Timeshare. PS4 THIS Week (PM me to be added to the queue)
Minecraft $1
Everybody's Gone To The Rapture $2
Guantlet: Slayer Edition $2
..................................................................................................................... Next Week
...................................................................................................................... Last Week (PM To be added to the queue)
Submerged $2
Click spoiler to see PS4 Library
Arcadia: The Complete Tale $1.50
Arkham Knight + Season Pass$3.50
Assassin's Creed Unity $1.50
Assassins Creed Chronicles $1.50
Axiom Verge $1.50
Bastion $1.50
Battlefield 4 + Premium $1.50
Battlefield Hardline $2
Borderlands (Handsome Jack Collection) $2.50
Bloodborne $3
Broken Age $2
COD Advanced Warfare + season pass $2
COD Ghosts $1.50
Chariot $1 P
Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin $2.50
Dead Or Alive 5 Last Round $1.50
Devil May Cry 4 Remastered $2
Destiny +Season Pass $2
DMC Definitive Edition $2
Dragon Age Inquisition + DLC $2
Dragon Ball Xenoverse $2
Driveclub $2
DivekIck $1.50
Dying Light $2
Dynasty Warriors 8: Extreme $2
The Elder Scrolls Online $3.50
Helldivers $1
Hotline Miami 2 $1
The Escapist $1.50
Evolve $1.50
Farcry 4 $2
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD $2
Final Fantasy X/X2 Remastered $2.50
Game of thrones ep 1 +2+3+4+5$0.50 a day
God Of War 3 $2
Godzilla $3
GTA V $2
Grim Fandango $1
Guilty Gear xrd sign $1.50
Hatoful Boyfreind $1.50
Journey $1.50
Kings Quest : A knight to Remember $2
Last of Us Remastered $1
Lego Batman 3 $1.50
Lego Marvel Heroes $1
Life is strange ep 1+2 $0.50 a day
Little Big planet 3 $1.50
Lords of the Fallen $2
Magika 2 $2
Metal Gear Ground Zeroes $1.50
Metal Slug 3 $1.50
Metro Last Light Redux $1.50
MLB 15 The Show $2
Mercenary Kings $1
Mortal Kombat & Season Pass $2
N++ $2
NFS Rivals $1.50
PVZ Garden Warfare $1
Project Cars $3
Project Root $1
Roundabout $1.50
Resident Evil Remastered $1.50
Resident Evil Revalations Season Pass $1.50 a week
Saints Row Re Elected + Gat out of Hell $2
Saints Row :Gat out of Hell $1
Samurai Warriors 4 $2
Shadow Of Mordor + season pass $2
Shovel Knight $2
Sleeping Dogs Def Edition $2
Styx Master Of Shadows $1
Super Stardust Ultra PS4 $1
Tales from the borderlands ep 1+2 $0.50 a day
Tembo the Badass Elephant $2
The Crew $2
The Evil Within + season pass $2
The Order $2
The Wolf among Us $1.50
Titan Souls $1.50
Transformers Rise Of the Dark Spark $1
Ultra Street Fighter IV $2
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter $2
The Witcher 3 $3.50
Wolfenstein:The New Order $1.50
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood $2
Watch Dogs $1.50
Walking Dead season 2 $1
Walking Dead season 1 $1
Warriors Orochi Ultimate 3 $1.50
White Night $1
WWE 2K15 $2
Zombie Army Trilogy $2
Also I have offline Phantoms for the majority of the above older titles Shoot me a pm if you guys interested
anyone here interested in getting Taken King DLC for Destiny on PS3? I have destiny dlc account I can game share that has both dark below & house of wolves, I will be buying taken king on this account!
Anyone interested in a combined Hitman + MGS 5 account for 115 $. I made the stupid mistake several weeks ago of forgetting that my european ground zeroes data most likely wont work with a US edition. I have been waiting for Mgs for so long and used some time on getting 100 % in ground zeroes that I want a smooth full experience when it comes out.
*** = Currently out for rent
Assassin's Creed Unity + Chronicles: China - $1/week | Resell - $18
Batman: Arkham Knight - $2/week*** (not maintaining a queue)
Bloodborne - $1.50/week
Borderlands The Handsome Collection - $1/week***
Bound by Flame Resell - $10
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Resell - $20
Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition - $1/week
DmC: Definitive Edition - $1/week | Resell - $20
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster - $1.50/week
God of War 3 Remastered - $1.50/week
NFS Rivals rental - free (regulars only)
Resident Evil Revelations 2 Complete Season + Wesker - $0.50/week***
Shadow Warrior - $0.50/week
The Evil Within + Season Pass - $1.50/week ($0.50 for DLC only)
The Last of Us Remastered - $0.50/week***
The Witcher 3 - $2/week***
Velocity 2X DLC rental - free (no newbs)
If I downloaded Witcher 3 as timeshare from one account and bought a phantom from different account, do I have to redownload the game from the phantom account? Im not quiet sure with all the psn offline crazyness lately.
