Haru and Makoto graduate High School and become college roommates. Then the two of them go off and start solving mysteries on their own, and once in a while a cameo from the original cast appears like a wild Ann or Ryuji. They also get into all that College roommate drama, fall in love with the same guy, and get drunk together during parties. Haru is the one who'll go to all the frat parties and hang out with her sorority sisters, while Makoto joins the student government and studies diligently. But they still get along and stuff and have to solve mysteries with their Personas.

Kinda like a Persona version of 22 Jump Street... actually, I kinda want to write and experiment with this idea...

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I kinda like everything about Futaba except her actual in game face. I don't like 'cutesy' voices (never have) and her English VA is definitely not that. Her presentation in game is classic introvert, hates being in crowds (and would seem to want to avoid small talk) but gets really deep and intense talking about things she likes and with people she likes. I totally relate to that. Choices that they made with her clothes seem on point too. Love the thigh high tights/boots, though in her 'pants' outfit, it seems like they missed a chance to give her roller skates. I even like the way she's portrayed in the opening video.

However, *every* *time* I see her 'visual novel' inset image, all I see is Shu from P4. That's it, it's all over. Cant get over it. Cant unsee it. So, she's a no for me.

As for hair and foreheads, I've known enough girls/women in my life who have had very short hair to say that not everyone has a big forehead. Haru's is Tyra Banks sized (boobs aren't far off from Tyra either, but I digress). Put her in bangs and that head is still massive. Not a deal breaker for me (that would be the voice), but I understand the apprehension.

BTW: I'm pretty sure it's just Haru's pants. OTOH, Makoto's skirt is always about three inches shorter in the back than in the front!

I just got time to start playing again after almost a month of not playing. I haven't been reading the discussion since there might be spoilers.

All I have to say is that the maid is making me go broke and I love it.

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I just got time to start playing again after almost a month of not playing. I haven't been reading the discussion since there might be spoilers.

All I have to say is that the maid is making me go broke and I love it.
Yeah, I'm a little farther into the game now, and there is definitely a lot that is going on. Seeing as most people already gotten pretty far here, I would advise you to watch for accidental spoilers as carefully as possible, since a lot can be spoiled.

I love the maid a lot too, more than the doc. Well, I do prefer maids over doctors/nurses in real life...

Haru is really starting to win me over though. So much so that I want to change my CAG name to BlackRockHaru and put a gif of her replacing Kurumi.

I think my game is slightly glitched/borked when it comes to Hierophant. I've made coffee multiple times, had ST moments with Sakura, bringing a persona and getting the notes, but I cant seem to deepen our bond. It's now 10/20 and he's only at rank 3 so according to the guides, there should be no story constraints. All my other confidants seem to rank up easily, but not this one. I'm 4 in every stat, but he always says, my coffee isnt right, that I need to practice or something. He's even repeated his bean explanation (I've seen the Kona speech twice). This is annoying.

Re the maid: I easily choose doctor over maid, it probably goes back to the voice thing. Everytime I hear the maid say "Hiiiiiiiii!", I cringe a little. It's grating to the point I want to mute the TV. I'm sure there are those that love it though.

I last left the game after beating the sixth boss. All my social stats are maxed, ten social links are maxed, and I picked a lover. I have only one social link below rank five.

I started thinking about a possible Persona 5: Dancing All Night. Who knows how viable a Vita release will be in a year or two, but releasing it on the PS4 wouldn't be that odd. And considering all the non-party member waifus the game could have several dlc tracks.

Oh. It looks like there is going to be an Overwatch anniversary event starting Tuesday. Two events during my Persona 5 playthrough. It's a good thing Heroes of the Storm can get me ten Overwatch loot boxes next week.

I think my game is slightly glitched/borked when it comes to Hierophant. I've made coffee multiple times, had ST moments with Sakura, bringing a persona and getting the notes, but I cant seem to deepen our bond. It's now 10/20 and he's only at rank 3 so according to the guides, there should be no story constraints. All my other confidants seem to rank up easily, but not this one. I'm 4 in every stat, but he always says, my coffee isnt right, that I need to practice or something. He's even repeated his bean explanation (I've seen the Kona speech twice). This is annoying.

