CAG PS3 Fighting Game Matchmaking Thread - Injustice out NAO!

[quote name='Paco']who's waiting for KOMBAT?[/QUOTE]

I'm getting it too when its released. In ways I want Mortal Kombat more than MVC3 or at least as much. I buy every fighter. :lol:
[quote name='j-cart']It would not surprise me if MK9 ends up being more broken than MvC3.[/QUOTE]

Only thing that really concerns me about MK9 is what will they use for online... MK VS DC used gamespy and well gamespy for a fighter isn't the best choice. Makes me wonder If they will keep the same old thing or not.
I was very interested in MK when I first caught glimpse of it but lately the more I see of it the less interested i get. I'll give it a shot but I'm not that hyped for it.
That would be cool, though I really only know how to mash in vs games plus I prolly won't get it release day. Didn't get relase date shipping from amazon.
hey Valk!

what's the name of that vietnamese place u told me about with the awesome spring rolls?!?!

I wanna take my friend there!!
I'm hoping this is the right place to ask since it's the fighting game thread but can anyone tell me what it means when a character has shenanigans? Also what does a meaty hit mean? thanks in advance
Shenanigans are tricks, ie cross unders, unblockables, corner fake crossups, eg rose ultra 2 soul throw cross ups, fei long chicken wing cross ups, cammy dive kick cross ups

Not to be confused with a mixup where you know it is coming and is used as the regular move repertoire of the character. Well, technically it stops being shenanigans once most people know it.

Meaty is when you are doing a move that hits late in its active frames, or hits low to the ground for a jumping attack. This allows you to recover most of the time and block a reversal from your knock downed opponent. eg I play sakura, you play sagat. You knock me down and you do a "meaty" low short, I do ex shouken, your low short whiffs and you are able to recover and block my ex shouken and punish.

As for brodard, it's 4 minutes away from where I live. There's the brodard for higher class people, which charges more on magnolia and trask. Then there's the "ghetto" asian one which is on brookhurst and westminster i think, behind the 99 cent store.

Food is the same. If you're looking for spring rolls only, just order take out from the cheaper place.
I finally signed up for both games. I bought a stick in the fall and have been playing Tekken 6 mostly, because I get creamed in SSFIV. Anyway, we have a new baby in the house, so I don't know how much or when I'll be on, but once things calm down I'll definitely be around on Fridays and Saturdays playing something.
Well, came from LA today. Played a bunch of AE, and at Video94 they had Marvel vs Capcom 3 loaded on one of the cabinets. Didn't get to try out myself, but my friend is digging it.
[quote name='jman619']Arcana Heart 3 coming to psn in the spring. Awesome news and it said it would be 29.99

There is no need to import it Paco. ;)[/QUOTE]

FUH QUE scrub. I demand artwork, stupid animu color manual and a physical disc.

Nah seriously, I'm getting it on PSN.
I'm game for MvC 3 tonight when I get it after work! I'm new to the board, but I also like the idea of adding MK vs. DC to the list (I rather like that game). I will definitely be getting the new one in April as well!
Good games Option.

Put an OTG assist on someone and you can extend Tronne's combos like crazy. I fear your Tronne/Sent/Doom team. Heavy hitters and huge amounts of life.

Arthur is full of cheese. With Dante Jam Session I expect him to be annoying at keep away. Though I'm trying not to play as Dante.
for tron, i use x23, after you otg with x23, use air s, delayed H, S into MMHS for knockdown, then call 2nd assist for pressure
doesn't really extend like "crazy" it's just one more aerial loop

after playing tron for ~4 days, she's pretty boring until I find some resets
GGs option. Your tron's combos are nice. I tried using her but she didn't fit my style...and the fact that I sucked with her lol. Anyway nice use of your assists I had a hard time getting in. Also your sentinel is damaging and very hard to deal with. I mean that in a good way.

