CAG PSN Gamesharing #9 - Find/Create a Gameshare Group and Gameshare FAQ

[quote name="Usuyami" post="12631384" timestamp="1428625300"]I still remember the days when there was a big debate between keeping the community close-knit or openly sharing the information publicly. The argument of the latter train of thought was that without fresh blood, the community would thin and die out. The argument presented by the former group was, well, something like what's happening right now would happen.

I was on the fence back then, but in retrospect, I wish we were a little more discreet with the phantom process. Those ebay listings are sickening.

This is why we can't have nice things.

On that note, anyone selling some cheap PS4 phantoms? Looking to do some testing so the cheaper the better.[/quote]
it wasnt from here the phantom process got screwed, in my travel of for information about the GS I found out that most of the critical info that lead to the current abuse of Sony for profit came from Argentian forums, they openly talked there about things you always kept secret here. Also it replicated in Spain forums. I can vouch for Colombian forums that kinda keep the information like you did here. So don't blame yourselves about the doom of GSing. I am pretty sure if all the forums and portals around the world would have manage the same level of confidentialty you did here, things would have never got to this point.
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If there are anybody else who don't care for trophies feel free to pm me I am brainstorming other options.
Ya as long as the price is right, I think I can work with a locked slot(not rental) but that would change the resell dynamic since its basically 2 shares you would be responsible for.

[quote name="QDizzle" post="12631631" timestamp="1428634037"]If there are anybody else who don't care for trophies feel free to pm me I am brainstorming other options.[/quote]
QD I suggest you to rent the locked ones, I assume you change the pw of the account every time someone give you back a slot, then you will have to notify every time to the owner of the locked slot of that account. In Colombia some of you guys are renting the locked slots only and it seems it is working well.
QD I suggest you to rent the locked ones, I assume you change the pw of the account every time someone give you back a slot, then you will have to notify every time to the owner of the locked slot of that account. In Colombia some of you guys are renting the locked slots only and it seems it is working well.
Pretty much the idea

Looking for a Bloodborne PS4 Resell Copy!

Can offer 20$ + Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor PS4 Resell if anyone is interested or 30$.

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All my timeshares Pre 2.50 update are

8days for a week 

9 days for the regulars who helped support this service I provide. You guys know yourselves

Starting next week 14.05.15 when the store updates with Mortal Kombat X I will be raising  my timeshares to $5 a week (7 days) due to lack of phantom support  I would appreciate any feedback u may have to improve the service I provide  and hope that you guys support it as well.

One Of the Ideas Im throwing around is for members who dont care for trophies who would like to timeshare the new games via the locked spot. Please PM me for further information on this.

Most if not all of my regulars know all of the proceeds I received from every member since I started this initiative has been reinvested into the following week's games sometimes they themselves request games/Indies I may overlook due to lack of popularity.

I'm not sure what sting I will receive for this increase but this is what seems practical at this time as i have been hit way harder than i thought the past two weeks without a phantom. I still want to keep the community alive and well So any support would be appreciated.

I noticed our freindly thread unofficial moderator wannabe has cashed out on his resells wonder what that about. Interestingly enough vets have popped out of nowhere again so thats a good sign welcome back Granpa Synarc

Anyways Here is my update have a great day fellas

Dark Souls will be $3 a week as a welcome to new guys who want to support and my casuals and regulars.

Timeshare. PS4
THIS Week (PM me to be added to the queue)
Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin $3

Bastion $2


Next Week

Mortal Kombat X (PM me to be added to the queue) $5

Last Week (PM To be added to the queue)
Axiom Verge $1.50
MLB 15 The Show $3
Assassin's Creed Unity $2
Battlefield 4 + Premium $1.50
Battlefield Hardline $3

Borderlands (Handsome Jack Collection) $3

Bloodborne $3
COD Advanced Warfare + season pass $2
COD Ghosts $1.50
Chariot $1
Dead Or Alive 5 Last Round $1.50
DMC Definitive Edition $2
Dragon Age Inquisition $2
Dragon Ball Xenoverse $3
Driveclub $2
DivekIck $1.50
Dying Light $2
Dynasty Warriors 8: Extreme $2
Helldivers $1
Hotline Miami 2 $1
Evolve $2
Farcry 4 $2
Fifa 15 $2
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD $3
Game of thrones ep 1 +2+3  $0.50 a day
GTA V $2
Grim Fandango $1
Guilty Gear xrd sign $2
Last of Us Remastered $1.50
Lego Marvel Heroes $1
Life is strange ep 1+2  $0.50 a day
Little Big planet 3 $2
Lords of the Fallen $2
Metal Gear Ground Zeroes $1.50

