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I think some of you need to stop posting so much on here and get laid.
Sometimes I post on here right after I do, on the same bed with a tab/laptop or walk to the nearby PC.

No cuddling for me.

EDIT: Usually need to be in a good/spirited mood to post in here.

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Whaaha! new version hadnt even heard about news on the topic!
Yeah, it was announced at Gamescom. Pissed a ton of people off, too, since the 2DS came a year ago this month and is already being made obsolete. Plus they literally named it "New Nintendo 3ds." You can imagine the chaos it's going to cause at stores with that name.

"I want to buy a used 3DS."

"Do you want a used 3DS or a used new 3DS?" ...

Plus parents buying for their kids will be completely screwed. ignored that Vita has access to most of the PSP library. Your phrasing makes it sound like there's only a small number of PS1 games available for Vita, when there's quite a few (162) including most of the big titles

NA PSN has 799 games right now between PS1, PSP, and PSV, and the Vita is adding games at a much faster rate than the 3DS. I checked about a week ago and it was at 299 games released in NA, which at 29 months since release is 10 games per month. I haven't checked the release rate of the 3DS recently, but at 2 years in the 3DS only had 150 games versus 200 for the Vita at its second anniversary. Additionally a lot more of the 2DS/3DS games are aimed at children, so there's a ton of Petz games and the like that blow the numbers up on the 2DS/3DS side.

The number of games just doesn't mean a lot. He should look at the games themselves to decide. 3DS does have a number of good exclusives, true, but so does the Vita.
Great points, Thermo and thank you for fixing my biased post.

I own both and find myself going to the 3DS more often than the Vita, I already have a PSP so I never bothered with re-buying the games on PSN to play via Vita, so I have a slew of PS1 games that I play on PS3, PSP, and Vita. So thats a small list of PS1 and PSP games I missed getting hard-copies of. sure their library are huge when you add in the backwards comparability, but EVERYTHING require re-buying, doesnt matter if you own the original game disc/UMD, whereas the 3DS is able to play off DS cartridges.

Did more googling since my experience is with an older games roster on both handhelds so my points might be aged.

just checked this out, the Vita does seem to be getting the better games of 2014. (IMO)

I really looked at the "3DS or Vita" question with my biased experience, but thats due to the fact I just liked a TON of game on the DS and 3DS due the fact I was already a Sony fanboy and have owned PS1,PS2,PS3 and PSP before I got the Vita, so re-buying was internally frowned upon and pretty unnecessary. whereas I dont have any DS exp under my belt so I just have a bigger collection of DS/3DS games versus Vita (non-BC).

I'll admit the 2014 lineup looks really great compared to what the 3DS is getting.

@ChalupaBatman: get whichever holds more games you have an interest in. Mine was 3DS at the time. got the PSV to check out the other half of handheld gaming.

Similar rant.

fuck phone-gaming. I'm sorry but I use it for two things, txting and calling, I gat ma 3DS and PSV for the On-The-Go gaming. I really hope smartphone-gaming isnt the death of handhelds....

[...] they literally named it "New Nintendo 3ds." You can imagine the chaos it's going to cause at stores with that name.

"I want to buy a used 3DS."

"Do you want a used 3DS or a used new 3DS?" ...

Plus parents buying for their kids will be completely screwed.
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Did the curable disease Xbox had get transferred to Nintendo? whats with the bizarre naming practices?! we saw Xbox ONE and now... New Nintendo 3DS ...uhhhh when did the numbering system become so obsolete.

Please oh Gaming Gods of Gamer's Olympia, please dont let Sony fall to this aliment too!!

If I lower the Falling Skies resell to $10 does anyone want it? It's a brand new game..

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I think some of you need to stop posting so much on here and get laid. I'd say there's nothing surprising with this behaviour if it was a bunch of teens but I recall many of you being in your 20's and 30's.

Simple answer - if you don't like someone or their posts, then put them on ignore. No infighting is needed, don't give the trolls and scammers a chance people.