Re the maid: I easily choose doctor over maid, it probably goes back to the voice thing. Everytime I hear the maid say "Hiiiiiiiii!", I cringe a little. It's grating to the point I want to mute the TV. I'm sure there are those that love it though.
You gotta actually talk to him instead of just going to make coffee. That being said he is still one of the most annoying confidants to rank up.
I think my game is slightly glitched/borked when it comes to Hierophant.

Everytime I hear the maid say "Hiiiiiiiii!", I cringe a little. It's grating to the point I want to mute the TV. I'm sure there are those that love it though.
I think Sojiro is supposed to be especially hard to rank up, I think the Uncle in P4 was similar, although no where near as difficult. Somewhere down the line, you don't get points for making coffee anymore, and none for making curry. So you just gotta speak to him outright. But I've already prioritized everyone else over him, since he doesn't seem to do much and takes up too much time.

I think Becky's "Hiiiiiii" is supposed to be like that, a little awkward-like. Since she's supposed to stand out from this role at her age and with her other professions considered. I guess it's similar to if your Aunt hits on you or something. It's also a little cringey as well when she calls you master, and I can never get used to her puffy cat face. It works well though, since she definitely stands out and you can see that this line of work doesn't suit her at all, and she's really just trying and pretending here. It plays especially well given her backstory too. One of the deeper social links for sure.

I started thinking about a possible Persona 5: Dancing All Night. Who knows how viable a Vita release will be in a year or two, but releasing it on the PS4 wouldn't be that odd. And considering all the non-party member waifus the game could have several dlc tracks.
There were several domains registered recently. A P5DAN could be pretty cool. But I'm hoping for a Persona 5 fighting game. The mechanics in this game work so well to develop into a fighter, and all the characters fit into that role also. You can even include the palace rulers also as extra characters.

But I really want a Persona 3 remake with this engine and style. Not even a remaster or a piece for piece remake, but an entire re-imagining. Change up Taterus a bit, add separate dungeons/palaces, introduce guns, add the female protagonist from the start, and incorporate FES into the story or make it DLC.

Also, anyone know what Ohya's social link actually does? It keeps saying it'll write a rumor-filled scoop, but I don't know how to trigger it and talking to her doesn't give me the option.

Also, anyone know what Ohya's social link actually does? It keeps saying it'll write a rumor-filled scoop, but I don't know how to trigger it and talking to her doesn't give me the option.
A best I understand it, it helps to lower the Palace Security level when you leave and then come back. Like on Wednesday you leave the Palace @ 90% alert level, if you go back on Thurdsay it will have dropped to 45% alert. I'm only guessing at that though as either I have completed the palaces in the minimum required time, or I used Ambush so much that the alert level is always near 0% anyway. Basically rumor-filled scoop is useless for me. It's a good thing I kinda like Ohya as a drinking buddy.

Edit for clarity: I dont think you have to 'trigger' it. I think it just happens auto-magically.

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If they do a Persona 5 fighting game then I think it would come before a dancing game. If a dancing game is second then it could use any new songs that might be made for the fighting game.

I just wonder if Persona 4 Arena did well enough that they would want to keep doing fighting games. They updated P4A with the Ultimax release, so I'm guessing it did well. Also, P4A is what introduced me to the series, so branching out to different genres is probably a good thing.

I shouldn't hope for the spinoffs too much. Even if they do happen it won't be any time soon.

About Sojiro's social link, I remember it did take a few trips to trigger a level up visit. And I think it was rank 3 that I was stuck on for it a bit. I wondered if the game was keeping the link the advancing at that point. Though playing the game further I now think the game will grey out the social link again if advancing the social link is blocked.

I started focusing on his social link more when I wanted to level up Kindness; his early level ups give you three Kindness notes. Also, if the game did a thing where one of the social links had to be at a certain level at a certain time his seemed the most likely. Sojiro is one of the social links I have maxed out.

And yeah, Ouya's confidant perks are the weakest, but I still went to her a lot because several of her level up visits give three Charm notes. She's another confidant I maxed out.

I've been slowly powering through the game since I only have time to game on the weekend now. I started what I thought might be the last dungeon around 5 pm. I finished it and wound up discovering there was in fact another dungeon that I still had to complete. After reaching the end of that one, and then playing through a bunch of plot twists I arrived at... Yet another dungeon. Sigh... Guess I'm finishing this game next week...
I've been able to dig in much more recently as well. I'm around the end of December now.