Metal Slug 3 $1.50
Mercenary Kings $1
NBA2K15 $2
NFS Rivals $1.50
PVZ Garden Warfare $1
Resident Evil Remastered $1.50
Resident Evil Revalations Season Pass $1.50 a week
Saints Row Re Elected + Gat out of Hell $2.50
Saints Row :Gat out of Hell $1.50
Samurai Warriors 4 $2
Shadow Of Mordor + season pass $2
Sleeping Dogs Def Edition $2
Styx Master Of Shadows $1
Super Stardust Ultra PS4 $1
Tales from the borderlands ep 1+2 $0.50 a day
The Crew $2
The Evil Within + season pass $2
The Order $3
The Wolf among Us $1.50
Transformers Rise Of the Dark Spark $1
Wolfenstein:The New Order $1.50
Walking Dead season 2 $1.50
Walking Dead season 1 $1.50
Warriors Orochi Ultimate 3 $2
White Night $1
WWE 2K15 $2
Zombie Army Trilogy $2
Watch Dogs $1.50

PS4 Rentals:
- Dead Nation Apocalypse Edition
- Surgeon Simulator
- Sniper Elite 3
- Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition
- MotoGP 14
- Wolfenstein: The New Order
- Watch Dogs
- Tomb Raider Definitive Edition
- Styx: Master of Shadows
- Shadow Warrior
- Resident Evil HD
- Pier Solar and the Great Architects
- Outlast
- NBA Live 14
- Murdered: Soul Suspect
- Minecraft
- MGS: Ground Zeroes
- Madden NFL 15
- Lords of the Fallen
- The Last Tinker: City of Colors
- The Last of Us Remastered
- Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
- Injustice: Gods Among Us
- inFamous: Second Son
- inFamous: First Light
- Guacamelee
- Geometry Wars 3
- Garden Warfare: Plants vs Zombies
- Far Cry 4
- Dying Light
- Destiny
- Bound by Flame
- Anomaly 2
- Grand Theft Auto 5
- Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls
- Call of Duty: Ghosts
- Battlefield 4 Premium
- Shadow of Mordor
- Dragon Age: Inquisition
- The Evil Within
- Advanced Warfare

All games are the secondaries, sign-in required and no trophies for your primary account.
$0.75 per week, you can change the game in rental period.

PS3 Rentals:
- GTA 5
- Payday The Heist
- Heavy Fire: Shattered Spear
- Heavy Fire: Afghanistan
- Fifa Street
- MGS: Peacewalker HD
- MGS: Ground Zeroes
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows
- Soth Park: The Stick of Truth

- Dark Souls 2
- Lightning Returns
- Final Fantasy X-2 HD
- Final Fantasy X HD
- Final Fantasy XIII-2
- God of War Ascension
- Enslaved
- Tales of Xillia
- The Last of Us  
- Destiny
- Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
- Drakengard 3
- Splinter Cell: Blacklist
- Crysis Trilogy
- Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2
- Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3, Nocturne
- Soul Calibur II HD
- WRC 4
- Splinter Cell Trilogy HD
- Ghost Recon: Future Soldier
- Hydrophobia Prophecy

$0.5-1 per week, you can change the game in rental period.

I'm looking for 2 pieces of Payday 2. It can be either resell or phantom,I do not care. Hit me up with a PM!

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For Sale (All are resells, there are no locked slot users, and for cross-buy games, the other owners are phantoms, meaning you will be the only owner of the account):
(In this case) Buyers should be changing all info associated with the PS4 accounts when they receive them.
Bound by Flame Resell - $10
Child of Light [UK] Resell (includes PS3 Resells) - $4
DmC: Definitive Edition - $23
Entwined Resell (includes PS3 Resells) - $4
Injustice Ultimate Edition (includes PS3 Resells) - $8
Killzone Shadow Fall + Season Pass - $20
Metro Redux - $20
Thief Resell - $10
PS3 (All are resells)
Dark Souls II + all crown DLC Resell - $12
Final Fantasy 13-2 Resell - $3
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII + Cloud DLC + Japanese VO Resell - $7
South Park: The Stick of Truth Resell - $5
I'm open to offers if they are reasonable.
"OK, so gamesharing is the single biggest cause of headaches for mods regarding trading, even after we stated it was at your own risk. I've gotten approval from CheapyD to shut it down completely because of issues stemming from it.

