CAG PSN Gamesharing #9 - Find/Create a Gameshare Group and Gameshare FAQ

Anyone else's PS4 randomly shut off before? I was using the Internet browser and out of nowhere it's completely off. Then it took a few tries of pressing the power button to turn it back on. I've used it a couple hours since then and everything seems fine now. Should I be worried? I keep it well ventilated and only have only had it for a few months. Seeing some complaints online of it happening to other purple multiple times.
Looking for PS3 Games (Phantom account) :)

Mostly interested with RPG games

then we are two.... it looks like no one has rpgs for ps3
Think i'm one of the last still selling phantoms on ps3...

Is ps plus something that's sold here somehow? Anyway, I need a year so if you got one, PM me.
If you haven't got one yet, try the PSN code trade thread, there's usually a few to be found there *except of course when I want one, then there's none to be found!*

pig needs to shut up about 7 days to die. fucking annoying.
lmao @ the noob acting like anyone cares what he thinks!

Dude barely has 5 posts in the year he joined and wants other ppl to stop posting -.- because its buzzkilling his lurking in the gs thread
Looking for a PS3 rental/share/phantom/account/whatever of Dragon Ball Xenoverse or Dragon Ball Battle of Z. Thanks!

Also have for sale/trade:


Madden 15 & NCAA 14

MLB The Show 13

NHL 14


THIS Week (PM me to be added to the queue)

7 Days to Die $1.50

Metal Slug Anthology $2


Next Week (PM me to be added to the queue)

Last Week (PM To be added to be added to the queue)

The Technomancer $3.50

Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness $3.50

Resident Evil 4+5 $2.50

Click spoiler to see PS4 Library
Alekhine's Gun $2
Alien Isolation $1.50

Alienation $2
Arcadia: The Complete Tale $1.50
Arkham Knight + Season Pass$2
Assassins Creed Chronicles (China Russia India)Trilogy $2.50
Assassin's Creed Unity $1.50
Assassins Creed: Syndicate & Season Pass $3.50
Axiom Verge $1.50
Back To The Future:The Game $2
Bastion $1.50
Battlefield 4 + Premium $1.50

Battleborn $3.50
Battlefield Hardline $2
The Banner Saga $2
Borderlands (Handsome Jack Collection) $2.50
The Book Of Unwritten Tales 2 $2
Bloodborne +The Old Hunters $2.50
Blood Bowl 2 $2
Broken Age $2
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare $1.50
COD Black Ops 3 + Season Pass $3.50
COD Advanced Warfare + season pass $2
COD Ghosts $1.50
Chariot $1

Day of The Tentacle Remastered $1.50
Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin $2

Dark Souls 3 $3.50
Darksiders II Definitive Edition $2
Dead Or Alive 5 Last Round $1.50

Dead Island Definitive Collection + Dead Island Retro Revenge $3.50
Devil May Cry 4 Remastered $2
Destiny & The Taken King $2.50

Diablo UEE $1.50

Digimon World Cyber Sleuth $3.50

Dirt Rally $3.50
Dishonored: Definitive Edition $2.50
Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance $2

The Division $3.50
Divinity $2.50
DMC Definitive Edition $2

Doom $3.50
Dog Child $1.50
Dragon Age Inquisition + DLC$2
Dragon Ball Xenoverse $2
Dragon Quest Heroes $3.50
Driveclub $2
DivekIck $1.50
Dying Light +The Following DLC $2.50
Dynasty Warriors 8: Extreme $2
The Elder Scrolls Online $2.50
Everybody's Gone To The Rapture $2

Enter the Gungeon $1.50

Gravity Rush Remastered $2.50
Helldivers $1
Hotline Miami 2 $1
The Escapist $1.50
Evolve $1.50

Far Cry Primal $3.50
Farcry 4 + Season Pass$2
Fallout 4 + Season Pass $3.50
FIFA 16 $3.50

