CAG PSN Gamesharing #3 - Find/Create a Gameshare Group and Gameshare FAQ

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[quote name='WV Matsui']Come on man please stop trolling![/QUOTE]

He isn't really trolling - what he is doing is arguing semantics which really has no bearing on the fact that Sony is making a move that could have an adverse effect on the bottom line. That, at the end of the day, is all that matters. When they realize that they've dropped the ball (not for the first time i might add) they'll likely revert back to the system that has brought them so much success.
[quote name='ssjmichael']lol, I don't even know why I still use this name. I made it like 1996 or something and I just kept using it since even though I'm not a big DBZ fan anymore. So lazy and resistant to change ><

Anyway, I know people are really upset about this and everything, but I realize that this was a loophole we were using and it was a matter of time before Sony put a stop to it (or crippled it at least), so I guess I'm more understanding of the situation.

There had to be a reason why Sony didn't disable it till now. I mean that's 5 years of them leaving a known loophole open. Maybe it just wasn't financially worth it anymore. Or maybe companies like Capcom threatened Sony to pull content or not release future content until they change the gamesharing terms. We all know what Crapcom has done to try and kill gamesharing themselves.[/QUOTE]

I know how you feel about the name. Mine is a Naruto reference and I haven't watched that show in years.

What is really surprising about this is the abruptness of it. Like you said, it has been 5 years and November 18th doesn't mark anything significant. It would have been much more likely for them to change this when the Vita was released. New system on the PSN, new rules. That seems logical to me. This change just feels like yet another problem in Sony's communications with customers. I understand why they are doing it, just not the timing.
[quote name='bastiartadi']You are obviously against gamesharing and I respect that. For a fact, I know that any type of reasoning whatsoever will not sway you from your position. However, you have to consider that people here won't sway their position either.

That said, I would respectfully request you to just stop posting about your hate to it. It isn't productive at all. This is a gameshare thread and people here just do that. Would you think it is appropriate for anyone to say "Xbox SUCKS" over at the Xbox forum? I thought so.[/QUOTE]

I'm not "against" gamesharing per se. I've even said I've gameshared in the past (my last was ME2 in January). I'm just acknowledging that what Sony is doing isn't exactly unjustified. And I don't see how I can't give my opinion of the situation just because you don't agree with it. Would you say that to people who were consistently hating on this new decision? Because they aren't adding anything productive to this gamesharing thread either. Singling out somehow who's reasonably debating (i.e. not trolling) a different position from the majority and telling them to stop is pretty immature of you and kind of shows you don't really have a counter argument.
[quote name='Solid-Snake-Eyes']It's going to help small developers cause they won't be getting screwed anymore selling five copies for the price of one. I'm sure game publishers have been asking for this move for a long time.[/QUOTE]

Actually, there was some study that showed that piracy helped small developers/musicians/artists more than it harmed them. Usually, no one wants to take a chance paying for content from an unknown developer. By promoting a low price or even their games for free, developers get people, who otherwise wouldn't bother, to try their games. And if what they have created is any good, it will generate word-of-mouth, thus publicity.
[quote name='momouchi']I know how you feel about the name. Mine is a Naruto reference and I haven't watched that show in years.

What is really surprising about this is the abruptness of it. Like you said, it has been 5 years and November 18th doesn't mark anything significant. It would have been much more likely for them to change this when the Vita was released. New system on the PSN, new rules. That seems logical to me. This change just feels like yet another problem in Sony's communications with customers. I understand why they are doing it, just not the timing.[/QUOTE]

Yeah it's a random time, which makes me feel like it could be done based on external pressures from a company like Capcom as I alluded to above. It would make more sense I suppose to do it closer to the release of Vita, but then that could also backfire and lead to bad press during the launch of that system. it's possible they did it now to allow people time to cool off from this obviously unfavorable move.
[quote name='Solid-Snake-Eyes']It's going to help small developers cause they won't be getting screwed anymore selling five copies for the price of one. I'm sure game publishers have been asking for this move for a long time.[/QUOTE]

