CAG PSN Gamesharing #9 - Find/Create a Gameshare Group and Gameshare FAQ

FOR RENT (per week):

If you are interested in buying any of these as resells. PM me with an offer. Thanks.
Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection: $2
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain: $2 [Currently being rented]
Until Dawn: $2
Alien: Isolation with Season Pass: $2
The Evil Within: $1
Saints Row: Gat out of Hell: $1
Jamestown Plus: $1
Trials Fusion with Season Pass: $1
Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition: $1
Assassin's Creed Unity: $1
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Gold Edition: $1
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt: $2 [Currently being rented]
The Wolf Among Us - Complete Season: $1
The Last of Us Remastered: $1
Shovel Knight: $1
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD with FFXV Demo: $1
Axiom Verge: $1
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor with Season Pass: $1
Far Cry 4 with Season Pass: $1
Bloodborne: $2
The Order 1886: $1
Destiny: $1
Infamous: Second Son: $1
Dragon Age: Inquisition: $1
Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin: $1
LittleBigPlanet 3 with Day 1 Edition DLC: $1
Helldivers: $1
Watch Dogs: $1
Rayman Legends: $1
Grim Fandango: $1
- You will be able to earn trophies on your main account on ALL of these rentals as they're all primaries. I will also deal with new users with little to no feedback provided there is a vouch from a thread/GS regular or with a security deposit (which will be returned at the end of the rental period).
- Don't wait! PM me if you're interested in renting a game even if it's currently being rented so I can put you next on queue.
- I prefer paypal, but will also accept PSN cards/codes - which will basically act as credits. PM me for details, thanks.
Timeshare available for PS4:

-Need For Speed (2015) EU $2/week (also resell for sale for $30)

-Driveclub EU (stock game without any non-free DLC) $1/week

-GTA5 US $3/week

Only trusted members/vets OR pay deposit for the resells. PM me if interested.

Call of duty ghost resale account with season pass.

It doesn't include the game its just all the maps for ps3


Black ops 2 phantom $3.00 I assume its still worth that.  Includes the first map pack.

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For Sale / For Rent (PS4 games):
Nubla (PS4) resell $5 (timeshare $1.5/week)
SkyScrappers (PS4) resell $5 (timeshare $1.5/week)
Rugby 15 (PS4) resell $5 (timeshare $1.5/week)
Rugby 15 (PS4) resell $5 (timeshare $1.5/week)

Arcade Archives Games Collection I. (PS4) resell $10 (timeshare $2 / day (no need more time))
includes 6 games: 
- Arcade Archives NOVA 2001
- Arcade Archives Butasan
- Arcade Archives TERRA CRESTA
- Arcade Archives Bomb Jack
- Arcade Archives Shusse Ozumo
- Arcade Archives EXERION
* 285 points (2gold and 7bronze trophies) / each
Total: 6*285 = 1710 points
Arcade Archives Games Collection II. (PS4) resell $10 (timeshare $2 / day (no need more time))
includes 6 games: 
- Arcade Archives Scramble
- Arcade Archives Ninja-Kid
- Arcade ArchiveWonder Boy
- Arcade Archives CRAZY CLIMBER
- Arcade Archives Raiders5
- Arcade Archives City Connection
* 285 points (2gold and 7bronze trophies) / each
Total: 6*285 = 1710 points
Arcade Archives Games Collection III. (PS4) resell $10 (timeshare $2 / day (no need more time))
includes 6 games: 
- Arcade Archives Cosmo Police Galivan
- Arcade Archives Solomon's Key
- Arcade Archives Magmax
- Arcade Archives MOON CRESTA
- Arcade Archives DOUBLE DRAGON
- Arcade Archives A-JAX 
* 285 points (2gold and 7bronze trophies) / each
Total: 6*285 = 1710 points

Only trusted CAG.
Orange: US account
Red: JP account
Green: EU account

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All PS4 Resells
You will have control over the phantoms and locked slots.
Uncharted 4 - $40
Dark Souls III - $35
Street Fighter: V - $25
The Division - $25
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Timeshare. PS4
THIS Week (PM me to be added to the queue)

Valkyria Chronicles Remastered $3

Shadow of the Beast $2.50

HomeFront $3.50


Next Week (PM me to be added to the queue)

Shawden $2

TMNT :Mutants in Manhattan $3.50

Overwatch $3.50

Diablo UEE $1.50

Last Week (PM To be added to be added to the queue)

Uncharted 4 $3.50

Doom $3.50

The Park $1.50

Click spoiler to see PS4 Library
Alekhine's Gun $2
Alien Isolation $1.50

Alienation $2
Arcadia: The Complete Tale $1.50
Arkham Knight + Season Pass$2
Assassins Creed Chronicles (China Russia India)Trilogy $2.50
Assassin's Creed Unity $1.50
Assassins Creed: Syndicate & Season Pass $3.50
Axiom Verge $1.50
Back To The Future:The Game $2
Bastion $1.50
Battlefield 4 + Premium $1.50