The battle system is great and fun, but I find myself so interested in the story that the length of the dungeons feels like it's slowing it down to me. I almost sort of wish the game was a visual novel instead. Or maybe just that the dungeons were shorter. Or maybe I shouldn't be doing all of them in one day when possible to get them out the way.

I think I've gone insane. I started doing their victory poses after the AOA finishes. Maybe I've gotten a little bored just waiting for the battles to finish, and I've actually gotten kinda good at acting their win poses out. I do the little twirl and the peace sign for Ann, almost killed myself doing the flip for Ryuji. Protag, Makoto, and Yusuke's are the easiest. I even have a little cup for Haru's. Morgana's is the hardest, need to find a damn cigar.

I even do the little crazy jump-step-spin for Crow's. Which actually, made me burst out laughing the first time I saw it. Just that grin on his face... :rofl:

I'm debating on doing a Youtube video where I just act all their poses out, kinda like those crazy Overwatch ones with people acting out the emotes.

I just wonder if Persona 4 Arena did well enough that they would want to keep doing fighting games. They updated P4A with the Ultimax release, so I'm guessing it did well. Also, P4A is what introduced me to the series, so branching out to different genres is probably a good thing.
If I remember correctly, it was one of the best selling Fighting Games of all time in Japan. I think it was either 4th or 7th, and was ahead of a bunch of famous fighters. It was also Arcsys highest selling fighter, and I've always wondered why they didn't put more support into it since it sold much more than their other IPs, Blazblue and Guilty Gear. I guess they had to pay a hefty royalty sum, and it wasn't worth putting the effort into.

Finished the game on Saturday. I was more like "finally" than anything. Forgot to get the item from the twins, so I had to restart the last part for an extra 45 minutes.

This might be out of the blue, but now that I've gotten farther into the game, I wanted to address that Liquid Mercury thing. I didn't really chime in before, but I'm starting to feel that it isn't a legitimate complaint. The game never forces you to get it in order to craft the eternal lock pick or other items. You could continue crafting basic picks if you wanted, and unless you use a lot in Mementos, the palaces don't have more than 4-5 locked chests. And maybe I just had better luck that day, but there was one area of enemies in the spaceship palace filled with the sea star creatures, which take no SP to farm their weaknesses, and I was able to get 6 Liquid Mercuries in a good 30 minutes or so, no where close to the hours other people took. I could've also waited for a rainy day to farm the loot crates in Mementos for them. Either way, it wasn't too difficult to obtain, and it wasn't necessary. But complaining about it would be like complaining that finishing all the races in GTA V took too long or it takes too much time to grind for money to buy all properties. It wasn't necessary outside of a trophy I think, and not integral to the story of the game.

If too long to read, I basically just ranted that the Liquid Mercury thing might be a bit over-exaggerated. Sorry if I come across looking like a jerk with this rant.

I know what you mean by not necessary, but not getting it means extra days of crafting lockpicks (unless you skip locked chests).

And then you can say stats and social links aren't necessary either, so any complaints about those are invalid.

As for liquid mercury, it was the easier one to get. I had 9 by the time I needed it, and it was the 10th one that took tons of non-ambush fights to get. And even then, it was getting Aluminum Sheets that was more troublesome by far. I needed 6 drops from an enemy with insta-kill, reflect physical, fast-ish speed, while fighting without ambushing, and conserving enough SP to not have to come back.

Edit: And I went back and forth through the platforms that had both types of enemies, and you can go through fighting every enemy and have none of them be the right ones, which is another 10+ non-ambush fights to get through, meaning more SP drain and more chances to die.
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Maybe it's because I had the fore-knowledge of the 'liquid mercury problem', but I too had little difficulty getting the number. I had basically decided that it wasn't something I wanted to actively go after, but in a simple normal run through the spaceport, I already had five of 'em. I had to clear out some requests in Mementos and just doing that got me to seven. So I decided right then to go Anubis hunting and got the last 3 in well under an hour (actually ended up with 2 extra 'cause I didn't notice I got a couple of double drops).

