CAG Niche Backloggers Anonymous (Monster Hunter World!) [February]

I started playing Gravity Rush today (although I voted for Yakuza) and it's more fun than I thought. Although I do agree with the motion sickness thing. I was beginning to get slightly dizzy. Left it off right after I got a home.
Playing this on a Vita in the passenger seat of a car is the only time I've ever felt carsick, and it was pretty intense!

I'm still in chapter 3 in Yakuza 4. I've mostly been walking around seeing what I can do. It's kind of weird playing this game after playing Persona 5. For a while I kept thinking time would advance if I do some side activity, so I was a bit worried about just eating at a restaurant.

I doubt I'll finish it in a month. I don't want to rush through just the main story. I did the first two photo revelations, and I want to see everything the game has to offer.

Played a little more Gravity Rush Remastered today. Even playing in the living room gets me a little motion sick. I also get motion sickness from car rides, boat rides, and even airplane rides though. I even got nauseous when playing Everybody's Gone to Rapture and Watch Dogs 2.

I didn't even know about the extra maid missions which I thought was a cool addition, but also a bit of a hassle. At this point, there's so many other games I want to play, this is just for whenever I have free time and am tired of other games. That's why I get so frustrated when it seems like things take so long, or the story progresses so slowly.

A little thing I got curious about and wanted to ask. Does anyone's main game they want to play stem from our Backloggers Anonymous Game of the Month?

Like for example, I was planning on playing Horizon Zero Dawn regardless of what the GotM was, and so Gravity Rush is only for when I take breaks and want to play something else.

Does anyone not have a choice they've picked beforehand, and was going to play whatever game the GotM was? As in the GotM determines their main game they play that month?

And if so, do you like that, or is it a hassle for you?

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I'm actually currently playing FF14. I play Gravity Rush when I want a break or watching TV.

I'm also planning on getting Yakuza Remake next month so I'll play that too.

I'm actually mostly too busy to play anything long, so I'm skipping. Played some EDF 4.1, and trying to play FFXII, but I've gotten like an hour of the latter in the last 3 days (and started falling asleep twice).

Will probably get some Ever Oasis in, since I'll be confined to the bedroom after guests go to bed.

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I'm a VN man, and those rarely win, so I usually play new ones as they come out. I will finish Yakuza 0 this month at least.
We've had Steins;Gate before, but yeah, besides that the VNs don't win, and rarely even get suggested. I would love to play some VNs though, especially Psycho Pass since that's been in the backlog for a while. Sadly they seem to be even nicher than the niche JRPGs, but I'm sure we'll come across them eventually.

I'm actually mostly too busy to play anything long, so I'm skipping. Played some EDF 4.1, and trying to play FFXII, but I've gotten like an hour of the latter in the last 3 days (and started falling asleep twice).

Will probably get some Ever Oasis in, since I'll be confined to the bedroom after guests go to bed.
Yeah work for me has been crazy. Barely could walk yesterday so haven't gamed much. Might try and play Catherine since I never beat it.

It seems Yakuza 4 resets chapters after certain parts. I'm in chapter 2 of I think the second Part. I got a trophy for clearing Part 1.

I finished Senran Kagura: Bon Appetit. I did all the base game and expansion character stories, and I got all the trophies. It's my 16th platinum.

The only things I didn't do are the character stories for the two dlc characters that aren't part of the expansion. I might buy them if I buy Shinovi Versus whenever it goes on sale again. The dlc for those two characters work in Shinovi Versus and Bon Appetit.

Estival Versus is in my backlog.

Ryobi was my favorite character. How pissed off she is at everyone was funny.


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For VN I have been wanting to get Psycho Pass and the Danganronpa series. The Danganronpa games rarely go on sale though.

A little thing I got curious about and wanted to ask. Does anyone's main game they want to play stem from our Backloggers Anonymous Game of the Month?

Like for example, I was planning on playing Horizon Zero Dawn regardless of what the GotM was, and so Gravity Rush is only for when I take breaks and want to play something else.

Does anyone not have a choice they've picked beforehand, and was going to play whatever game the GotM was? As in the GotM determines their main game they play that month?