I'm going to institute a 'one-strike' policy, instead of shutting down right now. If any mods hear of issues arising from gamesharing, thread will be closed and new rule will be added to trading rules banning it across the board."
"OK, so Raiborg is the single biggest cause of headaches for mods regarding trading, even after we stated it was at your own risk. I've gotten approval from CheapyD to shut it down completely because of issues stemming from it. I'm going to institute a 'one-strike' policy, instead of shutting down right now. If any mods hear of issues arising from gamesharing, thread will be closed and new rule will be added to trading rules banning it across the board."

Is this somehow news? I've relayed this information to you on several different occasions. You have always considered it nonsensical. Let them shut it down. There are other forums on the internet. It's not like CAG is the only website around.

Also, I fixed your anonymous quote. :beer:

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There were plenty of CAG days when these threads were the most active on the forums. It was alive because it translated into $. Once it becomes something that cannot be profited from then will it become shady and closed down.
"OK, so gamesharing is the single biggest cause of headaches for mods regarding trading, even after we stated it was at your own risk. I've gotten approval from CheapyD to shut it down completely because of issues stemming from it.

I'm going to institute a 'one-strike' policy, instead of shutting down right now. If any mods hear of issues arising from gamesharing, thread will be closed and new rule will be added to trading rules banning it across the board."
I have always come into this thread to do business, never make off comment post, and stayed out off all things not relating to games.

But the post you just made... You need to see a psychologist or something because the God complex you have shown extends beyond game sharing.
Does anyone have Alien Isolation they would rent to me for a day (or a week if that's your thing)? I'm mostly just looking to poke at it for a couple of hours to see if I want to purchase it. I know of its mixed reviews but I am a little bit of an Aliens fan and would like to try it out.

Thanks factor747
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[quote name="Raiborg" post="12632086" timestamp="1428674950"]"OK, so gamesharing is the single biggest cause of headaches for mods regarding trading, even after we stated it was at your own risk. I've gotten approval from CheapyD to shut it down completely because of issues stemming from it.

I'm going to institute a 'one-strike' policy, instead of shutting down right now. If any mods hear of issues arising from gamesharing, thread will be closed and new rule will be added to trading rules banning it across the board."[/quote]
If there if a one strike policy then why post something like this that could potentially be the cause? It's like you are trying so hard to destroy this community.
It's the only community I'm part of but if it gets shut down it gets shut down. Only share I have left is Hardline and if I get stuck with it I get stuck with it, no big deal...

An overwhelming majority of the conversations and trading here goes well and smoothly. It would be unreasonable and unfair to shut the whole thing down and punish everyone, because of one issue or a couple of people.

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For Sale

Driveclub (Phantom) $10 Buy at your own risk

Motogp14 and MXGP in one account (Resell) $45

Bloodborne (Resell) $33 Pending

Bloodborne (Phantom) $10 Buy at your own risk

For Rent

Motogp14 and MXGP $2/week

Shadow Of Mordor $1/week

Driveclub $1/week

"OK, so gamesharing is the single biggest cause of headaches for mods regarding trading, even after we stated it was at your own risk. I've gotten approval from CheapyD to shut it down completely because of issues stemming from it.

I'm going to institute a 'one-strike' policy, instead of shutting down right now. If any mods hear of issues arising from gamesharing, thread will be closed and new rule will be added to trading rules banning it across the board."
What are you on about! What's this post suppose to mean? It would help if there were some sort of context for this out of the blue post. There hasn't been any complaining or drama for a decent while now and I can't see why you would bring this up now when everything seems pretty calm and stable. Aside from all the disappearing phantoms I don't see what would cause any headaches for the mods.

Also I recall bringing this up a while ago but I recall you saying it that I was misinterpreting the mods post. Too bad I can't find Rai's post...seems to have disappeared.

If this thread does in fact get shut down, I will open a new subforum in the library for people to list resells for sale/timeshares. Most of you trustworthy people are in there already anyway. Registration is still open but we are only accepting somewhat recent PS4 games as entry donations going forward.

