CAG PS3 Fighting Game Matchmaking Thread - Injustice out NAO!

Finally started playing fighters again. I played Blazblue CS/Super Street Fighter IV and a little King Of Fighters XII last night. I played King Of Fighters XII with Paco. Rest was ranked random people as usual.
[quote name='jman619']Finally started playing fighters again. I played Blazblue CS/Super Street Fighter IV and a little King Of Fighters XII last night. I played King Of Fighters XII with Paco. Rest was ranked random people as usual.[/QUOTE]

I'm so sorry to hear that.
If you guys think King Of Fighters XII had bad online. Go buy Samsho... Seriously its the worst I've ever seen. Maybe If you get lucky and find someone in the state you can actually play it. Paco told me to get it and I did now I'm pissed I listened to him. Biggest waste of money ever. You all have been warned. The online is beyond shit.
[quote name='jman619']If you guys think King Of Fighters XII had bad online. Go buy Samsho... Seriously its the worst I've ever seen. Maybe If you get lucky and find someone in the state you can actually play it. Paco told me to get it and I did now I'm pissed I listened to him. Biggest waste of money ever. You all have been warned. The online is beyond shit.[/QUOTE]

Chac said the same thing about Metal Slug ... and GAF apparently thinks the netcode is worse than KoFXII's. You should have asked us first! >=(
[quote name='distgfx']Chac said the same thing about Metal Slug ... and GAF apparently thinks the netcode is worse than KoFXII's. You should have asked us first! >=([/QUOTE]

Paco tried to blame me and said it was my connection. I thought yeah right its snk at it again. Its a damn shame Snk fucked up yet again. I'm not buying the new kof until I read all the reviews and ask some people on Cag about it. I'm pissed I bought it and should have asked you guys. Biggest waste of 9 bucks ever! I was really going to skip it and signed on psn. Paco told me to buy it so I did. I wish I just said no. xD

Paco is a good guy don't get me wrong,but his love for SNK blinds him sometimes when its shit. I don't know why,but I get the idea he knew online was terrible and wanted me to buy it anyway to support SNK. =P

I would go as far to say its the worst online I've ever seen. EVER! SEEN! Even beats what KOF XII was to start with.
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[quote name='jman619']Paco tried to blame me and said it was my connection. I thought yeah right its snk at it again. Its a damn shame Snk fucked up yet again. I'm not buying the new kof until I read all the reviews and ask some people on Cag about it. I'm pissed I bought it and should have asked you guys. Biggest waste of 9 bucks ever! I was really going to skip it and signed on psn. Paco told me to buy it so I did. I wish I just said no. xD

Paco is a good guy don't get me wrong,but his love for SNK blinds him sometimes when its shit. I don't know why,but I get the idea he knew online was terrible and wanted me to buy it anyway to support SNK. =P[/QUOTE]

Your connection does suck though. You were the worst person I played since I bought it. I had people from Brazil and Mexico. fuckING MEXICO that played a lot smoother then you. Even Cheapest Gamer played better then you with his Ecuadorian Internet!

And you bought it because I have powers. I'm a real life Trollzama. I got people to buy ET for Atari from me. Does that not make you question my abilities?

But then again I play fighting games offline a lot too so it isn't a total bust for me. But yes the online play does suck all sorts of ass for most people unless you're in one of the designated FEW places that doesn't suck for them. But I genuinely had a lot of good NEAR FULL SPEED games on Samurai Shodown until YOU came along. I played almost 100 matches of it already.

You think you know what bad online is? I've been online since the Snes online emulation back in the late 90s and Kalleria. THAT is bad online. But SNK is trying to bring the 90s to us for some odd reason so we get something that's just barely above Kalleria level....

[quote name='Paco']Your connection does suck though. You were the worst person I played since I bought it. I had people from Brazil and Mexico. fuckING MEXICO that played a lot smoother then you. Even Cheapest Gamer played better then you with his Ecuadorian Internet!

And you bought it because I have powers. I'm a real life Trollzama. I got people to buy ET for Atari from me. Does that not make you question my abilities?