Firewatch $3
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD $2
Final Fantasy X/X2 Remastered $2
Final Fantasy 7 $1.50
Game Of Thrones +Season Pass $1.50

Gemini: Heroes Reborn $2.50
Guantlet: Slayer Edition $1.50
Goat Simulator $1
God Of War 3 $2
Godzilla $1.50
Gone Home $2
GTA V $2
GTA Trilogy Pack $2

Guns,Gore & Cannolli $1
Grim Fandango $1
Guilty Gear xrd sign $1.50
Hatoful Boyfreind $1.50

HomeFront $3.50

Heavy Rain + Beyond Two  Souls $3.50

Hitman Ep 1 +2 +3  $1.50/ 3 days
iNFAMOUS Second Son $1.50

Invisible Inc. $2
Just Cause 3 $3
Journey $1.50
Kings Quest : A knight to Remember $2
Last of Us Remastered $1

Layers Of Fear $2
Legend of Korra $1.50

Lego Marvel's Avengers $2.50

Lego Hobbit $1.50
Lego Batman 3 $1.50
Lego Marvel Heroes $1
Lego Jurassic World $2.50
Life is strange + Season Pass $1.50
Little Big planet 3 $1.50
Lords of the Fallen $2
Mad Max $3

Manhunt+Bully $2.50
Magika 2 $1.50
Madden 16 $3
Metal Gear Solid V :The Phantom Pain $3.50
Metal Gear Ground Zeroes $1.50
Metal Slug 3 $1.50
Mega Man Legacy Collection $1.50
Metro Last Light Redux $1.50
Mercenary Kings $1

Mirrors Edge : Catalyst $3.50
Minecraft $1
Minecraft Story + Season Pass $1.50

Mighty No.9 $2.50
N++ $1

Mortal Kombat XL $3

Monopoly Plus $1

Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 Deluxe Edition $3.50
NBA 2K16 $3
NHL 15+16 $2.50
Need For Speed $2
NFS Rivals +  Hitman Go $1.50

Odin Sphere Leifthrasi $3.50

Overwatch $3.50

One Piece: Burning Blood $3.50
Onechanabra Z2 $2

The Park $1.50
PVZ Garden Warfare $1

PVZ Garden Warfare 2  $3.50
Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 $2.50
Project Cars $2
Project Root $1

Ratchet & Clank $3.50

Rainbow Moon $2
Rainbow Six Seige $3
Rayman Legends $1.50

République Remastered $2.50
Roundabout $1.50

Rocket Birds 2 + Party Hard $3

Resident Evil 6 $2

Resident Evil Origins Collection $2
Resident Evil Remastered $1.50
Resident Evil Revalations Season Pass $1.50 a week

Salt & Sanctuary $2
Saints Row Re Elected + Gat out of Hell $2
Saints Row :Gat out of Hell $1
Samurai Warriors 4 $2

Shadow of the Beast $2.50
Shadow Of Mordor + season pass $2

Shadow Complex Remastered $2.50

Stories: The Path of Destinies + Shantae and the Pirate's Curse $3
Sherlock Holmes : Crimes & Punishment $1.50
Shovel Knight $2
Sleeping Dogs Def Edition $2
SOMA +Shawden $2

South Park Stick Of Truth PS4  $2
Star Wars Battlefront Deluxe Edition $3
Star Wars Classics $1

Street Fighter V $3
Styx Master Of Shadows $1
Submerged $1.50
Super Stardust Ultra PS4 $1

TMNT :Mutants in Manhattan $3.50
Tales from the borderlands + Season Pass $1.50
Tales Of Zestira $3
Tearaway: Unfolded $2
Tembo the Badass Elephant $1.50
Tony Hawk Pro skater 5 $1.50
The Crew $2
The Evil Within + season pass $2
The Order $2
The Wolf among Us $1.50
Titan Souls $1.50

Track Mania $3
Transformers Devastation$2
Transformers Rise Of the Dark Spark $1
Trine 3 $1.50