You are out of your mind if you really think this will help small, lesser known developers. Gamesharing give gamers a chance to buy games we wouldn't otherwise buy. Unless a game made by a small developer gets the love and marketing attention games like Dead Nation receive, not enough people will buy their games.
[quote name='Usuyami']Actually, there was some study that showed that piracy helped small developers/musicians/artists more than it harmed them. Usually, no one wants to take a chance paying for content from an unknown developer. By promoting a low price or even their games for free, developers get people, who otherwise wouldn't bother, to try their games. And if what they have created is any good, it will generate word-of-mouth, thus publicity.[/QUOTE]

Amen. And you can forget about small developers making games exclusively for PSN is this silly policy isn't nipped in the bud soon. All we'll get are multiplatform games ported from the 360 to the PS3 with virtually no developers gutsy enough to push the limits of the PS3 (can't say i'd blame them)
Here's a question, If Sony and other developers felt that over the past 5 years gameshares helped them rather than hurt them, do you think they would have made the decision now to cripple it? I know people like to think that Sony just does these things because they're not in touch, etc...but again, it's been 5 long years of allowing this loophole to be open. I have to imagine they felt it was benefiting them at some point. That could even be the reason why Tretton painted this "we're all for people sharing games" attitude. It's quite possible that their latest analysis shows gamesharing really isn't helping them at all now, or again, a major developer is threatening to pull content if they feel gamesharing is hurting them. From a business standpoint if you're Sony and your analysis shows that gamesharing is now hurting your bottom line somehow (again this hypothetical we don't know the reason they suddenly crippled it), would you continue to allow the loophole to remain the same?
[quote name='ssjmichael']I'm not "against" gamesharing per se. I've even said I've gameshared in the past (my last was ME2 in January). I'm just acknowledging that what Sony is doing isn't exactly unjustified. And I don't see how I can't give my opinion of the situation just because you don't agree with it. Would you say that to people who were consistently hating on this new decision? Because they aren't adding anything productive to this gamesharing thread either. Singling out somehow who's reasonably debating a different position from the majority and telling them to stop is pretty immature of you and kind of shows you don't really have a counter argument.[/QUOTE]

I'm fine with the debate and all. All I am saying is that your opinions will aggravate a couple of members in this forum and I don't find it reasonable on why you should

And believe it or not, I do agree with almost every point of you argument. What we're going in this forum (and throughout other forums) is not what gamesharing is designed for. It's main purpose is to share content within YOUR OWN system. At most, it's purpose is for you to essentially bring your games with you (ie: go to your friends house, you want them to try a game you purchased so you just gameshare). I do agree that it's a loop hole that we are exploiting and the move is all justified.

However, I am not defending Sony either and saying it's a good move by them. It is definitely a hit to some gamers and that's all that matters. If that's not what you're trying to do, then I apologize as I stepped out of line. It just seems like with the previous posts that you were implying that.

As for singling you out, well, that isn't exactly true. It's just in my nature to have a smooth thread. We already had arguments which lead to banning in the past and would prefer for that not to happen again.
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Me and Turk jinxed all of this last week when we were talking about if gamesharing would make it into the nex gen, but like I told him, if i'm willing to gameshare then I won't buy the game anyway. I have alot psn games that I had actually bought when I could've easily gameshared. The only downside to all of this is no more free trophies. I'll still buy my must haves like i've been doing since before CAG.
[quote name='bastiartadi']
As for future gamesharing, I've thought of a system that might be useful.

A game would be split between 4, each person paying 25% each. We would treat each group as a LT one where we would create a CAG group to keep in touch. Within the group, you have to decide who gets to ply it first. The selected members would then have a reasonable amount of time (I say minimum 1 month to a maximum of 3) before they turn it over to the other 2 members. The other 2 can play until their hearts' content and sell it to the community for 25% of the price.

In Summary, the first two gets to play the game for 1-3 months and pays a premium of 25% of the retail price for it. They do not get the money back.