I guess it was good that I went when I did as Anubis was not yet insta-kill available and I was able to still ambush.

I think I've gone insane. I started doing their victory poses after the AOA finishes. Maybe I've gotten a little bored just waiting for the battles to finish, and I've actually gotten kinda good at acting their win poses out. I do the little twirl and the peace sign for Ann, almost killed myself doing the flip for Ryuji. Protag, Makoto, and Yusuke's are the easiest. I even have a little cup for Haru's. Morgana's is the hardest, need to find a damn cigar.

I even do the little crazy jump-step-spin for Crow's. Which actually, made me burst out laughing the first time I saw it. Just that grin on his face... :rofl:
I've been doing them almost since the beginning, mostly just Fox and Panther (too hot to wear gloves so sorry Joker). I would never even think of going ass-over-teakettle for Ryuji. But regarding your spoiler
I just did my first battles with Crow last night and yet, I laughed audibly. I've always liked Akechi anyway.

Oh, and 15,000 yen donated to Chihaya got my Hierophant moving again... only to be stalled by a need for Angelic kindness. Oh well, kindness and guts are the last stats I need to rank up so it shouldn't be too long. My next few days (IRL, only one in game day) will be spent in Palace #6. I have to say, Palace #6 is the first time I feel like they are really thieves. They way they manipulate the environment to there favor reminds me of a show I loved: Leverage. In one of the episodes, the brains of the group said (paraphrased) 'We're not trying to win the election. We're thieves! We're going to steal it!' Not to mention the song The Whims of Fate is just pitch perfect for the level.

Well social links and stats are necessary, there's really only one way to get through those. But using the eternal lock pick is just a short cut, and not the only way you can open those boxes. Granted, it might be the fastest way, similar to using Chihaya to boost your stats/affection levels, but it isn't mandatory. There are other ways to open the chests, and the chests themselves, don't have a huge impact on the way the story plays out. It's a very minor detail, and you might as well be using a guide if you want to do everything as efficient as possible. Similar to how you don't have to pick up every intel item during a Call of Duty campaign, but it might help for a trophy. Certainly doesn't take much away from the core experience of the game if you don't do it.

Also, I did not have a problem at all with the Aluminum Sheets, I actually had way more than I need, 30 when I crafted it, and 50 now. They drop from the loot crates over in mementos even not on rainy days. I didn't have to even grind for those, and reading the Liquid Mercury guide online, I didn't see any others having that problem either. I think that one was either your bad luck, or you accidentally missed all the crates in Mementos. It's possible that the dungeon level didn't unlock yet when you wanted to craft the pick (I had gotten all the sheets beforehand) but then you could've just waited. The lady running the used store also sells a lot of crafting items you would need later in the game. Again, I understand the compliant and do sympathize with you though. Maybe they could've made it more apparent which items you get from where.

I've been doing them almost since the beginning, mostly just Fox and Panther (too hot to wear gloves so sorry Joker). I would never even think of going ass-over-teakettle for Ryuji.

Not to mention the song The Whims of Fate is just pitch perfect for the level.
I don't use the gloves, although I would if I did a video. Fox also reminds me of Shinsuke Nakamura, so I hum his theme song while doing the hand motions too. I think these outros are really well done, and I even started remembering some of the lines, Makoto's "FIST OF JUSTICE!!!!!" and "Done and done!" and Ann's "Aren't we the best!?"

Also, I think your a bit behind me right now if you're in the 6th palace, you might've gotten much farther by now, or maybe you were talking about a past session. But if you don't already, you're about to truly love the game.

The casino theme is utterly fantastic. Gets me so damn hyped up! I wish it didn't stop when you go into a safe room, but I've left it on a lot just to listen to it.

I guess I skimmed over an earlier discussion about the eternal lock pick. After it became available for crafting I think I went into only one palace without it, and two Mementos trips without it. I really didn't need it then. One night of crafting would give me enough lock picks for a palace. I did have to leave behind a couple chests in Mementos.

I didn't mind using a night time slot for crafting since it also gave Proficiency points. There were two nights where I crafted tools mainly so I could get those points.

Also, one of the confidant perks let's you pay to craft one lock pick, or any other item, a night. I would pay to have a few additional lock picks. Once I had the needed material I even paid to have the eternal lock pick made. I would like to see a stat showing how much I spent with that confidant perk. Another social link also has a perk I paid to regularly use.

