CAG/PS3 Red Faction: Guerrilla Night [Thursdays @ 10pm EST]

[quote name='AllahBomber']ya dude thats some piss poor bullcrap right there. epic fail. randy/trw, you have to sign any NDAs while you were there? either way. with this new info, should we even buy this game now?...[/QUOTE]
We had to sign NDAs before we got there, other wise I would have mentioned this sooner. If your willing to buy a game based on it's SP campaign, then you may want to get this at some point.
Well. . . . that's a disappointment. With the amount of 4p "co-op" experience games out there, it's hard to get excited about another one. With competitive mp, there's always the option of doing pubs, but if no one from your friend list is around then it's not nearly as fun. Plus, I haven't even touched the campaign of RF:G and if that were to hold true for RF:A then I don't think just co-op online will be able to justify the purchase.
I'd be happy if people bought up Crysis 2.

Also, Section 8: Prejudice comes out this summer for PSN for $15. Maybe Brink will be good?
lol, I'd be happy if the people that had Section 8 played it.
I had fun the time or two we did play it, but no one does.
[quote name='mguiddy']lol, I'd be happy if the people that had Section 8 played it.
I had fun the time or two we did play it, but no one does.[/QUOTE]
I liked Section 8 but nobody plays it we could play again.
What modes has Crysis 2 got? The beta had TDM and that sort of King of the Hill mode. Is there a lot beyond that? I also keep hearing Brink recommended but I know almost nothing about it.

I'd be up for the occasional RFG. I haven't been around the last few Thursdays and I thought it might work out as a good breather before RFA came out, but then whoooooopppsss.

Anyone playing anything tonight? I'm not planning to leave this couch for a while.
Portal 2 is a must-buy for me this week but that price on Crysis sounds tempting. I'm definitely interested in Brink and everything I've heard about the multiplayer/co-op leads me to believe that it will be fairly robust.

And, yeah...we had NDAs when we visited Volition or we would have told you guys 6 weeks ago that there wasn't going to be a competitive multiplayer mode in RFA. It's disappointing but I've had time to come to grips with the news. For what it's worth, I thoroughly enjoyed my time with the campaign, Ruin mode, and Infestation mode and I'll still be picking it up on day one. I believe there's enough of an experience there to justify a $60 purchase.

Also: J (aka One_Letter) isn't your problem. It certainly wasn't his decision to nix the multiplayer from RFA. He's been super friendly and supportive of us and I don't think it's reasonable for you guys to dump your complaints on his doorstep.

Lastly, I'm not really interested in playing RFG anymore but I'd still love to play something weekly with the crew here. Uncharted still appeals to me and I've barely done anything on the Episodes from Liberty City you guys still have those games?
I'd play RFG again, but not pubs... screw pubs, it's either people who just got the game or people who play RFG a bagazillion times more than we do.

It's also worth noting (for those with KMarts near) that you also get a $15 gaming coupon for spending $40-$119.99 (pre-tax) worth of games and a $15 and a $45 gaming coupon for spending $120+ (again, pre-tax).
Also, buy Portal 2 and/or MK and you can get $10 off a $20 PSN card.

Oh... you also have to be a Rewards Card member to get those coupons, just FYI... I think Signed up with an email as well... might be wrong about that though.
well rfg goes up and down 50 points on gzx all the time, so ill get it back on the next down swing. and do report cheap crysis 2 prices. ill buy it i it gets cheap.

edit: oh..randys post made me go back and find DDs post. might could do the $40 kmart deal..if we get bored of it, can always goozex for for $10 equivalent profit! went ahead and pre-added it to my Have list. woot
See my edit to the post above.
You could save more money as well. :D

Also, WTF kube... shouldn't you be playing Portal 2?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
That $45 GC deal sounds pretty excellent. DD, do you know if Kmart has Okamiden for the DS? I could do Portal, Crysis and Okamiden to get over $120 and apply that giftcard to Brink or LA Noire.
I will I will

I do have Episodes from Liberty City. I dont have any issues going out and getting Crysis 2 either, are there any good deals on it?
[quote name='bmachine']That $45 GC deal sounds pretty excellent. DD, do you know if Kmart has Okamiden for the DS? I could do Portal, Crysis and Okamiden to get over $120 and apply that giftcard to Brink or LA Noire.[/QUOTE]
Mine never got Okamiden.:cry:
It's not a giftcard, they're gaming coupons (if you spend over $120 you'll get a $15 and a $45 for a total of $60). They're valid for 4 weeks starting with the following Sunday (so the 24th to 21st... I think, which would be good for either Brink or LA Noire... I'm gonna use mine for Brink). Also, you'll need to spend over the face value (so $60 if using both) pre-tax when you use the coupons. I know... it's kinda :roll:
[quote name='bmachine']Also: J (aka One_Letter) isn't your problem. It certainly wasn't his decision to nix the multiplayer from RFA. He's been super friendly and supportive of us and I don't think it's reasonable for you guys to dump your complaints on his doorstep.[/QUOTE]

Speaking of that... J was real cool and had them set up a custom gamertag for me at the RFA thing on Thursday. :) Which reminds me...