The last two members loan their money in the promise of getting the gameshares at some future date. Once they have the share, they can play until whenever and sell it at 25% of the retail to the community. They can get their money back.[/QUOTE]

I honestly like this idea and would be all for joining one!
Anyone has a share that includes atleast 2 of these games..
- Resident Evil 4
- Tomb Raider and the Guardian of Light
- Street Fighter Third Strike Online Edition
- Flower

Would like to make the best out of a gameshare slot.
[quote name='bastiartadi']What's this people making long term gameshares? The report says that purchases made post November 18 and beyond and not accounts created.[/QUOTE]

Oh I didn't know that games bought after the 18th switch to 2 slots.... Guess i'll try to sell this crap before the 18th.

Burnout: Crash- $2
Dungeon Defenders- $3

PM me if interested.
[quote name='ssjmichael']Yes, years ago. Please show me where he has the final say in these decisions? Hardcore gamesharers recite the quote from Tretton like it's the word of God, it's fucking hilarious shit. I'm sure he regrets saying it now, and I wouldn't even be surprised if he didn't grasp what he was saying completely, or what it would lead to.[/QUOTE]

Why don't you try combining your posts? It's really not that difficult to copy and paste 3 times.

Furthermore, we understand that you have knowledge far beyond ours and a sense of morality that would make Mother Theresa herself bow down. Now can you please stop beating the same drum over, and over... and over.

Afterall, the thread is for finding and creating a gameshare. It is not for your self satisifying pissing contest.

K, thnx!
[quote name='Jokerkun890']Why don't you try combining your posts? It's really not that difficult to copy and paste 3 times.

Furthermore, we understand that you have knowledge far beyond ours and a sense of morality that would make Mother Theresa herself bow down. Now can you please stop beating the same drum over, and over... and over.

Afterall, the thread is for finding and creating gamesharing. It is not for your self satisifying pissing contest.

K, thnx![/QUOTE]

[quote name='Usuyami']Actually, there was some study that showed that piracy helped small developers/musicians/artists more than it harmed them. Usually, no one wants to take a chance paying for content from an unknown developer. By promoting a low price or even their games for free, developers get people, who otherwise wouldn't bother, to try their games. And if what they have created is any good, it will generate word-of-mouth, thus publicity.[/QUOTE]

Here's my solution, how about we desginate all discussions about this decision to this thread:

It was where I first posted my thoughts and felt others would too. I didn't chime in here until others started filling the last few pages with their own opinions. I respect the thread and I don't want to clog it up with all this back and forth debating. So yeah this will be my last "debate"-related post. If I post again in here it'll be because I'm interested in a gameshare ;)
[quote name='ssjmichael']Here's a question, If Sony and other developers felt that over the past 5 years gameshares helped them rather than hurt them, do you think they would have made the decision now to cripple it? I know people like to think that Sony just does these things because they're not in touch, etc...but again, it's been 5 long years of allowing this loophole to be open. I have to imagine they felt it was benefitting them at some point. That could even be the reason why Tretton painted this "we're all for people sharing games" attitude. It's quite possible that their latest analysis shows gamesharing really isn't helping them at all now, or again, a major developer is threatening to pull content if they feel gamesharing is hurting them. From a business standpoint if you're Sony and your analysis shows that gamesharing is now hurting your bottom line somehow (again this hypothetical we don't know the reason they suddenly crippled it), would you continue to allow the loophole to remain the same?[/QUOTE]

Fair point... if we weren't talking about Sony. They flounder so often that you almost cringe every time they make a big decision and this is coming from the most ardent of Sony supporters. The lack of foresight that's been exhibited in the past leads me to believe that revenue and consumer backlash haven't been taken into account and that they have instead focused solely on combating piracy in the months preceding the launch of the Vita. Again, it is only a theory and those of us on opposite sides of the argument can hypothesize from now until kingdom come, but the next few calendar months will let us know whether or not they've made the right decision.
Except for the fact that you have agree'd to Sony's TOS by upgrading your system(s) to the newest firmware.

The TOS (for a while now) have basically said that game sharing is a no-no.
They even explicitly state that it is a violation of their TOS to give your password to anyone else.

Therefor, you can have 5 system activation's on systems you own, but that's it.
You are going to have a hard time arguing that you own and have personally activated all 5 systems yourself when they are scattered out thousands and thousands of miles apart - but somehow all activated within minutes of each other, etc.