Speaking of money, I won 100,000 yen from the lottery. I bought a necklace for the waifu. Scratchers have been a waste, but with the lottery I always win something.

I forgot that there was a lottery system in this game. Maybe I should try my luck. I got 2 eternal lock picks in 1 crafting chance, idk if it happens to everyone, but that felt pretty lucky for me.

Also, I think I hit a roadblock in Mementos. Theres 2 enemies that spawn together, one hits the whole party with rage before I can act, and the other has reflect physical (Rangda), so I just one hit ko myself before my own turn, and I've died twice to it already.

I forgot that there was a lottery system in this game. Maybe I should try my luck. I got 2 eternal lock picks in 1 crafting chance, idk if it happens to everyone, but that felt pretty lucky for me.

Also, I think I hit a roadblock in Mementos. Theres 2 enemies that spawn together, one hits the whole party with rage before I can act, and the other has reflect physical (Rangda), so I just one hit ko myself before my own turn, and I've died twice to it already.
Do you not have rage resist or null/reflect physical?

Lockpicks, who needs that crap. I just go with whatever I make on the day I send out the calling card. I have learned while the loot is nice, it's not such a huge upgrade that not getting it would set you back by much.

I finished the fourth dungeon on merciless mode. A very different run compared to hard mode where Yusuke had access mind slice at level 27(I fought the boss at level 27 while everyone else was 26)
Wasn't too rough as I properly prepped the right skills for my personas. No grinding this time. Boss was reasonable difficulty, where 3rd dungeon boss was on the easier side with no grind, 2nd boss was impossibly hard with some grind, and 1st boss was practically impossible without heavy grinding. So I would say the difficulty has normalized already by this point on merciless mode.
I gotta say that demon negotiation is a much more integral part of the gameplay on this difficulty, I use all out attacks much less(because it's not strong enough while enemies are too threatening to give them a chance to attack) (and I need cash. Lots and lots of cash)
Sure makes those few times I do finish with an all out more special.
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Thought I would share an interesting Persona 5 reference here, even a lesser known Wrestling Review article took a little jab at it.


Do you not have rage resist or null/reflect physical?
Yeah I actually had no rage resist skills or accessories. I had a few lower physical accessories, but no null or reflect ones. In the end, I just summoned a Rangda to use, and I thought I would have a reflect war as if we were two Genjis. The attack just ends up being blocked on the 2nd reflect. Anyway, thanks for the tip as I finally got past it!

Yeah I actually had no rage resist skills or accessories. I had a few lower physical accessories, but no null or reflect ones. In the end, I just summoned a Rangda to use, and I thought I would have a reflect war as if we were two Genjis. The attack just ends up being blocked on the 2nd reflect. Anyway, thanks for the tip as I finally got past it!
If you ever play SMT, you'll be used to always carrying something with at least null physical / light / dark. I went through the entire game without ever not having Shiki-Ouji (nulls phys/gun/curse). Rangda had repel, but two more common weaknesses made it a little less usable.

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If you ever play SMT, you'll be used to always carrying something with at least null physical / light / dark. I went through the entire game without ever not having Shiki-Ouji (nulls phys/gun/curse). Rangda had repel, but two more common weaknesses made it a little less usable.
I don't do this at all. Lol
The Overwatch event skins revealed so far don't get me interested at all, I guess that means more time towards Persona. 

Just maxed the Gamer King's social link, and while I kind of hate the character, the story is pretty well done and heartwarming. 

Finished the game on easy mode. 76 hours with about 5ish hours of idling. It was enjoyable but it got to the point where I was just ready for it to be done.
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I finished the game. I left the Hermit social link at 9, and the Tower social link at 6. I got 60% of the trophies. I never looked at the trophy list, so I'm sure I missed some easy ones. I'm going to go for the platinum.

Now I can look at the art book and listen to the cd that came with the Take Your Heart edition. And I'll look at the trailers I avoided. The last preview I saw for the game was the first trailer that showed the protagonist, Ryuji, Ann, and Morgana.

I finished the game. I left the Hermit social link at 9, and the Tower social link at 6. I got 60% of the trophies. I never looked at the trophy list, so I'm sure I missed some easy ones. I'm going to go for the platinum.