UFC 2 $3.50
Ultra Street Fighter IV $2

Unravel $3
Until Dawn $3.50

Uncharted 4 $3.50
Uncharted: Nathan Drake Collection $3

Umbrella Corps: Deluxe Edition $2

Valkyria Chronicles Remastered $3
Trials Fusion & Season Pass $1.50

This War of Mine+Saturday Morning RPG $2.50
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter $2

The Witness $3.50
The Witcher 3 + Season Pass $3
Wolfenstein:The New Order $1.50
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood $2
Watch Dogs $1.50

Walking Dead Michonne (Complete)   $1.50
Walking Dead season 2 $1
Walking Dead season 1 $1
Warriors Orochi Ultimate 3 $1.50
White Night $1
WWE 2K15 + WWE 2K16 $3
Zombie Army Trilogy $2
Zombi $2

Does anyone have a Star Wars battle front season pass share? Need it to get the trophies, still. Someone shoot me a message, somebody has got to have it.
Need some advice - my Vita has been missing for a few weeks. Today someone has purchased a demo off it and changed my psn avatar on it. I have messaged them from my brothers psn and am about to deactivate it from SEN. Is there any way I can track who it would be, from ISP login or anything like that?

Need some advice - my Vita has been missing for a few weeks. Today someone has purchased a demo off it and changed my psn avatar on it. I have messaged them from my brothers psn and am about to deactivate it from SEN. Is there any way I can track who it would be, from ISP login or anything like that?
Unfortunately no since the vita just connects to wifi and Sony isn't gonna care enough to dig into router IPs. If you had the 3G model with service then prob but I doubt you do. First thing you should have done was change your email/pass tho, and enable the option that requires pass re entered for purchases
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Unfortunately no since the vita just connects to wifi and Sony isn't gonna care enough to dig into router IPs. If you had the 3G model with service then prob but I doubt you do. First thing you should have done was change your email/pass tho, and enable the option that requires pass re entered for purchases
I thought one of my brothers had taken it but he didn't admit to it until a few hours ago..

How do I set up the password for purchases option? Thanks for the advice Pravado
When I go into fights the game will semi-freeze up multiple times, and sometimes tell me the data is corrupted and to delete data and remove the disc
Sounds to me like your harddrive is defective. You should run a defrag/system check (just search for how in google). If the bluray was broke, it wouldn´t even install the disc but give you an error when installing. On PS4 ALL blurays get INSTALLED to harddrive, no game runs from bluray. As for PS4 there is usually TWO installs, just as with the downloads. One short download/install of around 5GB that lets you already play the first level/area of a game, and then the rest of the disc/download in the background.

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Sounds to me like your harddrive is defective. You should run a defrag/system check (just search for how in google). If the bluray was broke, it wouldn´t even install the disc but give you an error when installing. On PS4 ALL blurays get INSTALLED to harddrive, no game runs from bluray. As for PS4 there is usually TWO installs, just as with the downloads. One short download/install of around 5GB that lets you already play the first level/area of a game, and then the rest of the disc/download in the background.
Thanks killa, going to defrag it now.

yeah that´s true, however I´d think the ps4 still can find "bad blocks" on a harddrive and ignore them in the future.

another option is indeed a PC, connecting the ps4 drive to PC and running some checks.

In any case, Persona! should write down the exact error codes and then google solutions to them.

7 Days to Die is growing at INSANE rates in PSN, it´s got 4553 ratings now leaving even AAA games as Just Cause 3 behind (that are out MUCH longer).

This is by 90% mouth-to-mouth , people loving the game and referring it to their friends. Because there was barely any marketing done for this game.

Next on PS4: The Forest. That one also got a horror-element, can´t wait hope it comes soon.

Sorry for this long post but please read it. Possibly a new way to gameshare!!

Just wanted to let everyone know about something crazy that happened today. Probably not all that wild but you guys could use this knowledge to take advantage of a situation.

