CAG PS3 Fighting Game Matchmaking Thread - Injustice out NAO!

i signed up for the match making for super street fighter. I didn't get mine yet from amazon but it should be very soon. One question...does guiles super sonic boom connect from crouching medium kick a la CvS2? that shit was awesome.
Sorry for not joining if any of you sent some invites for Street Fighter. I always have some downloads running so my gaming quality sucks. I should have them off and ready to play some soon though.
Great games everyone. I literally fell asleep playing this game.

Well, the VoIP sucks, so I was thinking of updating the SSFIV list to include Skype usernames. Although it requires a computer or psp or what have you, it's definitely better than the in game voice chat.

[quote name='mr_burnzz']i signed up for the match making for super street fighter. I didn't get mine yet from amazon but it should be very soon. One question...does guiles super sonic boom connect from crouching medium kick a la CvS2? that shit was awesome.[/QUOTE]
Welcome to the thread. Hmm, as for the sonic boom, usually Ultra's don't link or chain with any ground normals unless the opponent is being juggled, so no I don't think so. But then again, i haven't tried it.
Sorry Option. Couldn't join. Female friend playing nothing but lemmings and critter crunch almost all day well into 3 in the morning. ARGHHHHHHHHHHH

And this KOF XIII translation between King and Athena made me LOL

King vs Athena
Athena: Wow, it must be so cool to be in a team of girls!
King: Hey, wanna trade members? It'd be great to have an under-age! Mai and Yuri are plain crazy when they're drunk!
Athena: Oh, kinda like the way my master fights with pandas?
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My bad jman

Good games this morn j-cart.

Also thanks to everyone for signing up for SSFIV. 32 people! I also added a section for whatever controller you are using (pad or stick). Let's have fun as a CAG community and help each other out.

I was thinking, maybe we should have an east coast vs west coast battle with teams. If you guys are interested or have suggestions please let me know.
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I just created a thread on the capcom unity forums about the VOIP issues we have been having. Hopefully someone at capcom sees this and gives us some insight on if it can be fixed or not.
[quote name='option.iv']

I was thinking, maybe we should have an east coast vs west coast battle with teams. If you guys are interested or have suggestions please let me know.[/QUOTE]

Will be laggy. Sadly SSF4 online on PS3 isn't as consistent as 360 version. Capcom drops the ball in this. I hope they will decide to update the netcode to GGPO through a patch later. >.>

[quote name='MisterBee']I just created a thread on the capcom unity forums about the VOIP issues we have been having. Hopefully someone at capcom sees this and gives us some insight on if it can be fixed or not.[/QUOTE]

What kind of VOIP are you talking about? You mean the voice chat? I think it isn't the game issue, it's more like players' mic issues. Just set it right. I was talking to my friends fine.
I feel terrible today,but I'm still going to play this later.

So the extras for keeping SFIV was

Color 11: the ink color from the pc version of SF4
Color 12: Sketch, makes your character look handrawn.

Well that was lame. I hate both of those to be honest.

I had a save file from SFIV. Glad I sold it to be honest. I'll just stick with Super. At first when it was blue around the character. I really thought it was a glitch or something was wrong and my ps3 was dieing. You see weird things like that on 360 when its crapping out. =p
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The bonus you get is two additional colors (11 & 12) from having a vanilla SFIV save. Don't know if there's anything else though.
Not sure If people will agree with me or not,but Super Street Fighter IV reminds me fighters back in the day and feels like a more solid complete version of SFIV. I love it to say the least. I think Super is what SFIV should have been from the start. Mostly all the online features.
[quote name='option.iv']I was thinking, maybe we should have an east coast vs west coast battle with teams. If you guys are interested or have suggestions please let me know.[/QUOTE]


[quote name='luan87us']Will be laggy. Sadly SSF4 online on PS3 isn't as consistent as 360 version. Capcom drops the ball in this. I hope they will decide to update the netcode to GGPO through a patch later. >.>

What kind of VOIP are you talking about? You mean the voice chat? I think it isn't the game issue, it's more like players' mic issues. Just set it right. I was talking to my friends fine.[/QUOTE]

You've tested PS3 vs 360 online play already on the same connection? Or did you just read it from somewhere? Not trying to be a dick, just curious as to where you read it. As for GGPO being patched in... never gonna happen. :cry:

I've had voice chat probs in lobbies too, but it's usually when there's several people from both east and west coast in the same lobby.
i played on the 360 about 5 times as much as the PS3, and I will say its much harder to find a good match (in SFIV) So far, i've only ran into a few people that I would consider horrible lag.

my Dudley is so inconsistent and terrible, its not even funny. for some reason, i can't even get his jet upper to work the way I want. The 1 out of 6 times it works the way I intend it, I can at least combo a light into a hard jet upper
great games md, paco and jman.