Anathema I use the same otg assist for x-23. When I can actually remember to use in time it works well to set up level threes with otg opponents.
Good games guys, i'm slowly starting to learn how to play marvel. Had lots of fun getting wooped. I'm trying my darnest to not mash. But it's so hard to resist when I get owned and online is not exactly the speed of light...
[quote name='option.iv']Good games guys, i'm slowly starting to learn how to play marvel. Had lots of fun getting wooped. I'm trying my darnest to not mash. But it's so hard to resist when I get owned and online is not exactly the speed of light...[/QUOTE]

It's Marvel, just mash, seriously. You wanna get that hit confirm before they do.
[quote name='distgfx']It's Marvel, just mash, seriously. You wanna get that hit confirm before they do.[/QUOTE]

I made sure turbo is on for every button, including taunt.
[quote name='suko_32']I made sure turbo is on for every button, including taunt.[/QUOTE]

See? This man knows what I'm talking about.
[quote name='suko_32']I made sure turbo is on for every button, including taunt.[/QUOTE]

So that is how you won, CHEATER!

Shit man, I drop combos left and right. I still can't get the assist timing down.
[quote name='anathema728']for tron, i use x23, after you otg with x23, use air s, delayed H, S into MMHS for knockdown, then call 2nd assist for pressure
doesn't really extend like "crazy" it's just one more aerial loop

after playing tron for ~4 days, she's pretty boring until I find some resets[/QUOTE]
Tron just needs an assist for extending. She has an OTG which she can use off throw, command throw (in corner), and super jump special.

You've probably seen the reset, but basically it's cr. H + assist, f.H, H Beacon Bomb. After the dudes stop raping them in the sky they fall down unable to air tech, roll, jump, w/e. In that time they're trapped, you can dash under a few times and mix up and go for throw/attack mixup.
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my school had a tourney today and of course the guy who won used sentinel BUT he was actually really good. He used the famous trio and he knew each character well. Now I fought him a couple of times and when I managed to get lucky and knock out mags and storm he then came out with sent and proceeded to leveled 3 x factor my whole team :hot:. Has anyone found a way to deal with a level three sent? I'm not talking about a regular sent which can be dealt with if you're careful but a level three is ridiculous. I tried to zone him out but he wavedashed all the way across the screen. I felt like I couldn't do a thing even when I activated my own X factor.

TLDR I'm QQing because I'm butt hurt.

Anyway I finally managed to complete x-23's missions and most of ammy's so if anyone wants to fight send me an invite but expect a lot of dropped combos as I will be trying new things.:D
For a lvl 3 x-factor sent... lol. Uh, I am also trying to find an answer for that as well.

I had a full health lvl 3 x-factored zero. A certain sentinel user here... :cool: had activated a lvl 3 x-factor as well. I made one small mistake by pressing a button... got hit 3 or 4 times by that beast. I was dead.

Which is why I've decided to pick up dormammu. Try to keep him at bay with dark hole and purification.
whooo~!! iss Mahvel baby!!


Im playing! msg me if u wanna play!


arrrrrrrghhhhh!!! stupid formware update!!!
[quote name='Esper']For a lvl 3 x-factor sent... lol. Uh, I am also trying to find an answer for that as well.

I had a full health lvl 3 x-factored zero. A certain sentinel user here... :cool: had activated a lvl 3 x-factor as well. I made one small mistake by pressing a button... got hit 3 or 4 times by that beast. I was dead.

Which is why I've decided to pick up dormammu. Try to keep him at bay with dark hole and purification.[/QUOTE]

Dat Xfactor!
GGs again tonight anathema. I still think you got a good set up because even if your anti aired it seemed like sent's assist covered you well and made it hard for me to capitalize on tron.

Esper you gotta be more specific since there are two good sent players here but yeah I agree with you that they need to be zoned out and dormammu looks like a good choice. I try to go about one of two ways either I play cheap with ammy and spam ice or I try to rush with zero since his multi hit moves nullify sent super armor but I might drop zero soon. I'm not sure I'm really digging him but I'll see.

Last order of business. Does anyone else have this problem where you practice good combos you want to use but when it comes down to the match you end up doing the most basic thing you can think of because you fell you would drop the combo if you even tried. Is this normal? or am I a scrub?
keep playing.