Sony has been updating their TOS in preparation for this for a long time - lawsuits would be laughed out of the courts.

[quote name='Crashmasteromega']Well from my understanding all accounts before nov 18 are grandfathered in. It's just like a cell phone contract if anything changes they have to keep with the original contract and anything after is subject to new rules. So if they do not let us keep our 5 previous slots we purchased before nov 18 they are gonna have to be handing out alot of refunds or be hit with a lawsuit as we were promised and paid for 5 slots. So old slots have nothing to worry about. However what we do need to worry about is the new activation/deactivation system. From what I'm reading it may be alot of trouble for the host. So I am in agreeance with others about some kind of database. Cause if selling and reselling of old slots are gonna cause alot of drama we need to have new rules in place for newbies. We here that post everyday pretty much know who is trustworthy. But for the newbies I think new rules should apply. And after nov 18 I propose we only have trustworthy host to make sure that they add their name to database so we can keep up with all the accounts we know about and so if anything goes wrong there will be no more confusion about who sold what to who and who has the password. And before a share is sold we must post it to the community to make sure that everyone agrees it is sold to a trustworthy individual and not some newbie who will do who knows what with the slot and the passwords. We have about 2 weeks but I'm sure we can work this problem out like always. And so what if it's only 2 slots now we are still getting a great deal. No more days of $2 slots lol but still better than paying full price and at the end we can always resell a slot to someone else so nothing to lose really. This was just my opinion and everyone has one so don't bash cause I would love to hear more ideas about what should be done about this situation.[/QUOTE]
Sorry for the quick repost but I'd like to throw this idea out there and see what the community thinks.


As for future gamesharing, I've thought of a system that
might be useful.

A game would be split between 4, each person paying 25% each. We would treat each group as a LT one where we would create a CAG group to keep in touch. Within the group, you have to decide who gets to play it first. The selected members would then have a reasonable amount of time (I say minimum 1 month to a maximum of 3) before they turn it over to the other 2 members. The other 2 can play until their hearts' content and sell it to the community for 25% of the price.

In Summary, the first two gets to play the game for 1-3 months and pays a premium of 25% of the retail price for it. They do not get the money back.

The last two members loan their money in the promise of getting the gameshares at some future date. Once they have the share, they can play until whenever and sell it at 25% of the retail to the community. They canget their money back through selling the shares.

The community will get the game much much later and thus, only have to pay 25% of the price.

The problem here is that it won't be regulated. The last two members of the initial group can easily sell it for 50% but if we make this system the norm, then that might help a bit.

This is merely a suggestion and would like to get your thoughts on it.
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Selling these accounts

GOW 3 DLC ( includes all skins) $1.50
LA Noire DLC (ALL LA Noire DLC) $2
Infamous 2 DLC (this is from the Supervoucher) $1.50 (includes all skins and some powers as well as soundtrack)

Or take all 3 for $4 OBO

Please pm me
' dantes inferno '

if anyone is interested in dantes inferno please show interest. waiting on the payment of 2 others, if either have changed their minds you will definitely be pm'd. thank you.

$4.00 a spot,waiting on 2 others, account created and activated.

EDIT: on gamesharing..
this thread does not have to stall in the future.. As long as whatever you purchase is sold again in a timely manner, the recycling of the gameshare will run smoothly and be as though you merely borrowed the game.
[quote name='bastiartadi']Sorry for the quick repost but I'd like to throw this idea out there and see what the community thinks.

still love it! Where do I sign up?
[quote name='ssjmichael']Here's a question, If Sony and other developers felt that over the past 5 years gameshares helped them rather than hurt them, do you think they would have made the decision now to cripple it? I know people like to think that Sony just does these things because they're not in touch, etc...but again, it's been 5 long years of allowing this loophole to be open. I have to imagine they felt it was benefiting them at some point. That could even be the reason why Tretton painted this "we're all for people sharing games" attitude. It's quite possible that their latest analysis shows gamesharing really isn't helping them at all now, or again, a major developer is threatening to pull content if they feel gamesharing is hurting them. From a business standpoint if you're Sony and your analysis shows that gamesharing is now hurting your bottom line somehow (again this hypothetical we don't know the reason they suddenly crippled it), would you continue to allow the loophole to remain the same?[/QUOTE]

