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Man what a fkd up dream I just awoke from.
Note to self, do not watch X-men and Transformers right before bed, just like ice-cream it'll fuck up your dreams!

Lords of the Fallen  (OCT.28th) [R-35 | P-25]
R:  HyeVltg3
Assassin's Creed Unity will run at 900p/30fps on both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, Ubisoft has confirmed, with the publisher opting to aim for platform parity to avoid discussion over the differences in performance.

Really Ubi?!
Ubi?? is the one at fault??


Blame the bitchass gamers that care about that shit. 

seriously, giant whinefest over in bitch-ville about 1080p and 900p.

fucking ungratefull pieces of shit. 

How about YOU cunts make a game at full 1080p.

900p just means we[devs] arent able to have the game we[devs] made run without hitches on the current gen of consoles.

Look forward to the 9th gen of consoles my brothers and sisters. this gen is full of fuckheads that were expecting High-end gaming consoles.

Especially when Game Graphics are reaching near realistic visuals.

Are you sure its 30fps?

It doesnt make sense to bump down the res and keep it 30fps.

Getting a 1080p @60fps requires some decent hardware for graphic games.

900p... not so much.

And Yes, yes, you can blame the XB1 for making the 900p the goto-res-to-stop-the-hate,  but really XB1 is just a machine, it was the gamers that gave money for it, money = yes its ok to play games at 900p.

if more people had just boycotted the XB1, imagine what the future COULD HAVE been.... @_@ 

Has anyone played Mordor on PC with the 4K textures.... HOLY SHAQ-FUUUUUU

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Assassin's Creed Unity will run at 900p/30fps on both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, Ubisoft has confirmed, with the publisher opting to aim for platform parity to avoid discussion over the differences in performance.

Really Ubi?!
I'd be surprised if this wasn't at Microsoft's request and incentive.

Man what a fkd up dream I just awoke from.
Note to self, do not watch X-men and Transformers right before bed, just like ice-cream it'll fuck up your dreams!

Lords of the Fallen (OCT.28th) [R-35 | P-25]
R: HyeVltg3
I'll take that phantom if you could wait with the payment until 25th? Payday you know :p
Assassin's Creed Unity will run at 900p/30fps on both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, Ubisoft has confirmed, with the publisher opting to aim for platform parity to avoid discussion over the differences in performance.

Really Ubi?!
That is one of the dumbest reasons for that I have ever heard. They're going to get more backlash from downgrading the PS4 version than they got from the resolution difference in Black Flag.

In the IGN article they say that it's due to the CPU power required to process all of the AI, but if there's an actual technical reason for locking it at 900/30 then why the fuck would they even say the BS about parity "to avoid arguements" in the first place. They're just asking for people to get mad about it now. Guaranteed the PS4 version will get a patch after release that magically makes it 1080p like Black Flag did.
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That is one of the dumbest reasons for that I have ever heard. They're going to get more backlash from downgrading the PS4 version than they got from the resolution difference in Black Flag.

In the IGN article they say that it's due to the CPU power required to process all of the AI, but if there's an actual technical reason for locking it at 900/30 then why the fuck would they even say the BS about parity "to avoid arguements" in the first place. They're just asking for people to get mad about it now. Guaranteed the PS4 version will get a patch after release that magically makes it 1080p like Black Flag did.
How do we know that it actually ran good (or even at all) at 1080 on the ps4? Devs are famous for making a million excuses for shit code. The studio probably ran out of time to optimize just like the previous release. The comparison statement essentially takes the heat from them and unfairly leaves people to blame whatever their mind dream of. People who blame MS for the PS release of a game need to stop.
Ubi?? is the one at fault??

Blame the bitchass gamers that care about that shit.
seriously, giant whinefest over in bitch-ville about 1080p and 900p.
fucking ungratefull pieces of shit.
How about YOU cunts make a game at full 1080p.
900p just means we[devs] arent able to have the game we[devs] made run without hitches on the current gen of consoles.

Look forward to the 9th gen of consoles my brothers and sisters. this gen is full of fuckheads that were expecting High-end gaming consoles.
Especially when Game Graphics are reaching near realistic visuals.

Are you sure its 30fps?
It doesnt make sense to bump down the res and keep it 30fps.
Getting a 1080p @60fps requires some decent hardware for graphic games.
900p... not so much.

And Yes, yes, you can blame the XB1 for making the 900p the goto-res-to-stop-the-hate, but really XB1 is just a machine, it was the gamers that gave money for it, money = yes its ok to play games at 900p.
if more people had just boycotted the XB1, imagine what the future COULD HAVE been.... @_@

Has anyone played Mordor on PC with the 4K textures.... HOLY SHAQ-FUUUUUU
Now you're the thread drunk!
900p 30fps is unacceptable for a next gen only title, sorry. I can understand cross gen but it was being developed only on next gen hardware since day one. Sounds like they downgraded ps4 version to match xbone version. Metro ran in lower fps and pixel count on xbone than ps4, hardware might just be slightly inferior. No reason it couldn't be in 1080p 60fps on ps4.

Also those raid gloves were worse than my exotics so I scrapped them immediately. Did I fuck up?
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900p 30fps is unacceptable for a next gen only title, sorry. I can understand cross gen but it was being developed only on next gen hardware since day one. Sounds like they downgraded ps4 version to match xbone version. Metro ran in lower fps and pixel count on xbone than ps4, hardware might just be slightly inferior. No reason it couldn't be in 1080p 60fps on ps4.