Now get off here and play some games....or whatever else it is that you do
Amen. An "older, more mature" crowd is one the of reasons I stuck around CAG when I stumbled across it some years ago. You can easily tell the average age of the cretins who dwell around places like IGN. So this will be great, I thought. But, honestly, I swear I've met even bigger weirdos, fanboys and trolls right here. I don't know if people are lying about their ages or status in life. Or if it's some kind of arrested development/JACK type shit.


I have both 3DS and Vita. It's really hard to compare them. Obviously one has much better hardware while the other has a broader library of exclusives. It all depends on what you see yourself playing. I honestly don't use my Vita much, but enjoy it when I do.
Thanks for the replies, I'll probably pick up the 3DS XL and look for a copy of Monster Hunter 4, SSB and Mario Kart.

Maybe wait until end of Nov for the new version? Its the only release date I can find, seems like thats out in Jap already.
The New 3DS is only confirmed to be released in Japan and Australia for the time being. If it does get a US release it is estimated it will be next year around October/November.
Every time I try and put my daughter down and play my ps4 I keep pulling child aggro. Now I just stare longingly at my playstation and live vicariously through twitch and cag :(
I can't believe raiborg said brah ;o lol
I smiled inside at it too...

Every time I try and put my daughter down and play my ps4 I keep pulling child aggro. Now I just stare longingly at my playstation and live vicariously through twitch and cag :(
Been doing that for almost 3 years now but with my nephew and neices... I watch alot of streams but prefer to watch you guys Im personally a Snakey Stream Addict but the supplier seems to not want to feed my addiction

You didn't read the posts it would seem. To clear some stuff up, though:

The thread won't be shut down due to posting, and you really need to stop with the fear mongering, as you could be preventing some members from saying something.
For Sale:

[PS4] Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare Phantom - $13.33
Did you ever stop to think if someone else wanted to sell a phantom of this? Did you message everyone that created a group for this game to determine who set up the account first? They really should have first dibs on selling it before you if theirs was created first. They probably feel like they are prevented from saying anything too. You just took what would have been an active, contributing member to this thread and chased them off with your fear mongering.

I'm curious, but the mixed early reviews and it coming to PC makes it hard to go for on release on PS3. GL though.
DAAAAMN. I NEED THIS GAME. SOMEONE BITE. or some kind library member shell out $10 and i'll donate the resell to the library or somethin, i'm fiendin for this gameeeeeeeeee

I know some of you are debating on the new Aliens game coming out this week. In the spoiler tag below is a Twitch stream of the game going. I feel as though this is relevant and on topic as there seems to be a fair bit of possible interest in this release.

It looked pretty good to me until I realized it would be around 25 hours of doing almost the same thing over and over. I think I'll wait until it inevitably hits the $20 - $30 range.

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I know some of you are debating on the new Aliens game coming out this week. In the spoiler tag below is a Twitch stream of the game going. I feel as though this is relevant and on topic as their seems to be a fair bit of possible interest in this release.
The stream's title, isnt that Dead Space's thing?

Guys, we are not supposed to leave feedback for gameshares, this guy has two from them.
you do realize that those two feedback a are from ages ago right?

DESTINY PS4 resell available guy backed out at the last minute

Looking for last of us Remastered phantom or resell
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Resident Evil 6 Mode Bundle Pack ($9.99) (Include Siege, Onslaught, Predator and Survivors modes)
Boosted has 3/4 of these for timeshare, and I'd be willing to timeshare Siege. These are throwaway DLC's once you get all the trophies, and I actually enjoyed Resident Evil 6.

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Comparison Graphics - next-gen vs old-gen :yohoho: ...look like ps4 absolutely win
Why do people waste their time with these comparisons?

In what scenario are you playing both consoles side by side on two TVs. seems like such a huge waste of time and money, really, who plays games like that.

