[quote name="Mikey115" post="12910470" timestamp="1441819135"]Im hoping some people with more knowledge on the subject can chime in here.
My friend and i have beem gamesharing Destiny and all expansions on PS4. His account is set Primary on my console. All content has been purchased on his account. Now we havent had a problem but now with taken king coming some weird stuff is happening. For instance when i log into my console as his account it gives me the countdown til taken king goes live but when im logged in as me i see no such thing. Also when i load up destiny it prompts me to pre order taken king but when i log in as him it registers that its already been pre ordered.
Is it possible that they blocked the ability to gameshare taken king by requiring the license for all of their other content in order to play? Or come september 15 will it unlock for me as usual? (Blame any typos on mobile btw)[/quote]
it is possible, it happened with the cammos and weapons of cod aw. The only content shareable were the maps.
My friend and i have beem gamesharing Destiny and all expansions on PS4. His account is set Primary on my console. All content has been purchased on his account. Now we havent had a problem but now with taken king coming some weird stuff is happening. For instance when i log into my console as his account it gives me the countdown til taken king goes live but when im logged in as me i see no such thing. Also when i load up destiny it prompts me to pre order taken king but when i log in as him it registers that its already been pre ordered.
Is it possible that they blocked the ability to gameshare taken king by requiring the license for all of their other content in order to play? Or come september 15 will it unlock for me as usual? (Blame any typos on mobile btw)[/quote]
it is possible, it happened with the cammos and weapons of cod aw. The only content shareable were the maps.