And if so, do you like that, or is it a hassle for you?
I like having a game of the month as my main game, its great really. In fact its the reason I got off my ass and played Persona 4 golden and fell in love with Persona! I fell off the bandwagon after persona 5 owned me. I'll back on next month. I got god wars on the cheap and I'm digging it, probably going to grind it out, since I already beat Catherine, and I don't have my ps3 hooked up for yakuza.

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Started Gravity Rush 2 today. It's... Alright I guess. I was much more interested in the original game's amnesia victim to town hero plot than the sequel's (as of episode 5) help the asshole mining town just because plot :p
I also miss all my maxed out powers from the original game.
Played a ton of Gravity Rush over the weekend. I think I'm close to finishing it, as I just got to the 4th area of the game. Saw Gershomcz playing a bit too. Not bad, but a bit more side stories, and character development would be nice.

I just have not been able to get back into Catherine. Everytime I think about playing it, I just get tired and go watch Spelunky videos or something. I was supposed to switch over to Gravity Rush, but when I picked up my Vita, I found myself re-visiting Stein's;Gate. I didn't much enjoy my first playthrough the game (Suhuza ending), and thought I'd put it down forever. But I'm back in it now.

I thought since I had a save before the Suhuza ending flag, I'd just follow a guide from there to the other endings. However, I didn't know I'd missed a "True Ending" flag early on, so I basically went all the way back. Now I'm just combing through it to get the platinum. Still don't care much for the characters aside from Daru (a real bro's bro) and Suhuza. And though the Farris ending did good for her character, I feel it was *totally* unearned, especially because in that playthrough, I had not even viewed the Farris Cup scene, which makes it a *little* more believable, but still not really.

I think Lukako's next. Wish me luck :/

I beat Gravity Rush, the ending left a lot to be desired, but since there's a sequel now, that's not a bad thing. I guess I'm on my way to platinuming it next.

Anyone else beat one of the GOTM games?

Also, do you guys want to switch the games for next month, or keep the same 3?

I just have not been able to get back into Catherine. Everytime I think about playing it, I just get tired and go watch Spelunky videos or something. I was supposed to switch over to Gravity Rush, but when I picked up my Vita, I found myself re-visiting Stein's;Gate. I didn't much enjoy my first playthrough the game (Suhuza ending), and thought I'd put it down forever. But I'm back in it now.
I really got to get back to that game soon. I think I just finished the Faris ending too the last time I played. Now I'm already starting to forget details.

I've said it before, but Moeka is my favorite character from Steins;Gate, just cause she reminds me of myself so much. She's also pretty, cute, cool, funny, has a big bust, wears glasses, and a grown up waifu. Mayuri is pretty cool too. But I get the hate for Moeka though, especially given her character.

I actually paid an entire dollar just to have Moeka as my PSN avatar.

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Gravity Rush 2 wasn't doing it for me so I hoped back into yakuza 5 turns out I had left off and the very end of chapter 2 so now I'm in the chapter 3 idol portion. It's... Different? I'm playing both a little bit at a time.
Whatever the majority says, I still didn't touch a yakuza game... should probably to see what it als about.

we did one atelier game and there's like 9, I think we should do another soon, I grabbed sophie and firis when they hit sub $20,

So we're gonna open up suggestions for next month's game. Same voting format, 1 game = 3 votes, 2 games = 2 votes each, 3 games = 1 vote each. 

You can also vote for the previous month's game (Gravity Rush, Yakuza, Catherine) if you haven't finished yet and still want to play it, and the vote will be tallied for those games. You can mix and match new and old games too if you want, like picking a new game and Gravity Rush.

Alternatively, you can just say you want to extend last month, and each of those games will get a vote.

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I'm slogging through both Gravity Rush 2 and yakuza 5 currently. I still have to play yakuza 0 as well and I have Kiwami coming next month. Definitely sticking with this months games.
I'm gonna be playing Final Fantasy Type-0 anyway next month, so my vote is for that. 

I'm also gonna put a vote to Senran Kagura Estival Versus, since Peach Beach Splash is releasing next month, and I want to play Estival Versus to familiarize myself with the new characters before it launches.