Battleborn $3.50
Battlefield Hardline $2
The Banner Saga $2
Borderlands (Handsome Jack Collection) $2.50
The Book Of Unwritten Tales 2 $2
Bloodborne +The Old Hunters $2.50
Blood Bowl 2 $2
Broken Age $2
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare $1.50
COD Black Ops 3 + Season Pass $3.50
COD Advanced Warfare + season pass $2
COD Ghosts $1.50
Chariot $1

Day of The Tentacle Remastered $1.50
Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin $2

Dark Souls 3 $3.50
Darksiders II Definitive Edition $2
Dead Or Alive 5 Last Round $1.50
Devil May Cry 4 Remastered $2
Destiny & The Taken King $2.50

Digimon World Cyber Sleuth $3.50

Dirt Rally $3.50
Dishonored: Definitive Edition $2.50
Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance $2

The Division $3.50
Divinity $2.50
DMC Definitive Edition $2
Dog Child $1.50
Dragon Age Inquisition + DLC$2
Dragon Ball Xenoverse $2
Dragon Quest Heroes $3.50
Driveclub $2
DivekIck $1.50
Dying Light +The Following DLC $2.50
Dynasty Warriors 8: Extreme $2
The Elder Scrolls Online $2.50
Everybody's Gone To The Rapture $2

Enter the Gungeon $1.50

Gravity Rush Remastered $2.50
Helldivers $1
Hotline Miami 2 $1
The Escapist $1.50
Evolve $1.50

Far Cry Primal $3.50
Farcry 4 + Season Pass$2
Fallout 4 + Season Pass $3.50
FIFA 16 $3.50

Firewatch $3
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD $2
Final Fantasy X/X2 Remastered $2
Final Fantasy 7 $1.50
Game Of Thrones +Season Pass $1.50

Gemini: Heroes Reborn $2.50
Guantlet: Slayer Edition $1.50
Goat Simulator $1
God Of War 3 $2
Godzilla $1.50
Gone Home $2
GTA V $2
GTA Trilogy Pack $2

Guns,Gore & Cannolli $1
Grim Fandango $1
Guilty Gear xrd sign $1.50
Hatoful Boyfreind $1.50

Heavy Rain + Beyond Two  Souls $3.50

Hitman $1.50/ 3 days
iNFAMOUS Second Son $1.50

Invisible Inc. $2
Just Cause 3 $3
Journey $1.50
Kings Quest : A knight to Remember $2
Last of Us Remastered $1

Layers Of Fear $2
Legend of Korra $1.50

Lego Marvel's Avengers $2.50

Lego Hobbit $1.50
Lego Batman 3 $1.50
Lego Marvel Heroes $1
Lego Jurassic World $2.50
Life is strange + Season Pass $1.50
Little Big planet 3 $1.50
Lords of the Fallen $2
Mad Max $3

Manhunt+Bully $2.50
Magika 2 $1.50
Madden 16 $3
Metal Gear Solid V :The Phantom Pain $3.50
Metal Gear Ground Zeroes $1.50
Metal Slug 3 $1.50
Mega Man Legacy Collection $1.50
Metro Last Light Redux $1.50
Mercenary Kings $1
Minecraft $1
Minecraft Story + Season Pass $1.50
N++ $1

Mortal Kombat XL $3

Monopoly Plus $1

Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 Deluxe Edition $3.50
NBA 2K16 $3
NHL 15+16 $2.50
Need For Speed $2
NFS Rivals +  Hitman Go $1.50
Onechanabra Z2 $2
PVZ Garden Warfare $1

PVZ Garden Warfare 2  $3.50
Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 $2.50
Project Cars $2
Project Root $1

Ratchet & Clank $3.50

Rainbow Moon $2
Rainbow Six Seige $3
Rayman Legends $1.50

République Remastered $2.50
Roundabout $1.50

Rocket Birds 2 + Party Hard $3

Resident Evil 6 $2

Resident Evil Origins Collection $2
Resident Evil Remastered $1.50
Resident Evil Revalations Season Pass $1.50 a week

Salt & Sanctuary $2
Saints Row Re Elected + Gat out of Hell $2
Saints Row :Gat out of Hell $1
Samurai Warriors 4 $2
Shadow Of Mordor + season pass $2

Shadow Complex Remastered $2.50

Stories: The Path of Destinies + Shantae and the Pirate's Curse $3
Sherlock Holmes : Crimes & Punishment $1.50
Shovel Knight $2
Sleeping Dogs Def Edition $2
Star Wars Battlefront Deluxe Edition $3
Star Wars Classics $1