Better luck next time, every gaming press outlet ever!

I totally forgot about Episodes from Liberty City. We have to try that out at least once. Mister Frostee races?
Didn't notice randy's edits... but regarding not telling one_letter any complaints about the lack of comp multi in RFA... Why not? He's community manager, isn't part of his job to take suggestions/comments/complaints from the community? People disappointed by the decision to not include comp multi should complain so they know people want it so they don't leave it out of the next game. So when they're planning the next game J can tell people that the community was disappointed by the lack of comp in RFA and that they've lost day one sales because of it.
i didnt mean to blame oneletter. just saw him as their representative in our forum here :p clearly its not at all his fault! just thought perhaps he may have insight as to what the dillio was..
Speaking to a few different topics, so I'm not going to bother multi-quoting.....

Crysis 2 has deathmatch and team deathmatch open from the start and the other modes open up as you rank up. The king of the hill-type mode opens up fairly quickly, I think when you hit rank 10. That's all I've played so far, though I think I might have unlocked one other mode (I'm rank 14 or 15). Its fast-paced and first-person, so its definitely nothing like RF:G, but its certainly fun. I throughly enjoyed the increased level of mobility, with the power-jumping, ledge-grabbing, and sliding and I also appreciate the strategy involved in the fact that all of your abilities require energy (sprinting, stealth, armor, etc.). If you haven't already read it, feel free to check out my review I wrote about it:

Regarding what other games to play.... I have many of the ones mentioned and would enjoy playing most of them. Uncharted 2, Section 8, blah blah blah, or even just more RF:G. Brink does seem compelling, but I don't know a ton about it and would probably want to wait on reviews before I ran out and bought it. I don't own "Episodes from Liberty City" specifically, but I do own vanilla GTA IV and have purchased both add-ons via PSN. I assume that would allow me to play with people running the 'Episodes' disc, but I dunno..... sometimes devs do stupid shit and I honestly don't know if they interoperate.

On the topic of RF:A, I think I share the various sentiments that have been expressed here thus far. I enjoy Volition's work and I'm sure it'll be a fantastic game, but times are tight financially and I don't think I can justify a day-one purchase with no competitive multiplayer included. I'm sure I'll buy it sooner or later, but without this little GFB community to play with, I have no sense of urgency regarding it.

i think we're all mature enough here to recognize that clearly J/One Letter had nothing to do with the decision to not include a competitive multiplayer mode and to know that we obviously shouldn't be giving him shit for it. On the other hand, (like DD points out) it is his job to act as the mediator between Volition and the community, so we should not hold back in telling him how we feel, so long as it is done in a civilized manner. (Hey J - if you're reading, tell yours peeps to develop that shit as DLC!!!!)

Its 1:30am my time, and I've been drinking, so hopefully these thoughts have come across in a fairly cohesive manner. If not, expect some edits tomorrow morning.

In the end, I'm sure we can all continue to have fun playing shit online together, even if it (sadly) isn't in the new Red Faction game.

p.s. - If and when any of you have kids, don't stay up til 2am like I somtimes do. Its just not smart. =)
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[quote name='freakyzeeky']Sounds like some of you guys want to play Section 8 sometime... Anyone up for playing that tonight? ;)[/QUOTE]

Probably not tonight for me as I need to download it again and that will take awhile.
[quote name='mguiddy']Didn't notice randy's edits... but regarding not telling one_letter any complaints about the lack of comp multi in RFA... Why not? He's community manager, isn't part of his job to take suggestions/comments/complaints from the community? People disappointed by the decision to not include comp multi should complain so they know people want it so they don't leave it out of the next game. So when they're planning the next game J can tell people that the community was disappointed by the lack of comp in RFA and that they've lost day one sales because of it.[/QUOTE]

I accept all of your feedback, whether it's good or bad. As stated above, that's part of my job. While it always sucks to hear disappointment, I hope that all of you will at least give the new mode a chance. Many people just hear "no competitive" and immediately stick their fingers in their ears and scream LALALALALAICANTHEARYOULALALA. While yes, it may only be 4 players instead of 16, the team here really tried to put a ton of variety into this mode that isn't found in various other horde modes. And of course, we used our Geo-Mod tech, which others can't.

@metaly - Glad you had fun at the event. Getting community members out there and the name thing was a push last minute and I'm glad we were able to get it in there. I had Niko (from THQ, she's awesome) stand in for me, but hopefully you got enough time on the kits and were able to talk with the other V-devs there.

