CAG PSN Gamesharing #9 - Find/Create a Gameshare Group and Gameshare FAQ

Hey guys,
Looking for a resell for Evolve or looking to start a group for it.
please pm me if keen
look literally one post above yours. i swear some people just pop in, post what they want, and leave expecting to get PMs delivered to them, without reading a single other thing in the topic.

that's like walking into a mcdonalds and yelling "i want a cheeseburger, someone bring it out to my car ill be waiting" when there's a guy selling equal quality cheeseburgers out of his trunk in the next car over. terrible example but you get my point. No beef intended, but please guys, let's at least try to put a little effort in if you want something

in other news, sorry to everyone who i convinced to buy final fantasy 14. the game sucks pretty hard. nonstop fetch quests, horrendous dialogue style, and playing as a mage is overall not fun whatsoever. im sure it's good in the late game but there's no way i'm going to go any further... 4 days left on my sub just gonna let it run out.
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that's like walking into a mcdonalds and yelling "i want a cheeseburger, someone bring it out to my car ill be waiting" when there's a guy selling equal quality cheeseburgers out of his trunk in the next car over. terrible example but you get my point
Fine, I'll confess. I run a black market cheeseburger business. One of the other members here (Codenamed QDizzle) runs the Velveeta cheese operation, selling it for cheap. People want the cheese but can't afford it. It's for the greater good.

You must be one of the Young Invincibles this plan screwed over.
Nah I'm a 30 year old piece of shit who celebrates the end his long workday like this!

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look literally one post above yours. i swear some people just pop in, post what they want, and leave expecting to get PMs delivered to them, without reading a single other thing in the topic.

that's like walking into a mcdonalds and yelling "i want a cheeseburger, someone bring it out to my car ill be waiting" when there's a guy selling equal quality cheeseburgers out of his trunk in the next car over. terrible example but you get my point. No beef intended, but please guys, let's at least try to put a little effort in if you want something
McDonald's doesn't intend for there to be any beef either. Well said though. There is always that trusty search button at the top

So played a round of evolve.. and it was the most frustrating 16 minutes of my life.

Healer didn't do shit, Trapper didn't trap, track - just kept dying. I played assault and kept track of the monster.. kept pinging. My team mates? Who the fuck knows.. so monster gets to stage 3, comes after me, kills me and then proceeds to kill the other dumbasses. GG

Anyone want to play with me? So I don't have to deal with idiots? Please?

Edit: On top of the above, I went and traded GTA V yesterday for $33, I then pre-order evolve. I go to pick it up and the guy tells me I owe $12.78 after GCU and Movers. I swipe my card and the thing says if I want to charge $45.78 onto my AMEX and I tell the guy, he looks puzzled calls someone over and they tell me that I'm only going to get charged $12.78 because that is what is showing on his POS. He then proceeds to hit "YES" for me and the transaction goes through. I think nothing of it until I'm at a stoplight near my house and see that I got charged $45.78... so fuck me right?

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So played a round of evolve.. and it was the most frustrating 16 minutes of my life.

Healer didn't do shit, Trapper didn't trap, track - just kept dying. I played assault and kept track of the monster.. kept pinging. My team mates? Who the fuck knows.. so monster gets to stage 3, comes after me, kills me and then proceeds to kill the other dumbasses. GG

Anyone want to play with me? So I don't have to deal with idiots? Please?

Edit: On top of the above, I went and traded GTA V yesterday for $33, I then pre-order evolve. I go to pick it up and the guy tells me I owe $12.78 after GCU and Movers. I swipe my card and the thing says if I want to charge $45.78 onto my AMEX and I tell the guy, he looks puzzled calls someone over and they tell me that I'm only going to get charged $12.78 because that is what is showing on his POS. He then proceeds to hit "YES" for me and the transaction goes through. I think nothing of it until I'm at a stoplight near my house and see that I got charged $45.78... so fuck me right?
never listen to cashiers. always ask for a manager if it looks iffy


PS4 Monopoly Family Fun Pack resell

PS3 Wheel of Fortune resell or phantom


PS4 Borderlands: The Handsome Collection phantom $25 (releases March 24)

PS4 Metro Last Light Redux rental $1/week

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Those on the fence about Super Stardust Ultra. I recommend passing on it if you already have the PS3 version. Not a whole lot has changed outside of a couple modes & the 5 "new" planets are pretty much the same planets with different names and slight graphical updates. If you never played it on PS3, then go for it as it's one of the best twin stick shooters around. I just keep wishing they released Delta for PS4 instead of this SSHD "update".

Those on the fence about Super Stardust Ultra. I recommend passing on it if you already have the PS3 version. Not a whole lot has changed outside of a couple modes & the 5 "new" planets are pretty much the same planets with different names and slight graphical updates. If you never played it on PS3, then go for it as it's one of the best twin stick shooters around. I just keep wishing they released Delta for PS4 instead of this SSHD "update".
With that in mind anyone want to start a group?