For the voice chat, it's clearer with people who live near you. As for the people on the other side of the country, that's when it starts to break up. But strange enough, it sounds clear on the lobby.
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[quote name='jman619']Those was some good games Option IV. Of course Paco left when it got good. ;)[/QUOTE]

Not my fault. She's playing lemmings again.
Yea!! I can kinda plink Dudley's combos now. You were right about the cr.lp to fukking amazing when you can pull it off, which isn't hard if you plink. I was even able to do f+hk->

I still completely fail at EX MGB -> dash punch -> ultra.

did you know you can triple cr. hk in the corner? First one is regular, then you have to hit forward and hk early than you are used to, then plink the 3rd one. leads to an ultra yet as well. i had no idea till i practiced
[quote name='kurrptsenate']Yea!! I can kinda plink Dudley's combos now. You were right about the cr.lp to fukking amazing when you can pull it off, which isn't hard if you plink. I was even able to do f+hk->

I still completely fail at EX MGB -> dash punch -> ultra.

did you know you can triple cr. hk in the corner? First one is regular, then you have to hit forward and hk early than you are used to, then plink the 3rd one. leads to an ultra yet as well. i had no idea till i practiced[/QUOTE]

There ya go! Plinking makes life so much easier! :applause: Shame it's near useless online. Didn't think it was necessary to plink lp, lp, hk though, the link itself is easy enough to do it without plinking, f+hk, hk on the other hand though... yea, definitely plink.

The EX MGB -> dash punch -> ultra has a weird ass timing on the dash punch. Only hits 50% of the time or so, can't figure out why either.

Yea, I bounce Ryu in the corner 3 times into ultra for fun in training mode sometimes. Never plinked that combo though.
i think thats just to make sure it comes out fast.

as far as double cr. lp to HK, maybe my vision is going at 27 or something, but i guess it just gives you a larger window for the hit confirm.

for the EX MGB - >, i've tried using negative edge for the dash and it seems to help a bit. I have more luck with the kick out of the dash since you can just spam the shit out of it till it comes out.

I think my plinking is coming along from "trying" to get better with fei long a week ago. He has some hard ass combos compared to some other characters in the game
[quote name='kurrptsenate']as far as double cr. lp to HK, maybe my vision is going at 27 or something, but i guess it just gives you a larger window for the hit confirm.[/QUOTE]

It's not just you, I NEVER miss that link offline for some reason, haven't gotten a chance to try it online yet. It's just way too easy to do.
well, i tried the link out after your suggestion (lp -> hk) and it just led to a windfall of links like overhead to HK, and kidney punch to hk. Looking at the input data, its hitting the plink 90% of the time, which is actually amazing for me lol
[quote name='PhrostByte']Got this game for PS3. Eat dicks ya'll.[/QUOTE]

You already beat us to it.

[quote name='kurrptsenate']well, i tried the link out after your suggestion (lp -> hk) and it just led to a windfall of links like overhead to HK, and kidney punch to hk. Looking at the input data, its hitting the plink 90% of the time, which is actually amazing for me lol[/QUOTE]

Windfall of links uh? ... is that good or bad? :lol:
definitely a good thing.

finally got to try the mirror match last night. Unfortunately, the other guy was pretty terrible so it wasnt too much practice
I've played super way to much. I think in a day or two I'll slack off playing it. Kind of getting burnt out on it already. Put around 10 hours into it in 4 days. I played the original sfiv maybe 30 hours total.
My dudley is coming along nice. I'm going to try to add Guy into the rotation. He's so weird to use. It seems like ALL of his combos are either his 4 hit target combo, or his mp -> hp into a special

his jump is friggin weird too
[quote name='NoAim']Hey guys,

Added my info for SSF4, loving the game even though I suck :([/QUOTE]
Welcome aboard. I'm sure you can find someone at your level, if not, I'm willing to be a practice dummy.
I am this close to going back to using the controller in SSFIV, but I have to buckle down and get through this. it just sucks knowing that someone who just beat you couldn't do it if you used the controller.

imma get better
imma get better
imma get better lol
stop playing online till you get used to it. hard, I know...

when i was getting used to the stick, i had to do nothing but put on the input data and learn the motions into muscle memory. its boring, but when it shows you inputting 40 directions instead of 6 to pull off an ultra, you can really see the benefit.

I still go back from time to time to hone my input prowess. It makes doing combos that much easier when you are using shorter notations to do the same thing. I still have problems with certain ultras when I want to pull it off immediately. I dont practice doing them that quick, so when i try in a match it usually doesnt come out the way I intended it to
yeah the input display in training helps a bunch. when I first got my stick it was frustrating because I thought I was pulling moves off perfectly but it turned out I wasn't emphasizing enough force on my diagonals and as a result my moves only registered half the time. the grip you choose has a huge effect as well.

anyways, I really need to learn how to play. I've put way too many hours into SF4 but none of which have gone into practicing advanced mechanics.
[quote name='Mr. Beef']Updated my info in the spreadsheets. Being sick is not fun. :([/QUOTE]
Thanks appreciate it. Also get better.