Soon I will also be splitting up the PS3 and PS4 sections, so only PS4 donators get access to PS4 games. However, all members will have access to PS3 games. When this change takes place, I will do an audit and require all PS4 donators (not ps3) to relinquish their donated share’s account info to ensure that it belongs to the library. I will be looking for a trusted second-in-command volunteer to help with managing these shares. If in the future you decide you want your share back, the pass will be changed back and returned to you, but without a game in there you will lose access to the library. You *may* rent your own games out if nobody is in line. Those of you who have donated towards funding certain games in the past will remain as members with access to the PS4 library if you have nothing else donated. The reason I am doing this is because it’s become apparent that people are finding loopholes in the system to remain members when they should not be, I won’t go into more detail than that. Given that phantoms are kaput and demand has now become tenfold higher for something like this, this change seems reasonable. I have ideas brewing on how to get us more games in there as well. My goal is not to make life harder for people, it’s to ensure that things remain in-check and running smoothly (and properly).

Also, please nobody let Raiborg into their off-site private gameshare groups, regardless of what he offers. He absolutely does not deserve to get games cheap ever again. Helping get rid of one or two scammers does not justify his actions in the past. Borrowing games out of the library to lend to him, or listing his shares in there for him, will result in a swift IP ban
Well everyone, my luck has run out. I was trying to power through my phantoms, starting with Alien ISO. I was just playing, got booted to XMB and when I tried to restart, it was locked, followed by all my other phantoms.

So. I need an Alien ISO rental.

Also: the headache thing is a joke. I've had FAR less issues with sharing with this community than I have in another forum where access is gated. People turn this into what they want it to be. If you're here trying to be a business man and turn a profit, you're going to have headaches. If you're here trying to play games and be a part of the community....I imagine those headaches are very, very few and far between.

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Looking for a slot of Black Ops 1 (phantom)?. Probably the last game that I get here if the sub-forum indeed get shut down.

Also Pravado I support your idea about splitting the PS3 and PS4 section on the library. Just saying.
I recommend we just ignore it and carry on as normal. It's the same style of passive aggressive fear mongering he has been doing here for the past 6+ months.
Can someone recommend me a good US games site that ships internationally? Retails ps4 games are pretty steep at £50 a pop, looking to buy a physical copy of MK X

On top of a rental for Alien Isolation ps4, I'm also looking for cheap PS3 shares. I just lost a good chunk of money I had invested in my Phantoms so I'm looking for budget here!
I've been thinking about what could be causing the disappearing phantoms. To me, it doesn't seem very likely that Sony is doing this intentionally. If they were, they'd probably come out and say it. They've been transparent in the past and grandfathered in old sharing schemes (like when they reduced the number of licenses and phantoms were born). I think it has to be an unintentional thing. And after thinking about it for awhile, I have narrowed down the list of suspects to: suspend/resume, Spotify, or rest mode.

And I think the most likely cause is the new spotify integration. Why? It seems like the disappearing phantom syndrome started around the time that spotify came out. Spotify works in a pretty strange way, it requires you to suspend your game just to boot it up and then runs simultaneously with your application. While you play your game Spotify also presumably checks your subscriptions to see if you have premium to determine ad content, etc.

I still have all of my phantoms intact and I have used suspend and resume several times as well as rest mode. I've used spotify maybe 2-3 times but mostly didn't touch it because I prefer to be immersed (I was playing bloodborne at the time). I think if we're going to figure this out we need to collect some data. So I'm going to make a little questionaire for people to respond to.

{ Survey }

How many phantom accounts do you/did you have?

How many of those accounts have been locked?

If you've had an account locked, what was the date you discovered this?

Do you use Spotify for PS4 often?

Do you use rest mode often?

Do you use suspend and resume often?

Do you play on a lot of different profiles?

Do you have PSN+?

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How many phantom accounts do you/did you have? 4

How many of those accounts have been locked? 0

If you've had an account locked, what was the date you discovered this? N/A

Do you use Spotify for PS4 often? No

Do you use rest mode often? No

Do you use suspend and resume often? No

Do you play on a lot of different profiles? No

Do you have PSN+? Yes


How many phantom accounts do you/did you have? 8

How many of those accounts have been locked? 8

If you've had an account locked, what was the date you discovered this? Today

Do you use Spotify for PS4 often? No

Do you use rest mode often? Yes

Do you use suspend and resume often? Yes

Do you play on a lot of different profiles? No

Do you have PSN+? Yes
I still won't think this was done purposefully by Sony until I see them confirm that they're doing it. But to be honest, it's not any of those things. I did things frequently that others have pinpointed as possible causes and had access to my Phantoms much longer than most.
bread's done