CAG/PS3 Red Faction: Guerrilla Night [Thursdays @ 10pm EST]

Yeah, I guess I was the only one who hopped on to RFG, I didn't see anyone else. Was hoping to maybe see an invite pop up while I played a couple of pubs, but alas it never happened, no invites, no friends, no games... allllll alone. :{

Can't say I'm too surprised though, as most everyone was already playing something at start time. As for Mortal Kombat... I don't really know! :lol:
I guess I kinda felt like it... >___>
Tonight wasn't a total bust, at least for me. Finally got around to watching Inception tonight on Vudu. Movie's fucking awesome... :shock:

Anyone want to play something tomorrow night?
I actually had RFG popped in, but was waiting for a few peeps to boot up. After 15 mins it looked like everyone was going to be doing something else, so I did the same.

I'm still a ridiculously long wait for ass bros on goozex too :(
I napped and woke up late, popped online a little after start time and saw no one on. So I just rolled over and went back to sleep. History channel is both interesting and great white noise.
That's about what I did last night... Fell asleep shortly after work then woke up and was like "Wonder if anyone's playing anything... meh, don't care" and fell asleep again. XD

But we still doing Worms tonight?
Yes, we are most definitely doing Worms tonight. :D

Remember, we start playing at 9EST/6PST ;)

If everyone has Battle Pack DLC, we'll do some of those landscapes, if not, we'll just play normally. :)
[quote name='zenprime']Random and I will be trying our best to pwn in BC2 tonight. Maybe we'll get to see all the new maps finally.[/QUOTE]
No WKC!?!
Maybe I'll join you in BC2 then... I guess...
[quote name='Dasflikko']Oh Gary, is there nothing you do wrong~


You've obviously never seen Lost in Space, The Scarlet Letter, or The Unborn. ;)
Have you ever seen Romeo is Bleeding? It's another one of my favorite Oldman performances.

Juliette Lewis: Is it hard yet, baby?
Gary Oldman: It ain't easy.
[quote name='bmachine']You've obviously never seen Lost in Space, The Scarlet Letter, or The Unborn. ;)[/QUOTE]

Nope. Nope.


Hooray I can keep swooning.
No X-Mans for me, thanks.

AssCreed was fun last night, despite the frustrations of disconnects and eternally "waiting for Abstergo agents".
Yeah, it was a blast.

More ACB multiplayer talk:
Definitely needs another patch to address a few multiplayer connection and party/matchmaking issues. I doubt it will ever be added, but an actual party system where you stay together even when backing out of a match, get put on the same team, etc. would be nice. New map was pretty cool. I've felt like most of the maps have a fairly similar feel once the killing gets going, but this new one has a much larger amount of verticality to it. As I mentioned last night, it would be crazy in Advanced Wanted, where you aren't told if your target is above or below you.

Handful of issues aside, I really, really dig the multiplayer. I gotta hand it to them for doing something unique and different and on top of that, for giving out free add-ons too.

And hey, guess what?..... AssCreedBroHood is on sale for $38 today:
I think I'd be way more into Ass Bro Multi if Ubisoft didn't make the horrible decision to allow players to only earn xp in public matches.

We have great games with our private rooms but not being able to play with all the unlocks is really frustrating.
I think you get XP in player games and I think you can create parties in player games so I think we could max out the server so we wouldn't get randoms and still get XP.

Worth a shot next time we play anyways. :lol:
Yeah, we did player matches last night with metaly hosting and it said "friend slot" for all the spots, so I think you're right. Even if there are only a few random people, it'd still be fun and you'd earn XP.
[quote name='mkernan']Yeah, we did player matches last night with metaly hosting and it said "friend slot" for all the spots, so I think you're right. Even if there are only a few random people, it'd still be fun and you'd earn XP.[/QUOTE]


I'll make more effort to be around next time we play!
[quote name='zenprime']Hopefully I'll have ACB under the tree, if not I'll get it myself. DD83, you're out tonight aren't you so no WKC?[/QUOTE]
I probably shouldn't, but I could play some WKC. I'm jonesing for a fix since we didn't play Monday.
I'm up for some Chutes and Ladders. Do I need the DLC maps?

Incidentally, zen always manages to find the most fucking terrifying avatars.
[quote name='metaly']I'm up for some Chutes and Ladders. Do I need the DLC maps?

Incidentally, zen always manages to find the most fucking terrifying avatars.[/QUOTE]
The more I look at his new one the creeper it gets.
Just for future reference... No more WKC the night before I have to start at 6am... I nearly passed out I was so tired. So no WKC for me next week.
[quote name='StrandedBrit']Don't know what you guys are talking about .... I can do that with my ears too![/QUOTE]
It's not the ears, think it's the grin. Pic in the sig is cool though
[quote name='mkernan']Lost Planet 2 is $10 at Best Buy. I might try to pick it up this weekend.

It's also in Sunday's ad, in case you want to price match it elsewhere.[/QUOTE]

Also (and this may have been mentioned elsewhere on CAG, but I wasn't aware of it), I just checked my RewardZone account and found this:

12/15/2010 Issued Certs. $10 RZ Holiday Certificate

So..... free Lost Planet 2 for me! (Well, I guess I'll have to pay tax.)

EDIT: Also, Amazon matched the $9.99 price:
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