Hyper Void PS3

(The same people who worked on Geometry Wars and all those tripped twin stick shooters.







Unmechanical Extended ($8 with plus)

Resell PS4


phantom PS4 ($1.50?)




Phantom PS3 ($1?)




MInutes PS4 ($8)





Chivalry: Medieval Warfare($15)


1. pancakes





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Got the answers for anyone who did a gameshare expecting the pre-order bonuses for Evolve.

For some reason the only account that can use the preorder skins is the account it was bought on. Unsure about the Monster DLC that will be coming later on.

psnow charged me even though i turned off autorenew.  :wall:  

Edit: Getting a refund, but he said its in ps credit. wtf is up with that. 4-5 day wait if frustrating.

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Got the answers for anyone who did a gameshare expecting the pre-order bonuses for Evolve.

For some reason the only account that can use the preorder skins is the account it was bought on. Unsure about the Monster DLC that will be coming later on.
this is similar to what happened with the day zero dlc for AW. The only acc that can use it is the one that purchased it.
look literally one post above yours. i swear some people just pop in, post what they want, and leave expecting to get PMs delivered to them, without reading a single other thing in the topic.
I saw that before I posted and messaged the guy above me and waited and still no reply even still now so it's better I'd ask around instead of waiting if you know what I mean

Edit: I messaged him a few hours after he posted it

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Looking for:

Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 US version (PS4) timeshare/phantom/resell

Fibbage (PS4) timeshare

Arcade Archives games (PS4)

LEGO Batman 3 (PS4) phantom/resell

Madden NFL 15 (PS4) cheap   :)

[SIZE=12pt]For Sale:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Murdered: Soul Suspect phantom/ resell (PS4) make offer[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Cars 2 resell (PS3) make offer [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Ben 10 Omniverse resell (PS3) make offer[/SIZE]

Devil May Cry HD Collection phantom (PS3) make offer

[SIZE=12pt]Trine2 (PS3) phantom/resell make offer[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Red Dead Redemption (PS3) resell make offer[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]pm me.[/SIZE]

Looking for Rain, Papo & Yo, Datura timeshares preferably. PM.

Selling phantoms (non-sell) - best offers via PM.

*Assassin's Creed: Freedom Cry Standalone (PS3 sellable)

*Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (PS3)

*Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag Season Pass (PS3/PS4)

*Assassin's Creed 3 Season Pass, Child Of Light, Costume Quest 2, Fez

*Batman: Arkham City

*Borderlands 2 + Season Pass + Premiere Club (EU)

*Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons, Machinarium, The Unfinished Swan

*DeathSpank, DeathSpank: Thongs Of Virtue, Risk Factions

*Flower + Soundtrack & Dynamic Theme

*Frogger Returns (EU)

*Frogger Returns (JP), Echochrome, The Last Guy

*Last Of Us Season Pass

*Resident Evil 4

*Infamous 2 + Weapons Pack, Battlefield 1943 + Limited Bundle Theme, Back To The Future (All EP), Battle: Los Angeles, Spare Parts

*L.A. Noire: The Complete Edition, Battlefield 1943 + Limited Bundle Theme, Tales Of Monkey Island Bundle, After Burner Climax, Blue Toad Murder Files (ALL EP), Bomberman Ultra, Faery: Legends Of Avalon, Frogger Returns, Gunstar Heroes, Hasbro Family Game Night, Hyperballoid HD, X-Men Arcade

*Acceleration Of Suguri X Edition, Akimi Village, Assassin’s Creed: Revelations Uplay Passport, Battlefield 1943 + Limited Bundle Theme, Monkey Island 2 Special Edition: LeChuck’s Revenge, The Secret Of Monkey Island: Special Edition, Uncharted 3 DLCs
God this new layout sucks, wish I can change it back to the original. Anyway, looking for timeshare of Sherlocke Holmes Crimes and Punishment on PS4.

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Hi, Im new at Gamesharing (PS3) and I have some questions.

1. If a shared user is currently downloading in background and I change the password, will his download not be affected and will he be able to install and play the game?

2. If a shared user is currently downloading in background and I deactivate his system, will his download not be affected and will he be able to install and play the game?

3. Isn't scamming easy, I mean when I give him the e-mail and log-in password, he can just edit my password and e-mail ID?

4. For every account, how many PS4s, PS3s, PSVitas and PSPs can be activated at the same time? I mean, can you have something like 2 PS4s, 2 PS3s, 1 PSVita and 1 PSP all activated at the same time?

EDIT: 5. If it's a game with DLCs, if the DLCs are downloaded and installed BEFORE the game is even downloaded and installed, will the DLCs still work?

Okay, sorry if my questions sound stupid lol, but Im new at this.