Also those raid gloves were worse than my exotics so I scrapped them immediately. Did I fuck up?
Can I get in on the next raid? I seriously cant find a group of 6 to do it with. Im almost level 28

Also those raid gloves were worse than my exotics so I scrapped them immediately. Did I fuck up?
Yeah, you should keep those. If you want to hit lvl 30, you will need all four pieces to have 30 light, which can only be gotten on exotics and raid gear. So you should have an exotic helmet/gauntlet/etc to fill whatever slot you don't get raid gear for. I keep two sets of equipment, one for lvl 30 to raid/PvE with, and the other with stats I want for crucible/PvP.

You can tell which purple gear goes to 30, as they require 7 ascendant shards per upgrade (as opposed to the 6 per upgrade which maxes the gear at 27). Raid gear is hard to come by, I only got two pieces total between my three completed raids (and some class items and weapons of course).

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That is one of the dumbest reasons for that I have ever heard. They're going to get more backlash from downgrading the PS4 version than they got from the resolution difference in Black Flag.

In the IGN article they say that it's due to the CPU power required to process all of the AI, but if there's an actual technical reason for locking it at 900/30 then why the fuck would they even say the BS about parity "to avoid arguements" in the first place. They're just asking for people to get mad about it now. Guaranteed the PS4 version will get a patch after release that magically makes it 1080p like Black Flag did.
Could be too many AI on screen to render 1080p properly on X1 and not being able to get enough AI on PS4 unless they downscale it which would explain why the brought up the cpu bottleneck with what they want to accomplish. From another article ""We were quickly bottlenecked by that and it was a bit frustrating, because we thought that this was going to be a tenfold improvement over everything AI-wise, and we realised it was going to be pretty hard. It's not the number of polygons that affect the framerate. We could be running at 100fps if it was just graphics, but because of AI, we're still limited to 30 frames per second."

Yeah I read that, and if that were the actual reason and they had only stated that I would have been fine with just that, but what I'm not happy about is the bullshit "we did it to avoid arguments" reason that they added in as well, which makes absolutely zero sense and is just going to have more people mad at them than if there were an actual difference.
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Now guys I'm old school ps3 gameshare so I'm really not sure how this works.
But I have destiny for ps3 or ps4. And depending what systems tons of other games like d3 b4 and so on. Now I would just like to trade downloads all I want is Red Dead Redemption and the zombie dlc. If you have that feel free to download whatever you want off the account on which ever system you use.

Tldr; have destiny plus lots others. Looking for red dead redemption and zombie dlc
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I'm looking to buy a PS4 share of Diablo 3 Ultimate Evil Edition.  Prefer resell, but open to phantoms also.  PM me if you have a share. 

Shit, I lost my quote. Qdizzle, not gonna help you now...but Xur was in the Vanguard room this weekend. I hate how they move him all around, but at least hes always in the tower.

And yes, Prav, it's already been answered, but you probably should have kept those gauntlets. Unless you dont really care to get to level 30.

Alien came early for Steam users. A couple of hours watching a stream has me as bored as I thought I would be. Dodged a bullet and saved some $.

Alien came early for Steam users. A couple of hours watching a stream has me as bored as I thought I would be. Dodged a bullet and saved some $.
I'll pick up Alien on Steam when it's $5-$10, but I can't see myself picking it up for any more than that.

Shadow of Mordor (ps4) $60

Resell: $35
1.KaptainAK (host)
Phantom: $25

Am looking for a phantom for Advanced Warfare (ps3)
Region doesnt matter but if I'd prefer an EU/UK version
Damn. Can I get those gloves again next time I raid? I thought I read someone say you can't get gear multiple runs through on raid
Damn. Can I get those gloves again next time I raid? I thought I read someone say you can't get gear multiple runs through on raid
The gear is all random, but you can only get rewards once a week. It resets every Tuesday. So if you finish tonight, you could get some gear, and then tomorrow you can run it again and get more.

Can I get in on the next raid? I seriously cant find a group of 6 to do it with. Im almost level 28
Asshole friends ended up beating it without me today. I'm prob not turning that game back on until expansion comes out. There's no way I'm touching raid again without level 29s surrounding me that shit is beyond stupid

Edit. Looks like I still have the end boss of the raid checkpoint until the reset tmrw. ALL WE GOTTA DO IS BEAT THIS BOSS FOR SOME EPIC GEAR. WHO IS HOPPIN ON TO DO THIS SHIT TONIGHT? LEVEL 27+ ONLY, PREFER PPL WHO KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING AGAINST THE BOSS unless they're like level 29 cause this shit is near impossible otherwise

stotch is gonna help (lv 29) and so is matt (lv 28) so we need 3 more.

will legitimately paypal $1 to each person that helps if we end up beating it.

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Seeking someone to take a NBA 2k15 (PS3) phantom spot alongside a group I am hosting.

Usual $10 for the spot.

Vets with Rep only.

PM me, and we'll get this squared away before the game launches at midnight EST.

Looking for either phantom or resells of Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag and MLB 14 The Show, both for PS4.

edit - Actually, I'll take MLB 14 on either PS4 or PS3.

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I'm really surprised that nobody is showing interest in the P4A story DLC. Here goes one more shot.

Persona 4 Arena Ultimax P4A story DLC ($10)

Resell ($3.33)

1. TheSporkWithin


Phantom ($1.66)



Note: this is the full story mode from the original P4A, playable in P4AU. It is not abbreviated in any way or missing any content. Surely there are others who either haven't played it or would like to offload their old game and replace it with this one.

bread's done