Finally(after a very long time) I decided to try out my PlayStation TV. These could be bought for dirt cheap now. I set everything up and logged into my account through my internet. I was shocked at what I was seeing. I was in as myself but had access to a bunch of games that I didn't purchase. I do however share my PS4 account with a friend. I called him up and found out that he also has another person that shares their main with him. So, what is happening, is that when I log into the PS4 through my ps tv it turned on his PS4 and gave me access to all of my own games (because my main is active on his console) and access to the other person games because their main is active in his system too.

The only games that I don't have access to is my buddies games because his main is active on my PS4. Now, obviously playing games in 720p isn't the best but I wanted to make people aware that this could be done. We will try tonight to see if he would still be able to play on his own console while I was connected to it as well. If that was possible then it would allow a system where one ps4 could have up to 16 peoples main accounts attached to it and all of those people could log into the system to gain access to all the available games of the 16 people. This would/should also work for anyone that has a Vita and wants to remote play that way as well.

I would be interested in anything else that people might know about this.
Sorry for this long post but please read it. Possibly a new way to gameshare!!

Just wanted to let everyone know about something crazy that happened today. Probably not all that wild but you guys could use this knowledge to take advantage of a situation.

Finally(after a very long time) I decided to try out my PlayStation TV. These could be bought for dirt cheap now. I set everything up and logged into my account through my internet. I was shocked at what I was seeing. I was in as myself but had access to a bunch of games that I didn't purchase. I do however share my PS4 account with a friend. I called him up and found out that he also has another person that shares their main with him. So, what is happening, is that when I log into the PS4 through my ps tv it turned on his PS4 and gave me access to all of my own games (because my main is active on his console) and access to the other person games because their main is active in his system too.

The only games that I don't have access to is my buddies games because his main is active on my PS4. Now, obviously playing games in 720p isn't the best but I wanted to make people aware that this could be done. We will try tonight to see if he would still be able to play on his own console while I was connected to it as well. If that was possible then it would allow a system where one ps4 could have up to 16 peoples main accounts attached to it and all of those people could log into the system to gain access to all the available games of the 16 people. This would/should also work for anyone that has a Vita and wants to remote play that way as well.

I would be interested in anything else that people might know about this.
Wow that would be amazing if true! Let us know if it works and if yes gamesharing scene could be back up again :)
Welcome back boosted , long time no see
I dont think its a good idea , as far as i understand you are talking about remote play , so it's as you said your friend has to leave his ps4 in power so you can turn it on and take control of his ps4 to play the games , how i will be able to play if i left my ps4 control to my share partner ,also it will eat up the bandwidth unlesd you have an unlimited Internet plans in your area . I dont see it as a possible way to share but i see it as a good way to try some games .
Sorry if there was any mistake but was typing from mobile .
THIS Week (PM me to be added to the queue)

Song of the Deep $2


Next Week (PM me to be added to the queue)

Last Week (PM To be added to be added to the queue)

7 Days to Die $1.50

Metal Slug Anthology $2

Click spoiler to see PS4 Library
Alekhine's Gun $2
Alien Isolation $1.50

Alienation $2
Arcadia: The Complete Tale $1.50
Arkham Knight + Season Pass$2
Assassins Creed Chronicles (China Russia India)Trilogy $2.50
Assassin's Creed Unity $1.50
Assassins Creed: Syndicate & Season Pass $3.50
Axiom Verge $1.50
Back To The Future:The Game $2
Bastion $1.50
Battlefield 4 + Premium $1.50

Battleborn $3.50
Battlefield Hardline $2
The Banner Saga $2
Borderlands (Handsome Jack Collection) $2.50
The Book Of Unwritten Tales 2 $2
Bloodborne +The Old Hunters $2.50
Blood Bowl 2 $2
Broken Age $2
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare $1.50
COD Black Ops 3 + Season Pass $3.50
COD Advanced Warfare + season pass $2
COD Ghosts $1.50
Chariot $1