Everything you've posted is hypothetical. Not to mention, telling us that Sony is making this decision because they think it will benefit them is redundant, and frankly a little moronic, in that it is completely obvious to everyone. What entity isn't acting in their own best interest? What you're missing is that what Sony thinks will help sales may very well end up biting them in the ass. Just look at their history. What they thought were good ideas ended up being doomed because of their insistence for proprietary technology. You need to understand that what Sony believes to be best for the company may very well do the opposite of what they intended. Let's not forget about the rootkit incident.
[quote name='Hammer_jay']selling

Final fantasy tactics +suikoden $2
Mf collection + sf3. $3 ($2off )
payday $4

lookin for a slot of splinter cell trillorgy[/QUOTE]

Sent you PM
Looking for groups of:

Games I want:
Dungeon Defenders
Pixeljunk Sidescroller

Games that I really really want:
Dragon Age Origins

Games that I really really really want:
Saints Row 2
RE 5 Gold Edition
Crysis 1 and 2
Far Cry 2
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[quote name='WakYasuk']Looking for groups of: (preferablly combined games into 1 acc because I am getting close to the 16 account limit..anyone know how to kinda bypass that limit somehow?)[/QUOTE]

You can deactivate a slot through account settings on your PS3. That'll bring you down and then you can keep on adding accounts.

All Borderlands DLC
Tales of Monkey Island
BFBC2 Onslaught/BF1943

Looking for:
Explodemon, Echochrome 2, Limbo, Rochard, Sidescroller, Swarm, Tumble, Crysis, Hot Pursuit, PoP Trilogy, Splinter Cell Trilogy
IGN says this change was likely made to prepare for the release of the Vita, since every game for it will be downloadable. I think that makes sense.
[quote name='jamehze']You can deactivate a slot through account settings on your PS3. That'll bring you down and then you can keep on adding accounts.

All Borderlands DLC
Tales of Monkey Island
BFBC2 Onslaught/BF1943

Looking for:
Explodemon, Echochrome 2, Limbo, Rochard, Sidescroller, Swarm, Tumble, Crysis, Hot Pursuit, PoP Trilogy, Splinter Cell Trilogy[/QUOTE]

Btw since you want several games that I want, lets start a group if we cant find slots.
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[quote name='Bigwig_rah']IGN says this change was likely made to prepare for the release of the Vita, since every game for it will be downloadable. I think that makes sense.[/QUOTE]
IGN does make sense Vita release day is December 17, 2011 JP
Well now that everyone's panicking - wanna split the cost of $82 worth of games + plus?
We'll all put in $20, giving us $100, buy plus for current deals, then get like Blops + Crysis or something. $20 for those titles + whatever's on plus isn't bad. But message me now cause I'm about to go out.
Just delete the profile WITHOUT deactivating and your PS3 will still occupy a slot. Never understood why people insisted on multi-game shares. Unless you're playing more than one game at a time, they're exactly the same as single shares.

Buying big shares is just asking for trouble at this point. It could happen Nov. 18, 6 months or a year from now. Buy small (ie: everything you want), activate, delete and buy more. Trust me, reselling will be alot easier.
[quote name='NSYNC']Just delete the profile WITHOUT deactivating and your PS3 will still occupy a slot. Never understood why people insisted on multi-game shares. Unless you're playing more than one game at once, they're exactly the same as single shares.

Buying big shares is just asking for trouble at this point. It could happen Nov. 18, 6 months or a year from now. Buy small (ie: everything you want), activate, delete and buy more. Trust me, reselling will be alot easier.[/QUOTE]

Oh okay, that makes sense. I just thought that I could never play on that slot again.
[quote name='Bigwig_rah']IGN says this change was likely made to prepare for the release of the Vita, since every game for it will be downloadable. I think that makes sense.[/QUOTE]