Street Fighter V $3
Styx Master Of Shadows $1
Submerged $1.50
Super Stardust Ultra PS4 $1
Tales from the borderlands + Season Pass $1.50
Tales Of Zestira $3
Tearaway: Unfolded $2
Tembo the Badass Elephant $1.50
Tony Hawk Pro skater 5 $1.50
The Crew $2
The Evil Within + season pass $2
The Order $2
The Wolf among Us $1.50
Titan Souls $1.50

Track Mania $3
Transformers Devastation$2
Transformers Rise Of the Dark Spark $1
Trine 3 $1.50

UFC 2 $3.50
Ultra Street Fighter IV $2

Unravel $3
Until Dawn $3.50
Uncharted: Nathan Drake Collection $3
Trials Fusion & Season Pass $1.50

This War of Mine+Saturday Morning RPG $2.50
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter $2

The Witness $3.50
The Witcher 3 + Season Pass $3
Wolfenstein:The New Order $1.50
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood $2
Watch Dogs $1.50

Walking Dead Michonne (Complete)   $1.50
Walking Dead season 2 $1
Walking Dead season 1 $1
Warriors Orochi Ultimate 3 $1.50
White Night $1
WWE 2K15 + WWE 2K16 $3
Zombie Army Trilogy $2
Zombi $2

Do people still make groups for a game in this thread or is that somewhere else? I'm trying to find an overwatch group but all I see are rentals.
Do people still make groups for a game in this thread or is that somewhere else? I'm trying to find an overwatch group but all I see are rentals.
No one make groups anymore cause its not worth it now . But you can find pretty much any secondary or phantom slot .
No one make groups anymore cause its not worth it now . But you can find pretty much any secondary or phantom slot .
ah gotcha, thanks.

Well, looking for a Phantom of Overwatch, if the account is not funded yet I would prefer to pay with psn card if possible. Pm me!
ah gotcha, thanks.

Well, looking for a Phantom of Overwatch, if the account is not funded yet I would prefer to pay with psn card if possible. Pm me!
isnt overwatch an online only game? and ps4 phantom isnt supposed to get online right?

on the other hand, anyone interested with Gundam Breaker 3 timeshare / phantom? its asia exclusive game

or maybe someone interested with doax3 locked spot?

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Timeshare. PS4
THIS Week (PM me to be added to the queue)

Valkyria Chronicles Remastered $3

Shadow of the Beast $2.50

HomeFront $3.50


Next Week (PM me to be added to the queue)

Shawden $2

TMNT :Mutants in Manhattan $3.50

Overwatch $3.50

Diablo UEE $1.50

For the trophy people: Shadwen has very simple trophies and can easily be completed in a day or two. Just so the three of you are aware.

For Rent:
Ratchet and Clank PS4: $3/week (locked spot on it, shouldn't matter)

Metro Redux/inFAMOUS Second Son/inFAMOUS First Light/Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5 - $2.50/week

Revelator PS3 Gameshare

Resell: $15

  1. EmireEffect
  2. Open*
Phantom: $10

  1. Open
  2. Open
*I might just take the Resell slot depending by pre-order date for PS3. I also am looking for a PS4 halfies partner. I really want it on PS4-- again. 

Anyone try Arcania from the Flash Sale? It´s just $5 and surely no Souls or Witcher but some people seem to quite like it? Seems to run well on PS4 and is quite varied from what I´ve seen in a couple of videos like here:

Anyone try Arcania from the Flash Sale? It´s just $5 and surely no Souls or Witcher but some people seem to quite like it? Seems to run well on PS4 and is quite varied from what I´ve seen in a couple of videos like here:
Stay away of this game, it's very awful, I got ps3 platinum and it was a horrible experience.

Thief for 5 is pretty tempting, reviews are mixed though and everyone I've asked so far has told me they had to force themselves to finish the game. 

Thief sucks on PS3, on PS4 sucks even more due to touchpad steering. But for $5? Sure, if you need one more stealth game to complete.

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Thief for 5 is pretty tempting, reviews are mixed though and everyone I've asked so far has told me they had to force themselves to finish the game.
It's perfectly decent. I bail on straight up bad games and I finished that one. And I'm not one of those platinum masochists either. You should look up the touchpad stuff though, I didn't play it on PS4.

Valkyria Chronicles (resell) $27.
Dirt Rally (resell) $40.

AC Unity
AC Syndicate
Mad Max
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Bought Arcania and quite enjoy it. Much better than Two Worlds 2. Easy and fun gameplay.

Also got Thief because just messing around in some levels/areas for a while will be fun, and others bought it for $60 and liked it. That´s a much better value than many of these $20 or $15 indies.

And who knows when the next PSN sale with $5 games will happen.... :)

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bread's done