[quote name='piche666']Hello! A question... Where can i buy PSN Codes of 5 Euros or 10 Euros (not 20) , for my Spain Store Account? I'm not from Spain so i couldnt add it with my paypal or my credit card. Anyone knows?[/QUOTE]
You can't only if you were to add an UK account you could buy 5£ but you know psn cards are country specific and the minimum values in Spain are 20 and 50 euros.
The only alternative is that if you use your credit card, since you said that your account is from Spain but you are not from there, you can't add a paypal amount if your paypal account is registered to another country.
If you know someone whio is from Spain and is trustworthy you could always request their details and use them, but I wouldn't advise this, best bet use the credit card option or have someone try to make a new paypal account with your name but this tiem registered to Spain.
Good luck