I was mashing buttons against Simfulfate for like a whole 6 rounds,

then I was finally able to land a combo.

you jus needa reach a level where you're comfortable executing stuff in an actual match,

and when Im playing against ppl who've done over 50 matches and I havent even done 10 yet, I definitely got a long way to go.
[quote name='JEKKI']keep playing.

I was mashing buttons against Simfulfate for like a whole 6 rounds,

then I was finally able to land a combo.

you jus needa reach a level where you're comfortable executing stuff in an actual match,

and when Im playing against ppl who've done over 50 matches and I havent even done 10 yet, I definitely got a long way to go.[/QUOTE]
I know but its so hard. I guess I gotta keep practicing. Well I couldn't sleep so I went into training mode and found a sweet combo with x-23 that does 1,269,000 damage. It's no sentinel killer but it'll do. The downside is that it requires a level one x factor and her level three along with an assist. Aside from having those three things its actually not too hard to pull off. Well I've posted too much tonight I'm gonna go to sleep.
block x factor sentinel? it's easy, just watch for throw/command grab. avoid chip by activating x factor. dont use assists

blocking wins games. There's not much throw teching, which I can't stand.

netplay is definitely better than sf4, the ranked matchmaking is good, finds people with very little lag for all ten or so games i played.
Esper you tease me since I don't use any of those characters but that hulk hyper was lulz.

it turns out for my last combo i had on level three x-factor not one. I changed it back to one and had to make some changes in order make it reach the previous amount. The combo now requires 4 hyper bars but it does kill sentinel now :D barely at 1,309,000 but its like shadowkast said I can only land these combos in training mode :bomb: Oh well doesn't matter I think I have more fun with this game in training mode lol
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x23 has a loop at level 2 or 3 xfactor, it feels like a 1 frame link at level 2 xfactor, and a 2 frame link at level 3 xfactor

x23 isn't really good at using meter for damage

edit: can't link to video? keeps mirroring esper's u2b link. something wrongggggggggggg. i mean look at the youtube id code, it's not even the same. wtf. nm got it, just had to hyperlink it, weird bug

Well the thing is that I start the combo off with an overhead so it's ideal for a crouch blocking opponent and I doubt I could set up that infinite loop easily since they could see coming a mile away. Also the combo doesn't require a level three x-factor only a level one. I said I had accidentally set it to 3 instead of one by accident. One more thing it only requires 3 meters since you build the fourth throughout the combo. Let me post a video so it's clearer. As you can see it's easy to pull off so I'm hoping I can pull it off in a match someday.
1. why is your wide screen like that?
2. i never really messed around with x23 L3 hyper, it can be done from otg assist? so you activate hyper?
3. more of a tip, you could close the blinds and zoom into tv more and get a better image

too bad you need the assist, i can't ignore how good level 3 xfactor is, and how good the chip you get from it is
otherwise, nice combo.

try starting off with a faster overhead, like air 2C, i'm sure it'll hit sentinel's huge hitbox, any moves x23 can do for the armor that break it?
Thanks but it's not really my combo its an extension on her mission 9. Now let me try to answer ur questions
1. I don't know its my sister tv.

2. Yeah u need an otg assist if you want to make it a "true" combo but since its unblockable you can wait for them to get up and do it lol

3. That was sister's room. I only went in there real quick to shoot the video since my tv is so small. This is actually the first time i've ever shot anything i've done so i didn't pay too much attention to the surroundings :(

4. If by 2c u mean the down heavy I don't think that's an over head which is why i use the air S. It is slow so I plan to cover it with ammy's cold star.

5. I don't know any moves that break armor but her weapon x prime hyper is godlike for countering attacks and even hypers. it's start up invincible I believe and goes through projectiles.

level three x factor is good with it the combo does about 1,739,000 which is would kill sent and phoenix combined lol but this is really if you want to get rid of an annoying character real quick.

Level three x is really good for chip but if they activate their own x factor then they don't get chipped :(
oh man you're right, it doesn't hit high, i guess nobody wants to block in this game

its just that air 2C hits like 80% of the time against people I play
bread's done