But then again I play fighting games offline a lot too so it isn't a total bust for me. But yes the online play does suck all sorts of ass for most people unless you're in one of the designated FEW places that doesn't suck for them. But I genuinely had a lot of good NEAR FULL SPEED games on Samurai Shodown until YOU came along. I played almost 100 matches of it already.

You think you know what bad online is? I've been online since the Snes online emulation back in the late 90s and Kalleria. THAT is bad online. But SNK is trying to bring the 90s to us for some odd reason so we get something that's just barely above Kalleria level....


My connection don't suck though. If it did I couldn't play ssfiv/blazblue and uncharted 2 perfectly fine. Its shitty snk. Everyone is bitching about the online,but you. distgfx told me it wasn't my connection. He didn't get any lag in blazblue or ssfiv. Hell we played blazblue and it don't lag at all,but of course shitty ass snk games do. They shouldn't have included online its a joke. I remember back in the day playing Kaillera online on dial up. It played way better than samsho on psn does.
[quote name='jman619']My connection don't suck though. If it did I couldn't play ssfiv/blazblue and uncharted 2 perfectly fine. Its shitty snk. Everyone is bitching about the online,but you. distgfx told me it wasn't my connection. He didn't get any lag in blazblue or ssfiv. Hell we played blazblue and it don't lag at all,but of course shitty ass snk games do. They shouldn't have included online its a joke. I remember back in the day playing Kaillera online on dial up. It played way better than samsho on psn does.[/QUOTE]

They include online as a bullet point I guess. I'd blame japan as a whole for that and blame SNK for being Japanese for having shitty ass internet code.

Super SF4 has lag but a different kind of lag that you're most likely used to.

And you don't remember Kalleria very well do you? But yes this shit isn't acceptable ever since Ponder created GGPO and it works with all the fucking SNK games and SNKP is too fucking cheap/lazy/Japanese to license the tech. Ponder himself offered SNK help but they did the Japanese thing and said LOL NO GAIJUNS and made Japanese Netcode and trolled America. Must be punishment for having superior muscles.
[quote name='distgfx'].[/QUOTE]

Since it's made by Japanese, shouldn't it be 1/10th the length making it like "Who put their finger tip up my butt?"

I want to know how this is possible. If it played just half this good for me I would be happy. Everyone I've tried its a slide show. Plus everyone said the online is shit. How is he getting good matches? xD
I want to know how is that possible? Every time I've tried it online. Its like a slide show and same goes for most people that's talked about it. Some people claim they played in the same state and it still played terrible. So how is Paco getting a game like this?
[quote name='distgfx']Told ya, jman.[/QUOTE]

I know,but still far as the screen goes. It plays 100 times better than what I get. He showed me another video to mess with me. The only ironic part is. I found several people to play kofxii with and I get games just like that,but no one close in samsho not yet anyway.
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played Option. It was pretty smooth on that one. Jman is still on the quest for the holy grail though.
[quote name='Paco']played Option. It was pretty smooth on that one. Jman is still on the quest for the holy grail though.[/QUOTE]

Of course it is he is in CA. You mean he actually played a fighter besides ssfiv? :lol:

I played Tekken 6 for the first time in god knows how long. It was fun too and the noobs playing it made it even better.
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I'm actually liking SamSho. The netplay is ok, first it was like a yellow bar (medium) in SSFIV then I got a little used to it. At least playing Paco, it wasn't massive input delay like KoF 12. I tried searching for others with the 4-5 bar filter, but no luck. I think I might splurge on the other neo geo fighters. The emulation is top notch, despite the games being the AES versions (Neo Geo home console with credit limit).

Also, got a couple of Sega pads recently, though I have to wait for one more to verify they are "legit".
[quote name='option.iv']I'm actually liking SamSho. The netplay is ok, first it was like a yellow bar (medium) in SSFIV then I got a little used to it. At least playing Paco, it wasn't massive input delay like KoF 12. I tried searching for others with the 4-5 bar filter, but no luck.