Thanks! :D

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Shares for Sale


• Air Conflicts: Vietnam Ultimate Edition - phantom
• Amazing Spiderman 2 - phantom
• Assassin's Creed IV - phantom, resell
• Assassin's Creed IV Season Pass - phantom
• Basement Crawl - phantom
• Bound By Flame - phantom
• Call of Duty Ghosts w/ Freefall map + Festive Pack - phantom
• Cel Damage - phantom
• Costume Quest 2 - phantom
• Daylight - phantom
• Entwined - phantom
• Killzone: Shadow Fall - phantom, resell
• Knack - phantom
• Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris - phantom
• Lego Hobbit - phantom
• Lego Marvel Super Heroes - phantom, resell
• Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes - phantom
• Murdered: Soul Suspect - phantom
• NBA 2K14 - phantom
• Octodad - phantom
• PixelJunk Shooter Ultimate - phantom
• SoundShapes + DLC, Plants vs Zombies - timeshare
• Strider - phantom
• Strike Suit Zero - phantom
• Surgeon Simulator - phantom
• The Last of Us Remastered - phantom
• Thief - phantom
• Transistor - phantom
• Trine 2, Flower, Super Motherload - phantom
• Trials Fusion - phantom
• Valiant Hearts - phantom
• Watch Dogs - phantom

• Alice Madness Returns + All DLC - sellable, phantom, timeshare
• Assassin's Creed Brotherhood + All DLC - sellable, phantom, timeshare
• Assassin's Creed 3 + All DLC & Sorcery - sellable, phantom, timeshare
• Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag + All DLC - timeshare
• Batman Arkham Origins + Cold Heart/Initiation/Knightfall - phantom, timeshare
• Battlefield 4 & Premium (all trophy DLC, pile of battlepacks, also Pistol+DMR unlocks) - timeshare
• Borderlands 2 + Mechro/Dome/lvl61/SeasonPass, SoundShapes + DLC - sellable, phantom, timeshare
• Call of Duty Black Ops 2 + Season Pass + Nuketown Zombies + Nuketown 2025 - sellable, timeshare
• Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 All DLC - sellable, phantom, timeshare
• DanceStar w/ songs - sellable, phantom, timeshare
• Darksiders II w/ Crucible Pass and soundtrack - sellable, phantom, timeshare
• Destiny w/ Season Pass PLUS Pre-Order Bonuses - resell, timeshare
• Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon - sellable, phantom, timeshare
• God of War Ascension Online Pass - sellable, phantom, timeshare
• Grand Theft Auto V, L.A. Noire Complete - phantom, timeshare
• GTA4 Episodes, LA Noire, Midnight Club LA+DLC, Red Dead Redemption - sellable, phantom, timeshare
• Heavy Fire Afghanistan - sellable, phantom, timeshare
• LittleBigPlanet Karting + a ton of karts/costumes - sellable, phantom, timeshare
• Machinarium - sellable, phantom, timeshare
• Max Payne 3 + All DLC - sellable, phantom, timeshare
• Ni No Kuni & Jet Set Radio - sellable, flexible, timeshare
• Remember Me - sellable, phantom, timeshare
• Saints Row 3 Complete (USA) - sellable, phantom, timeshare
• Saints Row 3 Complete (German) - sellable, phantom, timeshare
• Smurfs 2 - sellable, phantom, timeshare
• South Park: The Stick of Truth - phantom, timeshare
• Star Wars Force Unleashed DLC - sellable, phantom, timeshare
• Tomb Raider (2013) w/ bonus map/weapons/etc and Quantum Conundrum - sellable, phantom, timeshare
• Walking Dead Episode 1 + 400 Days DLC - sellable, timeshare
• Watch Dogs w/ bonus guns/swag - timeshare
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I saw that before I posted and messaged the guy above me and waited and still no reply even still now so it's better I'd ask around instead of waiting if you know what I mean

Edit: I messaged him a few hours after he posted it
im from england bro and was asleep, but yes I'll do a group if youre starting one

Hi, Im new at Gamesharing (PS3) and I have some questions.

1. If a shared user is currently downloading in background and I change the password, will his download not be affected and will he be able to install and play the game?

2. If a shared user is currently downloading in background and I deactivate his system, will his download not be affected and will he be able to install and play the game?

3. Isn't scamming easy, I mean when I give him the e-mail and log-in password, he can just edit my password and e-mail ID?

4. For every account, how many PS4s, PS3s, PSVitas and PSPs can be activated at the same time? I mean, can you have something like 2 PS4s, 2 PS3s, 1 PSVita and 1 PSP all activated at the same time?

EDIT: 5. If it's a game with DLCs, if the DLCs are downloaded and installed BEFORE the game is even downloaded and installed, will the DLCs still work?

Okay, sorry if my questions sound stupid lol, but Im new at this.

Thanks! :D
1. dont do that, wait until downloads is done and tested

2. dont do that, wait until downloads is done and tested

3. something like that

4.something like that aswell

5. if you have the game then you should be able to.

Trying to spend $4.61 after topping an account for the PS4 is so goddamn infuriating, my god those $3.49 dynamic themes are a fucking rip off, I rather someone keep the money and use it later on rather than waste it on that utter trash


looking for slots (phantom or resell) of the following PS4 games:


Farcry 4


hit me up with offers via pm.

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bread's done