Day of The Tentacle Remastered $1.50
Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin $2

Dark Souls 3 $3.50
Darksiders II Definitive Edition $2
Dead Or Alive 5 Last Round $1.50

Dead Island Definitive Collection + Dead Island Retro Revenge $3.50
Devil May Cry 4 Remastered $2
Destiny & The Taken King $2.50

Diablo UEE $1.50

Digimon World Cyber Sleuth $3.50

Dirt Rally $3.50
Dishonored: Definitive Edition $2.50
Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance $2

The Division $3.50
Divinity $2.50
DMC Definitive Edition $2

Doom $3.50
Dog Child $1.50
Dragon Age Inquisition + DLC$2
Dragon Ball Xenoverse $2
Dragon Quest Heroes $3.50
Driveclub $2
DivekIck $1.50
Dying Light +The Following DLC $2.50
Dynasty Warriors 8: Extreme $2
The Elder Scrolls Online $2.50
Everybody's Gone To The Rapture $2

Enter the Gungeon $1.50

Gravity Rush Remastered $2.50
Helldivers $1
Hotline Miami 2 $1
The Escapist $1.50
Evolve $1.50

Far Cry Primal $3.50
Farcry 4 + Season Pass$2
Fallout 4 + Season Pass $3.50
FIFA 16 $3.50

Firewatch $3
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD $2
Final Fantasy X/X2 Remastered $2
Final Fantasy 7 $1.50
Game Of Thrones +Season Pass $1.50

Gemini: Heroes Reborn $2.50
Guantlet: Slayer Edition $1.50
Goat Simulator $1
God Of War 3 $2
Godzilla $1.50
Gone Home $2
GTA V $2
GTA Trilogy Pack $2

Guns,Gore & Cannolli $1
Grim Fandango $1
Guilty Gear xrd sign $1.50
Hatoful Boyfreind $1.50

HomeFront $3.50

Heavy Rain + Beyond Two  Souls $3.50

Hitman Ep 1 +2 +3  $1.50/ 3 days
iNFAMOUS Second Son $1.50

Invisible Inc. $2
Just Cause 3 $3
Journey $1.50
Kings Quest : A knight to Remember $2
Last of Us Remastered $1

Layers Of Fear $2
Legend of Korra $1.50

Lego Marvel's Avengers $2.50

Lego Hobbit $1.50
Lego Batman 3 $1.50
Lego Marvel Heroes $1
Lego Jurassic World $2.50
Life is strange + Season Pass $1.50
Little Big planet 3 $1.50
Lords of the Fallen $2
Mad Max $3

Manhunt+Bully $2.50
Magika 2 $1.50
Madden 16 $3
Metal Gear Solid V :The Phantom Pain $3.50
Metal Gear Ground Zeroes $1.50
Metal Slug 3 $1.50
Mega Man Legacy Collection $1.50
Metro Last Light Redux $1.50
Mercenary Kings $1

Mirrors Edge : Catalyst $3.50
Minecraft $1
Minecraft Story + Season Pass $1.50

Mighty No.9 $2.50
N++ $1

Mortal Kombat XL $3

Monopoly Plus $1

Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 Deluxe Edition $3.50
NBA 2K16 $3
NHL 15+16 $2.50
Need For Speed $2
NFS Rivals +  Hitman Go $1.50

Odin Sphere Leifthrasi $3.50

Overwatch $3.50

One Piece: Burning Blood $3.50
Onechanabra Z2 $2

The Park $1.50
PVZ Garden Warfare $1

PVZ Garden Warfare 2  $3.50
Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 $2.50
Project Cars $2
Project Root $1