Also, got a couple of Sega pads recently, though I have to wait for one more to verify they are "legit".[/QUOTE]

Yep tell me about it. Samsho is the only game ever I can't find a decent game. It really pissed me off at first,but I'm getting over it. Snk should learn from Aksys and Capcom. Make there online more like that. I can play people in japan in ssfiv and its ways better than what I can find in Samsho.
[quote name='jman619']Yep tell me about it. Samsho is the only game ever I can't find a decent game. It really pissed me off at first,but I'm getting over it. Snk should learn from Aksys and Capcom. Make there online more like that. I can play people in japan in ssfiv and its ways better than what I can find in Samsho.[/QUOTE]
Nah man, you aren't playing the Japanese. They're just weaboo people with weaboo names.
[quote name='option.iv']Nah man, you aren't playing the Japanese. They're just weaboo people with weaboo names.[/QUOTE]

You sure about that? One was a red bar and had that japan flag. Either way I can play SSFIV with Paco,but can't Samsho was my point. xD
[quote name='option.iv']I'm actually liking SamSho. The netplay is ok, first it was like a yellow bar (medium) in SSFIV then I got a little used to it. At least playing Paco, it wasn't massive input delay like KoF 12. I tried searching for others with the 4-5 bar filter, but no luck. I think I might splurge on the other neo geo fighters. The emulation is top notch, despite the games being the AES versions (Neo Geo home console with credit limit).

Also, got a couple of Sega pads recently, though I have to wait for one more to verify they are "legit".[/QUOTE]

You gonna get Mark of The Wolves and Sam Sho 2? I just go in quick match and for some odd reason most of the people seem to play well so i'm guessing they're in california or close enough to make it a good game.

Got my Sega pad a few years ago. Just hooked up the AES. What a blast from the past!
I'm probably going to get MotW either way.

As for the Sega pad, it's alright. The dpad is great, but the buttons aren't nearly as light as the Neo Geo pad.
[quote name='option.iv']I'm probably going to get MotW either way.

As for the Sega pad, it's alright. The dpad is great, but the buttons aren't nearly as light as the Neo Geo pad.[/QUOTE]

Problem with the sega pad is the buttons themselves. They were made in an era when fighting games all used only one button for grabs or whatever. It makes it hard to tech throw or throw in general due to the different sizes. Dpad is great though.

And if you got Sam Sho, you might as well get 2. The jump is akin to Street Fighter to Street Fighter 2 in many terms.

Are the Neo Geo USB pads Microswitched like the original NeoCD and PS2 ones?
Yeah, NG Pad USB is microswitched, I can't compare it to the NeoCD or PS2 ones, though. I believe there was a post on NeoGAF that briefly did.
[quote name='j-cart']I want Terry's jacket from the game.[/QUOTE]

May I suggest checking the goodwill store then?
esper or option, either of you up for games later? you guys kick my ass a lot and i need to get some good practice in before this tourny.

not sure if my internet here at home is as good but let me know if you want to play.
Yeah, if I see you on again. I'll shoot an invite towards you.

GGs to option and panzerfaust today.

panzerfaust - I noticed a big change in your game. Execution, combos, spacing. Keep it up. Your Sakura is lookin' fierce! Someone's a combo-machine.

...and GL in the tourney.
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Good games Esper. Sorry about the lag, I was getting mad salty when I tried to do those Mago combos and was getting owned with a reversal whenever i failed.
yea good games esper, i've been grinding on execution lately but those ultra set ups are still probably going to be the death of me :lol:

i was experimenting with her st.hp a lot since it can beat cross ups, but apparently it's only really effective with ken/ryu so far.

thanks again though, your viper is good and always fun to play. speaking of vipers, wolfkrone is supposed to show up at this tourny :cold:
I know Mortal Kombat/MVC3/Street Fighter Third Strike is confirmed. What about VF5: Final Showdown and King Of Fighters XIII? Then there's the possible new guilty gear and new DOA. Maybe not in 2011,but someday. Also forgot Arcana Hearts 3.
I kinda wanna play KoF XIII, but knowing SNKP, no one will play it online due to ass netcode. For sure though, I'm going to try and get into dat Mahvel. From what I'm hearing it's a little easier to play than the last installment.