Now I can look at the art book and listen to the cd that came with the Take Your Heart edition. And I'll look at the trailers I avoided. The last preview I saw for the game was the first trailer that showed the protagonist, Ryuji, Ann, and Morgana.
You'll be amazed at some of the scenes they chose for the trailers having beaten the game now, but to be fair they're pretty out of context when you're watching the trailers blind. But as I played a few times I remember being like "Really?! They put THIS in the trailer?"

You'll be amazed at some of the scenes they chose for the trailers having beaten the game now, but to be fair they're pretty out of context when you're watching the trailers blind. But as I played a few times I remember being like "Really?! They put THIS in the trailer?"
Bioshock Infinite made me think about skipping trailers once I'm sold on a game. There's a scene they used in an Infinite trailer that made for a really hype trailer, but seeing that scene for the first time while playing the game was amazing. There were actually two moments in the game that were awesome because of no knowledge of the game.

The tv commercial was the only promotion I saw for Infinite. I wasn't purposely avoiding it's media. The series just wasn't on my radar. I gave the first Bioshock shot a few months after Infinite was released thanks to a $5.00 Xbox Marketplace sale.

Yeah, I've gone on "Trailer Blackout" for games (and movies) that I already know I'm interested in. Heck I did so well with movies, for example, I didnt even know that there was a cameo in Ant-Man. All I saw for P5 was a little bit of them hopping from cover to cover in a hallway. After that, I just stopped watching them 'cause I knew I would get it anyway. I'm actually interested in going back and watching through them after I finish the game. Just got kicked out of Palace 7 as I got sidetracked by 13 Reasons Why. I hope to get through it in the next 10 days.

I overestimated how helpful the temperance confidant was and underestimated how powerful the fortune confidant was. You don't actually get any free time from temperance until like September even though you can get her to rank 5 much earlier.
Got a triple whammy for kindness with a fortune Luck reading for kindness for like 12 points to kindness in a single day. Couldn't believe how fast I went from level 4 kindness to level 5.

Only guts left to max now. I'm feeling pretty good on my chances to max confidants, read books, and play games. I'm unsure about unlocking all hangout spots, if by any chance I blocked my progress on that by declining to hang with mishima.
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I believe every hangout spot can be unlocked by reading all books. I declined a lot of invitations during my playthrough but read all the books. Ultimately I ended up getting the trophy for all hangout spots as well.
So Futaba says "Let's Vamanos!" sometimes after a battle, and Vamanos being "Let's go/move (together)" in Spanish, or something like that. So does she say that in the Japanese voiceover as well? Or does she just say "lets go" in Japanese, or maybe in English? Same for Noir's Coup de grace, does she say it in French in the Japanese version?

So Futaba says "Let's Vamanos!" sometimes after a battle, and Vamanos being "Let's go/move (together)" in Spanish, or something like that. So does she say that in the Japanese voiceover as well? Or does she just say "lets go" in Japanese, or maybe in English? Same for Noir's Coup de grace, does she say it in French in the Japanese version?
lol vamanos? How OOC.

I don't remember if she says ikimashou or not, and I actually don't remember Noir saying anything for her AOT.

Edit: Just listened to a video. I think she says "kore de finish" (this is finish), so neither. The music volume is way louder than the lines in JP.

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So Futaba says "Let's Vamanos!" sometimes after a battle, and Vamanos being "Let's go/move (together)" in Spanish, or something like that. So does she say that in the Japanese voiceover as well? Or does she just say "lets go" in Japanese, or maybe in English? Same for Noir's Coup de grace, does she say it in French in the Japanese version?
I could very well be mistaken, but I thought she said something like "Goooo!" , speaking English in the Japanese dub and thinking that's why they chose vamanos for the subs. I don't have high confidence in my memory of this, though.

I'm going to hold off doing my second playthrough. I want to do it with some of the dlc costumes, and I'm going to buy them during the Spend $100 Get $15 Back PSN promotion next month. I'll probably get the Catherine and Dancing All Night packs.

And it will give me more time for the Overwatch event. Mei got the end credits Haruhi Suzumiya dance. Speaking of Overwatch....


bread's done