Well, SSFIV spreadsheet is updated with controller, mic, and Skype username. So feel free to update as you please.

Also, replays are probably the best thing in SSFIV. I was thinking of holding a mini contest to see who could show the funniest or coolest replay. I'd be able to record it and up it for all to see.
[quote name='option.iv']Thanks appreciate it. Also get better.

Well, SSFIV spreadsheet is updated with controller, mic, and Skype username. So feel free to update as you please.

Also, replays are probably the best thing in SSFIV. I was thinking of holding a mini contest to see who could show the funniest or coolest replay. I'd be able to record it and up it for all to see.[/QUOTE]

Updated and the replays for SSFIV for fucking GOLD! I think we already have our first week's winner though, we just have to pick a round. :lol:

[quote name='kurrptsenate']you friggin pissed me off right before i had to leave for a party yesterday option.


[quote name='option.iv']Haha, funny pic.

But yeah, I've been training and working out. It's all thanks to the shake-weight.


Shit, I do that every night with my stick and it doesn't help.
vggs to frank, option, and jman. Jman, nice cody. Ultra II looks beast by the way you were using it. Option, your guy has crazy corner mixup pressure thinga majigy. Did you abandon Makoto? And Frank, I didn't have an answer on your variety of characters. You have awesome execution. Blanka dash ultra, fuerte's RSF. Dude, do you play viper also? :)

Gotta hit up training mode again

p.s. Does that shake weight work option? I should head to my local Big 5. Hmm. lol
GG's gentleman. Definitely fun to have a lobby and not have it die (I'm looking at you STHD!) It was running smoothly as well.

[quote name='Esper']vggs to frank, option, and jman. Jman, nice cody. Ultra II looks beast by the way you were using it. Option, your guy has crazy corner mixup pressure thinga majigy. Did you abandon Makoto? And Frank, I didn't have an answer on your variety of characters. You have awesome execution. Blanka dash ultra, fuerte's RSF. Dude, do you play viper also? :)

Gotta hit up training mode again

p.s. Does that shake weight work option? I should head to my local Big 5. Hmm. lol[/QUOTE]

I think I have pretty shitty execution, I just get lucky every now and then. That was the hop forward ultra which is a lot easier and fuerte's rsf, well I can only do two loops before I wuss out and end it. I'd rather get that knock down then get mashed out.

But, you're Viper's execution is better and no I don't play her. Also, sorry if you guys wanted more of a variety in players but J-Man said he didn't want to wait that long so I kept booting the other people that came into the lobby.

Also, Kurrptsenate; I joined your room but I think you guys were just chatting so I left. I'll send you an invite next time.
Yeah, great games jman, esper and Frank. I was getting wooped. I played first match makoto mirror with Frank, but decide to try Guy. That shoulder pressure is pretty cool, though he really doesn't have anything else. I have to rely on grab games, but that doesn't work half the time either...

And yeah, shake weight is awesome, my forearms are huge, I can choke things, and move em in a side to side motion real good if you know what I mean. Now that I think about it, it has nothing to do with street fighter... damnit.
[quote name='option.iv']

And yeah, shake weight is awesome, my forearms are huge, I can choke things, and move em in a side to side motion real good if you know what I mean. Now that I think about it, it has nothing to do with street fighter... damnit.[/QUOTE]

I laffed. And this post has nothing to do with with street fighter related.

I lied... that's why there's a spoiler! After playing with Adon for awhile. I just can't seem to mesh with him. I can poke with Has pretty tight links. Doesn't have a decent AA normal. Pretty much have to use rising jaguar to catch those jumpers; lk rising jaguar = no, mk rising jaguar = yes, hk rising jaguar = yes. I would go to srk, but I'm too lazy to read through all of those threads. Went to eventhubs, they haven't updated the combo list for his character. Tried Cody, and I can definately mesh with this character. Lots of setups into ultra. For Ibuki, I feel that it's hard for me to get in close to land those target combo mixups on my opponent. And if I do get in, I get mashed out by randoms. Still giving her a chance though.

Oh btw, I played a really really good viper player today. I was playing with Abel. And I have to admit, I was pretty scared to face my own main. Burning kick shenanigans, thunder knuckle feint cancels. The guy landed a feirce feint feirce into meterless fadc ultra 1 to finish me off. :) That left me really happy with a smile on my face. I even gave him lovemail (no hatemail) saying his viper was nice. You don't see many good vipers online.
So far Option/Frank is the best I've seen from cag in super and I've played quite a few cags.

I mostly only use 3 characters when it comes to ranked matches. Cody/Cammy/Ken Sometimes when I'm messing around I'll pick people I don't know how to use.
No esper, noooO! Haha j/k. Well, if you're cody, I can be Guy and we can form the final fight team. Hell, we can even get a Gief player with a certain Haggar costume in the mix.

Also, thanks jman for that comment. But don't count the rest out though.
bread's done