I dont play multi-platforms thinking "Oh ya I bet the shadows here are sharper on the other console" or " This part here probably looks better on the other console" sheesh, just quit playing games if these thoughts make their way to the fun you should be having fun with nostalgia or new experiences. When'd gaming become this.

Also, this video is like comparing a household Cat to a fucking Panther.

Ohhh geee I wonder who's gonna win in a fight. pointless.

( I would have used a Lion...buuut gonna save that for the PS5 or PS6 ;D)

Unless you're using it for educational purposes (pppbbftt ya ok maybe that 1% of ya'll, rest of you are there to fine more justification in the $500 plastic box) sure I can see how its possible to be amazed and study the technological improvements we're capable of now by breathing new life in an old game.

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comparisons are always interested, like ...Who will be the winner : quicksilver or flash ? in fact, just for fun and just to let everyone know :D

And when we're dealing with Hardware and technology, it all comes down to numbers, simple.

But the HUGE HUGE HUGE Difference between comparing Comic Superheroes/villains, and Consoles is that one encourages bitchy ass fanboyism, where as the other promotes geek-ing out and informative facts about which Superhero/villain is better, I'm always learning new things when they do those comparatives but with consoles or even comparing to PC Master-race fgts .... its always the same arguments.

The one type of fanboy I hate most is that type that buys the same shit his/her Friends have and then backs up that side in every future argument. that's just sad.


Guys how's the Feedback sheet work for people who change their names?

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quicksilver from marvel universe and flash from DC ps4 - sony and xbox1 - vs ios, pc vs console, .v.v... can not accurately compare :D
But comparing fictional characters versus actual object of reality we can weigh in and compare.

wait wtff, I've completely lost the point of this @_@

I was against comparing Consoles, Side-by-Side.

because when you get down to playing the game you're not playing the same game on two different consoles at the same time. this ... method is just asinine.

That was my point, and some how got off on a tangent defending that comparative nature of fictional items versus non-fiction!!! ahhhhh

reminded me of this (7:10+) (last part)

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If a known industry insider is to be believed, PlayStation 4′s highly-anticipated 2.0 firmware update will be released sometime before Evolution Studios’ Driveclub launch-day, which is October 7th. Apparently, said insider – ‘Tidux‘ – has received details directly from a source working for Sony – “I was told that the update 2.0 would be released before #Driveclub, but now it’s time for the waiting game. #PS4″.
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Does anyone have a phantom available? please PM me. If there is any interest in forming a group please also express interest, thanks.

I've read he storyline is great.

What in the world

Hahaha :D Yes that was epic for me... It was evening and I just wanted the game :D

But still looking for Shadow of Mordor or we can make a group!

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Anyone have an account with MLB 13 for PS3 (with the online pass) on it that they are willing to rent out?  Looking to rent it ASAP if you do have please PM me. 

So I didn't realize that the original P4A story mode was available as a $10 DLC for Persona 4 Arena Ultimax. Anyone interested in doing a gameshare?

Persona 4 Arena Ultimax P4A story DLC ($10)

Resell ($3.33)

1. TheSporkWithin


Phantom ($1.66)



Also, a question: why are PS4 games split 35/25 instead of 40/20?

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Shadow of Mordor PS4 (60$) {

     Resell - 35$ : Me;

     Phantom - 25$ :  (Open slot);


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Whats going on everyone? Long time no see!!! im looking for NBA 2k15 (when released), Shadow of Mordor, and or Madden 15 for ps4..Phantoms. Maybe Destiny if its available also. Send me a PM. I can pay today with paypal!

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So I'm about to hit 150 wins in 2k14 and wanted to stream the journey. It's been bananas. Played a lot of newbs, great players, sore losers, and cheaters. Not sure if I'm going to get 2k15 rite meow cuz I haven't seen them talk much about addressing the real problems, but that's not the point of this post. If you got nothing better to do before football jumps off, peep the stream. #iHasMic

bread's done