No redownload necessary. Whenever there's an account change, it just needs to be recognized such as by logging into the account (but oftentimes automatically done in the background), the game itself would never need to be re-downloaded unless you're going from retail to digital or vice versa.
Selling a phantom of my main (PS3). $25 per slot. Includes all of the following (plus MANY dynamic themes):
PS1 Games
Medal Of Honor
Tomb Raider
Persona 2: Eternal Punishment
Final Fantasy VII
Castlevania Chronicles
Resident Evil: The Director's Cut
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
Syphon Filter
Silent Hill
Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night
PS2 Games
Max Payne
Odin Sphere
Maximo: Ghosts to Glory
Twisted Metal Black
GTA Vice City Stories
GTA Vice City
GTA San Andreas
Persona 3 FES
Fatal Frame
Castlevania: Lament Of Innocence
PS3 Games
Resident Evil HD
Rogue Legacy
Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare
Doki Doki Universe
The Walking Dead Season 2
Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag Gold Edition
Alice: Madness Returns
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow- Mirror of Fate HD
Dead Island Riptide
Dead Island
Call Of Duty: Ghosts
Battlefield 4
Castle Of Illusion
Lone Survivor: Director's Cut
Bioshock Infinite Season Pass
Superfrog HD
Portal 2
Max Payne 3
Cloudberry Kingdom
Stealth Inc: Clone In The Dark
DuckTales Remastered
Prince Of Persia Classic Trilogy HD
Prince Of Persia: Sands Of Time
Hotline Miami
Mortal Kombat
Sly Cooper: Thieves In Time
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon
Thomas Was Alone
Dragon Fantasy Book 1
Skyrim dlc (all)
Knytt Underground
Hitman HD Collection
The Cave
LBP Karting
Devil May Cry HD Collection
Labyrinth Legends
Mass Effect
Hasbro Family Game Night
Spec Ops: The Line
Borderlands 2 Season Pass (dlc)
Battlefield 3 Premium (dlc)
Killzone HD
Dead Space 2
Unfinished Swan
Doom 3 BFG Edition
Borderlands 2
Retro City Rampage
Revenge of Shinobi
Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition
Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit
Max Payne 3 Season Pass (dlc)
Zen Pinball 2 (plus dlc)
Saints Row The Third
Rainbow Moon
Resident Evil Chronicles HD Collection
Dragon's Dogma (dlc)
Batman: Arkham City
Call of Duty: Black Ops dlc (Map packs 1-3)
Bejeweled 3
Sonic CD
I Am Alive
Rayman 3 HD
Just Cause 2 Ultimate Edition
Phineas and Ferb: Across The Second Dimension
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 plus dlc
inFamous: Festival of Blood
Resident Evil: Code Veronica X
Resident Evil 4
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Penny Arcade Adventures Episodes 1&2
GTA 4 Complete Edition
Saints Row 2
L.A. Noire Season Pass
Sideway New York
Costume Quest & dlc
Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection
Medal of Honor Frontline
Far Cry 2
Call of Duty Classic
all Bioshock 2 dlc
Assassin's Creed 2
Press Your Luck
Borderlands & all dlc
Lumines Supernova & dlc
Burnout Paradise
PS+ freebies (valid thru 6/2016 at least):
Deadly Premonition
the Binding Of Isaac: Rebirth
SteamWorld Dig
Kingdoms Of Amalur
DmC: Devil May Cry
LittleBigPlanet 2
NBA 2K14
Dead Space 3
Dragon's Crown
Tomb Raider (2013)
Modnation Racers: Road trip
Metro: Last Light
Bioshock: Infinite
Grid 2
Scott Pilgrim
Trine 2
Demon's Souls
Shift 2 Unleashed
NBA Jam: On Fire Edition
Shank 2
NFL Blitz
Battlefield 3
Payday: The Heist
Lara Croft and The Guardian Of Light
Tomb Raider Underworld
Hitman Absolution
Sleeping Dogs
Quantum Conundrum
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
Mega Man 9&10
Bioshock 2
XCOM: Enemy Unknown
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine
Bloodrayne Betrayal
Back To The Future
inFamous 2
Ico & Shadow Of The Colossus
Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One
No noobs! If you are not a thread regular, please have at least 2 people who can vouch for you. No trades please! You don't have to download everything all at once. I can't reset again for 6 months so access is available upon request for the duration of that 6 months!