But I sure can't wait for that SSFIV DLC that should be coming out in June, I wanna play some Yang.

There's also Soul Calibur on the horizon, but that probably won't be for a while. As for VF5, 3d games aren't my forte, I just get a headache looking at the movelists in Tekken.
[quote name='option.iv']I kinda wanna play KoF XIII, but knowing SNKP, no one will play it online due to ass netcode. For sure though, I'm going to try and get into dat Mahvel. From what I'm hearing it's a little easier to play than the last installment.

But I sure can't wait for that SSFIV DLC that should be coming out in June, I wanna play some Yang.

There's also Soul Calibur on the horizon, but that probably won't be for a while. As for VF5, 3d games aren't my forte, I just get a headache looking at the movelists in Tekken.[/QUOTE]

Funny thing is, you really only use a few of them, lol.
[quote name='option.iv']I kinda wanna play KoF XIII, but knowing SNKP, no one will play it online due to ass netcode. For sure though, I'm going to try and get into dat Mahvel. From what I'm hearing it's a little easier to play than the last installment.

But I sure can't wait for that SSFIV DLC that should be coming out in June, I wanna play some Yang.

There's also Soul Calibur on the horizon, but that probably won't be for a while. As for VF5, 3d games aren't my forte, I just get a headache looking at the movelists in Tekken.[/QUOTE]

Extremely interested in SSFIV DLC. No not Option! How many hours have you put into ssfiv total?
That's the beauty of SF, most of the moveset is used, whereas in Tekken, take a look at the top 15 move list for each character and throw away the 75% out the window.

I'm a reactive player and when I have to memorize a vast array of sequences... Totally not fun. Throwing out stuff and being random may be fun for the next guy, but I prefer fighting games be broken down into thinking games. As opposed to relying on the fact that the other person hasn't seen moves "A,B,C,D" and continue to spam moves "A,B,C,D" in an erratic manner in hopes to random out a win.
[quote name='panzerfaust']wolfkrone is supposed to show up at this tourny :cold:[/QUOTE]

Nasty... If you do face him; slay that beast and other heavy hitters who show up at the event. Get'em!

[quote name='option.iv']Good games Esper. Sorry about the lag, I was getting mad salty when I tried to do those Mago combos and was getting owned with a reversal whenever i failed.[/QUOTE]

You and your dirty tactics. Yeah, you better like them reversal sandwiches ninja.
I'm not black, so I think "ninja" is a better word rather than saying "ni**a", like an ignorant ni**a.

Anyways, offline casuals on the xbox is so good. Most of my stuff comes out way more consistent than the ps3... or maybe it was the 360 TE-S stick that made my ssfiv experience better. I don't know. I was pleased with my session today. fuck the ps3.
I'm kidding! I still got love for ya!

Sugary treats + ssfiv = :D Hyper as a motherf**k right now.

edit - Oh, and Happy belated New Years everyone!
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"And sidekicks with my sidekicks rockin fly kicks," Biggie was missing the DIVE KICKS!

I got man handled by Rufus/Option. Damn dive kicks were all over the place. The only saving grace was Adon's jump back HK. It was good games sir. I need to play more to hang, though for not playing in awhile I had some COMBOS going.

I will be playing DAT MAHVEL and Kof13 if it ever comes out. Maybe MK9, not sure yet about MK.
Good games this morn jcart, ACHOO!

edit: in other news, I'm closely watching Yang info and his Super is looking gooooood.

450-500ish damage and untech knockdown! I SAY YESSSS.

Also, he can make palm become super meaty during Super, another YESSSSS.

I better start working on my Southpaw wrist rolls.
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Not sure if any of you guys are aware, but Aksys is having a sale on the Blazblue CS content. The DLC characters are discounted to almost half price.
[quote name='option.iv']Not sure if any of you guys are aware, but Aksys is having a sale on the Blazblue CS content. The DLC characters are discounted to almost half price.[/QUOTE]

Makes me sad I paid full price and barely used them. :lol:
bread's done