I'm pretty much done with last month's games and wouldn't play anything else from that list. Corpse Party also gets to carry it's 2 votes from last month. I'm going to count thatguy's votes as 2 for Gravity Rush and 2 for Yakuza.

Tallies so far. Maybe its a good idea to suggest early, so others can choose from this list if they can't think of anything themselves.

August   God Wars Future Past 2 Atelier Sophie 2 Gravity Rush (Extend) 2 Yakuza (Extend) 2 Final Fantasy Type 0 2 Senran Kagura Estival Versus 2 Corpse Party 2

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I'm sure I'll still be playing FFXII. I managed to get 15 hours in. Funny thing is having to backtrack the stupid desert to save, only to traverse through it a second night and finding a save like a zone away from where I turned around.

Do you have to have played previous Final Fantasy games in order to understand/enjoy FFXII?
Of course not. The only "sequels" have been X/X-2, and XIII/XIII-2/LR.

The only thing is XII is part of Ivalice, which is the same world as FFT/FFTA. But it's actually not that important, other than sharing races and some NPCs (like Montblanc).

FF Type 0 for me...i haven't played much honestly other than killing out some VNs, of which I finished Princess Evangile finally to be ready for the fan disc. I'll add Wagama High Spec and Princess Evangile/W to the voting, but I know there is about a 0% chance of those winning.

Man I forgot how drama filled Princess Evangile W it got. Not as bad as Hatsukoi 1/1....ah that game sucked. I'm still going to try to finish Yakuza 0 before Kiwami comes out. Yakuza 0's story isn't doing it for me though, but I think i'm about 5 chapters from the end with most of the side quests cleaned out already. Should finish it.

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We still going to do 3 games again or stick with 1-2?
I think ideally I want to stick with 2 games a month. But I do want to bring at least one game from last month back. I think since Gravity Rush is pretty short, most of us will be done soon, and since Yakuza is a much longer series, that'll be the game to stay.

And after that, I think 1 or 2 new games would be good. Right now FF Type-0 is in a large lead, but I'm also open to more suggestions. At least until Friday, then I'll put up a voting thread if there is a tie, or just use the tallies.

Also, I decided to split games if the series is too big. So for Final Fantasy Type-0 and Final Fantasy 12, it would be way too much to loop the whole series together like we did for Yakuza. Honestly, even doing it for Yakuza might've been too much. So for larger series like that, we'll split up the games from now on.

Tallies so far:


God Wars Future Past


Atelier Sophie


Gravity Rush (Extend)


Yakuza (Extend)


Final Fantasy Type 0


Senran Kagura Estival Versus


Corpse Party


Final Fantasy XII

Of course not. The only "sequels" have been X/X-2, and XIII/XIII-2/LR.
I'm not too certain, but wouldn't Dirge of Cerberus count as well? And Crisis Core as a prequel. And possibly the mobile game as a prequel for FFXV.

But yeah, I'm just nitpicking here, Elessar is right. There is no need to play other Final Fantasy games in order to understand another one in the series. And I'll go on to even say, for the FFXIII trilogy, you could probably play each of the games individually, since they all have complete stories.

Well, I was going to mention those, but they're not really RPGs, and not the main series. I also didn't mention FFXII: Revenant Wings or Dissidia.

Edit: Or to be even more nitpicky, Secret of Mana -1 (I made that up), aka Seiken Densetsu, aka Final Fantasy Adventures. Or Bravely Default, aka Final Fantasy: 4 Heroes of Light II.

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Yes 2 would be great in my opinion. I feel that especially with people who are busy, 2 games would be more than enough to manage within 1 month. Also you wouldn't feel rushed to get through them

Alright, Final Fantasy Type-0 for August Game of the Month is now live!

Everything else was tied, so I decided to put FF Type-0 as the sole GOTM, and the last month's 3 are still active, so you can still talk about them and update us on how far you got. In fact, really all the past GOTMs are active, and you can feel free to talk about any of the past ones, like Steins;Gate and even Persona 5. I'm pretty sure we wouldn't mind reminiscing about the games we cleared from our backlogs!

I really should try to keep up with posting on here. I tend to come in with something to say, but most of it gets covered in other posts haha.