That's what i figured. Which likely means they were likely so tunnel visioned that they didn't give enough thought to revenue and consumer backlash. First they made the process of acquiring PSN Cards tougher when whatever happened behind the scenes lead to Amazon pulling them from their website, now they've incurred the wrath of their consumers and i believe crippled developers and narrowed their profit margins. I root for Sony, but sometimes the decisions they make are truly puzzling.
[quote name='Heavyd814life']That's what i figured. Which likely means they were likely so tunnel visioned that they didn't give enough thought to revenue and consumer backlash. First they made the process of acquiring PSN Cards tougher when whatever happened behind the scenes lead to Amazon pulling them from their website, now they've incurred the wrath of their consumers and i believe crippled developers and narrowed their profit margins. I root for Sony, but sometimes the decisions they make are truly puzzling.[/QUOTE]
this is where I repost ;):
Everyone should make accounts on the ps blogs and post (thoughtful, reasonable) comments there. Maybe we could at least get this limit down to 3, not 2 systems?
Can't let sony screw us over and all the corporate cheerleaders' comments go, can we?
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[quote name='WakYasuk']Okay, but if I deactivate a slot, I won't be able to play the game anymore right?

Btw since you want several games that I want, lets start a group:

Crysis, Limbo, Sidescroller, PoP Trilogy, Splinter Cell Trilogy
1. host
2. WakYasuk
3. Jamehze
If no one joins, we can seperate the games into different accounts.[/QUOTE]
Yeah you won't be able to play again until you reactivate.

Here's a better list:
Limbo, Prince of Persia Trilogy, God of War Collection Origins, Sidescroller
1. jamehze
2. contej85
3. wakyasuk

Splinter cell Trilogy
1. jamehze
2. contej85
3. wakyasuk
4. Hammer_jay

I'm also interested in Rochard and Crysis, but that's the two of us for now and the list will just get longer and longer. Also I might pull out of Limbo and PoP Trilogy if I get response back from another offer. I would prefer to split it up anyway for reasons outlined by others.
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[quote name='NSYNC']Just delete the profile WITHOUT deactivating and your PS3 will still occupy a slot. Never understood why people insisted on multi-game shares. Unless you're playing more than one game at a time, they're exactly the same as single shares.

Buying big shares is just asking for trouble at this point. It could happen Nov. 18, 6 months or a year from now. Buy small (ie: everything you want), activate, delete and buy more. Trust me, reselling will be alot easier.[/QUOTE]

That's somewhat true but sometimes it's easier to get all the games you want in bulk so you don't have to
1) keep coming here
2) Worry about what to buy next
3) After 11/18 small shares will be worthless
I think bastiartadi and NSYNC and some others have good ideas to keep gamesharing smooth and feasible, keep brainstorming guys.

Anyone want yo do a jrpg share group like the one a few pages back? seems like a helluva deal for around $30.

i was thinking of an inexpensive 2 person LT share ($5-$10 a month a piece) past nov18 for small games or dlc cuz i dont want to pay full price. maybe add some cheap ps+ codes too for free games and discounts.
guys, what the hell is LT, arrgghhh? (lol) that's like the 3rd time I read it today, like it's some obvious abbreviation (Lawrence Taylor? LaDainian Tomlinson? :p)
[quote name='pixi']That's somewhat true but sometimes it's easier to get all the games you want in bulk so you don't have to
1) keep coming here
2) Worry about what to buy next
3) After 11/18 small shares will be worthless[/QUOTE]

Everything will be worthless LOL! Would you rather have spent $20+ dollars on a huge share and have it stolen come Nov. 18 or a $2 one? Once someone breaks off and sells their slot on these big groups forming today, you lose all control. Trust me, people will sell down the road, and the host will just stop caring to "repair" things. I keep mentioning Battlefield 3 because it seems everyone bought a share. What's to stop a reseller from deactivating a slot? Those shares have plummeted because everyone has account access.

[quote name='meeek']guys, what the hell is LT, arrgghhh? (lol)[/QUOTE]


EDIT: If you don't believe me, look at what happens now. People are using Qriocity to check for deactivations and steal slots. With online activation/deactivation, it's a free-for-all. You don't "own" anything anymore, so why drop a big chunk of money on one account? It's time to get real and kill off the old way of doing things. People are always selling long-term stuff here, so stop thinking these groups today are "Final 5". Avoid the future headache IMO.
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