Anyway, I'll check back here later if you have any questions. Monday is always the busiest day of the week...
[quote name='mkernan']Crysis 2 has deathmatch and team deathmatch open from the start and the other modes open up as you rank up. The king of the hill-type mode opens up fairly quickly, I think when you hit rank 10. That's all I've played so far, though I think I might have unlocked one other mode (I'm rank 14 or 15). Its fast-paced and first-person, so its definitely nothing like RF:G, but its certainly fun. I throughly enjoyed the increased level of mobility, with the power-jumping, ledge-grabbing, and sliding and I also appreciate the strategy involved in the fact that all of your abilities require energy (sprinting, stealth, armor, etc.). If you haven't already read it, feel free to check out my review I wrote about it:[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the review! I just finished up Crysis 1 yesterday and really enjoyed it. It sounds like I can expect a similar single-player experience with Crysis 2. I'm digging for more impressions on the multiplayer before I decide to get it.

[quote name='OneLetter']@metaly - Glad you had fun at the event. Getting community members out there and the name thing was a push last minute and I'm glad we were able to get it in there. I had Niko (from THQ, she's awesome) stand in for me, but hopefully you got enough time on the kits and were able to talk with the other V-devs there.[/QUOTE]

I was surprised that it ended up being mostly a press thing, so thanks again for squeezing me in. It was great getting to talk with Roje and Jason and I would have loved to pick their brains all afternoon, but obviously they had a lot of other people to see.
[quote name='metaly']Thanks for the review! I just finished up Crysis 1 yesterday and really enjoyed it. It sounds like I can expect a similar single-player experience with Crysis 2. I'm digging for more impressions on the multiplayer before I decide to get it.[/QUOTE]

I only played an hour or so of the first Crysis, but the reviews I've read made it sound like the suit powers in 2 were a little more streamlined over the first and the environments, while conducive to different approaches, aren't as open.

I'm looking at the multiplayer menu now, so I thought I'd elaborate on the multiplayer modes....

-Team Instant Action (team deathmatch, open from the start)
-Instant Action (deathmatch, open from the start)
-Crash Site (capture and hold. Pod dropped in from a dropship, you capture the point, and it eventually explodes and another one drops in. I've already unlocked it - I'm rank 16 - but I think it unlocked at rank 10. Similar to other games' capture and hold modes, but the fact that the pod dropping in and the pod exploding can kill you do liven it up a bit)
-Capture the Relay (basically CTF. Again, I'm rank 16 and its already unlocked, it it was opened up at like rank 14 or 15)
-Assault (round-based. Nanosuit operatives must upload data from terminals defended by standard soldiers. 1 life only. Unlocks at rank 18 - I haven't played it yet)
-Extraction (round-based. Alien bio-sticks must be captured and delivered to extraction points. successful extractions enhance nanosuit powers. Unlocks at rank 22 - I haven't played it yet)

In a private match, you can play anything, regardless of rank. However, some of those probably wouldn't be that fun unless you had enough people in your private match.

Also, here's an excerpt from Joystiq's review:

While the single-player campaign is something I can see myself returning to a couple more times in a quest for Achievements/Trophies, the multiplayer side of Crysis 2 has me utterly hooked. I came for the pretty graphics, was happy with the solid shooter underneath them and am pretty much beside myself with how unexpectedly good the online play is.
I'm still getting RF:A but then again I rarely buy day-1 or preorder so skin off my back.

So uh, we doing U2 Thursdays now or something else (if it is something, let it be cheap if I don't have it!) since I miss playing with you lot.
I won't be around on Thursday but I'd definitely be up for some Uncharted on Friday night!

I also want to play Portal 2 with someone.
I finished Portal 2 :D, 9.3 hours according to steam. Sadly like 45 minutes to 1 hour of that was one room that was making me want to cry.

DD, the end of the single player completely sets up the story for the coop, but I did not try any of the coop to see if there are any single player spoliers.

Time for actual spoilers:

The gamma gel is brilliant, wish it was used earlier and more often. Making every surface able to have a portal really opens up the possibilities.

The ending of the Chell storyline? I think I am good with this, if they want a Portal 3 single player just break up the coop robots.

Still Alive >>>>>>>>>>>>> New Song

Missed the most important achivement/trophy "Ship Overboard" Guess that is for the next playthrough
Halfway through Portal 2 it seems, it is excellent. Going to dedicate tonight to try finish it up I think.
I'm also happy and fortunate that I haven't had anything from the game being spoiled thus far. :D
I hate you for posting spoilers... They're looking at me... just saying "CLICK ME AND READ!!!!!!!!!" :/
But yeah, I should be done with P2 tonight or tomorrow night, so I'll be good for coop once you're back.
What room were you stuck in?

Also, it looks like we might not be able to play anything this

Don't worry... it's not a spoiler for Portal 2 nor is it porn... I'm not hip like randy.
I don't know if I can play Uncharted 2 on Friday, but I just read they're having 3x cash this weekend, so that's good. If the PSN is working by 9pm CST tonight, anybody gonna play anything?
I'd be up for something... but what!? :whee: RFG bitchfest? Tetris? Mario Kart? Checkers?

If PSN is still down, that's all right because I seriously need some more time with Portal.

I'd also be up for 3x Uncharted sometime this weekend. Hammers only means I can get kills!
bread's done