I got sidetracked playing EDF 4.1 and Splatoon 2 for most of the month. Since it's rather short I was able to beat Gravity Rush yesterday though, and have started some trophy cleanup. I'm missing 8 on the main game. Overall I liked it quite a bit. I didn't get any motion sickness from it, but the movement while walking seemed kind of glitchy, like she would trip every few steps.

Since I have it on Vita, I don't have the DLC packs included, but I've been contemplating picking them up. Does anyone have any thoughts on them?

Also, I completely forgot to vote on this months game. I already have the platinum on FF 0, but that's probably fine. I was planning on finishing a few games I am in the middle of anyways (World of Final Fantasy, Last Guardian, and ToCS: 2).
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I enjoyed the Gravity rush dlc on the ps4 version and 100%ed all the trophies, but they were not very memorable. If you're playing on vita I think they're safe to skip.
I've seen this thread before but never taken part... But type 0 is in my backlog so this could be a fun way to start hammering out my backlog. I think as soon as I finish No More Heroes I'll star Type 0. Hope I can finish it fairly quickly though. Yakuza Kiwami comes out soon and thats a game I want to play pretty much as soon as it shows up at my door
I got the platinum for Persona 5. That's number 17. Carrying over content into New Game+ made trophy clean up easy, but it also made the game kind of dull. Whenever I do another playthrough I will not carry content over. But I'm going to give it a long time before I do another playthrough.

I didn't finish Yakuza 4. I think next month I'll focus on Overwatch if there is another Summer games event.

Alright, Final Fantasy Type-0 for August Game of the Month is now live!

Everything else was tied, so I decided to put FF Type-0 as the sole GOTM, and the last month's 3 are still active, so you can still talk about them and update us on how far you got. In fact, really all the past GOTMs are active, and you can feel free to talk about any of the past ones, like Steins;Gate and even Persona 5. I'm pretty sure we wouldn't mind reminiscing about the games we cleared from our backlogs!
Already Platinum'd FF Type 0 :) I'll work on my backlog for the month of August

Since I have it on Vita, I don't have the DLC packs included, but I've been contemplating picking them up. Does anyone have any thoughts on them?
The Gravity Rush DLC isn't all that great, it's not anything new and you are just doing the same objectives (kill enemies/pick up people/collect gems) like the rest of the game. A few of those missions were really tedious too. The stories and the costumes are kind of cool, but it's basically useless if you already beat the game. If anything, you can just watch the dialogue on Youtube and that's the only important thing about the DLC.

I've seen this thread before but never taken part... But type 0 is in my backlog so this could be a fun way to start hammering out my backlog. I think as soon as I finish No More Heroes I'll star Type 0. Hope I can finish it fairly quickly though. Yakuza Kiwami comes out soon and thats a game I want to play pretty much as soon as it shows up at my door
Type-0 should be around 17 hours to beat, and 22 hours to platinum. So it's pretty short for a Final Fantasy game. Welcome to the thread though!

Type-0 is the Crisis Core-esque game, right? I have to think about this one lol.
I don't know much about the gameplay, haven't started it yet but all the characters in the promotional art look really cool.

FF Type 0 wasn't a difficult Platinum at all, and I enjoyed the game quite a bit.

For those interested, there is a method of leveling up your characters to the max by starting a training session with the dude (forgot his name) that requires time to pass in real life while he trains you. After you initiate the training, set the clock on your console forward, and it will speed up the training process and eventually get your entire squad up to max level

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I played the first chapter of FF Type-0 last night. I only used the main character, but the combat felt pretty simple: attack and dodge-repeat. Very action-based combat than a traditional FF game and more like NieR: Automata. The story and characters seem very anime-ish. I've never played Crisis Core, so I can't compare it.

I played the first chapter of FF Type-0 last night. I only used the main character, but the combat felt pretty simple: attack and dodge-repeat. Very action-based combat than a traditional FF game and more like NieR: Automata. The story and characters seem very anime-ish. I've never played Crisis Core, so I can't compare it.
Attack, maybe dodge, repeat in Crisis Core. Maybe, because once you get decent materia, you can heal yourself more than they can damage you. And you auto run to your target after auto targetting. So after some time, you literally play with one button and nothing else.

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bread's done