Alien: Isolation with Season Pass: $2
The Evil Within: $1.50
Saints Row: Gat out of Hell: $1
Jamestown Plus: $1
Trials Fusion with Season Pass: $1
Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition: $1 [Currently being rented]
Assassin's Creed Unity: $1.50 [Currently being rented]
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Gold Edition: $1.50 [Currently being rented]
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt: $3 [Currently being rented]
The Wolf Among Us - Complete Season: $1
The Last of Us Remastered: $1
Shovel Knight: $1
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD with FFXV Demo ($1 for 3 days or $2 per week)
Axiom Verge: $1.50
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor with Season Pass ($1 for 3 days or $2 per week)
Far Cry 4 with Season Pass ($1 for 3 days or $2 per week) [Currently being rented]
Bloodborne: $2
The Order: 1886 ($1 for 3 days or $2 per week)
Destiny: $1
Infamous: Second Son: $1
Dragon Age: Inquisition: $1.50
One free 1 week rental on the games below for regulars (those who rent 3+ games from me)
Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin: $2
LittleBigPlanet 3 with Day 1 Edition DLC: $1.50
Helldivers: $1.50
Watch Dogs: $1
Rayman Legends: $1
Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare: $0.50
Grim Fandango: $1
Child of Light: $0.50
Helldivers PS3 phantom: $2
Shovel Knight PS4 phantom: $2
The Last of Us Remastered PS4 phantom: $4
PLEASE READ: - You will be able to earn trophies on your main account on ALL of these rentals as they're all primaries. I will also deal with new users with little to no feedback provided there is a vouch from a thread/GS regular or with a security deposit (which will be returned at the end of the rental period). - Don't wait! PM me if you're interested in renting a game even if it's currently being rented so I can put you next on queue. - I prefer paypal, but will also accept PSN cards/codes - which will basically act as credits. PM me for details, thanks.
Timeshare. PS4 THIS Week (PM me to be added to the queue)
Minecraft $1
Everybody's Gone To The Rapture $2
Guantlet: Slayer Edition $2
Goat Simulator $1
..................................................................................................................... Next Week
...................................................................................................................... Last Week (PM To be added to the queue)
Submerged $2
Click spoiler to see PS4 Library
Arcadia: The Complete Tale $1.50
Arkham Knight + Season Pass$3.50
Assassin's Creed Unity $1.50
Assassins Creed Chronicles $1.50
Axiom Verge $1.50
Bastion $1.50
Battlefield 4 + Premium $1.50
Battlefield Hardline $2
Borderlands (Handsome Jack Collection) $2.50
Bloodborne $3
Broken Age $2
COD Advanced Warfare + season pass $2
COD Ghosts $1.50
Chariot $1 P
Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin $2.50
Dead Or Alive 5 Last Round $1.50
Devil May Cry 4 Remastered $2
Destiny +Season Pass $2
DMC Definitive Edition $2
Dragon Age Inquisition + DLC $2
Dragon Ball Xenoverse $2
Driveclub $2
DivekIck $1.50
Dying Light $2
Dynasty Warriors 8: Extreme $2
The Elder Scrolls Online $3.50
Helldivers $1
Hotline Miami 2 $1
The Escapist $1.50
Evolve $1.50
Farcry 4 $2
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD $2
Final Fantasy X/X2 Remastered $2.50
Game of thrones ep 1 +2+3+4+5$0.50 a day
God Of War 3 $2
Godzilla $3
GTA V $2
Grim Fandango $1
Guilty Gear xrd sign $1.50
Hatoful Boyfreind $1.50
Journey $1.50
Kings Quest : A knight to Remember $2
Last of Us Remastered $1
Lego Batman 3 $1.50
Lego Marvel Heroes $1
Life is strange ep 1+2 $0.50 a day
Little Big planet 3 $1.50
Lords of the Fallen $2
Magika 2 $2
Metal Gear Ground Zeroes $1.50
Metal Slug 3 $1.50
Metro Last Light Redux $1.50
MLB 15 The Show $2
Mercenary Kings $1
Mortal Kombat & Season Pass $2
N++ $2
NFS Rivals $1.50
PVZ Garden Warfare $1
Project Cars $3
Project Root $1
Roundabout $1.50
Resident Evil Remastered $1.50
Resident Evil Revalations Season Pass $1.50 a week
Saints Row Re Elected + Gat out of Hell $2
Saints Row :Gat out of Hell $1
Samurai Warriors 4 $2
Shadow Of Mordor + season pass $2
Shovel Knight $2
Sleeping Dogs Def Edition $2
Styx Master Of Shadows $1
Super Stardust Ultra PS4 $1
Tales from the borderlands ep 1+2 $0.50 a day
Tembo the Badass Elephant $2
The Crew $2
The Evil Within + season pass $2
The Order $2
The Wolf among Us $1.50
Titan Souls $1.50
Transformers Rise Of the Dark Spark $1
Ultra Street Fighter IV $2
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter $2
The Witcher 3 $3.50
Wolfenstein:The New Order $1.50
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood $2
Watch Dogs $1.50
Walking Dead season 2 $1
Walking Dead season 1 $1
Warriors Orochi Ultimate 3 $1.50
White Night $1
WWE 2K15 $2
Zombie Army Trilogy $2
Also I have offline Phantoms for the majority of the above older titles Shoot me a pm if you guys interested