Ratchet & Clank $3.50

Rainbow Moon $2
Rainbow Six Seige $3
Rayman Legends $1.50

République Remastered $2.50
Roundabout $1.50

Rocket Birds 2 + Party Hard $3

Resident Evil 4+5 $2.50

Resident Evil 6 $2

Resident Evil Origins Collection $2
Resident Evil Remastered $1.50
Resident Evil Revalations Season Pass $1.50 a week

Salt & Sanctuary $2
Saints Row Re Elected + Gat out of Hell $2
Saints Row :Gat out of Hell $1
Samurai Warriors 4 $2

Shadow of the Beast $2.50
Shadow Of Mordor + season pass $2

Shadow Complex Remastered $2.50

Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness $3.50

Stories: The Path of Destinies + Shantae and the Pirate's Curse $3
Sherlock Holmes : Crimes & Punishment $1.50
Shovel Knight $2
Sleeping Dogs Def Edition $2
SOMA +Shawden $2

South Park Stick Of Truth PS4  $2
Star Wars Battlefront Deluxe Edition $3
Star Wars Classics $1

Street Fighter V $3
Styx Master Of Shadows $1
Submerged $1.50
Super Stardust Ultra PS4 $1

TMNT :Mutants in Manhattan $3.50
Tales from the borderlands + Season Pass $1.50
Tales Of Zestira $3
Tearaway: Unfolded $2

The Technomancer $3.50
Tembo the Badass Elephant $1.50
Tony Hawk Pro skater 5 $1.50
The Crew $2
The Evil Within + season pass $2
The Order $2
The Wolf among Us $1.50
Titan Souls $1.50

Track Mania $3
Transformers Devastation$2
Transformers Rise Of the Dark Spark $1
Trine 3 $1.50

UFC 2 $3.50
Ultra Street Fighter IV $2

Unravel $3
Until Dawn $3.50

Uncharted 4 $3.50
Uncharted: Nathan Drake Collection $3

Umbrella Corps: Deluxe Edition $2

Valkyria Chronicles Remastered $3
Trials Fusion & Season Pass $1.50

This War of Mine+Saturday Morning RPG $2.50
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter $2

The Witness $3.50
The Witcher 3 + Season Pass $3
Wolfenstein:The New Order $1.50
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood $2
Watch Dogs $1.50

Walking Dead Michonne (Complete)   $1.50
Walking Dead season 2 $1
Walking Dead season 1 $1
Warriors Orochi Ultimate 3 $1.50
White Night $1
WWE 2K15 + WWE 2K16 $3
Zombie Army Trilogy $2
Zombi $2

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FOR RENT (per week):

If you are interested in buying any of these as resells. PM me with an offer. Thanks.
Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection: $2
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain: $2
Until Dawn: $2
Alien: Isolation with Season Pass: $2
The Evil Within: $1
Saints Row: Gat out of Hell: $1
Jamestown Plus: $1
Trials Fusion with Season Pass: $1
Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition: $1
Assassin's Creed Unity: $1
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Gold Edition: $1
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt: $2 [Currently being rented]
The Wolf Among Us - Complete Season: $1
The Last of Us Remastered: $1
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD with FFXV Demo: $1
Axiom Verge: $1
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor with Season Pass: $1
Far Cry 4 with Season Pass: $1
Bloodborne: $2
The Order 1886: $1
Destiny: $1
Infamous: Second Son: $1 [Currently being rented]
Dragon Age: Inquisition: $1
LittleBigPlanet 3 with Day 1 Edition DLC: $1
Helldivers: $1
Watch Dogs: $1
Rayman Legends: $1
Grim Fandango: $1
- You will be able to earn trophies on your main account on ALL of these rentals as they're all primaries. I will also deal with new users with little to no feedback provided there is a vouch from a thread/GS regular or with a security deposit (which will be returned at the end of the rental period).
- Don't wait! PM me if you're interested in renting a game even if it's currently being rented so I can put you next on queue.
- I prefer paypal, but will also accept PSN cards/codes - which will basically act as credits. PM me for details, thanks.
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bread's done