CAG PSN Gamesharing #7 - Find/Create a Gameshare Group and Gameshare FAQ

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Looking for BO2 share for ps3

And are these the games for PS+ for NA in January real or just rumors:
DmC, Bioshock Infinite, and Brothers for the PS3.
Final Fantasy X/X-2 (418HK)
1. Clonesniper666
3. Half Life
OMG OMG!!! TAHNKS A LOT FOR SETTING THIS UP :D I've been waiting for this remake for sooooooo long :D

I just have tese questions(they may be stupid, so sorry xs):
Will the game be in Japanese?
Will I need to make an HK account to play this game or will I be able to play it on my main account?

Anyways if the answer to both of these questions is yes than I am in for a phantom ^_^

EDIT: If you can answer to these questions please do so, but regardlesss I am still in for a phantom :)

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Anyone happens to have UK PSN top-up for sale? Looking for good deal. Btw if any group is going for UK January sales and need PS+, I can provide a 14 days trial for free, just drop me a PM.
As cheap as you are liable to find outside of Ebay:



As for the next part of your statement, I think you mean to say anyone can get access to a 14 day UK PS+ trial (from the below link), but you could assist if they are unable to do so by themselves.!/en-gb/reward_game/playstation-plus-14-day-trial/cid=IP9102-NPIA90006_01-PSPLUS14DAYTRIAL

Is Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD available in the Japanese PSN or is it a retail-only title? :p!/ja-jp/%e3%82%b2%e3%83%bc%e3%83%a0/final-fantasy-x-x-2-hd-remaster/cid=JP0082-NPJB00458_00-FFX0FFX20PKG0PS3

Even if you get a straight conversion, you'd be paying around $60, as illustrated by Clone's group. That's 50% more, and the game is in Japanese, but you'd get it 3 months early, and it is FF X.

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OMG OMG!!! TAHNKS A LOT FOR SETTING THIS UP :D I've been waiting for this remake for sooooooo long :D

I just have tese questions(they may be stupid, so sorry xs):
Will the game be in Japanese?
Will I need to make an HK account to play this game or will I be able to play it on my main account?

Anyways if the answer to both of these questions is yes than I am in for a phantom ^_^

If you can answer to these questions please do so, but regardlesss I am still in for a phantom :)
Yes in Jap but possible other asian languages in sub, no english.

No clone will make the account and you can play the game on your main normally like all the other phantom shares.

I wish it was a double plat with the english and had korean subs. Otherwise I can wait 3 months as I want it mainly for the vita.

EDIT: yeah and I don't even have the space right now.

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Yes in Jap but possible other asian languages in sub, no english.

No clone will make the account and you can play the game on your main normally like all the other phantom shares.

I wish it was a double plat with the english and had korean subs. Otherwise I can wait 3 months as I want it mainly for the vita.
Thanks a lot for the info :D

I was just having doubts due to the game being from an Asian region and i thought they were region-locked for some reason, so thanks for clearing this out for me :)

Shit I'd be all over that if my memory was sharp enough to remember what most of the commands were. Even in Japanese, I played those games so much I could fumble through it. But alas I'll just wait til god damn march.
How big is The Last of Us? I read that you don't need to have double the size free since you dl from naughty dog and not really on PSN

Plus for Jan. PlayStation Plus: January Preview


-Don’t Starve (PS4)
-DMC Devil May Cry (PS3) 6.5GB
-BioShock Infinite (PS3) 6.4GB
-Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons (PS3) 625MB
-Worms: Battle Island (PS Vita) 89.6MB
-Smart As… (PS Vita) 1.4GB

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Well time to delete the phantom of DmC that I bought a year ago and never played.  

Anyone have a Bioshock Infinite season pass that I can timeshare once the free game rolls around?

Well time to delete the phantom of DmC that I bought a year ago and never played.

Anyone have a Bioshock Infinite season pass that I can timeshare once the free game rolls around?
Have to check but might have it on one of my main accounts. Nope only have the game itself. Thought I had purchased the pass with the game.

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Anyone have a Bioshock Infinite season pass that I can timeshare once the free game rolls around?
I was thinking the same thing.

This would be the first Bioshock game ive ever played. I never played 1 or 2 for lack of DLC...pretty sure I got one or both of them from plus as well but didnt have the DLC...and I like 100% lol

I was thinking the same thing.

This would be the first Bioshock game ive ever played. I never played 1 or 2 for lack of DLC...pretty sure I got one or both of them from plus as well but didnt have the DLC...and I like 100% lol
Would you kindly go buy and play Bioshock 1? (2 is also a very good game, but skippable on the whole).
Would you kindly go buy and play Bioshock 1? (2 is also a very good game, but skippable on the whole).
Everyone tells me that haha... If I had the DLC, and people who would help me with the online trophies (I think there are a few for the DLC or something if I remember right) then I would do it - but Im a completionist and *have* to get 100%... so I wont play unless those conditions were met haha

Would you kindly go buy and play Bioshock 1? (2 is also a very good game, but skippable on the whole).
I played Bioshock 2 first, then went back and played Bioshock 1. I'm not sure why so many people think 1 is amazing and 2 is just meh...I loved them both equally. I loved everything about Rapture,

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Everyone tells me that haha... If I had the DLC, and people who would help me with the online trophies (I think there are a few for the DLC or something if I remember right) then I would do it - but Im a completionist and *have* to get 100%... so I wont play unless those conditions were met haha
Bioshock 2 DLC has some of the worst possible online trophies, not only does it another 10 levels to grind, but the only way to get to play on the DLC maps that you need to be into to unlock the trophies only come up when everybody in the game lobby has the DLC, and since the map rotation is random you need to play around 2-3 hours straight without anyone leaving and then hope that the trophy doesn't glitch.

I got no complaints about the single player portion of BIoshock 2, its just that the online feels unnecessary

Bioshock 2 DLC has some of the worst possible online trophies, not only does it another 10 levels to grind, but the only way to get to play on the DLC maps that you need to be into to unlock the trophies only come up when everybody in the game lobby has the DLC, and since the map rotation is random you need to play around 2-3 hours straight without anyone leaving and then hope that the trophy doesn't glitch.

I got no complaints about the single player portion of BIoshock 2, its just that the online feels unnecessary
im happy with 90% :)

Minerva's Den :bow:

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you guys are nuts. bioshock 2 was a fantastic game. the multiplayer was decent, but i agree the trophies for mp were dumb and not worth it (even boosting takes forever)

minerva's den is the only worthwhile dlc, and a great dlc at that

Question.. So is the amazon ac4 psn code upgrade able to ps4? My friend is looking to buy it from there for his main since it would only be $45 for everything
Merry Christmas everyone! In the mood to spread some cheer and have some fun so here's a cag gameshare trivia! These questions are pretty damn hard unless you've been around for a while and have a good memory. If you're really good at googling, you might be able to find the answers. Should be funny to see people's guesses. There can be as many winners as I have prizes. Winners will be PMed so the answers aren't given away. Contest closes when Christmas is over.

Prize Pool (select one):
When Vikings Attack (PSN Voucher)
Wipeout HD (PSN Voucher)
ICO + Shadow of the Colossus (phantom)
Flower PS4 (phantom)
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath (phantom)
Minecraft (phantom) x3
30 day PS+ trial (Region: NA)

1) It was the night before Christmas Eve, Usu powered down everything and got ready for bed. His phone alerts him that he has a PSN message so he decides to check it. It's a message from an old member of the CAG gamesharing community inviting him to boost GTA V RP. This friend along with another promiment member of the gamesharing community were banned from CAG a while back for bickering nonstop. One of them is a mod at QJ and the other is named after a boy band. Name the two!

2) His current CAG name is inspired by an American politician who infamously sent women who weren't his wife pictures of his weiner. What was this member's original name?

3) Whenever these gamesharing threads get too large, it's time for a new one! This particular member has created the most new threads to date. Which member is this and how many new threads has he created?

4) We're now on our 7th (wow!) gamesharing thread here at CAG. What number gamesharing thread did Usu first make his appearance?

5) Name one innovation or idea that Usu implemented into the gamesharing community.

edit: The prize pool will continue to increase as I find stuff to give away.

1) meeek and NSYNC

2) TurkFebruary (The politician in question is Anthony Weiner. I intentionally misspelled wiener as a hint.)

3) clonesniper666 with 3 threads

4) #1

5) GS library and timesharing were acceptable answers. Quite a few people said phantoms and while I did come up with the standard pricing structure for PS3 phantoms/resells, the terms were not coined by me nor was the technique of phantoming discovered by me.

The winners are:



Thanks for playing everyone! This was actually a lot of fun to host so I'll probably make this a biannual thing. Next time will be around Canada/Independence Day. I'll have everyone PM me their guesses instead and then post everyone's answers in one big post.
Btw, if anyone needs PS+ 1 year subscriptions, I can get them for $30. Today only.

edit: Looks like they're charging tax.


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Question.. So is the amazon ac4 psn code upgrade able to ps4? My friend is looking to buy it from there for his main since it would only be $45 for everything
The only code that I know had issues was for CoD: Ghost and not sure if Amazon/Activision/Sony had resolved that issue.

Is someone up for a Ni No Kuni group since it is on sale on EU Store?

it would be something like this

Ni No Kuni 8,90€

Resell 2,97€

1. Unfrozen


Phantom 1,48€



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